mm! ii nl J, ' to" 11 :(. .V m fin! IP '0- Mr 4 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE KUi'EUT. ti.C. PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Bes! Prince Rupert merchants say that their customers like to buy goods of the best quality. They are a ditfriminfttktg people. If there are any Prince Rupert people not taking the Daily Jtews regularly wefcufgeat that they are making a mistake in not taking the best The price is nov. so low that it is a fhlatakfc to do without the paper that circulates throughout the district. Call up the Daily News businsri office and :tsk that tle boy call and coll(W. 10c Weekly Commence Getting the Paper Tomorrow 'M'' Jilt SliONOS SAW! Th most cicohdrttie&l SaWS to use Simonda Canda Saw Co. Limit erf, St. nemi &A.nd Acnrfi AVr. MoNfncAi, at. John, N.n. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL SATUBDAY SCOItES SCOTTISH LEAGUE Seeond Division Albion Rovers 2, Arbroath 2. Alloa 2, Stenhousem'ulr i. Armadale 2. St. Bernards 0. Brechin City 2. East Fife 5. Dumbarton 6, Bon ess 2. Dunfermline Athlettc 8, Kings Part 3. Forfar Athletic 7, Montrose 0. Hibernians 1, Queen of South 4. Ralth Rovers 4. Bast Stirling 2. StvJotinstene 4. Edinburgh City 1. ENGLISH LEAGtE Second Division Barn 4, Pretten Notthend 2. Bradford City 2. Nottingham Forest 2. Bristol City 1. Charlton Athletic 2. Bory 4. Bradford 2. , Jitls United . Chesterfleldsf), MlHwaIl 1, Tottenham Hotspur 2. Notts County 5, Southampton 0. Oldham Athletic ( Wolverhampton Wanderers 2: 'v Plymouth Argyle I. Stoke City 1. Port vale l. Manchester United 2. Swansea Town 5. Burnly 1. BASKETBALL December I League of Nations ts. Rovers Tuxts vs. High School. Amazons Vs. Cardinals. Panthers vs. C. N. R. Charlotte HodgKinson. aged 19, New York, amatfar diving expert, took her plane op after 78 minutes instruction 4 lliONTltC.L ATHLETICS 4-4 WINNERS Or TITLE 4- 4- MONTREAL. Nov. 30: Man- 4 4 tree! Athletics defeated the Westerns of London by a so&e of 22 to nil here on Saturday 4- Ut win tke Domuilon rugby championahip. Hockey Standings j International Division 1 W. D. L. P. 1 Canadiens . -3 1 -3 7 i Maroons ,J 1 4 I Americam .1 2 3 4 Maple Leafs 1 2 3 1 Araerlear. IlrflMfifi W. D. L. P. Rangers 1 1 tt1 Chicago 1 i 2 7 Boston J 0 4 'it DetroH 3 6 4 0' SCHEDULE' CP4BApE Musketeers vs. Eagles. Moore vs. Swift's. Grotto vs. I. O. O. F. K. C.'s vs. Prince Rupert (iotel. Seal Cove vs. Elks. Say, what is thls-a gam? Freudie Ctaft a tiny cadet of San Diego, Calif., horns lh On this six-footer stuff and hfc likes it. GAME BIRDS ARE THICK California Has Geese and Bucks In ' .VuiHberS Never Before -Rememb'ered LOS ANGELES, Nov. 30: Oeeee :nd ducks are flying in southern md central California this fall In tumbers greater than can ever be remembered in. previous years. Bird .. ine-K cf the state are having ch shodtteig a they never had before. An early winter and extreme cold weather In the north are believed ri He the reart for the early southern flight of the bird. i Maple Leafs Score First Hoskey Win of Season at Expense of riosiori Bruins NEW YORK. Nov. 30: The Newrj Ycrfe Americans went Into second! olaoe in the international section' of the National Hockey League on Saturday night by secrm a thred! to one victory over th Montreal Maroon. The latter had been In! second place. Toronto Maple Leafs scored their j first victory of the season by de-1 iree-sooring enconmer. i In Wet nsjfct't gaaief DStrblt Fal- zaaz defeated Montreal Canadica- 3 to 2 and stepped up ven wltl'. Yom Most Valuable Asset . - 1 I Monday Niveih 30 l'AQE tWo THE DAILY NEWS 1831 Thoroughly Reliable The name 'Black & While on a bottle of whisky Is ' as absolute a guarantee as the hall-mark on silver. It assures that subtle difference In flavouf and quality which distinguishes Ihis whisky from all others. I guar-anteet that only the finest materials have been used and that always everywhere the quality Is the same. "BLACK & WH ITE" SCOTCH WHISKY KVTCH mmtn uicaiXprtt" Far sale -i Venaois direct hum Liquor Con Board. .Jlail Order Dept.. Victoria. B.C 1 1 rn n I it i in ?t 1 1 it 1 1 id i i nri 1 1 1 kti i i i m id j This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard nr bv the Government of British Column! RUBGY MEN i GATHERING Team to Leave Vancouver For Orient on January 2 i WlNNlPEO, Not. 30: Canada is , gathering her forces in preparation r for an organized invasion of the British rugby strongholds of Japan ! i K ' ... ' i 1. 1 L a . J . I anu mrce eastern memwrs ui wie selected all-star squad passed through Winnipeg Saturday over Canadian National Railway eh route to Vancouver. The three pros pective members of the team are 8yd Selkirk, and .terry Boone, Clever forward? of the Toronto Scottish, and Cyril W. Suter. who has been a , sensational stind-off half with the j Montreal Westward fifteen. The three will be in Vancouver! for a month before the team sails' and they expect to put In some strenuou workouts prior to their! departure for Yokohama on Jan nary 2. TORONTO CAMBRIDGE HAS WIN WINS MEET Defeated Otford Four Event (, Three at Annual Contest on Saturday VWm'mn track meet, from ;Oxford Here on Satur. day, takIng,,four out of seven . ents. , iDempsey Knocks Out Three Men f eating Boston Bruins 0 to. in Ut 'fT rrMnuteS of overtfine following Uii Easy Time Disposing of Kluls Friday Night at I'hoehix, Arizona : Boston Bruins for third p'a"e iu riiuaniA.. Am., Nov 30 jaru the American section, one poiav Dempsey. former world , htayv behirvaVihe Cbieao rtlack Hnwk.; HHt boxing eha nplon viitpG New York Rangers continued here Friday in the of in. Iheir winning streak with t five t j barnstorming tour and won over nil vietecy at the expanse of the three opponents by the knock-out Black ijftwk. ! fbote, Iiri't h comforting to reflect that during a period when almost very type of investment has caused heavy financial losses tine of your afrrts lias continued to pay otic hundred cm I tin the dollar. That aset Is Life Insurance. In a lime of uncertainties, Life Insurance lias remained a certainly. It has continued to provide a cash estate for the widows arid fallierlt-cs continued to guarantee a definite iient-egg for old age. Llf Insurance is the one nrt yoli Cdn't afford to lose the one aMM which Mioiild he us lurge at possihlci Talk it over with a Life Insuraiice tepf eietitatitti and invest your savings where they will he safest aiid reader the must benefit to yourielf Jind I fmilyj il rt Thm tg f Life Insurance Strvf ce turn On of a series of mttmgti $pon$oreJ by 1 JLie Inturdnre Companiei ft filJ pillt