Monday. November ,3D 1831 intRCLKY JUCIEY III enue 2 lbs Mercury Hc. ier : ;fc- the - ar - i Billiard League Schedule is Out Cold Storage. Grotto and Elks Are Competing Teams Tli. Dm IV- lv. Di' Dr. & 2'' i.' !l"f T tOUt ! se nior City Billiard League ' tor the first half of the i announced as follows' l Cold Storage vs. Grotto. 4 Elks. vs. Cold Storage. K Grotto vs. Elks. l ! Cold Storage vs. Grotto. ' Elks vs. Cold Storage. 18 Orotto vs. Elks. WEATHER REPORT i Tree Point Cloudy, moder-utiii-ast wind; barometer, inpetature. 43; sea choppy. h i Island Overcast, light 1 find: sea calm. Kt-ind- Overcast, fresh i t wind: modprnte swell i v aPMs mm--s- MUSSALLEM'S Sanitary MEAT MARKET Tuesday and Wednesday SPECIALS! V"m si,.w, perib M!te 1lclt'0r1 Pork, per lb. .... . 4c Corn Deer, per lb. :... " ... 10c us of Lamb, per lb 23c -m r pork, s ibs "f Lamb. 5 lbs. Mliierci Beef, per lb ror" ilu.saRe 'i'th Av $1.00 $1.00 15c X5c c-ca- A, tioni Decaujo qua . . !. romar'aoly well. Ask to tee the latest shade: in Mercury Hoiiery when buying and don't be put off by the offer of "wmething just as good". . . . It isn't. INTRODUCING Jasmine of Southern France Toiletries T introduce these toiletries to the public we are offering the following specials: 1 1 in Jasmine Talc and Powder Puff, both for . . . 40c 1 lxx Jasmine Face Powder and 1 jar Cold, Vanishing or Cleansing Cream both for $1.00 1 box Jasmine Body Powder and 1 bottle Perfume both for ". $1.25 1 iiux Jasmine Face Powder and 1 bottle Per-iume both for -. . . ."tfl-OO rmes ltd. "Jim Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE I'honcs 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. Anniversary of Sons of Norway Dinner, Musical Projram and Dance Enjoyed Saturday Night In Metropole Hall ; The local Sons oi Norway Lodge held its first anniversary celebration in the Metropole Hall Satur- ! day evening, the occasion also being made the obser ance if Lier Er- ikbun Day. The evenings proceedings included the serving of sup per, a musical program and a dance. There were about sixty persons present. The president, Oscar Bather, was in the chair. Repjrtu of committees and officers were presented and John Dvbhavn in a lengthy address, reviewed the activities of the past I year. Tho musical program included j;hr singing of folk songs by Elsie 'and Ed th Murvold, vocal solo by Mr? John Murvold, vocal quartette by Mrs. A. Dybhavn. Mrs. T. Dyb-!"vn Mrs John Wicks and Mrs. II. j Underdahl. and guitar and vocal ! inet bv Agnes Wuck and Agnes Un derdahl. Musk for the dancing which brought the evenings proceedings to a happy close wa? furnished by Julius Welle and John Clavring. The committee In charge consisted of Mrs. H. Underdahl. Mrs. Olol 8ko. John Fredheim. A. Ojerd and I. Wick. NEW BRIDGE SANCTIONED OTTAWA, Nov. 30: -The federal government on Saturday approved plans for the new bridge which Is Phones 18 and 81 to be bttUt across the fiii .1 four and a half miles east ui " Westminster at a cost of $800,000 Local Items r'o Nanalmo phone 771. C. C. - Wellington coal Ketchum it Co. tf . Dinnerware, china, crockery glassware. Ileilbroner's. store, E, D. Hoean of. Porcher Island : cannery is paying a brief, visit to j the city, having arrived in town ' jytsterday afternoon. j Special offering in Fuel: One j load of woo(J and half-ton coal for $9.50. Albert & McCa fiery I'hone 116. I Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill chief ief the district detachment of the provincial police, sailed last night i on the Catala for a brief trip to i Stewart on official duties. G A Woodland and A. O. Rlx of the Imperial Oil Co. saUed last evening on the Catala to make tho : ound trip to Anyox and Stewart on company business.- I Mrs. Victor Sansum of Port Simpson, who arrived in the city Saturday mcrning after a trip lo Vancouver, sailed last night by the Catala on her return home. Ole Wikdal. whe has .been ill, lef on this afternoon's train for New York where on December 8, he will sail on the steamer Stavangerf Jord for his home in Norway. I Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Vandcrsluys returned to the city on the Catala last evening from a brief trip to Vancouver. Mr. Vandesluys Is pro prietor of trie Lacasse Bakery here. Bozo Skobal, who arrived In the city last week from Premier, left on this morning's train for Halifax where on December 7 he will em bark on the steamer Alaunla for his native home at Zegreb, Jugo 31a via. The Prince Rupert Feed Co., o which Thomas 'rotter Is the man- Bul-ley Valley gram over week-end. Including wheat, and barley which la said to be ot exceptionally good grade notice Our coal is In a dry shed. Don't buy water? Buy roal and set your full weight. Discount $1.00 a ton. Nte our advertisements for rash prices. HYDE TRANSFER. Phone 580. Announcements United church Baaaar Dec. 3. New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot ii Cold water: Steam Heat :5c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trlrphone tSI Prince R.; O. C Austin, city. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. A. J. riU'DIIO.M.ME. Prop. Cor, of Fraser and Fifth, flts. M Pederson, CNJl. rf : Eagles Benefit Smoker and Social Wednesday, December 2. Admis sion $1.00. I.OU.E. hard time dance 4. Eagles Social dance December 4. Oenletnen 50c. Ladles refreshments, 0:30 to 1:30. High School 10 and 11. Presbyterian cember 16. Moose Whist December 17. Dec. 10. concert, December tea at Manse Dc- Drivc and Dance, Canadian Legion Christmas Tree. Presbyterian Burns Banquet January 35. Hotel Arrivals mtuMm wavw tmrrra 11 i i Try Mu E. Pinkhwn'i Vegetable Compound Had bearing down pains No need to iuffer to f Lvdii Piakham'i Vtfecible Compound roiievet thois monthly naini that rob you of youth and beauty. Get a box of the tablets today. The Letter Box UNEMI'LOYED SECURED AH) Editor, Daily News: I am commissioned by the Unem ployed Association of this city, to voice the appreciation of that or ganization, and to Inform the public at large, that the government has taken action M relation to the Immediate needs of the present Inhabitants of the local road camp. A few days ago the government was good enough to send out tobacco to the men, and has arrang ed to supply the needs of the work ers in regards to clothing, such as underwear, socks, overalls, rubbers and mitts. While the workers will accept these necessities from a pa ternal government with due appre elation, yet they desire to convey their thanks to the local city coun cil, who, in response to definite statements from the organization. Immediately took steps to have the government remedy the situation. Such action leads the association however to a desire to show that there is a' large need for a conttnu- ation of the good work. Many local single men, unable to be permitted the shelter of the camps, are draw ing direct relief from the city and government of 40 cents per diem, and are hard put to it to have the owners of the houses they inhabit, to continue to extend credit for such shelter, while it is well known aier. received a full carload of; that In Vancouver, a specified al- the lowanee ef from twenty to twenty-. oat ; five cents per day was given to ob tain shelter. Such has never ben forthcoming in this city, and it mast be observed that these men are Hvlng tm the charity or hotels, shack owners, etc. Many of these men have no money for socks, underclothes, etc.. and It is Just as cold in the city with little clothing as it is in the camps, and when a man cannot pay his lodging, he is bard put to it to secure adequate clothing for this winter weather. Is it net possible to extend this i generous treatment to men in a like posttkm living In the city on 40 cents per day. who feel the cold, like other humans, and make available some supplies, the cost of which to be worked out by the relief applicant in the future? SECY UNEMPLOYED ASSU Alan's Heart Stopped liy Bad Stomach Pork Steak. 2 lbs. j Apples, 4 lbs ; Round Steak. 2 lbs. i Onions, 4 lbs Pork Chops, 1 lb. Veal Chops. 1 lb Loin Pork Chops. 2 lbs. ! Apples. 3 lbs 'Bacon, 1 lb. Miss Ethel Moffatt. Terrace; 1. 1 Liver, 1 lb. A. Brooks and George K. Ross. Spare Ribs oeoge; W. w. T". r . Feeton, reeion, uxi.i 3 lbs Shoulder Pork 6 lbs. Shoulder Lamb 5 lbs. Sirloin Steak per lb. 209 Second Street Gas W. L. Adams bloated so with gas after meals that his heart missed beats. Adlerika broueht out all gas and now he enu anything and feels fine. Orme's. Ltd., Drugs. FAMILY MEAT MARKET Tuesday and Wednesday SPECIALS 59c 50c 45c 50c 30c 45c 75c 75c 25c Phone 957 Basketball, Auditorium, Tuesday. Glasses fitted by reehtered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. H. E. Wolf, local manager of W H. Malkin Co. Ltd., sailed last night on the Catala to make the round trip to Anyox and Stewart in comp,any business. ; ;'. O E. Oullck, local manager of the Swift-Canadian Co., sailed last night on the Catala to make thp round trip to Anyox and Stewart in company business. Unior steamer Catata, Capt. A. 1. Diekunn. arrived In nnrt at 7:30 ast evening from the south and ailed at 9 pm. for Anyox, Stew- irt and other northern points, whence she will return here to morrow morning enroute back to Vancouver and waypolnts. Chris Berg left on this after noon's train for New York where he will sail on December 8 on the it earner Stavangerfjord for a trip to his native home In Trondhlem, Norway. The steamer Princess Norab which was in port on Sunday northbound, had on board the last Christmas freight for Dawson and Mayo. The sailing of the Princess Norah. due here December 16 northbound, will be the last pre-Chrlstmas connection with White horse and Atlin. The featured article in the magazine section of yesterday's Van-ouver Province is descriptive of he village of Hazelton In the cental interior. The writer of the article, Bruct Hutchinson, well ' nown Vancouver and Victoria newspaperman, has incorporated therein some interesting native 'ore and history. Zfir 5 I Y w 1 . 11 1 1 BUCKLEY'S hold all ipd i record in relieving cough and cold. Ic lierrallf "act lika a flath". Th very um tip of tbi potent, pung- nt, pcnotranve mixture gets results. Take na chance with on- take BUCKLEYS At all dniggiat. MIXTURE A(liLlktaneth-ASrtKLZSJPPxzsfT H-U "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" To Be All British Columbian Viyt It's a proud distinction. It gives Pacific Milk a higher meaning. All the benefits of patronage, payroll and Income remain here and give the province the full benefit of their economic strength. Pacific Milk "100 n. C. Owned and Controlled" rLANT AT ABBOTSIORD Typewriters FOR KENT Call or Phone G McltAE BROS., LTD. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City WALLACE'S Special Seasonable Offerings-Special Prices TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 1 UNDERWEAR SETS Vest or Brassiere and Bloomer in nice Q4 A A range of colors, some lace trimmed, setP-" Vest and Bloomer Sets in great variety of C R A styles and colors, val. to $2.50, per setiU Vest and Bloomer or Brassiere Sets, values to $3.50 in a beautiful quality and color range C"l AC per set t?Aa7eJ PYJAMAS Pyjamas in variety of color combinations -fl A T non-run and plain knit, all new goods V ' O Pyjamas in a variety of styles, light, dark, one and two-piece styles, beautiful quality Q9 AC values to $4.75, per suit W&00 GOWNS Gowns, a variety of colors and trims, dainty and serviceable, a group of these, values Qi AC to $2.95, each ?1.U0 Pure Silk Pull fashioned Hose, Corticelli and Mercury grades, chiffon and service Q4 A A weights, values to $1.75, per pair Boxed Hankies, all new goods, daintily C-l A A trimmed, 3 boxes J..VU Boxed Hankies, 3 in a box, wonderful C-f A A values, 2 boxes tJIXoVU Pure Linen Pillowslips, hemstitched, C-l 7tZ large size, per pair Italian Cut Work and Embroidered Towels QCo guest size, each VO Runners, white with colored inserts C?-i A A daintily hemstitched, val. to $1.75, eachtPJL-vv Ladies' Jaeger Coat Sweaters, various Cfi CA colors, val. to $8.50, all to Be cleared atvaeJU Jaeger Wooly Slippers, rose, sand or CO tZ blue, sizes 3 to 6, pair : Tapestry Cushion Tops Qf each VO" Rubber Bath Mats made of pure sponge C-j Off rubber, $2.50 value for Lace 3-piece Vanity Sets QP 2 sets for UtMV Tapestry Cushion Tops la00 The balance of our stock of L dies' Winter Coats, the very latest styles, beautifully fur-trimmed, to clear at 1-3 off rejular prices See our selection of Greciinf: Cards, priced 5c, 10c, 15c We carry a full assortment of Tissue Ribbon and Fancy Wrappine for your Christmas Parcels PHONE 9 THIRD AVE. & FULTON ST. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL UKlTlf II COLUMBIA Manufacturers ot ELEPHANT lira nd CHEMICAL IXKT1LIZLBS Produce & turiDcri of TADANAC Brand ELECTROLYTIC AMMONIUM rilOSriIATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION PARES. EfftoUve November lat (Oaud to February 29. 1832. REDUCED FIRST-GLASS RETURN FARES. ' FttBD PRINCE &WBRT (Including Xfemla and Berth) To Vaucourer and Victoria SIO.W rrt TO PRINCE RUPERT Uncludlnp Meala and Berth) From OCEAN rALLfl $3 ISC rrt. From ANYOX . . . .1M rt Frrwi STEWART I1S.TO ret. 8taiur leave Prutce Rupert tor Vanoouver EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 pjn. iSS. CATALA.) EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIOHT (8.B. CARDENA.) Full Information, rcarrvitiona d ticket from R. M SMITH. Prince Rupert Arrnrj. Serimd Aimur. I'linne SM' TAKE BOVRIL and keep up to "Pa" From early chitihood on through life, Bovril increases vitality and builds up the resisting powers of the body. It has the unique property of ma Vine other foods more nourishing. t tatV TO 9 m 0 'aWk