T-ts Weather Tomorrow's Tides Friday, September 4, 1931 High 5:25 a.m. 15:2 ft. Pr C m irt Overcast, light N 17:20 p.m. 17:8 ft. soutl 5 id;- barometer, 29.98; Low 11:10 a.m. 9:1 ft. seas w 3 a- NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol XXII g PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS CAMPS HERE ARE OPENING A T ONCE FAIR FESTIVITIES HERE ARE PROCEEDING IN FULL SWING Unemployed Men To Work From Three Points on Local End of the Skeena Plans Tokio Flight w i i m : (s i I J'.nnlta Buras. Los Angi'lrs avl-c rx announced recently she y .ituii d a non-stop solo flight t .ht from Sca Ui! to Toklo. ORIENTALS HAVE FIGHT Chinese and Filipinos MU on Notorious Seattle Street and One May Die W ATTLE. Sept. 3! One Chine v . fatally krUfed, allegedly by a Fi i iino assailant, and four other i ons were Injured In a melee on Km; street here between Chinese '.i i Filipinos. Amy Johnson Left Omsk Yesterday For Sverdlovsk MOSCOW. Sept. 3 Amy Johnson f "ok off from Omsk today for Sve-"i'"vsk in the course of her home-K'ird flight from Toklo td London. Al'STKO-GEUMAN V PACT RENOUNCED GENEVA, Sept. 3 Germany nd Austria, acting through 'Mr foreign ministers at the piin-Europoan Commission, tt-rti'V renounced the customs union that was proposed several months ago. Practically every nation In Europe had protested River Highway Building Welcome Announcement Made This Morning By Mayor Orme Galloway Rapids, Cloyah Bay and Prudhomme Lake Sites Mayor Cyril H. Orme made the welcome announcement this morning that he had been advised that instructions had been issued by the provincial department of public works to proceed at once with the opening of three nlnvmnnt relief work enmns on the local section of the Skeena River Highway. One the buildings already provided at Oalloway Rapids bridge while twol large ones wll lgo In at Cloyah. Day and at the foot of Prudhomme Lake. Lumber for the last mentioned camp will be hauled in b,y tractor over the skid road which was built by the Power Corporation of Canada during transmission line construction. Everything la in readiness to proceed with the construction of this camp just as soon as the lumber can be delivered on the. ground. It is not. as yet, definitely announced how many men will be em-' ployed in these three camps but it expected there will be at least a i(ew hundred given work therein throughout the coming fall and wln-ji- r Opening of the camps will (greatly relieve the local unemployment situation. Announcement of the action of the government had ben patiently awaited for the past week or so Men in the Galloway Rapids and Cloyah Bay camps will work on the completion of the road between those two points. Some of the men at the Cloyah Bay as well as all those at Prudhomme Lake will, it is expected, be employed on building of the new Cloyah-Prudhomme Lake section. Vancouver Stocks Big Missouri, 20, 23. Duthle, nil. 4. George Copper. 40. nil. Georgia River. 3, 3. Gotoonda. 21, 25. Grandvlew. 3, 6. Kootenay Florence, H. nil. Oregon Copper, nil, 3. Pend Oreille. 65, 75. Premier. 45. 50. Reeves Macdonald, 20, 25Vi. Rufus-Argenta. nlL 2. Ruth-Hope. nil. 5. Silver Crest, i nil. Snowflake, 1, lVfc. Woodbine, ft. 1. Bluebird, 1ft. 2. N OILS Freehold. 2ft. 5. Hargal. 2. nil. A. P. Con.. 7, 8. Mercury, 10. 11. Dalhousle. 15. 20. Fabyan rcte. ft. 1. Home, 40, 48. United. 5, 8. Rovalltc. 050. 0.80. Eastern Stocks Sherrltt-Oordoh. 50. 59. Noranda. 18.75. 19.25. Inter. Nickel. 12.25. 12 75. Imperial Oil. 13 00, nil. Con. M. tt 8., 92.00. nil. C. P. R.. 19Tb. nil. The Weather m-ll. T.lnnrt Cloudy, Hlht , southwest wind; moderate westerly niand-Ralnlng, light UU i n..m Mtlnrl rtmnnV MR. Pninu-Overcast, light ...v,, ,inH- . harometer, 29.92; DUUbllVUS. T. i I w temperature, 68; light chop. small camp will be opened in , n uancingrretty Fair Feature Miss Nan Craig and Her Pupils Give Aceptable Entertainment Each Evening One of the most attractive features of the entertainment program each evening durlngUhefalr at the Rihihltlrm.Hall is the danelne dls- relay 6y dainty alid uf?ntedpupils of the Craig School of Dancing as well as by Miss Nan Craig, the popular terpischoran Instructress, and her partner, Mrs. II. N. Hodgson. These displays have been given on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and there will be another tonight. The program last night was as follows: Russian Dance by Margaret Smith and Jean Christensen, age 10. Highland Dance by Jean Robert son and Isabelle Connery. age 10 and 11. Acrobatic Dance by Nona Hodg son, age 10. Kiddle Kapers (tap dance) by Pinkie Moore and Marie Boulter, age 4. Tap Dance by Rosle Smith and Mary NtshlkazeC aged 12. Toe Dance bjrOiona Dewoir. age 9. Varsity Drag by Joyce Gaw- thorne, age 6. Soft Shoe Dance by crecmie Mor gan. The Death of the Swan (This' danoe was created by the late Anut Pavlova) by Nora Hodgson, age 10. Musical Comedy by Mrs. H. N. Hodgson and Nan Craig. Accompanist. Mrs. J. S. Black. "All pupils are local children and have been trained by Miss Craig. KILLED IN VICTORIA MUs Violet Eldcrton Victim of Third Fatality In Four Days iVICTORIA. Sept. 3 The third traffic fatality here within four davs ticcurred last night when M Violet Eldcrton died in hos hkalssoon after being! run down b; hrt automobile driven by Philip lifcld, aged 17. at the corner of qpok and Yates Streets. V FRANCE AND ITALY TO DISCUSS DISARMAMENT t GENEVA. Sept. 3: The League of Nations hears that France and Italy are soon to resume negotiations for an agrccmeitt on the vexed problem of naval disarmament limitation. Arrangements to reopen discussions are reported practically complete. Married vyr SBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.aSSSSSSSSSSSSSa BSSSSSSSSSSSSBJ IfPT'SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBft flsSSSSSSSSSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB lR&f fcj jSjlHBBBSSSSSsl Philippe Hotlfpguer. son of a Par Barclay of New Y-nit .it shan HELP FOR iT7K irr 7T WUii&LJ 113 Union of B. C. Municipalities Urges Government to Take Immediate Action VICTORIA, Sept. 3: After telling members of the provincial government of growing numbers of unemployed in British Columbia cities and municipalities, dele-gales to the annual convention of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities emphasized the need of immediate action at a meeting in the executive chamber yesterday. Premier S. F. Tolmle said that the government was keeping in touch with Ottawa and it was expected that an order-in-council Mould be passed there soon. EXHIBITION 'ATTENDANCE Gate at Building Was Fair Admissions to Grounds Light Owing to Rain Attendance at the Exhibition building yesterday was quite satisfactory, despite the Inclement state of the weather Adults paying ad mission totalled 039, the receipts amounting to $319.50, Owing to the bad weather, the sports ground iwje was light, the football realizlm: $32.50 and the baseball. $60. In Paris banker, and Miss Allardyce iftr-r their marriage In ParU SESSION OF PARLIAMENT British House is Called to Assemble On September 8. to Hear Fiscal Program LONDON, Sept 3 A special ses slon of Parliament has been summoned for September 8, at which tune the new coalition administration will formally present Its program for the rehabilitation of the British fiscal structure. MURDERER IS HANGED John .Streib Pays Extreme Penalty at Winnipeg For Killing Three Children WNNIPEO. Sept. 3:-John Streib. aged 45, who, last May, killed the three children of Mrs. Lillian Wa ters, who had given him board and room, was hanged this morning. Halibut Landings Canadian Brant, 3.500, Atlin. 6c. and 3c. Ithona, 8.000, too late for market American Formost, 38,000, too late for Prince Rupert Fair Program Today , 3:30 p.m. Baseball, Hazelton vs. Prince Ruper livening 4 7:30 p.m. Bands Parade. I 3 p.m. Vaudeville and Beautequest judging. Friday T 10 a.m. Football final, Aiyansh vs. Kincolith, 1 p.m. Lacrosse final, Aiyansh vs. Prince Ruport. 8 p.m. Baseball, Hazelton vs. Prince Rupert C:45 p.m. Football, Anyox vs. Prince Rupert, lvenine; Bcautequest Coronation Ball. Final judgjng at 9 p.m. Crowning of Miss Prince Rupert at 11 p.m. x :iSPFfIAI MALCOLM MACDONALD siUl UVinil TO ENTER CABINET ! LONDON, Sept. 3: Malcolm ! MacDonald, son of Premier J. Ramsay MacDonald, Is to be taken into" his father's coalition cabinet, it is reported. The ca- : blnet Is now wrestling with the . problem of what Is best to be done for Britain's appalling to- tal of 2,733,000 unemployed. j l jLOFTY PEAK IS SCALED Wishart Campbell, Radio Singer Descends East Side of Mount Edith Cavcll JASPER PARK. Sept. 3: Wishart Campbell, Toronto, whose rich bari-! tone has been a feature of the radio J programs broadcast each evening from Jasper Park Lodge this summer, accomplished a noteworthy alpine feat yesterday when he made the first descent of the east ridge of Mount Edith Cavell to be achieved this season and the second In the history of the lofty mountain. , vampoeii was accompanied ay Frederick L. Hamilton, of Hamilton. Bermuda, and member of the Canadian Alpine Club, Hans Fuhrer, Swiss guide from Jasper Park Lodge, led the two climbers in their daring descent. IS NAMED CHAIRMAN Owen D. Young to Head Relief Committee in United States WASHINGTON, Sept. 3: The appointment of Owen D. Young, head of the General Electric Co. and noted American economist, as chairman of the national committee which will raise and devise relief for needy families in the country this fall and winter, Is announced. ?UGET SOUND SALMON PACK Will Be One of Largest Since 1923, Official Fitures Indicate SEATTLE, Sept. 3: The 1931 salmon pack In Puget Sound will total up to be one of the Jargest since the record pack of 1923, official figures being compiled indicate. PEACE RIVER CHURCH OPEN Bishop llix Dedicates St. Martin's and Ordains Miinstcr Bishop O. A. Rlx In the court? of a tour of the Peace River country, recently opened the first Pro testant church north of Peace River Jn the B. 0. Block. It Is thei fecond church to be built in the district, the first' being a Roman! Catholic Church. Bishop Rlx conducted the dedication of the church, which li known as St. Martin's, and ordained the resident minister, Mr. Wol-fcndale. I On the Saturday evening preceding the dedicatory, dinner waj served by the men of thp district to meet Bishop Rlx. Speakers were Bishop Rlx. Rural Dean T. D. Proctor and Mr. Wolfendale. DISPLAYS Wonderful Exhibits of Flowers Sent to Exhibition From South The Flower Show at the Prince Rupert Exhibition this year has been greatly Enhanced by three special floral displays from the sputh. Poslbly the most outstanding dls- play of the three is that front the Ferncllffe Dahlia & Gladiolus Oar-dens at Hatzlc. Here are exhibited some really wonderful gladioli, some of the specimens being bfth very rare and expensive, Another fine gladioli display is that from the International Test Gardens, North Vancouver. The third special flower display is that from Brown Bros. Ltd. which is very attractive. The collections were sent for dls-, play purposes only and not for com petition. DEATH OF COMPOSER Once Popular Director Dies Penni-- less and Aloneiin Sn " ' Francisco SAN FRANCSCO, 8ept. 3: Ferris Hartman, a generation ago one of the most popular of American mu sical comedy composers and direc tors, is dead here, penniless and alone. Thirty years ago Hartman had charge of the opening of the Grand Opera House. Seattle's first enter tainment place of such nature. SMALL BOY IS VICTIM Little Donovan Levue, Aged Four, Loses Life in Lake Washing- -ton, Seattle SEATTLE, Sept. 3: Lake Washington claimed a tiny victim Tuesday afternoon when four-year old Donovan Levue fell from a slip and was drowned. The UtUe body was recovered a few minutes later but an hour's efforts at artificial respiration failed to bring back a single spark of life. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Sept. 3: Wheat was quoted at 51kC on the local exchange today. 1 SALVAGE SALE 1 Peterborough mahogany run- about. Sold at Factory for t $600. Our Price $250. 1 Peterborough Admiral runabout. Our Price $175. Both these boats will make from 20 to 30 knots. Neither has been in the water. Beau- 4 tlful lake boats. 1 1 14 h.p. Johnson Sea Horse, . almost new, $163. 1 12-h.p. Lockwood "Chief Factory rebuilt $125. 1 26-foot Cabin Runabout. Ford engine, complete with starter, lights and ready to to. A , gift at $210. You will have to hurry to 4 get one of these bargains as the price will sell them. PACIFIC SALVAGE CO, V J. L.