A0 TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenu? H. F. PULLEN TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN PAlitV FOIl 8KEENA BRANT) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH rASTEURIKI) Mtl.tt AND CREAAf DAILY Early Pellvery Throughout the CH Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or canler, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per month By mail in all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year'.. By mall to all other countries, per year ... ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word - , .., Local readers, per Insertion, per line j. Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line Contract rates on application. Editor and Rentiers' Telephone .. Advertising and Circulation Telephone .'. Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION . 86 9S Tuesday, June 23. Kaien Motors Limited General Garage and Station CHEVUOLET and 5.0VI 0 300 $&oa 9.00 1.40 Service IIUICK Open Day and Night Phftn 52 Third Avenue .02 .25 .IS INTERNATIONAL MORATORIUM The move of President Hoover to defer payment on all international war debts is one highly to be commended. As the largest creditor nation the proposal comes from the United States with likelihood of general acceptance. Possibly if it is found that the results are beneficial all round, the United States may at the end of the year propose a permanent cancellation of war debts. This would cause a good feeling toward the United States which benefitted more than any other nation from war business. . COT SURPRISE PACKAGE On Saturday a local man advertised for a stenographer. "When he called at the office yesterday morning and the pile of applications was passed over to him he looked at them and with surprised accents inquired: "My God! Are these all for me?" More comment is unnecessary. m n "SNOW AND RAIN SWEEP WEST" The Winnipeg Free Press recently carried in heavy Cheltenham bold type a streamer, across the top of the front page: "Snow and Rain Sweep West." To the prairie people this was a cheering message. Moisture in any form whether snow or rain was welcome to the drought-stricken farmers. The fallacy of the message was that it extended onlv tn Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. British Columbia, vvjutji i wie i cat west, was not, inciuiietl. British Columbia was pleased not' to be included in an invasion of snow and rain. Neither are needed in this province just now. This season the apportionment of moisture and sunshine has been very fair and there is no need for more precipitation iri the form of snow. British Columbia would like to know if this is really the west or jf the whole of the west lies east of the Rocky Mountains, as is assumed by many well-meaning persons in the central part of Canada. x PICK AND SHOVEL AND WHEELBARROW POLICY Protection is a good enough policy for the people of Ontario and Quebec because they benefit from the establishment of factories in. those provinces and reports indicate that already there is a considerable improvement in business in that part of Canada. In the west therq is no corres-pondng change for the better and there is little or no benefit to be derived from the government policy of protection. The result is that the west looks to the federal government for some other heln and the IntriVnl rpmipet fa fnv nnnctmn. tive work that will employ the men who are now drifting about the country and becoming a charge on the municipalities. The average man likes to work for his living and it is undoubtedly the duty of the federal government in a crisis like the present to see that he has an opportunity to earn enough to cany him through until there is an improvement. There is plenty of money in the country, as was shown by recent federal and provincial loans. All that is needed is for the government to recognize the position of the west todav and eive the men vnrk PremifJr Tolmle has made proposals to the federal gov- prnmnnt wViinVi ?f i V, 1.. i i n .n - v o iu uc oiiitcieiy nuimi mey win ap prove. He has sutrirested that the fedem imwmmonf nmi the province of British Columbia co-operate in building ........ Huun lugimrtjfB twiu mm me leuerai government construct the western outlet to the Peace River country at once. This work Iras to be done soon, so why not now when money is cneap ana men want work? This is not a political campaign. It is a campaign to secure bread and butter for the workers who today are in need. It is a request for a nick and shovel and wheelbarrow policy for the west to balance up with the protective policy for the east. RECITAL ON PIANOFORTE Pupils of Chsrlts P. Rilafno Acquit I ' Themselves Creditably Piano pupils of Charles P. Balagno; were In annual recital tasi wee sna , mentl). Alma Dybhavn, "Valse Napoll- talne" (Rlnguet). May Macphall, "Elves" (Rogers).; Margaret Sue Gullck, "Petit Oalop de Concert." Helen McNaughton, "Shower of Stars" (Wachsl. Bill Tobey, "Matuslka" (Engel). Catherine Mussallem, "Caprice KomanUque" (Jackson). Isobel Sinclair, "First Nocturne" (Goddard). Wl2ner Bryant, "Valse Arabesque" 'Lack). Mary Oeary, "Tarantella" (Nol- let). May Donaldson. "Caprlcante" Wachs). LETTER BOX SALMON FISHERIES TROUBLE Editor, Dally News: It may Interest you to known that fishing the last two week has been all that we could hope for. Fishermen performing their lawful work have nothing to com plain about, but the music hu been poor of late, evidently bo- ?ause the credit was stopped hence the bread line. On yotmg boy was told In an unfriend ly way to go and hang rather than be a scab. Same boy came to m! and others to camp. Of course W3 are at the Cold Storage. We said "Come boy. we will devlde wltn you." The music of course. Another young man had his linos cut by some creeping mlchlef and lost a lot of lead and spoons. Same young man said he could not evtn afford to take a meal In the hotrl scow now any more. The time Is slipping by for tt fishermen's grub stake, so relief work comes next. But the scab, oH very amusing I It reminds me of Mother Nature's twin boys the red and the scab because of the conspicuous color. The red should become an organiser and dlsorganl-zer so the red had the honor Of first born, but when the scab appeared Mother Nature ran sholt of the gaudy color but instead provided him with grit to perform hli lawful duty and plenty of bralni to make up for the scarcity In th Red organizer. KNUD OLSEN, 780 Prince Rupert Dundas, June 17, 1931. vji3.- ii wouia oe nice to have n police boat here when the Reci start to go wild in public waters, which Is the next threat. K.O. Report of Fire Chief on Recent Vancouver Meet Declaring that he had seen and learned much of value at the gath erlng. Fire Chief D. II. McDonald presented to the city council lost night his report on the recent con vention In Vancouver of the Bitttsh Columbia Fire Chiefs' Association, All conceivable means of fire fight-I lng had been discussed and there 'were many impressive demonstra-I Hons including one of ladder worl: i by the Vancouver fire department. I Aid. Macdonald, In moving that j the report be filed, declared that ;the chief was to be congratulated upon the excellence of the report. . ' Th city had been none the loser by havir.g sent him to the convention. Mayor Orme concurred In the re-L marks that had been made by Aid. Macdonald. THE DAILY NEWS NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PMNCE KUPERT Duthic Finances Hetter Report on Rainbow Creek Gold Metcalf and Fendlay Croup " Looks Well C.rtutitnf nf fVitt Dllfhlo AftnAQ T.tll fltf lie? llff .51VlH tn dltors' claims and that he had al ready expended considerable money for watchman's wages, insurance. !of Nation River, north of Vander-jboof, men working the creek report that they are making good'money. jl. B. Flater, who staked there recently, has wired out declaring jthat, despite reports circulated, those who have sluice boxes on the ! creek are averaging one ounce per ' day per man with shovel, everyone having faith In the Week. W. W. Wetoalf, part owner and '....Iffraant a further extension of time until. Aucust 1 to "r:.!fJaJS!! instructor anu uitriii-i- mi wic ratuwi nu i uiuwj DOin IO Uieir . iiuup, . . i . , , selves. The program, varying lnmeet obligations outstanding, a meeting tO this effect lt4ted m Stewart recently that the range according to age of the per- meeting with the approval of the creditors in Vancouver new prospect tunnel wai In a dU- formers, each of whom showed j recently. Practically all important creditors Of the Com- tance of fifty feet and was making marked proficiency, was as follows: pany Were pregellt at the meeting. The Suspension Of pro- ne progrew. The new tunnel Is bfe-Marien MafeLachlan. "Joyous if u.. uin rnimn..n(lnh . fw,L Ing driven fro;n a small dmw hr 'auction the Atlas of by Corpoiatlon a move temporary . Gnomes" .Michel). thR edge cf a bg 2one violet De. "John oupin- sia-1 nature and due to the low price of silver, found the com- ftna te expected to strike the ore at ter). ; pany owing about 14,000 and, at a meeting last year, the about 70 feet from the portal. Ow- Margaret MacLachlan, "Chiming creditors granted Ume for payment Jng to sharp Inclination of the zone,, Bells" (Trojelli. until June 10 of this year. W. E. wu- James Gulkk, "Playful Rondo"! Hams K.C solicitor for the com (Greene), jpany. udvlsed the meeting that he Victor Dell, "Cat and the Fiddle" j had received a communication from (Slater). 3- F- Duthle of Seattle In which he Willie ChrisUansen, "Sondtina" stated that It was Impossible for (Clementl). him to arrange to advance suffic- Maureen Kirkpatrick, "Slumber j lent money to take care of the cre- Song" (Kern). George Dybhavn, "Rondo" (Cle Certain creditors at the meeting the tunnel wilt give a vertical depth ; jMrcsscd for immediate payment of of approximately 55 feet at the I ounta, rlnUnsout that the assets lower side and about ninety feet at , were estimated to be worth around the upper edge. This should reveal $100,000 with only $14,000 outstand- an excellent cross-section of the lng. A resolution was finally car- mineralized belt at that point. C. L. ried however, to ask creditors for nibbard and G. W. Skinner, 8eattlei a further extension and this poll capitalists, who are backing -the will be taken on June 30. development of the property, are ' expected to pay a visit of msnectlon Although some who visited the to operations next month Nln men i carrying charges, etc. and he would territory have, apparently, not been are now employed on the property, like the creditors to grant the com- highly impressed with the strike of Including Mr. Metcalf and his part-uany a further extension of time, gold on Rainbow Creek, a tributary ner, Joe Fendlay. nothing like it! 9- No OTHER c. real so crin. Rice Krispies actually crackle out loud in milk or cream. Children love them. And such flavor! The taste of toasted rice. A differ, ent treat for breakfast. Won. derf ul for the kiddies' lunch. So wholesome and easy to digest. Kicp Krispies are handy to use in recipes. Take die place of nutmcats. At grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario, re ivith all his worldly goods TTERE, in this old strong-box, so long guarded and locked, is his "estate" ... the "worldly goods" which he has bequeathed to her. One by one her adviser takes out tho temptingly engraved certificates and examines them. One by one he lays them down with a sorrowful shake of tho the truth dawns upon her. Those wonderful purchases that were to make them rich . . . independent These speculations that were to lead them Bfe Jttsur; to fortune . . . many of them now are WORTHLESS ! But at the bottom of the box there lies an unpretentious document, which suddenly she recollects. cannot have depreciated. 7 must still be safe and sure . . . She reaches in and draws forth his Life Insurance Policy. Amid the wreckage of thousands of estates, Life Insurance stands as the final and enduring refuge in time of need. It is the one investment no man can afford to be without. RICE 1 ,v kick rm Kitisiii:s tef-Jl1 cmcc