pAOB FIVE Th Oiii .v FOR T V 3 it Monday, November 3D, 1931 e Daily 1 ' " 1 News, - "Classified ' is the - Poor - -- Man's - ... - Advertising J Column ......... , . CLASSIFIED FOR SALE ale Cary Safe. News. PALMISTRY Wood for sale Any Length lv T. tilenn and it. Vlererk tr ale - Good used carl at prices, Kaleh Mdtdrs Ltd. tf FOR RENT FOB KENT Furnished rooiri fla: .;! batn. Phone 547. ft IP i "R and five-room apartnieris-or .. lit Mussallem Grocery. tt 'VST dean. wffl-fnrnUhed. 1 2 -room suite. Palmer . its. Phone Re?! 444. tf ROOMS FOU RENT (W STABLE Room to rent, close .,. pMjir Red 218. (tfi HOARD AND ROOM .ND BOARD Phone Rcti AGENTS WANTED i ivmmt lor ten tltottsan-: :r Authentic Life of Eo-? .irge llhtstratrd book: low quirk Mies, big profit? ! 'ill opporlbnHy to nun v Write for fre Mmfii ri Co.. Toroiitn. SITUATIONS VACANT B W set a Qovernment Job klet. The M.C.C. Winni- TRANSFERS ti TRANSFER. CarUg atsr Moving. PboM 904. tf )NS Transfer Phone 177 HELP WANTED Mwaid ot $J0 woekily - mushrooms for us n in tail and winter, eofti-iuw Illustrated bookii ' .idlan Mushroom Oom-Tuionlo. tf & It. TRANSFER 1 -n 609 Reasonable print- i Fromptly Attended Fresh Fish Daily AVird gaiboat Dolphin 11 at Co ay floats. Number of T1" 'ties. Just out of walefi Typewriters for Rent n 'ay. week or month 15se. Cowan & LaHa Phone 234 versides Bros. - PAINTS -"AttPAPERS w.t. - GLASS Third Avenue J ADVERTISE!! SHOE REPAIRS Apply MAC SHOE HOSPITAL. Shoes CHIROPRACTIC Health Scrvire The PALMER MRTHOU re- paired. Second Avenue West, tf PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART we bur. aril or exchange n l"If It's on bt uhfler the water do it-Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving aiw! Oenerl Siivage Work delivered anywhere by water Phone IJay or Mtht SC4 P.O. Brit I5B4 Steamship Sailings For Vancouver 1 Tuesday si. Catala 1:W pjn Thsffsday as Pr. Rupert 10 pjr CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall Birch. Oeslar and Jaek: Three Year Orsduate Chiropractfc u todert E)ectrleal XrcatrjaJt.. ' Given 6 and 7 Eichanae Slock Phone for appointment: dreen 549 and Oreen 241. Open evenings Established 4 yearn GET THE BEST Absolutely confined to the IE3 MM3 CLARK, Palmistry! eolsunfl. 1 'r.vtal Readme. Federal1 T. . HOLLAND I', Pouoe Qreen m '15 Beaoer Btoc Watch This Space! . be Hated in this space days from now Oflttl WaIn" Med. Coll Stfint, All-Felt r-.. ;xr" $26.oo A larkcnzie Furniture Telephone 775 Try a DhBy News want-ad I October 37. 1031. rhinetv. ety n.n,i a petr Workmanship guaranteed Black call. 0. J. DAWES. Auctioneer. Federal Block. t SALVAGE & TOWING NOTICE NOTICE la hereby given that 1. Geo. Bacon, occupation fftlacr, Intend to apply to the eommtoilcmer ct lands tot permission to putehwie the SHOE REPAIRS Best materials Oommeneiiig at pt about l'iniie unest work prices reasons hi n""' " Tunequth rest oine kv,.. T , e80naDle thence 20 ctoaina eoirtherly. -thence 2d' snarman Co., opposite Post Of- chja weeterij. ujeo 20 ainuaoit,. flee. tf,'- thenie 95 cbauu to pwm . H artiuneuemieni eonRfcliyrg - 40 'pirn Auctioneer more or tee GEO" BACO!., SKF.EXA LAND IISTIirrT-nSTniOT or jrr.KN rn.trt1.0TTB isLAXrn kind 01 furnttnr. r l u-. TAKE NOT1CT that I Rcb-rt M.t - uvoacuuw uount looas, musical instrumnU mi pp'y tor r of Portland. Oregon, bitted to' license to prompt for'eaaj roleum, over and under the foj- 1 ,Hr" lowing eacrlhcd land Ooauneoclns ti crating, packing and shlpplne, pom jsntd at tn north corner Jnst I ""ttioB s. Tp tnenee south rV,. phone d-.- . . I '"" vncnw west oo enmini. mm.', H"UU(r uu 120 uu and ana w we will worth 80 chain, thence East 1st to point (X commencement Una 640 acre more or tea. SO chains end cootcia ROHBRt M. MOOMT. Skeena Land District DlsUjct of Queen Charlotte Island TAKE NOTtrE that I, C. D. IbiO f Prrtltnd. OreedB. ihtcttd tb Mr to llrenv ta nr.-rivrt fta- r.irr srd tinder th- fr i :ng deecrth-d tnnd. Ooriunenctnf it , Acrnti fof EASTIldPK tHMF KiTT Tp 'XfSJih' Boat! ahd Scows Of &li deaenp ; ehmla. tlvnee Eaat SO ehahia. thetiet Korth 80 cnaiae. thetioe VM ehaUUi UflhS nons ffir wenartw Hiftr Sf t0 pMn. rf crmmenMnwt 5 ,on. Row Boau and Canoes for Hire taming cn vm nvre 01 Um ! ItAllfJAiNS t.-V OAS ENdlNES UTS,',, ,7,h ct" ,M' i NoHHerti B.C. OsHrlbtrtort . c p rtxunxr ; Codld'ee Prom-llrrs i Rihrf .nr! flrov.l in nm. I lmlrT-l!'Tnm op rnKUTTE ,cf Portland. Oregon. MtetM to tool for a Horaa fo proapect fr ccal nl tttUi. over and under the fnfth-Ing deerlbetf :nd Cjuiiniiant t i C. O. EMUONB j AllVERTISING COPY t MUST RE IN EARLY I ' A . ' Cooy for diaDlav a'dTextlsS- 4 . - ' ftMrlts .... should . . . be In the . Rarldi . uf the printers not Kter than 4- 3 the day prior to publj- 4 cation. This la neceaaarv to en- i roaoe n . abte best txistUosw inMUl IB to W1J b se- ftC- - j rtfred. Vancouver Stocks (Cbdrttijr 8: a-nnitm, bo Erg Missouri, 16, 15. George Copper, nil, 50. Georgia River, 2,i. 3. Golconda, 25, nil. Grahdvfew, &Vt, 6V2. Independence, 1, lVfe. Indian Mines, 1V4, 2. Kootenay Florence, I. Vz. Kootenay King, 1. 1. Morton Wookey, l',k, nil. - fratfynal Silver, 2, 24. : Noble Five, 7. 7. Oregbn Cbppe, 2, 2. Pend OrellletH.85, 95. Premier, 60, 63 Poftet-Ida1i9,-8H. 9. Reeves MacdotMld.'32, 40. Rdth-HOpe, nil. '2. 8tfver Orest, 9, rrtl. Weodbine, 1, 1. Bluebird, nil, 4. OILS Freehold, 3, 5. Hargal, 3, aU. A. P. Con.. 10, rffl. DaihasWtU. Fabjran Pet, 33. Hjpi 45, aii RoyaHte, fi.ioo, nil- JIM!?,. 9 iOW. UnHM, nB, Ul, TWecn' ' RiSTERJftSTOCKS SfirCfef&rif . nil. Nofahda, 15.20, nil. Ins. Nickel 10.00. nil. Cons. SmcRera, 66.00, nil. Imperial Oil. 11.00, nU. d. P. R 10.60. nil. jBob Arthur in system. Many pfovetnents Charge of Store peat planted at the SouthaaK atrcar 'ti'foalLr k3ZJZ0,Z& A new cash and carry store opens south so c Lai mi tbencr tvt so Cham tomorrow on Third Avenue where .''eaccrorr " chi?&0" tormeri Located 17th , lsut. 'If located. Bob AKhur is manager c p KMMokb jof the new eaUblishment and he or qri:c cmaulottc ln.xpt take nuncB tnat I, c. dmmm, pays it seems like coming home to him. He ran a grocery there for four or five years closing finally n Portland Orefra. tateaa M iMat about fwn yean ago. That was an r a llcenae 10 proaccn. for OMl an! nnMna rv. t i. tnMiM mm mm iaa fhHu,. Obnitift. tbeioa? Kn SO ehAict hrn3t rwfp.ti ana " eT2rn22f2L2f busn P and fresh fish will -o PO""" of oommonoemant and oen . . , . , , tuning 040 acres none or km. Included in the articles sold, located ivth oet . ltt. .. . Iiave has oeen thoroughly frjpks like a real SPRING FEVER U jM nMn's vatalnf th feat Meod BMda t tharMgh pnn elawint tack W tafn uid (rdi ir- di Ium cU(S4 dM bUod atrMM with tneuf tel. Tm-BI4. th. dcpMubU UJ rmfdr tnd punAvr wi: cIhum rur Mood, Nn Bp four afKtai nd wait fo fet i tddl. Gm bml uxir u reur dniji'fc kffliJly PRODUCT TONES THE BLOOD TO!! BLOOD -87 a J ! CLEARS THE SKIN J PIONEERS MEET AFTER HALF CENTURY V a centun- n a l"Tifi way to Half look bak aril wt"1" l"r,ie Shsw (riglit) nift Tc-n :'" in the grounds ft tie Hsnff S nnC Hotel last aut . o.aioTifrboilM.ii'"'tr. l-rttis a well-kown har.,.irr at tbr famous Rocky M.-m"i l": Ho Is th sole aurvnor of the - Vhlte man to see Lake Louis.-Shaw, who makes hi hnmo in Keremos, B.C., is the sole survivor of the survey partv un.lrr . h Perry. C.E.. whVh lorsfd the Ne arross the Alberta prame Th' pair mei, for the only time in thnr was worMag under Major Xogers, alter whom Refers J ail in n.urod snd f arlie was with Sir 1 Sanford Fleminr;s nuTaorsble et-. Van Horns pedHiori through the1 Klwfne ' add fromi 1 1 omc l'sss. What this i lllaat pair ShaugHiey of votcruna mutt have had to say I tothe broad to euch other when thereoewed Uhoulder of t' eir arquaintttw-ef From the ' BiW.Beath- EAV.Beattv, toiled i tain and plain, blading the iy fpr the treat steel girdle which now hi nds the provinces of tht Potaj- mn tegether, down to the pmeijt dav, is history. Their cheery de-temilnstioti ns bee A, ana Is, reflected in the story of the" worJd'S rreiteit trsntportstlon system. Tlx' mantle of responsibility nts passed from MounUtepfaen to ehairjnao and rfesl-dtnt of the prfirr,8lve Im- t en made. But the spirit which sei t torn and Charlie' across hundreds of miles ot unexplored territory remains unchanged, for the excellent reasod that nons better ran be found. Cheapest and Best I Christmas Present Offered this Season 4v The Daily News is co-operatirlg with those who wish to give a Christmas present to a friend ariywhere in British Columbia eut-side the city of Prince Rupert All that is necessary is to cut out the appended coupon, fill it in, Wrap a fifty cent piece in it and we do the rest. We send the paper to any person who is not already a subscriber. Fill eiit the coupon at pnee antt we see that the paper is sent to , commence at, Christmas. " . The valug.4f.ii si moptml subscription to the. paper is $1.50 . which wg give or this purpose f fifty cents. Thot Is our co-operation to your ehristnfas present Coupon to Circulation Martager, Daily News, Prince Rupert, R.C; ' ' '. Please sentf thb Daily News fdr G months to Address , .. Vand notify .him that it is a Christmas present from , . Name .... ..... , Address , Cut but ttm coupon. Fill in the blanks. Wrap it around half a doifjf and fTuil. A GIFT THAT KEEPS COMING FOR SIX FIJLL MONTHS Keep your friend posted on Prince Rupert arid ft6 future activities. THE DAILY NEWS PH0N2 - 98 HARNNO laUlIlluM f O.altiM Uad. Yttit !: 1W; tt m "lilt" f "nikl U'lhJliu. 1V f I -( tu4 1. ! 4 V Q VALTTNE overcomes s!eeplcMnesa-ven acute iCyC nomnu- Taken jr before you retlr. It soothei fa nerves, sttjrs digeative unrest, afld brlrig sodhd, ndtW sleep. Oralrine is free from drugs or narcotics. It is made by an excluive process from ripe barley malt, fresh eggs, and creamy milk. It is a scientifically correct rood lor body and brain. As a night-cap, to bring sleep, or as a meal-time beverace. it civ you fvu Sound louna aire you health and tid vitality. own: n NE TONIC fOOD BEVERAGE BUILDS UP BRAIN. NERVE AND BODY S.lluaniaSaTU,llJUad .pil 4 M VisMl aasiii n 9 trie 5k SlsP"