M I I to i ft B 8 to ft ft g I 2 M its to if. xaai bi am rain tixRswvBtritiKnnni f Our Down -Stairs Store 9 to e I' FOUR BARGAIN TABLES OF STAPLE GIFTS 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 I yso a wonderful range of Dinnerwarc, Tea Sets, Fancy China, g Cups and Saucers, Cut Glass, Genuine Crystal and Glassware for I every day use. I GENUINE INDIAN MOCCASINS AND CURIOS Brasswarc Aeropacks, Floor Lamps From India Suit Cases & and Fancy and China Club Bags Table Lamps Sterling Silver & Hollow Ware Reduced prices on Community Plate and extra special value in our new-Monterey Pattern. Don't overlook this wonderful value. Carving Sets. Pipes, Ciparctte and Cigar Holders, Cigarette and Cigar Cases. IJargain prices on Ladies' Hand Hags and Umbrellas. Also Ivory, Pearl-Tone and Sterling Toilet Ware. There is a Thrill in Giving and Receiving the Best that Money Can Buy in Any Gift Hamilton, Waltham and Elgin Watches Fnr La dips nnrl firnr.s. urn tho fin Sheaffer and Waterman Pens and Pencils est and most reliable time-keepers fM lour name counter-sunk in 22-K made. All kinds of Clocks, includ- Jjf Gold free on any Pen or Pencil ing the Tey Electric. Af22 over $2.00. We cordially invite you to come in and inspect our store. Friendly service. No obligation to buy. ' STORE OPEN EVENINGS MAX HEILBRONERDt:,,ist 1 g : b 1 a 1 1 1 sB.i:ai';Bi:i't:i uMjsnmmuirarajviB f ' ,:B n iitiiiurinii Due to Twin-Power Detection 1 ' 9 Tubes do the work of BRENTWOOD MODEL Jacolxan Comfllft with 9 tubo Sijr. lirtfrodTM Qianua forJudinK Sprtjr. SbirM. Muhi Mo and IVntod T11I. Twib Tower Detection. Grand Optra Speaker. Complete with BaT IaeraCaaranlMITulw. 1 I, in the 1932 (MaietiMc RADIO From "the Perfect Quality Receiver" in the Science Museum at South Kensington, London, comet) the principle of Twin-Pouter Detection found' in the 1932 Majestic Superheterodynes. Due to this principle, nine tubes do the work of eleven in these models. Two of them are the new "247" Pentode Tuhee, each of which has the power output of two ordinary 215M tubes. These new Majestic have all the power and efficiency of an 11. tube set with the low cost of a 9-tube set. Mahc this Christmas memorable .... , with a Majestic . . . See toddy ROSE, COWAN & LATTA LTD. Prince Rupert, R.C. to a a a si '' TBS DAILY NBW8 CONCERT IS PRESENTED h Pupils of Booth Memorial School hI Give Entertainment The Booth Memorial School Christmas concert was held In the i auditorium yesterday afternoon in the presence of the scholars, Miss E. A. Mercer, principal, being chairman. The program included a very fine sketch, "Broken Toys" by the pupUs of Grade 2. In this the part of the Fairy Queen was taken by Edith Ritchie, Santa Claus by Jack Carson and the mother by Helen Doctor. In addition, there were pretty fairies and elves as well as four "broken toys." An action songi "French Dolls" was well acted and weetiy sung by pupils of Orade 1 .with Betty Wilkinson, and Elsie I Murvold taking the leading parts. I A stocking drill by the boys of 'Grades 3 and 4 and a pretty wand dance by the girls from the same divisions were good numbers. Pupils from Grades 5 and 6 staged a very colorful Indian play called the Passing of the Red Men," with TCeryl Birch making a typical chief, Tony Chrlstlanson a worthy son ind Malrle Matheson a realistic rndian squaw. Pupils of Grades 7 ind 8 sang the Christmas Carols. 'Good King Wenceslas;- in which; 2934 ,olo narts wers'laken hv rwtv Fl. i :ipal parts, the Senior grades again ! ang sweetly. Choruses by the whole school in- :luded "Deck the Hall." "Oood ! Christian Jvfen. Rejoice" and "The First Noel." Miss E. P. Grassie was accompanist with Miss E. A. Mercer and Miss Phyllis Lamb assisting The program began with the singing of "O Canada" and was concluded by the singing of the National Anthem. Empress Leading In Billiards Over Jewelers Players With three games in last night's Junior Billiard League fixture played, Empress is leading Jewelers by a seore of 600 to 462. Remaining two game W. Stewart Jewe!ers vs. Nick Chenoskl (Empress) and W. E. Funneil vs. A. Zadaroskl are to be played tonight Last night's Individual scores were as follows: John Bulger (Jewelers). 118: Geo. Howe (Empress), 200. Len Raabe. 160; Paul Johnson. 200. A. Strachan 181; Pete Chenoskl. 200. MUSSALLEM'S Sanitary MEAT MARKET Saturday's Special; Blrloln Tip Roast Beef per lb. T-Bone Roast Beef per lb. Slrfoln Roast Beef per lb. Rolled Prime Ribs per lb Sirloin It T-Bone Steaks per lb. Leg Roasts of Pork per lb. Shoulder Roast of Pork pr lb. Loin Roast of Pork per lb. Pork Chops 2 lbs Leg Roast of Veal per lb. Pork Sausage 2 lbs 20c 22c 22c 25c 25c 18c 14c 20c 45c 25c 35c We have a splendid selection of Turkeys, all No. 1 birds and advise purine your orders at once. Our prices are rljtht. Fifth Avenue Phones 18 and 81 LOCAL NEWS Mrs. S. Wilkinson of Terrace 15 Paying a brief visit to town, hav ing arrived from the Interior on yesterday's train. C, R. Cocks, James J. Donald-"1 son and Miss Mae Donaldson were overnight visitors in town from Port Esslngton. Ben Sampson Is sailing this ev ening on the Prince Rupert for 1 holiday trip to Vancouver and else where in the south. R. O. Ford, who has been on 1 brief business trip to Ocean FaJlv returned home from the pape town on the Princess Mary this af ternoon. W. Cavalier and D. Cavafler'ar rived In th city on the Prince Rupert this morning fr-jm Anyox to spend the Chrtotma holiday 9 their home here. Inspector A. S. Cooptr. R.C.4LP.. who has been on an inspection tour of this district, will sail by the Prince Rupert this evening on his return to Vancouver WEATHER REPORT Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, freh southwest wind; barometer. temperature, 32; heavy swell Ilson and Allan Kergin, and a daln-1 Triple Island Part cloudy, ty French carol "Bring a Torch, 'strong southeast wind; heavy swell. Teanette, Isabella." Later in ,-r ' humorous songs "The Owl and the ; Pussycat" and a dramatized version or "The Camel's Hump." with Bob Elklns and Allan Kergln the prin- Christmas Christmas time is an eventful time in life for young and old. The grown-ups as we'll as the children look for good things to eat and make merry. Mtmallem's stores are prepared to cater to your needs and hare priced everything down to rock bottom WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING SPECIALS TO OFFER OUR PATRONS FOR THIS WEEK Australian Raisins Seedless, 7.1b. Cluster Table Ratotn 1-lb. box Table Figs per lb. Fresh Hallowei Date 3 lb, for 7 lbs. for Shelled Walnuts 3 lbs. for Mixed NuU Fresh arrival per lb 5 lbs. for. Bgesv-Storage Extra 3 doz. for Butter Forestdale and Home Glen per lb. Gainer's Bacon per lb Gainer's Cottage Roll Boneles ham, per lb. Blue Ribbon Tea A stand ard for year, l'j, per lb Blue Rlbon Tea o-f -f A Der 2W-lb. Dka. 1.10 1U Canned Raspberries 2's per tin Pineapple Pure Marmalade 4-lb. tin Robertson's Imported Marmalade, per 4-lb. tin Peas No. 3 Sieve, good and tender, 3 tins for Aylmer Spinach 2 2-Ib. tin Heinz Tomato Catsup 2 large bottles Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 tins for EXTKA SPECIAL Chocolate Bars Reg. 5c OCT seller, 8 bars for 24 Bars in a box going at per box Good Christmas Mixed Candy, per lb. ..... Peek-Frean Imported Biscuits assortments Ar & per lb 1Ub $1.00 25c 20c 25c 50c S1.00 25c S1.00 $1.00 25c 23c 18c 45c 25c 60c GOc 40c 35c 45c 25c 75c 18c All 50c Our Fruits and Vegetables Are Always Fresh Mussallem's Cash& Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" No. 1 Store Fifth Ave, rhone 18-81 No. 2 Store S19 Third A v. Phone SCO No. 3 Store 727 Third Av.riione 375 Friday and Saturday TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. ADMISSION 20c & 65c Feature Starts at 7:18 St 9:19 Sat. Matinee at 2:30 15c, 40c Feature Starts at 2:48 WARNER BAXTER in "THE SQUAW MAN" With Lupe Velcz, Eleanor Boardmana Roland Young, An all ' cast. For the sake of the woman he loved he took the ha ' mt0' his enemy. Comedy "ONE HUNDRED PER CENT SERVICE' Cartoon "THE CAT'S NIGHTMARE" MONDAY & TUESDAY "EAST OF BORNEO" BENEFIT. MATINEE TUESDAY AT ssa iiei isniina m twtmw KBctiiniiFitint! :ci i a , J Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup The Children Catch Cold Easily Mm. Waiter Miliar. Noth Hill, B.C writ-. " J1 etU t?,r?mthe Jrin'y " T chun. sbl., sad the children Mteh cold very etaily I Lave sly found that a few do of Dr. Wotfi Norway Pin. Byrup will relieve them at onoc I have tried many oltw eoutb rftnedie. but bow I aJwayt Iniut on 'Dr. Wood's', M I find n UnJt rrliabl. and th children like ita pleasant taaU. Price 35c. bottle; larg. family ait tl t & dni and general atorea; put up only by Th T Uilbm Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Practical Presents Carving Sets Flash Lights Aluminum Ware Pocket Knives Vyrcx Ovenware Copper Kettles-Mechanics Tools Seamless Koasters SEE OUR WINDOWS Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. 253 Third Ave. Telephone It) BUY B. C. PRODUCTS And help our own farmers ASK FOR Fraser Valley Butter and Cheese 100 B.C.; ALWAYS FRESH: ARRIVING 3 TIMES MEEKLY AWARDED 13 CHAMPIONSHIPS. S. C. THOMSON Wholesale Distributor For Fraser Valley Milk Producers Asso. Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump 512.5(1 No. 1 Alberta Egg $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK CO; Prepared J)aily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PWNCE RUPERT, H.C. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE We maintain a day and night service. Our garage U open from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. You will like our service Please try It KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Telephone 52 Cut Down Prices on STOVE WOOD It, II or 16-ln.h Imjtb DRY SPRUCE and CJ U GREEN HEMLOCK. and JACKNNE Cedar PIHnu and nai'0,rt N. Carlson & J. floslrjnd W Tflenhone-Orern