THE DAILY NEWS Page 6 Ee ~ ities ee as ————— a oe ee rrr oe @ eee We Are Seeking New Business on Our Reoord P 7 : @ oO ' es a s Novernber 17th, 1049, MONDAY SPECIAL! §)/ Local News Not f “\ = : 00ers H. Ga. Helgerson, Ltd., No 1 | j or Messenger phone 203, if Prince Rupert, B. C., " on i, Budden is back from Alert Jonathan |" |... Demers Are selling winter coats nwa ‘ " 3 ‘uste to you, manner you have always done any business entru ae Apples at cost. 261 and | hope we will do more business together shortly a Very respectfully Yours, WRAPPED STOCK A chance to save money. Family Shoe Store. tf Be: $3.29 on Box e J. Willman returned to Usk on this morning's train, Dear Sirs:— Please accept my sincere thanks for the prompt and efficient The above unsolicited letter is from a client for whom we We mean —— have handled rental property for a long aoa We rege a This may be your last we 8 Be Rae Fidbilane reliable peng oroughly and can satisfy you. We are out for new business and as { ‘ ie se 08 ici. Tided your Rentals and Insurance to us because we will look -_ to buy a box of hoTme, December 9 and 10. tf lle tee on ; ge ments t you : 0.1 Table Apples at ef speak of Under. efter your interests carefully. this low price. Secure seats for “Why Smith wear of Qu; lity, left Home,” Westholme Decembe: 9 and 10, tf Prince Rupert Ory Dock & Engineering G0, auprt tbe sup co... ses to eat an on tae te ei a ti JAEGER Brand Vessels of any size Docked © eT | | silics’ colored spats on sale $2.20 per pair. Family Shoe (for which we are sole agent Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. i. B. 8. A. SERVICES " | Store. ul Ladies’ and Children’s | ines) Several boats can te docked together on one small rhe International Bible Stu- oe ye Bs ; Fs section, making fees light. Large stock of repair dents’ Association will hold a — ’ forget an public gone and you will agree that our Jaeger Com. ater ale ig bein laid in. service tomorrow, Sunday, in the of the two new houses on each ae ° s 6 % is oe , : @ teriéis & K. of P. Hall at 7:30 p.m, \ eae Place at -four o'clock Monday. bination Suits, made in all sty 1€S and ‘ibid te catenins t 7 BP ruaranteed pure wool, is cheaper in the Foundry Work welcome j xtended to all. Tite’s large stock of fancy B a. ; 3 : o per " th Cc i in t 8B Bronze, Etc., made at SALVATION ARMY goods‘ and toys opened up and at end than jUuyIng goods of doubtful astings in tron rass, ro “9 m senmeia ‘ alites 9 neauantie Prices. Sunday evening service at 7:30 a Saree nF ae t quality ° . jin . p.m. Subject—Pnepare for the Very nifty Xmas Cards at Mc- » . life to ex b om os, Thee so cheap ance : . ool ff) Machine and Boiler Work of all kiuds ee Gal) te oe er oe Jaeger Combinations from $9.50 so much appreciated. ie sii ag i Suit. Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries Pianos correctly tuned. G. C. J. 8. Gray returned to Smithers Solicited. Walker. Phone Blue 389. tfithis morning after kpending a Jaeger V ests from $5 50 each Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. ake few days in the city on business = Another Dramatie Club produc- ‘ ; : tion, “Why Smith Left Home,’ Tite's special discounts for All other Jaeger lines carried i . OS SPE TA Le * Westholme December 9 and 10. |cash until Christmas in our fur- All other Jaeger lines carried in stock -_ —_$_——__—— : ===" = . : nitune, rug and drapery depart COMMUNITY PLATE. The eg! For the home fireside; the com-| ments. t The G i La le luxe, at eastern prices, -t| ort Of an easy chair dnd rocker es ae Ae ° « 2 5, ou ® e Gift ~— ated iter ies ty| Tite’s store for holiday dis Miss Mathilda Smith, of Alice é e *9 ‘ . . : counts. it |}Arm, is in town today on her way That Littie Boy or Girl : : ee ‘ ; ; i of Senne ; Carpet + squares, congoleum T ; to Alice Arm after spending a Corner Sixth and Fulton : rugs, floor civewings at specia! here is still time to have that} month in Seattle. ‘\ — Your laughing litte boy or girl orices. Barrie’s Furniture Store. photo taken for British mail De- ee 4 ous er v nan. cory amalh seams fabs ee feember 3, BENSON STUDIO, op- 4 daughter was born to Mr.[/, aerial! belp erestily to make the T| Tite’s Christmas Drawing.) Posite P. O. 279] and Mrs. E. G. Ayliffe, of North ' must tread. If, for example, you §)} - Oe Re Zulkley, B. C., at the Hazelton are 40 ) ars of age your child 1 [Every GRAS cash purchase en | Toys, Dolls, Games, Book oe : ra years, a saving of less than $1.00 titles you free to a ticket. First SI tats tend aoa 8, tem Hospital on November 23. | d ‘ or > 7 , 7 Srermns, Z as ards, aks . . . Fehon take Hone per mokts | |prize, brass bed, oll springs felt | en*. Xmas vards. Koda i | | for life even were you to leave to- | mattress and pair of down pillov 41° amophones — Xmas Gifts for Provincial Poliee Constable G, ' roy, anger ee See a) everybody at McRae Bros. P. Logan returned from a trij in propertion, Second . prize ladies’ desk anc ; ° - a - . tt ' ie ' i} ius We can issue Policies on the En | ied an south on departimenta yUsSINESss chair, mahogany finish. Th Vhe Pl im dowment Plan between the ages one i ’ ie umbers and Steamfitters a . oe ates a . — fifteen ears, w hy not one of | prize 24-inch Kewpie Doll. tf Local No 195 will hold thei: oN ee c —— ee ~~ eae The Best Place ese as a Christmas gift for your ; = ae — 7 . e e 20u Be ie oO ro- m seitetr oy nappiness- 20 ob i in Bl ee corre regular; meetings in the Carpen Wallace's Xmas Drawing. Three tection of Pulllic Health to Eat years le come ia} depend upon the eee titers’ Hall on the first and th free prizes. One ticket with every Siocon Attain tnten 6: te Se i gi “i Se at even a comperativels ‘ Mondays at 8 p.m. dollar purchase in any depart-}|months said a citizen the other day iil MENU ON THE COUNTER : ° seems a Waste of money to keep up a fire ket us oxplain more fully the fe ens ; meee —_———— ment. First prize, eiderdown|d@epartment. that does nothing.” | “Childs endowmer a come Take ¢ ‘ age » oe “tar: . . e do disbanc fire dep ren Policies” to you. a an ncome e e Cc f { lake advantage of the coat sale| comforter: second prize, silk We = i ee ie all } ie We have MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Not Publ Conveyarcer jjat Demers. 281 ]sweater; third prize, best pair : ratepayer ‘It pays have those fire ‘ 1¢ e : ne eady, whether wey are it any 60. OF CANADA. ovary Pu ” y oe — wma ladies’ shoes. ti thing oF Hot.’s And the ratepayer spok No 50c Lunches = = . Ie : en “re “ctr . . . wisely. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, i ‘ nirella Corsetiere. Ph : Ebro cenettihens' toda Wianewetien of Limited, A ts } yh Rlack 247. Barrie's Christmas drawing.| tne principle of preparedness. It’s protec W ome : . Every two dollars’ worth pur | Hem pure and simple — something no e employ Phone if « 3rd Avenue DR ites : modern city or town can do without : chased entitles you to a ticke! Just as fremen stand ready to protect All Whit H | . : our property, s© Grip Fix stands ready/| TS a. ‘ free. Starting Wednesday, No-[{)frotect your health. For over 10 gears ite e D wees rece res ; AP IST CHURCH | vember 19. First prize, Daven-|" R _* an weenoemes treatment for | a + reer : ‘ sr oe colds A box in the house means | i sn all of 2 ; ? : ; port bed; second prize, fumed oak | tection against the common and trouble. > Ope n all of the DEN j {Ss f RY } If Cia cieaia House SERVICES {| table; third prize, wicker, rocke: Sr tee ine eek cae may peed of 24 hours. » —— +" te : of drugs such as your physician would se contains not? of 4 “mfu Don’t neglect your Teeth With two Lois, on Graft Hill ; SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30. Jack Ratchford returned from [ort et ees Tenn ne “te ‘sommetnine | i ok fos T morrow's Bie ‘diate’ >reacher ‘ r~ P » ar _| which gives relief to ecald tt ight and 00 ou Lor , One decayed or missing tooth ; Preacher, Rev. Ww W. Wright = Vane ouver this morning accom. | wen ent \ relies to 8 cold a any el te the caste “lace lowers your efficiency Closed in sleeping porch, fireplace a > “yo Guidance” $]panied by his bride. The bride Get « box of rtp Pix today. Then enu in t 2:30 P. M., St ay Se 1. niles you'l ” preparer should a cok come ” and range, concrete pillars and 7:30 P. M. ere ‘hpatioe pe : and .groom are receiving the|¥ou can get it at 35 cents per box. On ci ee DR. BAYNE wall in basement, and stationary Withheid ?” i! hearty congratulations of their ]*/* # @! drug stores | oa Office Hours--Mornine, 9 to 12; tubs in kitchen -_o many friends who were quite sur- H. 8. Wallace neturned from a sete von, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- YOU ARE WELCOME ‘| prised. Jack left fon the Hast Tego trip to Vancouver on inetd os House $a. » to 12 only. Evenings, Neem erecoes about six months ago and no one], ’ : The Gartland” Boarding nots uesday, Wednesday and Fri- ath soted that he would be accom Prince Rupert this morning. Dut _— Bs baggeom ag i} M. M. Pains eee. os ees "| ing his trip south he spent a few) "ie Sixth Avenue noe Bast DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE $! — hours with his son, Avalon, who Near Drydock ; Rea! sura ee ne Red 06 PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT im Estate Insurance Financial Ageni ® Don't miss the great Shoe Sale.|'8 Well known among the young | Board by Month ot ee ORS OF OO OI Ee Oe t egis e Family Shoe Store. tf people of this city. . i OO LL OOE e . ——— Constable Simon Duff is at AT NEES ES EK. A fresent umder suspension from the e¢ity police foree. Allegations have been made against the con stable over .a_ recent whiskey y seizure at the train and the dis- ve lemecdics posal of some of the liquor seized. A special seasion of the Polics Commission was called yesterday afternoon at 5 , at 5 and continued till ie s learnt to 10 o'clock at night. The A name that all America ha ee inquiry ———~ A A: ERS Wise Pe ople Wear Rubbers em ee ee eee Special Sunday Chichen Donner lt am. to 7:30 p.n. Sunday, Nov, 3th $1.00 DINNER $1.90 Soup. Chicken Giblet with Rice Relish. Crisp White Celery is to be nesumed today. a4 know and rely upon Take advantage of the coat sal Roast Domestic Chicken Whether the day brings frost, pg > nee a Be II ars = f » “ ad bec * sy or rain, oe eping the feet dry sail aia ia ite Just arrived at Edmunds’ Music Rexall Remedies” are successful be poo and warm is plain, ordinary common — Stone, opposite the post office, a the high standard of quality that '' oe ed sense. nies Dy i ie shipment of Pathephones and maintained in compdunding formulas . n 1 : Deep Apple Pie records, The Pathephone uses : inciples. Confidence has 5& From the head of the house to “Tea or Coffee genuine sapphire ball which nevei ee tive claims » : . of the conserva! the 3 youngest child, we have rubbers wears out, and doeS fot injure established because of the « to fit. Plain | Rubbers, Storm Rub- § Pe M the record, and has an universal made. 1 for bers and Rubbe rs to fit the highest pecia en, 50c. tone eee ic plays all sree ‘*Pexall’’ does not in any sense stan = _ . : perfect!y. Come in anc ear ri ” vs sre is a nature al nael meade, wes have them, as well Monday, December Ist them. Open every evening until] qj Cure-a. Instead there is iH] ‘Rexall as ubber Knee Boots for father, Luncheon 11:30 to 2 p. m. 9 o'clock for the sale of reserved preparation for every human | stimulants mother, son and daughter, Soup. seats for the Prince Rupert Musi- Remedies’’ do not contain harmful sume Mac “al Society's cone 276 j . Tan willl wet quality, idiaisiinndh ya — - cal Society's concent. 79 . or habit forming drugs a 2 otled 5 err , Steamed Potato eae ie 9° ‘ : § yv) value for your money at Rolled Smoked Black Cod For every dollar purchase you ‘Rexall Remedies’’ ar® sold in this ¢! Pork Spare Ribs, Heing Sauerkraut Individual Steak and Kidney Pie Beef Stew with Vegetables Calves’ Liver and Onions Regis Special Small Steak Hoast Beef, Brown Sauce eo, Mashed, Boiled or Baked Potatoes a get a chance to win a 877 Gramo. phone at MeRae Bros. 281 SS acme a ne es acm Jabour Bros., Ltd. CorneriThird Avenue and Seventh Street mt Reds, spring> and’ mattresses ————— rots arene Ormes, Limited Buy shoes for the future and Two Phones 82 wens At Y our Service save money. vomiy Shoe Store, ae. Tease a Good warm winter coats at Fost at Demers. ‘ 261 | Sago Pudding Vanilla Slice Hot Minee Pie Tea or Coffee WATOH FOR TUESDAY'S MENU