Thursdar- September 3, Ml The Daily THE DAILY NEWS PAOE fT72 is the Poor Man s jrrr 4 riiMmim. - . . . il 3 E tLASNHED ADVERTISEMENTS For rrnt, for sale and all other small advertisements In this section charted at the rate ot 2 cents a word per Insertion with six Insertions for the price of four. By the month tbe charge U 25e a word, No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOR RENT ijoICE apartment, 3 bedrooms ! ,,r rent. Westenhaver Bros, li t !.! RENT five roomed cottagt-i Mir I Ave. Apply Dally News. ! ; vrs FOR RENT- 5 and 6 rooms bath on Sixth Avenue West, i hone Blue 802,' tf F' n RENT Four-roomed modern apartment, partly furnished. Plume Itetf 607. tl FUR RENT Pianos, phonographs, wwlng machines and cars, Walker's, cor. Second Avenue ti td Fourth Street. tf F"R RENT Clean, well (umlshed uM'kceptng apartments, one or room suites, half block frort p m Office, 835 Second Avenue, Wost. Phone 290. 229 j T"R RENT cottage on Third Av-1 1 re suitable for business re ir.iring publicity such as tea-i om Qressmaker, taxi-stand. : h room, antique furniture or mo store, home made candy : tnry. pressing and cleaning i e ubllshroerit 5 rooms and m conveniences. Dally News FOR SALE T'iH SALE Two silent salesmrnJ A ; ;ly Annette. F' iR 3 ALE Good used cars at rhi prices. Kaien Motors Ltd. ;-tf F' m SALE Five pair 1931 Pen E el Mink. Apply R. Auriol.jB. Kwlnltia, BC. 219 FOR SALE 47-foot boat "Wake w tti 25 h p. Fairbanks engine,' i"d condition. Price $1,000. An-David CordUa, Cow Bay. 210 SALE Pons Interested In . v high-class Furniture, may n hase same At private sale. "H Eighth Ave. WesU-Phon-B: ick 518. 210 F"i? RALE Kitchen and Dining i m Furniture and other whold goods. Apply 408 Bth . Anue West after 10 am or t "i -tie Mack 818. 2'0 i"H SALE 33 Business and Res-"!c Lots In Sections One and i "i Also Lots 5 and 6, Blk, I 8 for $85. $50, $100 arid $200 u. plus the tax. Westenhaver . J. O. McLennsn, agent. 213, F f SALE Logging donkey 10x12, ittle Washington, float, alr-mr. boiler, good shape, main 1,600 feet, almost new, stean ' k saw, 5 float houses, at '' "Klas Channel, A miles above H..rtley Bay. Price $1,500. 8ee 1 irt CordUa, Cow Bay or write ' nk Hawlett. Butedale. 210 Guide to Correspondents The Dally News welcomes wspondence on live topics f the day or any other sub-''t of public Interest, but let- must be brief and to the ' "int. The long-winded cor-' pondent has no place In I dern Journalism. Every letter must be signed the writer, not necessarily ' i publication but as a mat- I I of good faith and courtesy, A'i unsigned documents .go. to 11 waste paper basket. Let rs of a caustic character must have the signature appended for publication. Letter should be written on side of the paper only. L '"respondent must avoid Personalities and the language ftould be such as would be a! owed in the ordinary rules of debate. Progressive merchants advertlsf News "Classified" A. Few Words in this LOST LOST Ladles' white gold wrtstcd Watch, Finder please return to I 11 1 1 tf Maimo - AM "h . LOST White gold wrltf watch with silver strap, a keepsake Phone Blue 818. 20' I FOUND FOUND Ladles' Kid Gloves. Owner may hive same by calling t Dally News and paying for this advertisement. SITUATIONS VACANT 8TART NOW You can earn money easily taking orders for the most beautiful line of Personal Christmas Greeting Cards eves shown In Canada. Write (or particulars. Regal Art Co.,' 91 Oould St., Toronto. tf SITUATIONS WANTEp fo, wor)f Jtwe or fekc out children, r Phone preen 444 209 Public Stenographer U;MIMEOGRAPHINO, Muriel Morris. Phone 782. (O-I) Jtjunsfers ti R. TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. ti NEWS AGENTS ANY Publications on Earth, Besne? News Stand. , sJl VIOLIN TUITION 'WORD has been received thnt Professor Pryce will not returns work here, MJs N. Lawrence Is open to take several new puplU for similar work. Phone 177. t: PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal" BlocK, rnoxe urccn iu. PATENTS SELL your patent or Invention by exhibiting your model or drawing at the Second and Oreater INTERNATIONAL PATENT EXPOSITION, CHICAGO. Thousands t manufacturers and patent buyers will Inspect new devices and patents for marketln;. Very low rates. If you have nn model, drawings and descrlp Uon will do. Send for free pamphlet. B. Hamilton Edison, Managing Director, International Patent Exposition, Merchandise Mart. CHICAGO. 213 "TILUE THE you (IB HOT VMEARiMC' WOW section is the BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129. tf . . . THE inlander Board or roon Phone 137. ROAnn nrf Room In nrlvatp home Apply J. Storrtngs, 217 Eighth1 Avenue West, or Phone Oreen 731. f 212 L -; j ROOM WANTED ...., -r i ,,r BUSINESS woman wants unlufn Ished light housekeeping room! near centre of city. Box 101 Dally News. CHIROPRACTIC V Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Femafe and Children' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Graduate Chiropractor) 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 211 Black 213 AUCTIONEER j' . J PRINCE RUPEPT AUCTION MART We buy. srll or exchange any, kind ot furniture or household goods, musical instruments, ma , chlnery, etc. General repairs. crating, packing and shipping j Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone BlacK 120 and we will, call O. J. DAWES. Auctioneer Federal Block i' SHOE REPAIRS MAC Shoe Hospital. Shoe repairs; of all kinds. Second Avenur West. tr SHOE REPAIRS Best materials-f is est work prices reasonable. Sharman Co, opposite Post Office. tf SALVAGE & TOWING "If It's' on or under the water e do It." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Agents for EASTHOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows ot all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes (or Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Nlgbt 564 P.O. Box 1564 Mrs. Hickcy R. 31. Beauty Parlor 121 Second Avenue Finger and Water Waving, Marcelling, Electric Facials. Scalp Treatment for falling hair and dandruff, permanent Waving by Mrs. Stephens. Fair Week Only. Phone Red 251 TOILER" Cheapest Way Auction SALE OF TWO AUTOMOBILES SATURDAY, SEPT. 5, VT 2:30 p.m. COR. 2nd AVE. anil th ST. Instructed by Walker Motor Co . Ltd., I will sell by PudIIc Auction 'nnf MAItMflM.KfMlSKVEl.T vntnr DOOR SEDAN, eight cylinder year model 1929, and one PLYMOUTH FOUR-DOOR SEDAN, year modol 1930, both cars licensed for 1931. Terma 1-3 cash, balance can ot arranged dn monthly payments with very reasonable finance fee Each of these cars has run less than 11,000 miles, and can be seen and tried oM at the above address any time before the sale, and must! be sold irrespective of price, on above date. G. J. Dawes auctioneer Phone Black 124 C. TOOMBS Radio Service Radio Sales and Repairs All makes of radio work guaranteed. Phone Blue 901 508 4th Av. E. l Silversides Bros. PAlNTS WALLPAPERS GLASS I Third Avenue QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M. . $3.75 No. 1 3x per M 355 No. 2 per M. 2.75 ROBERTSON & SIMPSON Massett, B.C Agent: Hyde Transfer. Phone 580 Typewriters for Rent by day, wetk or month Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 MISS S. OLAFSON A. T. C. M. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Teacher of Plano, Theory, Harmony. Counterpoint Telephone: Red 390 Your Figure Studied Lines Symmetrical Arranged MRS. T1IOMASSON Dressmaker St Ladles' Tailor 415 Green St, Phone Blue 901 T TD BORIS AMB JT TO pO U OOSS I I 'O VA1BAI2. TO 1 I ' ' 7U wdub Kmai. I i k. 1 OftlUH til ' ' f 1 " ' ' " "V: II N. M AKk I of Reaching the Prince Rupert FALL IS NOW OPEN Closes Friday, Sept. 4 Number of Jugglers, Equalibrists and Contortionists to give Clever Performances Bevy of Dancing Girls. Two Bands in Attendance. CHAMPIONSHIP SPORTS! The sporting events at the Prince Rupert Fall Fair this year give promise of surpassing those of former years. The visiting teams have vrvn distinction in their respective districts, while the local boys are in the best of form. BASEBALL: FOOTBALL: LACROSSE: FAIR Ilazelton, the champioTTteam'so farTwiirtry'loTadd one more to its string of victories by playing a scries against Prince Rupert. Also Indian baseball games. ANYOX VS. PRINCE RUPERT , For the championship of Northern B, C. Also Indian football contests. Prince Rupert and two Naas River teams will play a championship scries. International Beautequest The most beautiful girl in this district will be chosen to visit Los Angeles and compete in the huge competition, and the candidate will be chosen during fair week at the final ball. Exhibition Features Flower 6hov, the largest in Northern British Columbia. Individual farm exhibit, most Important yet ever made in district. Dozens of Midway features every afternoon and evening. Daily News VMITH TILUS PO GOOD I MEVEC abb Advertising Column Msss of the People. Want Ads. Bring A1TA-, yoo Quick Returns By Westover, - s