PiOl THE DAILY NEWS Friday, May 1, 1931 FREE! FREE! Large Tube of Milk of Magnesia Tooth-Paste; With a Hottle of ;:W Cara Nome Perfume All for 75 cents Ormes Ltd. Z7?ia Pioneer Druggists phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS BLANKET SPECIAL Have your blankets washed with mild soap flakes and returned nice and fluffy. SPECIAL PRICE FROM MAY 1 TO 15 Single Blankets, each .... 40c Double Blankets, each 60c Pillows 50c PIONEER LAUNDRY LTD. Thone 118 and Our Driver Will Call CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD ITERATING (S. T. 1. 20.00O.TON FLOATING DUYDOCK tnglneem. Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our riant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 k s. 0tfW TJLV 1 sB m lew Sinnwr Tmtt May 22 U Oct. IS limit, Oct. 31 Jitfr, Col Wk Set. It M 19 ni from U frli At U'orU. Low B- Summer Fares ... . LAST train thread a rnonater YOUR panorama of deep-carved nver gorges, living glaciers, blue lake and bread pratriea. while you enjoy the utmost in comfort and travel luxury. Go East Urn year fora holiday . . . stop over at Jncr for golf, tenon, canoeing, swimming, riding and Swiss-guided tour over the create of the Rockies! Neatlinc in the beautiful Lakeof the-Wood Country m Minaki, another fashionable Hep over of urMMual charm. UwSmmiwt Kkt Twieu will be oo Uk from Vmunia, Vic torn, Nw U'MtMMer, Praice Rupeft, Vcnten and lUakwr. Speeial Feature. OJj UIO0 aJArtmal via IW lUpert J iht Iftiic PM4T. Only JlOjM Uvl ocrm At 0 LV. Port A'rfw' Sam. (Mull nj Berth Muiti on Sutmtr) (Sri AgmlU Same Were) 4l UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prlnee Kuprrt t nr aiiwMvrTSr CATAI.A KVI KY Tl'KSIIAV. 1311 P.M. , Arriving Vancouver. vl Oittr. Falls. Thursday Noon t aH"01. iaui)i:na i:crv ikiiiay miiimoiit , Arriving Vanoouvcr 8un4y midnight pjjro. ti!j Minngt to Port Simpson. Ailc Arm. Anyox. Stewart and Iau River point 8uiid y 8:00 p.m. fwrr information regarding all allingi and ticket at rftlNCB HITl.KT AOKNCVi ec unrt Avenue. Plume WW Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. i Local Items Dlunerware, china, crockery, glassware, Iiellbroner's Store. remQfleMtL cSatied and eoalrtdJiAn1! exiieriencciH cutter no!dhliflfi'sf'Por:fihfn ' tl tf J. MacConnachie of Anyox was among flyers in British Columbia to whom commercial air pilot certificates were granted during the past year. 1 n. ' Belist. 'Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, held a successful tea and sale of home' cooking yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. J. Little, Fourth Avenue East. Many ladies called during the afternoon to lend their patronage to the affair. Commandant William KeVr. Salvation Army, announces that any persona who wish to write home but hare net the means to supply themselves with stationery may obtain writing paper, envelope and even a stamp, if necessary, as well as a comfortable room to write at the Army Citadel Commandant Kerr has found cases of where men neglected to , -write vhooe simply because they did no have the necessary supplies. CANADA'S TOMATO WEEK April 27 to May 4 Eat and Enjoy Canada's Most Healthful Vegetable Malkin's Best Tomatoes 3s IQn per tan Soap Chips 2 fe. 41c 79c Campbell's Soup Tomato per uu Other VarteOss 2 Una w&cht, ft Iteper lb. Bull: Cocoa 2 lbs -v- 14c 25c 27c CotUge Rolls Boned Smoked ShoaMon, average 9SP 35c Del Mnte PtaeappJe Crushed or No. 2 tins, each No. 1 tins 25C 14c Uhs Pot fine laundering IQp X pkgs. vv CrtUMteatr-SnsJgn. ', 9f per tin (Packed in Prince Rupert) Shredded Wheat The per- 1n feet breakfast food. pkg. AAV' alad Dressing -Dutch Maid, blen ded to a creamy .smooth- CAp neat, per -os. Urge Jaruu Choice Pink Salmon Yacht 4(jn Brand tall Una. per tin Fete Kaptha Soap 10 gold- p7r7p ta bars to carton, per ctn ' Ltbby's Deluxe Peaches Sliced or Halves. No. 24 tins 97 per tm Watts Grocery PHONE 55 THONE 50 Till: BKST FOR I KSS" SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway May 9. 20. 30 To Vancouver, Vktorla and Seattle ' May 3. IS, 34 rillNCI MAIlVf K( For ISutrdalr, Ocean I'alU, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell lliver, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, at 10 p.m. Full information from W. C. Orchard, General Agent Cor 3rd Ave. & 4th St. Phono 31 Glasses fitted T registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Phone 32 Taxi for special rates, day and night, for large parties. Experienced drivers. tr ..W.antedM-Oae 4, hundred - "Ring- lette" .Permanent- Wave '.customers $450. Nelson's Beauty Parlor. 103 A meeting of the players and supporters of the Regimental Football Club will be held in the Armouries, Friday, May 1, at 8 p.m. The Annual General Meeting of the Prince Rupert Rowing it Yachi Club will be held on Friday. Mav 1, 1931, at 8 p.m., in the City Hall. Alex McRae, Secy.-Treas. 122 I per Un L: 35c 67c jjlllsl wmmm TONIGIirS THE NIGHT with ma Ijaby At the jGYRO H0ED0WN Balagno's Orchestra j I Refreshments i . , , proceeds for Gymnasium Fjind . Billiard Banquet May 2, Boston Cafe. Tickets $1j00. Judge F. McB. .Young returned to the city on,; J-eliterday afternoon's train from a trip to Smlth-ers. Father A. Godfrey. O.M.I.. returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to Burns Lake on ecclesiastical duties Union steamer Cardena. Capt Andrew Johnstone, is not expected to arrive until late tonight from the south The vessel was due at Kleratu at 7 o'ekrek this morning. O. Hatton. who has been on the staff of McCatfenrNiOibbons & Col-lart here lor sotme, sailed las' night on the Prjnce George for Seattle. He will .not be return ir." here. n w. 3ormstm ftf Stewart 4: i Mobley returned the city or yesterday afternoon's . train from one of his periodical trips on business to Skeena River cannery points. Miss Jean Robertson of the Canadian Bank of Commerce statf returned to the cir on yeater day afternoon's train from Prince George where she spent a holiday visiting with her parents. Judg? and Mrs. H. E. A. Robertson. SATURDAY SPECIAL Two-Layer Apple Sauce Cake, 30c The Electric Bakery We Deliver Phone GG7 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot tind cold water In 'all roonu A. J. riumilOMStK. Prop. Cor. of Fraaer und Fifth SU. Savojr. A. R. McDonell Smtthers; C. Malmerona and Bill Burke, Fort St. John. New Royal Hotel I. Tarrlll, Prop Till: IIOT1X MOUTH Ullll.K Hot St Cold Vtr Btam Heat 75c rER DAY AND UP Telephone ?SI Royal A. Jaoobson Shames. ' - -T Boston Grill Phone 457 rrince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties I BIG SALE NOW ON! Entire Stock of Montreal ImpdrtCrs Sacrificed in this Great OPENING OUR SPECIALS FOR WOMEN AVERY SPECIAL LOT OF SPUN SILK DRESSES See Te 2.50 WOMEN'S WHITE HOSE A special value at these prices. arnrdpa,r25c 20c LADIES' THREAD SILK HOSE With runstop. A regular 75c seller, I have marked IQp down to 4t7 WOMEN STSILK AND WOOL HOSE Form-fashioned at a special bargain price WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES Assorted styles and sizes. Regular S1.95. in this QK sale at VvO GIRLS' PLEATED SKIRTS Regular $3.95 Q-f Qf value. My price WOMEN'S SHOES AND RUBBERS OUR REST VALUE We are featuring a shoe for women in Patents, Calls. Satins and fancy trim, various styles. Military and Cuban Q-f ItC Heels, at i?iteJ ALL CHILDREN'S SHOES AT BET 1ER THAN ONE-HALF off: WOMLN S SHORT ZIPPERS Kegularly sold here at OQp S1.50. They're cut to OiV LADIES' KUBULK UUU1S Uvular S3.75 Childn-ns Rubber Q-J Uoot. nv price viUt WOMEN'S TENNIS TIES Kubber soles and heels, sand color, brouii trim. A regular $2.5 value. I have Q4 iJC -t Ihnm In nalr OIW WOMF.VS BLACK CALF nnrsr siiors Wide fittinr Solid leather soles AC and heels, at 9JiUO SFIT CASES Reg. QQp .95, now cut lo &U NO. 1 STEER Rump Roast S lbs T-Bonc Roast per lb Prime Rib Rolled per lb. Round Steak a lbs , Sirloin SrJI per lb Boneless Pot Roast per lb -.-h- Oood Corn Beef 4 lbs ........... PORK Shoulder Porto ' 6 lbs. Loin 6t Pork 4 MX. i Leg of Pork per lb Shoulder Lamb 5 lbs Baek Bacon I per lb Boned St Rolled Ham- I per ifi. Ayrshire Bacon j per lb BEEF S Joseph R.Rogers, who has been In the employ of the Rupert Mar-ne Products here for some time ailed last night on the ss. Prince 3eonre for his home in Victoria. CJ'.R. steamer Princess Mary. Capt. S. K. Gray, is reported due it 5 o'clock this evening from th? -outh and will sail at 10 p m. on her return to Vancouver and way-rjolnts. The case of Bert Fitrpatric!;. h arced with assaulting Wilfrid Valpy. occasioning bodily injury, was further adjourned for eight days oft belni called before Magistrate McClymont in city police otirt this morning. MUSSALLEM Meat Market 1.00 25c' 20c 45c 0c 15c 50c i S1.00. $1.00 25c! Sl.OOj 35c 40c 30c, INIIIIUM I'" Reorganizing and Modernizing Space forbids listing more than a few of the Wonderful Bargains Offered. Here arc some of the Extra Special Values! TODAY'S EXTRA VALUES RUNNING SHOES MEN'S GOODRICH RUNNING SHOES Extra heavy weight. A very special value fl- tS at my price of pair?J WOMEN'S RUNNING SHOES As above C4 tjff cut to, pair t?l.AO YOUTH'S il.10 MISSES' SU0 CHILDREN'S 75c LITTLE GENTS' 75c ALSO A CHEAPER GRADE MEN'S v 75c WOMEN'S 65c YOUTHS' 65c MISSES' ,65c SNAPPY TIES SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Just unpacked, you've always paid 75c and $1.00 for these. I feature them at OCr only UOs BOW TIES THESE TIES Have always sold at 50c. Tyd-WelL Arrow, Princeton and other 1 Qp famous brands. I ask AtU EXCELLO TIES TOP GRADE Wonderful values at my bargain Qf price of only .Otll MEN'S FANCY DRESS SOX Monarch, Superior and other well known brands. Always sold at 65c to $1.00. In this sale I price them at only OQp per pair u 1200 PAIRS IMPORTED FANCY SOX All colors and sizes. These are standard price at ?0c. My special price OCn is 2 pair for UO OTHER HOSE ALL STANDARD BRANDS FROM 15c TO 59c PER PAIR! Montreal Importers V. EARLE MacCARTER Adjuster in Charge Fish Officers Leave Here to Attend Meeting James Boyd, supervisor of fish 'cries for District No. 2, together wittft a party of other district officials In-jcludln Frank Wame, Prince Rupert; W. Straehan, inspector for the Skeena River; E. S. Richardson, North Queen Charlotte Islands; G. E. Moore, South Queen Charlotte Islands; William Mclver, Naas River, and A. R. McDonell, upper Skeena River, left last night on the j Prince George for Vancouver to attend an official conference at which plans for 1931 patrol and conservation activities will be dis cussed. Supervisor Boyd Is being accompanied on the trip south by his wife. William Bagshaw was a passenger aboard the Prince George last night for Vancouver. EVAPORATED PRODUCT OF CANADA Nestles rxvw sv t r . .t "" NEsfifS SHIRT SPECIALS MEN S DRESS SHIRTS Bilt-more, TurnbulL Rialto, Windsor and other noted brands. Separate collars. Sizes 14 to 17' 2. You'll have to hurry to get these at my re- Qp markable price of only'?' MEN'S COLLAR ATTACHED DRESS SHIRTS Whippet & other standard brands. I will close these at 69 1 Q only i?J.J.IF SILK AND BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Only a f4 fjrt few at i?IeJ EXTRA VALUES IN WORK SHIRTS. SEE WINDOWS! CAP BARGAINS Buffalo and other standard brands. Never before offered at my big value price of only rVyff IT T i SnTT: i I TALU SIZE APORATEO S1.19 BOYS CAPS Here is a real bargain for the young fellows. Latest styles, very best quality. Iam pricing them at ggg A FEW ONL Men s AQp Caps, broken lines, at Xls An Assortment of t p Boys' Caps at Ttut PLENTY OF CLERKS TO WAIT ON YOU WORK CLOTHES HEAVY WORK PANTS Blue's famous Reliance Brand, none better, always a ?Q Qff S6.50 value, at $Va7d OTHERS At $1.95 to $4.95 MASTER MECHANIC JUMP ERS A lot of small sizes. Were $155. Featured Tt(n in this sale at OKlU MEN'S OVERALLS Master Mechanic, Kant Lose, Gold Seal, Pride of West and other well known brands. AH sizes. A feaure value at, (?1 Off your choice . vliut) ENGINEER JUMPERS Cut IT1'2-50 S1.50 BOYS' COVERALLS Regular $1.95. Now selling for $1.25 To VISIT IN NORWAY J. Gilbertson will leave on tomorrow morning's train for where on May 17 he wfll embark aboard the Norwegian-American Line steamer Drottlngholm for a trip to his native home in Bergen. .Norway. ANNOUNCEMENTS Gyro Hoedown May 1. Moose Whist Drive and Dance May 22. Girl Q aide display. Cathedral Han. May 8. S ON. Vlnland Ne, 3C Independence Day Dance, Moose Hall. May 15. Canadian National Recreation AssoclaUon Monte Carlo night, May 18 and 19, C.NJIA. Badminton Courts MILK "NJESTlf S Evaporated Milk IN is pure, sate cow's milk with all useless witer removed . . . then sterilized and sealed in airtight tins. Twice as rich as ordinary bottled milk. It goM farther because of its double richness.. Use jit for cooling and btUng is a beversg-r . ocwith tea, coffee nd cecoa. Hesults always in added flavor and appetizing richness. 1)111 rrtvl NEST'LFS WerWs Largest Producers and SrfUm cf Ctmitnxd utnrihvporutett MM. All I kisa. m " 1'" M4gv jt 1 S1.J ' ' '"BBBsMb J(-i