SHREDDED WHEAT per pkg - QUICK QUAKER ROLLED OATS With Premium per pics - - MCCORMICK'S SODA BISCUITS pet 1-lb. pkg. - GREEN CUT BEANS 2'S ' per tin - - TOMATO CATSUP Heinz Large per bottle - i MALT VINEGAR Heinz per 16-oz. bottle , GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER per pkg , CHATEAU CHEESE per i-lb. pkg - : - ORANGE MARMALADE Nabob per 2ft-lb. Jar - HONEY GRAHAM WAFERS per 1-lb. pkg FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT Malkia's Beet per No. 2 tall tin EAGLE BRAND LOBSTER 's 3 tine for PRUNES New Stock 60-70's 3 lbs. for COCOANUT BRITTLE A Popular Candy per lb .. Telephone Tour Order and Pay the Driver WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING WS SELL Q & S GROCERY Phones: 227 & 228 HUGH L. DICKEY, MJ). SPECIALIST Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted No. 1 Royal Hotel WEDNESDAY SPECIAL RED CURRANT JELLY SPONGE SANDWICH 20c The Electric Bakery We Deliver Phone C67 Miss D. Hogan Teacher of Piano Thompson & William Method Phone Blue 329 TAXIDERMY Furs Made Up 18 Years Experience All Kinds of Mounting J. A. LESTIN Prince George PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made ColIecUon and Delivery Free! LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone C19 600 Seventh Are. East C. N. TRAIN For the East Mondays. Wednesday and Saturdays. 12:30 noon. From the East-Sundays. Tuesday and Thursdays, 1:30 pm There were 84 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Alice which was here yesterday afternoon bound from 8kagway to Vancouver. Six passengers disembarked from the vessel at this port. Week-End Specials ! Evaporated Milk All brands, per case Granulated Sugar 100-lb. sack Alberta Robc Flours-lb. sack Swift's Pure Lard 10-lb. tin Sunnybrook Creamery Butter. 3-lb. brick Llbbys Corned Beef 2's per tin Campbell's Chicken Soup 2 tins Eggs Fresh Extras In cartons, 3 dos Malkin's Best Coffee 1-lb. tin - Malkin's Best Teal-lb. pkg Malkin's Best Marmalade Q C p 2W-lb. Jar vt Fruit Jars Quarts per doz Fruit Jars Pints per doz Oranges Sweet and'Julcy 5 doz. Ripe Bartlett Pears per basket Field Ripe Tomatoe per basket 5.30 S5.50 $1.25 $1.40 80c 40c 25c $1.00 45c 45c $1.50 $1.15 95c 50c 40c Alberta Market!:" P. GAMULA, P'oprfetor Fifth Street Phone 20 1 .Thomas Meighan Ktturns to Screen g n..Mi nn T D. Proctor of Peace I" "Youns .Sinners" Showing Miss Pauline Furness Last Night's w River is Elevated by Bishop Rix I the Peace River portion of the Canon-Designate Proctor sue cated at Hazelton. Native Dance Much Enjoyed "or Vancouver Sunday ss. Pr. George 10 pm. Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn. SS. Cardena. midnight. Sept. 2 ss. Prin. Alice . 5:30 pjn. Sept. 5 ss. Prin. Louise 5:30 pjn Sept. 14 . Prin. Louise 5:30 pan Sept 23 ss. Prin. Louise 5:30 pjn. rom Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert .. .10:30 ajn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pjn Friday ss. Cardena pm. Satur ss. Pr. George 10:30 am Sept. 10 ss. Prin. Louise ...9 ajn. Sept 19 ss. Prin. Louise . 9 ajn. Sept. 30 ss. Prin. Louise 9 ajn. For Nan Krrcr and Tort Simpson Sunday-ss. Catala .. 8 pjn. From Naas River Si Tort Simpson- Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 ajn. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala ...8 p.m. Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 pjn. Saturday ss. Pr. George ... 4 pjn, From Stewart and Anyox I Sunday ss. Pr. George 8 pjn. Tuesday ss. Catala ...11:30 ajn. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 8 pan. For Ocean Falls Sunday ss. Pr. George ... 10 pm Tuesday ss. Catala 1 :30 pjn. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pm Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn From Ocean Falls- Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert .10:30 ajn, Friday- ss. Cardena pm ss. Princess Mary 4 pir Sat. ss. Pr. George ...10:30 ajn. For queen Charlottes- Sept. 1086. Prince John 10 pjn. Sept. 24 ss. Prince John 10 pjn. From Queen Charlottes-Sept. 8 ss. Prince John .... am. Sept. 22 ss. Prince John am. For Alaska-Sept. 10 ss. Prin. Louise 11 am. Sept. 19 ss. Prin. Louise 11 am. Sept. 30 ss. Prin. Louise 11 am. From Alaska-Sept. 2ss. Prin. Alice .4 pm, Sept. 5 ss. Prin. Louise ... 4 pm. Sept. 14 ss. Prin. Louise ..4 pm Sept. 23 ss. Prin. Louise 4 pm. From Skrena River Fridays ss. Cardena SCALE OF CHARGES tor who makes hi screen bow. Dorothy Jordan, beautiful and popular. FAIR WEEK . The following Is the scale 4 Cards of Thsnks, $2. Funeral Flowers 10c name. SPECIALS For the Benefit of Our Visitors As Well as the City Customers We very much appreciate the pottunlty to meet our outside ci tomers and hope they will enjoy their visit here during the fair. We cordially invite every one to call and see us. Our Grocery Stores and Meat Market Ready to Serve You at the Lowest Possible Price. Fine Sifted Peas Size 3 3 tins Royal City Pea Stee 5 per tin Pumpkin Chofee quality 2'4's. 3 tins .. Malkin's Best Tea per lb Malkin's Best Coffee per lb. Malkin's Best Tomatoes 214's, 2 tins Braid's Best Coffee per lb (With fancy tumbler In every tln Braid's Best Tea Ao per lb w (With Cup Si Saucer tn every pkg.) Independent Seek Biscuits 4 0n fra4h itnoV uJk nlm JLOi Freeh Mixed BtaculU per lb. Swift's Back Bacon- Machine sliced, per lb. . .. Boneless Hams Cottage rolls 4 to 5 lb. each, per lb. Creamery Ilutter Forest- dale 2 lbs Corn of the Cob v 2 doaen per lb Fresh Prunes For preserving, per crate .... Tomatoes per basket Phone 3G0 Pr 319 3rd Ave. 40c 10c 50c 45c 45c 25c 45c 25c A REAL SPECIAL TO CLEAR Candy 10c per 80c AUU oytK' Bars, 3 box 30c 25c 47c 65c 2 pkgs. Princess Soap Flakes, 1 pkg. Super Suds For all fine A rZn TtUi laundering. 3 pkgs. Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Cantaloupes Large Inn -a. vs w v .81.00 j 40ci Fresh Masaett Mushrooms Cftp 0 u Just arrived, per IK , ( All other varieties at reduced prices Phone 18 Si tt 417-423 Sth Ave again furnished at the Exhibition Hall last night by The Greenville takes the role of the girl. These per- j and Prince Rupert Boys' Bands, Banalities are reinforced by Cecilia! Miss Nan Craig's dancing pupils. Lot tus. James mund Breeee. Kirkwood and Ed- There was dnlv a small crowd' In Charles Pierces Orchestra of Poit!aWendance dance last rilght Simpson Dispensed Snappy Music at Metropole Hall The first of a series of threr dances which Is being held on successive nights by Charles Pier re's eight-piece orchestra of Port iimpson took place last evening from 9 pm to 2 am. In the Met-.opole Hall There was a large ;rowd In attendance and the snappy music of the native orchestra vas much enjoyed by alL During in 11 o'clock Intermission there was a vocal solo by Mrs. Florence Wilson. Steamship Sailings ! tn the Auditorium so it was deckled to cancel the dance which had been planned for tonight Musi? was furnished by the Blue Bfrd Adolphe Seretney. Juggler and tight rope walker. Giddy ahd Giddy, acrobats, and Miss Rita Delroy, contortionist. There was a large crowd in the hall. The many exhibits were the source of much Interest and the outside concessions, despite the rain, were welT patronised. Mrs. O. O. Maeintyre ahd family J arrived in the cKy on the Prince Charles this morning from Sklde-gate. There was no meeting of the Uef Miss Helen Lamb of Vancouver was a recent visitor In the etty H the course of a tour to Northern British Columbia and Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. A. Main of Sunny -side are visitors In town for the Fair, having arrived from the river on yesterday afternoon's train. A. J. Butttmer of Balmoral arrived tn the eity on yesterday after noon's train from the Skeena River tor a brief visit In town. Pattlrcn McKay. Indian, for drunkenness, was fined $5, with option of seven days' Imprisonment by Magistrate McClyinont in etty police court this morning. Victor McKay, similarly charged, was dis missed. Mail Schedule 1- . 'I II r s 1 wmnmfrt Grkkson Society last night Regu- j lar meetings wfU. be returned next month, it Is expected. For the East Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 11:30 am. From the Dist Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 1:3Q pm. For Vancouver- Sunday .9 pm. Tuesday 12:38 floon Wednesday, .....4:30 pm. Thursday r. : 9 pm. Friday -. ,...11 pjn. Saturday ....4:30 pm From Vancouver- Sunday . .1.4 pm. Wednesday ....11:30 ajn. Friday pm Saturday 10:30 am For Stewart and Anyox Sunday - 7 pm Wednesday .' 4 p.m Saturday 4 pm, From Stewart and Premier . Sunday . 8 pm ! Tuesday 11:30 ajn 1 Thursday 8 pm. ' Saturday 6 p.m For Naas River and Port SlmpsdVi 1 Sunday .-....7 pm 1 From Naas River and Tort Simpson i Tuesday , 11:30 am, From North Queen Charlotte 3 for . ..- Thursday ..10:30 am. Watermelon Whole or half nn ; For Queen Charlottes S V Bent. 10 and 24 ... IDnmJ From Queen Charlottes- Sept. 8 and 22 am 1 For Alaska Sept. 10, 19. 30 10 f.m. r rom Alaska- Sept. 2, 5, 14, 21 4;30 pm, 1 v of charges made for reading MmJ1-.V fieri onJ The Dally News can be nur. notices: UiUddduCUi D WlOU mill chascd at - . Msrrlaire ar.d Kmrairement 1 si n. ' Pmt rtffica u,, etnn nnounccmcnU 2. ! LarfV MOfeS ' Granville St. Vancouver. ' Birth Notices 60c . Karl Anderson, Prince Funeral Notices $1. "Where Dollars llae More Cents- George, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. General Store, Anyox. Smlthers Drug Store, 8mlth- ers. B.C. The following Is from the. Twenty Years Ago column of the Vancouver .Province: "Honor e Palmer ran of a Chicago hotel magnate, with a party of mining .expertr Thursday. September 3 THE DAILY NEWS 1631 PAQE SIX YOUR FOOD ALLOWANCE Will Do Amazing Things Given a chance, your food allowance will go twice as far as it used to. We are celebrating the entire month of September with greater food values than we have ever been able to offer before here are just a few astonishing prices: 10c 29c 20c 10c 22c 20c 29c 18c 35c 25c 25c $1.00 25c 25c Tf ANONSHIP PICTURE IS CANDIDATE CONFERRED oeuvl is CHOSEN i at Capitol Theatre I xr r rannnshin of sl An-' "Young Sinners the current of- 1 Choice in Beautequest Contest at Exhibition Hall drew's Anglican Cathedral has been fering at the Captol Theatre, la "a ' Miss Pauline Furness, pretty can-! conferred by Rt. Rev. O. A. Rlx D. most attractive nd entertaining didate sponsored by the Prince Ru-!d Bishop of Caledonia, upon Rural 'drama. The ever-popular Thomas pert Retail Merchants, was the inZan t n Proctor of the Peace Melghah, idol of he silent- screen, choice of the unknown Judges last River Block It Is announced. In re-1 return to the- Sliver sheet in this night at the Exhibition Hall In, the cognition cognition of his excellent work lnipfcture.and portnys the Important second night of Judging In connec- roie or a robust trainer wno,,at nts tiori with the international Beau-camp In the .Adirondack Mountains, 'tequest contest. She now shares essays the moral i.nd physical refor- 'honors with Miss Annle'Boddle, Ro- ceeds the late Canon T. J. Marsh, ! tnatlon of the wilful son of a.multl- 'tary Club candidate, who was the who died about a year ago. 1 millionaire, how ne accomplishes cnoice on Tuesday nigm. i nere win News of. his elevation will be re-: this object and how he is unwitting- be preliminary Judging again to-ceived with Interest and satlsfac- Iv aided by he cirl who love his night by a new group of three station in the Interior, the new fcanonicnarge forms the basis of an In-lectors. The final choice will be having been for several years . lo- jtrigulng story. (made by the nine Judges tomorrow by Hardle' Albright, young stage ac-! 'Acceptable entertainment was B Weds. & Thurs. TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 p.m. ADMISSION 20c Si 65c Feature Starts at 7:53 & 9:55 THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:30 Feature Starts 3:25 15c Si 40c -..:inri.:tTril A Great Star Returns to the Screen THOMAS MEIGHAN In !" Young Sinners"! I With Hardic Albright, Dorothy Jordan. Modern youth rebels against old fashioned laws and against parents who refuse to follow the code which they setup. Comedy "HOLD HER SHERIUFF" Novclty-Henny Rubin in "CRAZY HOUSE" Screen Song "SOMEBODY STOLE MY GAL" FOX NEWS Fri. & Sat. John Boles in "Seed" VXBraTBarBrtBWi'BiiKanivTBiiuiraranr:.i:a" Mr. and Mrs E A Ci . were married during h' in Vancouvtr. Mrs O"'.! lng formerly been M: Sheasgreen. have now arrived In Vancouver yesterday and Ocean Falls where thi left today for Northern B. C. and their home. Mr. Goddari Alaska with a view to acquiring ber of the school teach:: mining properties. , the paper town. Ev. :ivtu- Doctor gets brilliant results from Guinness . "I invariably recommend Guinness to my patients, and have found brilliant results therefrom, especially in speeding ' up convalescence after tedious and debilitating ill ncsscs. L.R.C.P. TWi Utter, printed by special permission, Is one of thousands recently reemfd rom the Medical Profession empfuuirjng the value of Guinness. 'Guinness is good for you Guinness should never be setvtJ COLD, This advertisement la not published or displayed by Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Liquot