I t Hi ill hi Hi!" FADE BIX THE DAILY NEWS WALLACE'S DOLLAR DAYSSat. & Km.' FIGURED UNDERWEAR CREPES In several shades fl AA 6 yards for ?XVU SPUN SILKS-A pleasing variety of shades 2 yards for BROCADED and PLAIN RAYONS 3 yards for NEW SEASON'S PRINTS In numerous patterns 5 yards for ALL WOOL DELAINES Values to $1.50 per yard CRETONNES In several patterns 6 yards for FRILLED CURTAIN MUSLINS 6 yards for JAP CREPES In many colors 7 yards for RIBBONS A fine variety of colors and widths per yard I'hone 9 COAL Buy the real Coal our fa mout Edson and Cassldy Wclllntton In any quantities. Also Bulklty Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND S58 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 FRILLED CURTAINS With valance and ties. Dainty Cf flfi colored borders, per pair CHECKED GLASS CLOTHS-BIue or red 6 for $1.00 II!MMED SHEETS Made from nice serviceable Q4 ff sheeting, size 68x88, each ?X.UU PURE LINEN ROLLER TOWELING Striped border 04 (f 6 yards for ?AUU WHITE FLANNELETTE Soft and serviceable 6 yards for PURE SILK HOSE Full Fashioned, 25 dozen in a wide range of shades, no seconds, per pair ., CHILDREN'S PLAIN and FANCY SOX 4 pairs for WOOL OOLF HOSE Turn fancy tops 2 pairs for CHILDREN'S CASHMERE HOSE Fawn's and Blacks. 2 pairs for CHIDLREN S TURNED TOP FANCY LISLE HOSE 3 pairs for BLOOMERS and VEST SETS Several colors, fine quality rayon, loose knee or elastic style, per set SILK RAYON VESTS All colors 2 for RAYONTETTI NICKS Lace trimmed skirt, Regular $1.50, for - .... CHILDREN'S NAVY PLEATED SERGE SKIRTS On bodice, 4 and 6 years, each CHILDREN'S MIDDY WAISTS-SUghtly soiled 2 for CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES-Several sizes 2 for $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 CHILDREN'S PIQUE BONNETS and WASH HATS j QQ WOMEN'S WASH DRESSES A pleasing assortment Qfl A A f patterns, each ijXeVU MEN'S PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 5 for SHOPPING BAGS In black keratol, a good roomy rtac. each $1.00 75c 10c SEE OUR WINDOWS Third Ave. & Fultrtn St. 3) p o b joojoojtjooj) SHINGLES! No.l-3xatperM.. ......... .$3.25 No.l-5xatperM $3.75 No..2-atperM $2.75 SUITPUT HOME INDUSTRIES MADE AT MASSETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 71 Kaien Motor? Limited General Garaxe and Service Station CHEVROLET and RU1CK Open Day and Night Phone 52 Third Avenue 'LESS SUN; MORE RAIN Prince Rupert Weather This Year Not so Good as That Recorded During 1930 So far this year Prince Rupert has had a total of 188.4 hours of sunshine as compared with 393.7 hours in the first four months of 1930. Precipitation so far this year has totalled 40.38 inches as against 24.14 inches in the corresponding period of last year. Weather condi tions have, therefore, beenva good deal less desirable than in 1930. In April this year there were 18.7 inches of rain as against 556 inches in the same month last year. Sunshine for the month Jus ended totalled 96 hours as compared with 132.3 hours in April, 1930. Following is the weather summary for April this year as issued this morning by R. G. Emmerson, Dlgby Island, Dominion High barometer, 30.63 on April 21. Low barometer, 29.22 on April 12. Maximum temperature, 70 on Ap ril 26 and 29. Minimum temperature, 32 on Ap ril 17 and 18. Total precipitation, 10.7 inches. Total sunshine. 96 hours. OFFICERS OF MUSIC CLUB I Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh is Re-elected President Meetings Discontinued Until Next Fall The annual meeting of the La-! dies' Music Club was held on Wed- lesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. A. Hinton, Second Avenue. There was a good attendance of nembers. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs., R. L. Mcintosh re-elected). Vice-President, Mrs. Erneit An derson. Secretary. Mrs. J. D. Fraser. Treasurer, Mrs. Chris. Perry. Librarian, Mrs. H. F. Pullen. Executive Mrs. Shelford Darton, Mrs. J. II. Carson, Mrs. G. A. Woodland, Mrs. C. E. Cullin, Mrs. Robert Blance. Mrs. J. A. Hinton, Mrs. Wm. Crulckshank and Mrs. M. H. Blott. Arrangements are being made for a recital to be held here in June by Mr. Wilks, examiner for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. The club has discontinued regular meetings until next fall. C. N. It. TRAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays md Thursdays, 3:30 pjn. For East Mondays, Wednesdays md Baturdays. 11:30 a.m. Week-End Specials America's favorite household package Musical Meeting At Army Citadel Held Last Night The regular Thursday night musical meeting was held at the Sal vation Army Citadel last night, Capt. E. Warren presided over a large attendance. Lew Pitcher, with his concertina, led community singing. Sergeant Major Alexcee same vocal solos, accompanying himself on the guitar. Mrs. BmU Carlson sang Norwegian solos. Commandant William Kerr gave the address of the evening. Rupert East Sees Moving Pictures Canadian ' National Films Shown Before Large Gathering Last Night Canadian National moving picture films "When Winter Comes," "Scenes in . Jasper Park" arid "Glances of Montreal," were shown at an enjoyable social evening last night in Rupert East United Church. The moving picture machine was operated by Wi G. Harold. The af fair was of an entirely informal nature. .;' After the moving pictures, a so cial hour was spent during which refreshments were served. per lb ,. 2 tins Tomatoes. 2's, Malkln's Best Premium Veal phops 2 tins Green Cut Deans J per lb 1 1 ns MJrn. j Premium Veal Cteak i uns eras, oizo t Value $1.20 for - 1 tin Plums. 2148 1 tin Peach:'2s 1 trn,"A6HfcoW.'2',,8' 1 1 tin Florida Grapefruit, 2'; Value $1.20 for 95c 1 tin Peaches; Ti, Malkln's Best 1 tin Pears, 2's 1 tin Apricots, 2's 1 tin Pineapples, 2's 1 tin Cherries, 2's Value $1.20 lor 95c 1 tin AprlcoU,.2's, Malkln's Best 1 tin Strawberries, 2's 1 tin Pears, 2's 1 tin Loganberries-Value $1.20 for 95c 95c Alberta Market f, GAMULA, Proprietor I'lfth Street Phone 20 au.Bi.Kxu m, aimi urn a;m,s. ulkj. Quality Specials Saturday Only Premium T-Bone Roust 9CTp AO Beef, per lb Premium Sirloin Roast Beef, per lb. . Premium Rib Roast Beef per lb, v...., Boston BUtt PaVtt Roast Pr Jb Premium Pot Roast Beef per lb Premium Pork Steak per lb LARGE LOCAL, FRESH EGOS, per do. 25c 25c 20c 15c 25c 25c 25c 25c Sec Our Wiiuows for Choice Cuts and other Specials Phone 10 Phone 2 ! Bauauar ;b b: b. a. a. a swai a m PIKST CHPICE (JF SUITS OR.6iipNG GOATS New samples Just arrived of spring and summer goods of the finest quality and Uie pattems pf the very latest. LING THE CUTTER Steam cleanln&Ji tossing and altering. Free dellfwy to any part of the city. LING -'THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. I'hone GI9 SAILS FOR VANCOUVER Canadian Rang'er to be Kecommis- sioncd; After IJcinff Tieii tTp I Here For Winter ! i . , . After having been tied up at the local dry dock for the winter. Cana- jdlan National Steamships freighter , Canadian Jtanger, Capt. W. II. Mil ler, sailed at 4.30 yesterday aiier-noon for Vancouver where she will be rccommlssloned In the inter-coastal service between this coast and the Atlantic. Piloted down the coast by Capt. Duncan McKenzie, the Canadian Ranger will call at Union Bay for bunkers before ar-! riving at Vancouver. The vessel took from here to Vancouver some 250,-000 feet of lumber from the Big Day Lumber Co.'s sawmill. VANCOUVER BUILDING Material Increase Shown For First Third of 1931 Over Last Year 4 VANCOUVER. May 1: Valaa of building permits In the City of Van louver for the first four months of j 031 aggregates $6,000,000 as Com-j arel with $5,450,000 in the corres-; onding period last year, it was an nounced at the City Hall yesterday. DRY SQUAD IS ACTIVE Seattle Ilootlcggers Thrown Into' Panic as Seventeen Arrests ' Are Made i " . I SEATTLE, May 1: Io keeping1 vith a threat to padlock; every place in Seattle that connives In any vfay it the consumption of liquor, dry 'aw squads descended In a whirl-, lnd campaign on alleged bootleg-! ting places In Seattle and, as a result of the day's activities during which seven places were raided, 17 irrests were made. Alleged blind diggers around the Yesler Way district were thrown Into panic. n h. DANDRUFF and Fitlioc Hif, uh Mia ard't vuctly aa you would any pair taK. U Chll 4 timaa a ad Uia ratull ill b a Claan Haad and Clotty Hair TOMATO WEEK1 SPECIALS ! Malkln's Best Tumatoes I fl f 2'i's, 3 Uns 1Uo Alalkin's Best Tomatoes Qfl 0 38, 3 Uns Oil Tomato Juice &(r 3 Uns Ashcroft Tomato Ketchup flCn 2 tt-oz. bottles Malkln's Best Pineapple Sliced or crushed, 2's, Oln per tin Robertsons Gold Shred QQn Marmalade, 12-oa. botUe Clark's Corned I3i 1 Q o per Un XJt Jutland Sardines offn 3 for 0 Butter fin 3-lb. brick t?J..UO Peaches & Pears 2V4's 23C (Heavy Syrup) Chocolate Da ra Large 1 Of variety. S.foj . iUU HoUaml Herring- ' Q1 1 f per keg tJJL.XU Economy Cash aiid Carry Stores 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 5th Ave. Telephones 3C0 and 18 Friday Mayj, asTimiaii&HiKiJimtBximimMU & i a Friday and Saturday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 PJVI. Zanc Gray's Great Story of the Golden West (6 1: nun Tin u CARAVANS" With GARY COOPER, LILY DAMITA, ERNEST TORRENT TULLY MARSHALL and many others. Indians In flamlnj feaih. and war paint. Dauntless pioneers battling their way into th wilderness. The inspired love of a man and a jul. e A Paramount Picture Comedy-'TEEP ON THE DEEP" PARAMOUNT NEWS ADMISSION 20c & 65c Feature Starts at 7 30 & .,, SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 15c & 40c Feature Starts at J 00 S MONDAY and TUESDAY "ALPS HL'TTOV V IT'S CE-CCJS TRY H -r ,T TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED ;lack coi Prepared Daily By ' Canadian Fish & Cold Storage . Co., Lid. I'ltlNCE UUPERT, B.C. " The Salvation Army Annual Self 'Denial Appeal a r-ak. mm . asat." i i ' u m i i m ii m mm i -. - N VALENTIN DAIity FOlt StfEENA I1RAM) Creamery Butler & Cottage Cheese FltESII PASTEUHIZEU MILK A Nil CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Plesie Help The Army of th, H0n, H,nd. STiiSw tlUm your 'tce in its vorM-w. r. lick and suffering nj sinful and thrtbyl,elp to maki a better Mle your ruponut yaur utmoit effort. Campaign From April 25 to May 10. Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garajc and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FEND El t AND BODY WOK A SPECIAL i i