4 V' a W7 COFFEE Exceptional Quality at IOw Cost. Per Telephone 98 'Z 22c OUK VICTORY BLEND PRUNES Del Monte, per pkg FIGS Choice Cooking, per lb. Singapore PINEAPPLE- Per tin PORK & BEANS Royal City, per tin SYRUP Rogers 2's, per tin SLICED PEACHES Royal City, No. 214 tins OATS With China, per pkg. '. AYRSHIRE BACON Freeh Sliced, per lb BUTTER Per lb APPLES Spite. 5 lbs. 22c GRAPEFRUIT 7p Juicy California, ea. LETTUCE iip Urge Crisp Heads XX TOMATOES Large Tins, each 19c 10c 10c 8c 17c 25c 23c 21c 26c TEA Our Thrift Blend Per lb. 9c PEAS ftp Sieve 4, per tin CORN- J-lc Crosby, No. 2's JL V 34c WE RECOMMEND IT THE DAILY NEWS -' . Good News For the Housewife! Astounding Values In QUALITY FOODS Mark the Opening on Tuesday Morning of, the, ... .,. THRIFT CASH & CARRY 201 Third Avenue Phone 179 THESE PRICES IN EFFECT TILL SATURDAY . FLOUR 49-Ib. cotton sacks RICE Choice Jap. 6 lbs KRAFT CHEESE l-lb. pkg SARDINES Canadian, tin SUNLIGHT SOAP per pkg JELLY POWDERS Malkin's, per pkg $1.10 25c 31c 6c 17c 5c SUGAR Granulated, 10 lbs. .. CRISCO l-lb. tins , EXTRACTS All Flavors, 2-oz. bottle MILK Tall Tins CATSUP Libbya, bottle COCOA Per lb JAM POTATOES 10 lbs ONIONS Okanagan. 4 lbs. CARROTS 5 lbs. FREE 5 LBS. TURNIPS WITH EACH ORDER OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THRIFT CASH & CARRY Orders over $11 delivered free A small charge on orders under this amount "CARRY AND SAVE" If you are one of the few People Who do not already Take the Daily News We suggest it would be a good thing to get in line with progress. Telephone for the boy lo call and then pay him a dime a week and live happy ever afterwards. . ft ,X J. : . V (, .'. ,1 Be an optimist. Subscribe to the paper that radiates optimism. 54c 25c 14c 11c 14c 15c Strawberry. Raspberry. Black Currant, Apricot j 4 a 4-lb. tins T.M. VANCOUVER ISLAND FRUIT BUOOMS Each O'CEDAR OIL Large Bottles TOILET TISSUE 2 Rolls PUMPKIN Royal City. No. 2 tins . SOCKEYE SALMON- Tall tins - LARD Swift's. 3'a. per tin PALMOLIVE SOAP Per bar . . ' SPICES Malkin's Beat, per tin SOAP Pearl White, 2 bars 29c 35c 7c 10c 25c 42c 6c 7c 7c 16c 12c 10c Third Avenue 1 ""r!p i. LOST ALL HER "PEP" Customs worker in oni ot the Border Cities tells of great benefit trom Dr. Williams' Pink Pins (tonic). Says they were her "best friend". "I became quite myself again." (Sgd.) Beatrice M. Gehan. "I ni employed in a Custom Office in one of our border cities," writes Mr. Beatrice M. Gehan, now resident at Sterling, Ontario, "and alter the first few months' business strain I began to feel as though I were losing all my 'pep i energy, and my work seemed a drudgery to me. A girl iriend advised roe to try Dr. Williams' rink Pills and see if I wouldn't soon feel better. "Before I finished my first box I was already .feeling better, and the color was coming into my cheeks. By the time I had taken my third box I had become quite myself again, but still I alwayt kept WEDDED ON SATURDAY liss Dorothy Edith Ross Becomrs Bride of Thomas James De-Marco at Quiet Wedding The marriage took place quietly Saturday evening at the rectory, ourth Avenue East. Very Rev lames h Gibson, dean of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral offlci- Ung. of Miss Dorothy Edith Ross 'aughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. H. A loss, formerly of this elty and nov -siding In Kamloops, and Tomat 'arnes DeMarco. son of Mr. and 4rs. Nicholas DeMarco of this ity. Attendants of the couple were vtlss Molly Lawrence and Richard I'iry. Mr. and Mrs. DeMarco will rede in this city where both are ell known and popular. The bride ? been a member of the Couit louse staff and the groom was ormerly in the service of the Ca nadian National Railways but more -ecently In the employ of the Ru--rt Marine Products. The couple vill have the hearty eongratula-Mon and best wishes of many "riends. Had Goqd Hunting Trip at Week-end Cig- Bag of Birds Taken by Party Which Visited Quinemass in Naas River Region Reporting game as plentiful a they had ever before seen and bringing back a bag of fifteen ;eese and numerous mallard ducks. a hunting party consisting of Alex McRae. L. J. Blaln, Don Crerer. L H. Hlnton. Capt. J. M. Morrison and Roy Morrison returned last evening from a two-day trip to Quinemass In the Naas River dls- 'rict. There was a tremendous flight of birds there, members of he party report On some a ecu Ions they flew over In virtual louds. The clear and cold weather was very pleasant and the trip proved most enjoyable. W. E. CoUison, Indian Agent, o.lled last evening on the Catala for a trip to Klncollth on business in connection with the new waterworks system which is being installed there. OS ds Checked By modern vaporizing ointment Just rub on Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Phone Red COS DOMINION DAIRY Cut Down Prices on STOVE WOOD 12. 11 or 16-inch length' DRY SPRUCE and CI.DAIl GREEN HEMLOCK. ALDER and JACKPINE Cedar Pilings and Radio roles N. Carlson & J. Flostrand Telephone Green 55C a box on band. They were my best friend." That is Just one letter from hundreds received from all parts of Canada. If you could read all the letter received you would certainly be convinced. Often it see ml that the benefit resulting from Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is almost uncanny. Actually it is all quite natural The iron and other elements in the Pills increase the amount of haemoglobin (life-giving element) in the blood, enabling the blood to carry more oxygen to the tissues. This, in turn, sharpens the appetite and produces a feeling of well-being. Take advantage of this safe and proven means to better health. Go to s drug store and get a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. SO cenU a package. Just see if they dont help you wonder fully Hunting Party Returns Home Hon. George Black, Speaker of House of Commons, Included in Group Which .Made a Trip to Gardner Canal After a week's hunting trip to Gardner Canal area a party consisting of Mayor Cyril II. Orme Norman A. Watt, Capt. R. Gammon and Thomas Watts returned to port Saturday evening with a bag of sixteen geese and fifty or so ducks. Another member of the party during the hunt was Hon George Black. Speaker of the Canadian House ot Commons, who left the seinboat Berth 1 O on which the trip was made, at Bute-dale and embarked on the steamer Cardena on his return to Members of the party report that the trip was a most enjoyable one being favored with splendid weather the most of the time. Condition of Tom Mix Little Better rhysieian Admits Improvement Although Early Yet to Be Optimistic LOS ANGELES. Nov. 30: Tom Mix, screen actor, continued to show slight Improvement over the week-end although hi condition is still dangerous "All in all," said his physician, "his condition is improved but it is a little too early to feel optimistic." Mix is engaged to be married next month to Mabel Ward CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Our siock is fresh and crisp. Order your requirements while our stock Is complete. Glaoe Cherries, whole, per lb 18c Citron Peel, per lb. 30c Lemon and Orange Peel per lb. 20c Pineapple Rings, per box . 50c Almond Paste, H's, 33c Ground Almonds, '4 'a, tfc's, 21c, 40c Shelled Walnuts, broken. 3 lbs. $1.00 , Shelled Walnuts, "Vs. 2 lbs. 73c I Shelled Almonds, per1 lb 40c j Layer Figs, per lb 20c Table Raisins, fancy, per pkg. 23c ! Australian Raisins, light, 7 lbs. $1.00 Australian Currants, retleaned ! 7 lbs $1.00 : Apple Juice for mince meat, bot. 23c 1 Ginger Wine, per bottle 50c Malklns Dst Pineapple. 2's, tin 30c ' Malklns Best Grapefruit, 2's, tin 25c Malklns Best Spices, per tin . 9c NUTS Brazils, Almonds, Filberts. Walnuts it Chestnuts, per lb. 25c j Out of Town Customers should mall their orders early and be assured of . getting their full requirements Mussallem's Cash & ! Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" No. 1 Store Filth Ave. Phone 1S81 No. Z Store 319 Third Av rhone SCO No. 3 Store 727 Third Av. Phone 37S Christian Science Church Denounces New Necromancy ! The subject of the lesson-sermon in all Christian Science churches and societies on Sunday was Ancient, and .Modern Necromancy. Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism. Denounced. Among the Bible texts included In the lesson-sermon was the following from Matthew 24:24: ''For there shall arise false Christs. and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; Insomuch that, If It were possible, they shall de ceive the very elect." The lesson-sermon also included the reading of citations from the Christian Science text book. "Sci ence and Health with Key to the Scripture," by Mary Baker Eddy. one passage being as follows: "If men understood their real spiritual source to be all blessedness, they would struggle for recourse to the spiritual and be at peace; but the deeoer the error into which mortal mind Is plunged, the more intense the opposition u spirituality, till error yields to truth." More than 1500.000 new houses have been built In England and Wales since the World War pa mm Monday November SO. 19 PAQE BTS Monday and Tuesday Two Shows - 7 and S Feature Starts at 7 4g .... ADMISSION - 20,. ,. I. Richard Dix The Star of Cimarron, in "The' Public Defender" With Shirley Grey. Paul Hurst, Ruth Weston. Swindlers in. dieted, crooked trustee if public money rx posed, Comedy CHARLIE CHASE in "SKIP THE LALOO Novelty "LAND OF THE MAIIARAJAIIS Screen Song "LIGHT or THE SILVERY MOON" PARAMOUNT NEWS Wed. & Thurs. MY 5y Dyspepsia and BllV. Sa uizzy Headaches Mrs. Iaaao Corbin, TVeat A !v.ttt N8. write:-"! had r;M1 ' years from dripepsia and H:tiv ttti. aebe. Aftr taking two win of Burdock Blood Bitten I fe : it i diiferect woman. My beadarbM di. appeared, and I can now ea &at I lit without that terrible m-iwtlai I suffered after every meal ' For ! it tH in J (ravtl lUtm; v4, f r Us -( II ittn, kIj by rw MtlbaraC. U4. Tmmm, Oal TALK ABOUT HARD TIES A FAIR EXCHANGE TWO 50c PIECES FOR 51 NO. 1 ALIJERTA EGG, Per Ton $11.00 COAL - CASH ONLY Also Nanaimo-Wcllinnlon Lump and Nut Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. 116 - Telephone - 117 SAFE WINTER TIRES SURE FOOTED Goodrich Silvertowns Get Them Now! Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station Phone 5CC (Nlrht a'.ls Id) DISTRIBUTORS: DODGE and PLYMOUTH CARS Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump ... $12-00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11-50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE COAL Roy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin nood Hour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 PKONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations V. ( Collection and Iflkr Fr UNG-THETAII$ HI7 Scrona Ave. Recausc it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised.