page four. E R RESSES r'ENING GOWNS ODISH HATS i'ERYTIIING NEW EAL WOOL SUITS IATERS Cor. 3rd. Ave. & 2nd. St. USED CAR BARGAINS 8eTeral Model T Fords, passenger or commercial, from S40toS200 1 1919 Ford Model lUKOmflto teems' .; I im Ford Town Sedan run 7800 miles, terms MM Ford Town Sedan. 2J00 mites terat Coupe, run $450 $600 Several Ford Entities: One Chevrolet Engine; One Continental Engine Fitted for Marine Sec Us lief ore Buying S. E. Parker Ltd. Headquarters for HARDWARE Lawn Mowers Kitchen Wares Mechanics' Tools Builders' Hardware Paints & Oils Mops & Brushes Stoves & Ranges Lamps & Lanterns Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Ave. Telephone 101 iLOCALS BEAT HAZELTON IN BASEBALL 7-0 Cubs Sremrd Nervous and Took a Couple of Innings to Get Into Fieldinr Stride Chenoski Stars short. Spooner hit a Texas Leaguer to centre and Sargent held third. Sargent was trapped off third and went out at the plate. Cox struck out Harold struck out In his first time up. Smith drew a walk. Moran They did the rest of their scoring 'in the second. A. Mitchell singled through the pitchers box. Chenoski hit to Tepoortin wh: threw wild to second and Mitchell went to third. Chenoski stole second. Harold hit over third and MitchU scored. Harold stole second. Smith was safe on ! George Young Stages Comeback I To Win Fifteen-Mile Swim Race ' At Toronto in Eight Hour Time omenal long distance champion of a few years ajjo. after several vain attempts during the past two or three years, 'staged" a great comeback yesterday to win the Canadian i National Exhibition fifteen-mile marathon swim in eight hours and eight minuets. Young, by winning, captured a i $10,000 cash first prize. 1 1 Of 180 contestants who entered Prince Rupert Played Errorless Ball the water but three completed the Behind Fine Pitching Lambie ; distance. Bill Ooil of New York was On Mound Today second more than an hour behind , , . I Young while Warren Anderson of In the opening game of the Exhl- Sydney. Nova Scotia, was third in bition Week series between Prince nearly thirteen hours. Ernest Vler-Rnpert and. Hazel ton Cubs, cham- koetter of Germany, a former win-pions of the central Interior, the ner, failed to finish the long grind. locals won by a 7-0 score yesterday afternoon. Playing conditions were far from perfect with a drizzle . the time and the ground was muddy jThe Tisitors appeared nervous to I start with, contributing six miseues in the first six innings. After that, however, they settled down and MOVIE STAR IS REFEREE: Dlaved a good fielding came holdine . Victor McLaflf n Was Third Man In, fielder showed up well, although the I wrestler, knows latter dropped a fly he was too eer- jA to Z. tain of. No doubt, the boys from up-river will turn In a better game In their second appearance today. Chenoski. In the box for Prince Rupert, pitched an almost perfect game. He allowed two hits in the looenlnz stanza and hit one man. run only t After that the only men to reach SuU 'flrst were lwo on wallu' and- durinK i the game he whiffed nine batsmen. six of them in a row. The locals played errorless ball, with Moran playing a snappy game at first base. For this afternoon's fixture. Bill Lambie, speed-ball pitcher for the locals will be on the mound with Jack Kelson receiving his slants. Redman will go out In the field in Lamble's place. Hazelton started off in the first as though they meant business and RAIN STOPS TENNIS Owing to rain, there was no further play yesterday In the city championship tournament. If weamer permits, tne jinai quamy- j ing events will be played today pre-1 paraterr 10 ine imais on rxuuruay and Sunday. first Mclntyre threw Areeneau out at first on a nice play and -Windle took third. Lambie hit one just In front of the plate and Ingram threw him out and Benson returned the throw home to catch Windle out from third. There was no more scoring after that. Following Is the box score: Harelton ABR H PO A billed the bases. Mclntyre went out 1 Mclntyre ss 2 0 on a bouncer to Chenoski who j. Sargent 2b. 1 0 threw him out. Jack Sargent went Ingram c- 3 0 to first when he was hit In the back, i Spooner If 3 0 Ingram singled on a hard hit to!cox cf 3 0 Marshall 3b 3 0 B. Sargent rf 2 0 Benson lb. 2 0 Tepoorten p. 2 0 Totals P. R. 21 0 ABR was safe as Marshall missed his ' Harold 3b 4 1 roller down third base line. Smith I Smith 2b 2 2 stole third while Marshall and the Moran lb 3 2 pitcher were getting the ball. Mor-1 windle ss 4 0 an stole second and Windle lined j Arseneau If 3 0 out to Cox in centre- Arseneau hit1 Lambie cf 3 0 a liner to centre and Smith andw. Mitchell rf 3 0 Moran scored. Lambie was safe on, a. Mitchell c 3 1 fticintyre s error, w. Mitcneii niea chenoski d 3 1 lout to Cox. 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 18 11 H PO A 2 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 7 I 0 1 0 11 0 Marshall s error and Chenoski and'poorten S); lft on ba. Harelton U2.Y XTW3 Thn.-i; JACK SHARKEY AND CARNERA MATCHED NEW YORK. Sept. 3: Jack Sharkey, the Boston gob. and Primo Camera, massive Italian. both outstanding contenders for the world's heavyweight championship title, have been matched to box fifteen rounds at EbbeU Field. Brooklyn. Oc tober 1.. It is announced by Promoter, James J. Johnston. the home-towners scoreless. Tepoor- Seattle Ring Tuesday Night ' ten, their pitching ace. was on the' 'flM t niinfrV SnrrPr slab and hurled a good game, only1 SEATTLE. Sept. 3: Victor Mo vylw ywuuuj UUtttl two earned runs scoring against Laglen, noted moving picture star, him. Ingram, their catcher, has airefereed the heavyweight main English League First Division powerful arm. and caught every ! event of a boxing card at the Civic j Birmingham 4, Newcastle United man he tried for at second. Mcln-, Arena here Tuesday night. . Liverpool 2, Bolton Wanderers 2. . Portsmouth 0. Everton 3. Sunderland 2, West Bromwich 1. English League Second Division Bristol City 3. Notts County 2. Manchester, United 2. Southampton 3. Scottish League First Division Aberdeen 1, eLith Athletics 0. Dundee 2. Ayr United 2. Falkirk 1. Rangerr2. Kilmarnock 1, Morton 0. Partlck Thistle 5. Cowdenbeath 1. Third Lanark 3. Celtic 3. Scottish League Second Division Albion Rovers 0, King's Park 3. Hibernian) 6. Dunfermline 2. Montrose 2, 8t. Johnstone 3. Local Team For Second Football Game Selected E series with Anyox to be played on Harold scored. Moran rolled one 1 (3). P.R. 5: double plays. Chenoski LearnTe uuwii imiu uoju uiic unu me piicn- io Moran to a. Mitchell, Ingram to A charge of vagrancy again, er fielded It but did nnt trv tn Carl Crotnwell was dUraUsed In him out. Moran stole second and chell; hit by pitcher. J. Sargent-city police court this morning by Smith and he scored when Mclntyre time o( game 1 :25; umpires Brooks MagUtratt McCTymont. j threw Wlndle's grounder wild to and Stephens. 0 1 Friday night: goal. Jonnson smith; Q:RJ, M. Watson; L.B, D. Jack; RJI.. 0'J. McKay; OH.. E. Webster; LJI., q S. Currie (captain); OSK.. J. Mur-pjray; IJ3.R, C Baptlo; Centre. A. ojDlckens; IBX.. M. Colussl; OSL., 0 J. Norrlngton: reserves. T. Hadden, r. Russell. A. Walters. Referee. J. S. Wilson. ManagerrlL Douglas. Totals ' 28 7 7 21 9 0' "- Haztlton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o'rj. r Pr Rupert 5 5 0 0 0 0 x-7 ftm LCagUC OCOrCS 8ummary Stolen bare. Xtelntyre. j J. Sargent, Harold, 8mlth, Moran! ' i2; earned runs. Pit. 2); base on, balls off Chenoski (2), Tepoorten 3 : ttruck out bv Chenoski (0). Te-1 National League New York -3. Boston 2-1 Chicago 4-4, Cincinnati 7-8. Only four games in American League Washington 5. Philadelphia Boston 6, New York 7. Detroit 7-4, St. Lout 3-5. Cleveland 2-, Chicago 3-4. ANY0X WON IN FOOTBALL YESTERDAY ; Surprise Goal Just Before Full Time Gave Them Yktory Visitors Lucky Prince Rupert Had Early Lead and Should HaTe Won After trailing the Prince Rupert football team all through the ram and at one time being as many as I V. mini. Ih " V. team drew level and three minutes from full time scored again to win by five goals to four, yesterday afternoon v in the opener of the Fair Week series. Rupert attacked right from the start and McKay missed a fine chance to open the score. Webster (kept the ball up the field and Mor- rison did well to clear. Ygleslas got away but his soot was high. Nor-rtngton made headway and centred well Williams finally clearing. Skinner was lucky to block Bunts lne and Dixon. Smith caught and threw away Just clear of the goal line and did well a moment later to turn a fine shot from Dixon over tyre, shortstop, and Cox. centre- McLaglen. a former professional Derby County 2. Manchester City th h,. n-,,-.,, mm the the fleht fight eame game from from ! ! i.l.j - ner picked up from close In and cleared and then Dyer shot narrowly past. Then Rupert established a ; superiority that lasted till nearly the end of the game. From Hill's corner. McKay got the opening goal and. In a scramble after Horner dropped a simple shot. McKay added a second. The Rupert halves 'were holding the visiting forwards jln cheek. Norrlngton made a couple of good runs and centred well. Hor- I ner caught from Dicken's header! ;and cleared from Norrlngton. Bap-! Ue was clever and opened out the game. Dixon got away and was clean through bat Smith saved his. parting shot in brilliant style and j half time found the home team' leading two goals to ntl. Rupert continued to have the best of the exchanges and Horner ' mlsflelded a simple looking shot to 1 give McKay a chance. The tatter's ( shot hit the upright but he scored from the rebound. Then Norrlngton had an open goal but shot wide. Webster and Currie were prominent with clever football and fdr a ; time Anyox wa outclassed.. The lo- 'cals found the visitors suddenly-tak- The following puyers have been I a"d, S,mlU had c'e" chosen to represent Prince Rupert d" e ball for the second game of the football j " - have meant a goal. Then Buntalne opened the score for Anyox. Dyerj added a second with a fine drive; and only -a goal separated the! team Dickens increased Rupert's lead wtth a shot thai Horner never got near. Currie. Anyox's bustling r I A ft- I -M A iiuui am weu to turn past ror a (Corner. McConnachle came In fast; to iaxe me Rupert defence unaware and head a beautiful goal. Play was faster and Anyox was mapping up chances. Following a itoppage of play a free was awarded Anyox and Currie centred well for Ygleslas to come from nowhere to add the equalizing goal with a header that Smith could not get near. Webster wenUIose with a fine drive National but with only three minutes to go. Dyer erossed a eentre that caught line local backs napping and Buntalne drove the ball Into the net to i score what proved to be the whining goal. j Anyox-Horner; Del Rio, MorrU The 'following Prince Rupert merchants extend to all visitors a hearty welcome to the city and invite them to drop in and shake D E. M hands. More than ever during fair week these stores will be at the service of all who come. Fair Sports Start With Football and Baseball QUALITY DINNER WARE AND FANCY CHINA Teapots, Sugars and Creams Jffn per ?et TtuL c7miSwcer!. 15c, 20c, 25c FpSs.awlSi!ucere- 65c, 75c, 85c 52-Piece Wedgewood Dinner Set j4 5Q i Cutlery and Kitchen Ware of All Kinds TOM BALLINGER Third Ave. W. Nest Royal Bank Phone Blue tU TheFish which made Prince RupertFamom "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR 8 KERN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRP-SII PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery rhrovghent the City wj; Field. Williams. Currie; Dyer. McConnachle. Dixon. Buntalne. Ygleslas. Prince Rupert Ted Smith; Skinner. Douglas; Edgeeumbe, Webster, 8. Currie; HU1, BapUe. Dickens. McKay, Norrlngton. Referee. J. Johnson. Rupert Superior On the balance of play, Prince Rupert should have easily won. Generally the locals played better football and were easily superior for a greater part of the game. Their confidence got a series of rude shocks when the smelter town team staged their fine finish and snapped up chances. Smith kept a fine goal. The backs were good up to a point bat their covering of each other was weak and most of the goals were the result of this. Webster was the best man on the field. Currie was weak at the start but came Into his own later. Edgccumbe found Tony, the little Spaniard, a fast worrier but generally held hire In check. The forwards were weak finishers in spite of scoring four goals, nap-tie, Norrlngton and Dickens were J.he pick but Norrlngton got little of the ball In the second half. McKay was lucky to get three goals. Horner was not safe In goal but he fisted away a beauty that would have beaten most goalies, Morrison COAL Buy the real Col-or ! mom Edson snd CuMf tVflliniton in any s.nsoUtirt. A 1 Balkley Valley Hif. Orsln snd Rosin l!od Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND5M was the stronger bi ? Impetuous but larku The halves were iw ing. Williams has sp- i but was not up to Currie Is a forceful risky player. He kn-k was fair. The forvi : with their ability t ' of slips or slow play v the Rupert backs Pv and got a nice goal Dm ' and McConnachle ar ; ball and clever. Yglr-" fast and a rare trier The referee ing left a ' pleating to either trim t pers got on edge win euff encounters man ' Just a reminder to winning player doe no' !his temper and a Ioswk not afford to lose his i !trol U admirable but comes control of onesc'i A big crowd enjoyed m game and the Anyox reason- for their Jubn ' finish. Fifteen goals t Ichcs shows that the An ' can shoot. If Rupert can turn otitis selected on Friday 'visitors vuiwrs will win ne need their w It IX 81 mi f t u r:w be1' mttt : ,,.-t oi a stofltj sit tW. .. mtf - ,1 to give them the series L. n"" a good game.