PAGE SIX L. H. Newman ' Hon-''' Olpl()1,uvpttHl ; (By Gee) yilEN the time arrive to place the awariis as set out in the generous cash prize list covering the competitive classes of the World's Grain Exhibition and Conference at Begins fit , 1M2, L. H. Newman, Dominion Cerealist, will hava completed the work assigned to him in this organization. Mr. Newman is the chairman of the Awards Committee, and to him and thoae associated with him has been riven the task of working out different awards, the-classification for competitive exhibits and the handled and one other things relating to competition which will make the 1932 world-wide event a successful undertakes. Merrickville, Ontario, is the birth place of Mr. Newman. He was educated at the University .f Toronto, reoeiv. there a B&A. degree. He took special studies at the Iowa State CjI -t, :c Cambridge University and Savlof, Sweden, in plant breeding From 1905 to 1923 be was secretary of the Canadian Seed Growers' Association, being appointed Dominion Crealist in 1923. Tl'WV IS"""f ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m " iDemerara mm e I w i 1 1 i Li.1 i.J Ibis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Llquoi Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. REWIRE YOUR HOME Why put up with those unsightly wires? They are not necessary. We rewire your home, placing sockets In the desired spots, concealing wires ... In short, doing a first class Job at surprisingly low cost. Since you have electricity, use It to best advantage. Let us help you get the most benefit and pleasure from" your "watt- Ln a 3J YOUR HOME dollar." Radio Service Radio Seta serviced by our Radio Expert. Satisfaction guaranteed. We carry only high grade tubes. Parkin & Ward Electric 319 Third Avenue Our Prices Will Please You Come In and let us show you how little It costs lb equip your car with 0001)111011 SILVER-TOWNS. A complete Carafe Service Distributors I)od(e Cars and Trucks RUPERT MOTORS Night Calls: Phone 161 Phone 5C6 THE DAILY' NEWS Tuesday June and . . . ' "M Monday Tuesday , x k Another Type of Bungalow Two Shows 7 & 9 p.m. vvxiiiii n THERE IS A STRANGE FASCINATION A110UT COMFORT AND SATISFACTION B William Powell in m tion regarding a house of this design should communicate with Home Building Information Service, 315 Adelaide Street, West. Toronto, Ont. When writing please tell us what particulars are desired and mention design number 211. Copy right, 1930. Maynard House Is Sold By City Victor Johnson Purchaser of Property on Eleventh Avenue Avenue, was built under the Soldiers' housing scheme", is to be sold by the city to Victor Johnson for $750. no interest, at the rate of M. A. Marley, manager of ihc Big Bay Lumber Co.'s local sawmill, sailed on the Prince Oeorg; yesterday afternoon for a business trip to Vancouver. GEORGE MACKLI.V Plain and Ornamental PLASTERING, STUCCO, . BRICK, CEMENT. ETC. Tel. Red 832 4 Emad Blk. IIOUSEPAINTING Inside and Outside PArERIIANGING KALSO.MIMNO Reasonable Prices JOEUGEN P. MOLLER Call Tied 802 between 5:30 and 0 p.m. or before 8 a m. or citll 64 at any time. WW? T. ItfWl POWMAAi Gr'CULLtSC-?CrtITCCp- VAiC0UVC?.-E-C- iuMwIM ' - ""ffflTi sturdy little Spanish bunga-1 THIS low Is extremely neat of design, j The charm of the red tile roof and White stucco is added to by the typically Spanish mission chimney peeping over the ridge and the shatters on all the windows. A 'soQd wooden door with long heavy wrought iron hinges forms an entrance in kecpirlT with the general appearance of the house which is so suggestive of the old mission per iod. One could not wish for a better layout than that shown in the floor plan. Every bit of space has been put -to valuable use. Among other fea tures of note are the breakfast nook in the kitchen, cabinet, range and table, bookcase in the living room and coat closet in the hall. Both bedrooms are equipped with closets and a modern bathroom occupies a splendid position between the bed rooms. Few could resist this type of residence. No matter where placed or In what climatic , conditions, this hduse would be homelike, as well as distinctive and would be a credit to any owner. Outline Specifications Size of House: 29' x 37.' Suitable Lot: 50 frontage. Walls: Stucco. Roof: Red tile. Built-in features: Kitchen cabin et, breakfast room, cupboards and bookcases. Cubic Contents: 19.350 cu. feet Approximate Cost: $6,000. Readers desiring further informa II PnPTH tH! : BED-ROOM- j kiTCHEM lZZ : -DIUDJO-RM- 5 ' tmmi i i : rf-jL 1 -BED-ROOM- Jy LIVWGEOOM ! f-C i5'-o t -FLOOR.- PLAKJ Bowman & Cullerne, Arehltecls Stucco Stays on; . Good Job With it Is Not Accidental Correct Application Means Permanence HEOPLE ask. about stucco. They I want to know whether It will stay on the wall, what effect cli-. mate has, sea air, regions of the' Oreat Lakes, winter, wood lath. Once we thought in order to get a good stucco coat it had to be very rich, and, when it did not work out a litres tm tttn ftHnsiarVit K- la i Vi ahmitH "tllT which !Leve"ih!be put on differenUy Then many! different devices for attaching the lath so as to get manifold keys were i employed. Some economical soul managed a way of scoring boards to ' $15 a month. A recommendation to take exUrlor atncco none of urn elJCCl ,rom tne iinance com- hw method( wrked. mlttec was adopted by the city N(JW we meU, tatn Metal ,ath council last night The aWerrnen ; f,8tcncd wJth meU1 forrtn devlcC8 thought that the deal was saUsfac-1 (f ,, r, h tory to the city. a tv www a nauv wa-w ws otherwise well burned, brick or con crete blocks or tile. That's the beginning of the job. It has to be well done. Foundations have to be strong walls braced. We can't have them moving after the stucco is on. Lap the metal lath, nail it well, run'lt around the houe not up and down 'turn it around, corners, make It; tight, don't over nail it, keep It away from the backing. Then use cement ttucco. Put It on the way the manufacturers have i worked it out. Thousands of tests have been made, specifications have ' I been prepared by men who are j competent.. experts, technical scen- j i tuts, i n us au the mystery nas been. removed. Get the backing on ri&ht, get the stucco on light, use The right kindof materials. Satisfaction is assured, but there is a lot more to it than can be read here. It takes good workmen. This plastic material' can be put on a half Inch thick or more. The men who skin the lob put It on thin. The good men nv.tkp It thick. There should be ;.n inch of It. Also, this plastic material hokU potentialities for the ; good modeler such that he may make It a delight to see. Unfortunately, also, anyone who stints mud can dabble In it. Stucco surfaces have been worked out technically. We can be assured of certain different textures by fol- j lowing certain formula.- Copyright 1930. The Architects' Small House : Service Bureau. 1 Oet quick result-, with a want ad Silversides Bros. PAINTS WAI.LPAPLKS Third Avenue GMSS QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M $3.75 Ne. 1 3x per M. .. 305 No. a per M 2.15 ROBERTSON & SIMPSON Massett, B O Agent: Hyde Transfer. Phone 580 SHEET METAL WORK and Roofing HOT AIR HEATING and VENTILATION i Alexander Murray's Approved Roofers. Work guaranteed for 10 and 30 yean by bonding company. Stccns Limited P.O. Dux 028 Phone 5 "MAN OF THE WORLD" With Carole Lombard and Wynne Gibson. Love Is his tam ' Paris is his game-board. Wily, witty and woman wise A Paramount Picture COMEDY "BLOOD AND THUNDER" Novelty "Artists Reverie" and "The Patient Tom Terris in Streets of Mystery ADMISSION 20c & 65c Feature Starts at 7 so .-. tveunesaay & inursaay- GEORGE ARLISS in "The Millionaire i JOIN THE EAGLES To Ketchikan for the American Holiday on July Fourth Prince John sails at 10 p.m. from Prince Hup' r thto evening of July 3 reaching Ketchikan th- : iiiK of the Fourth. After a day and night in Alaska City, the PHnn- T . LEAVES ON MORNING OF JULY 5 FOR PRINCE RUPERT Great celebration at Alaskan City inHurlim' i city baseball games, Rupert vs. Ketchikan, i along and root for the home team. Price For Round Trip, $10.50 Children, Half Fare Meals and Berths Fxtra Oft your tickets from A. Astoria at Krlnrll's Market Further ir formation ran be had from committee: A. Astoria, Tho: C F. Ferro or Cieo. Brookes. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD UI'KIM I IM; (,'. T. T. 20.000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK rs. Machinists, Itollermakera, lllsckMnlih. I sttcrn Makers, Founders, Woodworker. Etc EI.ECTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOKK rilONES 43 AND 38S The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Dy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. I'KINCB UUI'EUT, 11.C I Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results