The Accepted Wine for CHRISTMAS DINNERS PARTIES PUNCHES fc'HE nrelar of full ripe native loganhrrrimi . . . rruahrd in the vrinr prrorra of tlir (irowrra Wlim Company and mgtt in the wood for thrre years. Lnyana and VI 11 Supreme are piquant Loganberry l Inea poseeaRing an frreaWtiule Hator unaurpataed aa dinnrr winea. At Corrriunrnt IJquor Storr GROWERS WINE COMPANY LTD. iwnm mnj 11m Suprtm mmkm mn rs-r'fN( Top fmnrA. r for Jfarar-ln airurrlJ. tie. t C.P.R. steamer Princes Mai;' Capt. S K. Gray, arrived In pn at 1:15 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and Moderate Priced Gifts in the Jewelry Store For the person who wants sametliin nlee, we hare jlfts af low as 50c. Little things in silver, such as baby spoons, thimbles, sufar spoons, etc. Many articles for 73e to $2.00 which will jive lasting pleasure.. Batter dishes, China plates, ptns and psncils, parse necklets, novelties, etc. Come and look around. 5 ciT 1 L iIe7PI I FP5 LkLltlE STORE WITH THE CLOCN COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Welllnrton In any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and llobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND SSS ifiis aovtrtisenent is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. FALCONS BEAT BUOCHAWKS Canadiens Take First Place In International Section of National Hockey League CHICAGO. Dec. 13: Detroit Falcons defeated Chicago Black Hawks by a score of four to one here last night and went Into third place tn the American section of the National Hockey League, even with the Hawks. Montreal Canadiens defeated the New York Americans at Montreal and displaced the Gotham team from flrat place in the international ectlon. The score was ono to nil. New York Rangers won out 5 to 4 over Montreal Maroons In a keenly contested overtime battle at New York. Fulham Advances To Third Round In English Cup LONDON. Deo. 18: Fulham eli minated Yevil Fetters yesterday in a replay In the second round of the Enjlleh Football Cup competition The score was 5 to 2. J. E. Seaman, western represen fatlve of Page tt Hill Co, Minnea-pollr pole buying concern, who hti been on a vL-tt to the cltv and central Interior district, will sal) in the Prince Rupert this evenlnt n- route bark to Spokane. Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For Sale at Vrndora or direct from "Mall Order Dept." Llquar Control Uoard, Victoria, II. C SCOTCH WHISKY ji RICHEST IN FINEST JEfiL fij HIGHLAND MALT aHFlSB E SiixiSl I BottM aid ruranu4 by William firant Sou UmltmJ tilmfiddirh and it "kS-i, BlTMiClrHm DtMlOtrfe. Vail- town A ClMfow, Srotlind. BflKQaW I Tliis advertisement is pot published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or the Government of British. Columbia, TELEPHONE 657 VALLNTIN DAIitY FOR SJCEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRF.Sn PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Tbroui but the City BALL IS SUCCESS Gyro Club Holds Colorful Affair For Purpose of Aiding: in Winter Relief Work The charity ball held by the Gyro Club in the Moose Hall last night for the purpose of raising funds for winter relief work was a very colorful, happy and enjoyable affair. A generous measure of patronage was accorded the function and quite a large crowd was in attendance. j Handsome seasonal decorations,! arranged by a committee headed bv ! I President C. C. Mills, made a pretty feature. Charles P. Balagno and his Venetian Orchestra played from o veritable grove oi evergreens 11- I lumlnated by pretty colored lights. ! ; Evergreens and Christmas adom-j menu were much in evidence and Gyro emblems were also to be seen. 'There was an attractive celline of pink and white tissue streamers from end to en of the hall. Many beautiful costumes worn by the ladles fittingly matched the scene. Dancing commenced at 9 p.m. and concluded at 3 ajn. Card tables had been provided for those not caring to dance. William Mitchell was a genial master of ceremonies. At midnight delicious refreshments provided by the Gyiettes and other friends were served. Members of the club had charire nf the serving. General chairman for the ball was L. W. Waugh. H. A. Breen. M. M. McLachlan and S. J. Jabour presided at the door. Committee heads were: Decorations C C. Mills. Publicity Sam Jabour. Polrgram William Mitchell. Treasurer H. A. Breen. Refreshments Mrs. L. W. Wauirh. Mayor and Mrs. C. H. Orme were: natrons or tne affair. TELLS ABOUT RELIEF WORK Slight Addition to Taxes But Bene- I fit Was Great In Several Respects, Says Alderman i i While the unemployment relief work being done In the city will add somewhat to the city debt and cost i one mill on the dollar In fixed charges, it Is also bf very consider-; amc ucuciii, iu me cuy, according1 to Alderman H. F. Pullen, who spoke . briefly at the Rotary Club luncheon ' yesterday on the subject. He stated ' that, of the S100.000 being expended i here, approximately $50,000 was be ing Dome by the Dominion Government, $20 000 by the Provincial Government and $30,000 bv the cltv jand the annual payments on the city's share would amount to about $2,500. ; At the present time 328 men were , employed and the number was still i increasing. It was hoped, however. that very 6con the number would begin to decrease as the men began to get ready for fishing. The present provision for unemployment relief would last until about t!.e end of March, according to 'present estimate but. after that time, the men would have to rustle for them- J '.elver as it seemed Just now as if j there would be no means of raising I further funds for relief purposes. As a result of the expenditure of jsiOO.OOO In the city the merchant j benefitted very considerably. Work .'of a permanent nature was done I under the scheme which would !nve had to be done eventually by I 'be city and would have cct more. As one Instance, there was the big .fill near the Booth Memorial School which would otherwise have I had to be done some day from gen eral revenue. Also on the cross streets, the city usually assumed 75n of the cost. Under this scheme the cost to the city was only 30 of the whole and the property owners paid nothing. This was a decided advantage. Hockey Standings International Division W. D. L. P, Canadiens 6 2 5 If Americans 5 3 4 13 Toronto 4 3 4 11 Maroons 4 1 8 9 American Division t W. riL; p. Rangers 8 2 2 18 Boston 5 1 5 11 Detroit 4 2 6 10 -Chicago 9 4 ; 5 ' 10 the rutty ire3 4V V Tf jSp if? Sw Cigarettes All these brands arc nationally known, of unquestionable merit and always give the utmost In satisfaction and enjoyment. WINCHESTER CIGARETTES - TURRET CIGARETTES DIXIE CIGARETTES - - - MILLS ANK CIGARETTES - - PLAYER'S CIGARETTES - - Tobacco Cigars s Tastefully it Give 9 d TOB Friday DwemW u , mi MAS GIFT i In Special i v Christmas Packages 1. TINS OF TINS OF 50 100 60C - $1.20 4 packs of 20veach $1.00 6ec 60C 7oc 85c $1.20 $1.20 $1.40 $1.70 In Attractive Christmas Wrappings Choose any of these tobaccos . . . they will satisfy the smoker who Is a keen judge of tobacco. OLD CHUM TOBACCO - - . OLD CHUM FINE CUT- . . TURRET PIPE TOBACCO - . -PICCADILLY SMOKING MIXTURE PICOBAC SMOKING TOBACCO ' PRICE PACKED IN 90c - y2 pound tins 90c - - i2 pound tins 80c - - 12 pound tins $1.50 - y2 pound glass jars 75c - - i2 pound tins In Attractive Christmas Packs and Boxes Give any of these cigars . . . their proved merit is a guarantee that your Christmas present will be enjoyed. WILSON'S BACHELOR CIGARS ROBERT BURNS INVINCIBLES ROBERT BURNS PANETELAS LA PALINA LILIES - - . STONEWALL JACKSON - - ARABELA CIGARS - . . COLUMBIA LITTLE CIGARS - CIGA1 an IOC each (Packolo,Boxo 25) 15c each - . . (Box of 25) 10c each (Packs of 10, Boa of 25) 15c each - . (Box of 25) 5c each (Pack of io, Box of 25) 5C each (Packs of 10, Box of 25) 4 packs of 10 - - $1.00 GAR ACC Wrapped for the Holiday Season IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED v4j mhi Joe Browns Confectionery For Neilson's Fine Chocolates From 25c to St. 00 These prices are one-third lower than ever before CHRISTMAS CRACKERS Everything for Uie Smokers Christmas Gift and eomforj. Come In and Inspect oar stock 1 1 1 i The Grotto Cigar Store Carries a fall line of all kind, of Cltarcttcs, Cliars. Tobarfc. ripes, Pouches, Llehtcrs and all other Smokers' Accessories Lowney's Choice Chocolates fnTnh 8,t0fk ,n' C,,rl8t,n" PresenUtlon lloxcs. If Irlnf town, place your order now and we will deliver It on Christmas Eye. '1