i'AGli TWO TIIE DAILY NEW3 Saturday, October 17, 193t Tfce fittest quality Northern Outposts A SATURDAY SERFdOfl Dental Services to tea you can buy The Church, Past, Present and Future Religion Must Preserve Constitutional Forrn 'FreMH (real tile gardeni' Salada Tea is sold by Mussalfems Cash & Carry Stores THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenu: H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery", by man or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance.... $5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week 10c By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia. paid In advance for yearly period 3.00 By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year $6 00 By mall to all other countries, per year - , 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch. p4r insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per insertion, per word .02 Local readers, per insertion, per lme ...... , .25 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate llri? , , . .15 Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters telephone Advertising and ClrcnlatUn Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bareati of Circulations EMPIRE PREFERENCE. J3i Saturday, Oct. 17. 1931 At the last Imperial Conference in London, said by some to have'been a failure because Preihier Bennett wanted to dictate Canada's terms and by others because the British Government would not listen to his proposal, an imperial reference scheme was proposed but without result, S ritain at that time was not ready to impose duties on goods conilng info the country. Now it looks as if she had changed her mind and would probably' agree to a tariff, thus making it possible to give a preference to Empire countries if so desired, In' this way Mr. Bennett's plan may yet be adopted, if not before, possibly at the next Imperial Conference. DRIVE TO BREAD" LINES. The head of a large accessory concern in Chicago, vouches for the fact jthat, unbelievable as it may seem, j people drive up to some of the breadlines in the Chicago I area in their own automobiles. He asserts that in a town adjoining his own there is a breadline of 5,000, and it is not uncommon for men and women to drive up, park their cars, and take their places in line to wait for food. It is unquestioned that the automobile is about the last thing people are willing to relinquish whenf adversity comes, but the difficulty of obtaining gas and oil would seem to be as. great as that of obtaining food. However, it has often been asserted by employment officials that a car is one of the greatest helps in finding jobs. j OFF THE GOLD STANDARD Canada is off thegold standard in spite of Mr. Bennett's dicturn to the contrary, says the Winnipeg Free Press. Ml there be nrr mistnkfl rihmif it Nt nnf inn hno xn. rency is selling at a discount of nine or ten per cent in I '" 4a uu .me guiu suuiuuru. it cannot De, ior tne essence of the gold standard is that currency is maintained at par. Canada, moreover, is off the gold standard without the slightest effort being made1 to hold it on. We have big gold reserves in its country and they are not being used. Our coin, bars and bullion lie in the Ottawa vaults, serving no purpose at all. They might be bales of gunny sacks. It must be presumed that when Mr, Bennett said Canada would remain on the gold standard he meant that Canada youTd maintain its gold reserves. Some commentators say that the Canadian dollar is "sound," whatever that mav be. They say that the assets of the country are such that the Canadian dollar is perfectly all right. ' The only t;hing theylgnore is that the Canadian dollar is soiling i.u iicuYjr uistuuui in every inuiury iimrKta in me world. The assets of a country have nothing to do with the sound-ness-of its currency. In this case its soundness rests upon the supply of, and demand for, Canadian dollars in the f oreigir exchange markets. Mqre Canadians are trying to buy foreign currencies than there are foreigners trying to Duy our' dollars. The result naturally is that the dollar lias gone to a discount. It can be corrected in either one of two ways: Demand for Canadian-dollars may pick up, or Canada may export gold iii order to reotify the daily adverse balance. I (Rev. W. Grant, nollinsworth First Presbyterian Church) : In order to speak correctly of the Church as it has historically appeared we shall be obliged to define it in a ' very catholic and comprehensive manner as including the sum of those organizations which have been forced to serve as an organ of Jesus for the expression and promotion of his religion. If we accept any other definition that applies to gome one of these "-- ganlzatidh alone, we leave un- .ftacje out against any human Instl-ir.-ljded much of the organized uitlon or party or organlzaUon. fruit of Christ in the world ami And it would seem that the church rhus do them injustb?. hs certain advantages over all It docs no: appear to have been the organizations in that its char-the providential1 purpose that, all te;- ta liberty, Justice and brother-Ohristians should be gathered mto hood! is the matchless teaching of one sreat organization nor does it one Jesus of Nazareth t .-p?m probable that such a purpose History Teaches will hereafter be manifested by the History trachea iu th.u though the fulfilment of It. spirit of relitfMn may In one age Organization, helpful as it is. Is be depressed beneath the burden of a very different thing than that oscular interests, ft victoriously as-Inner life of the soul in God in which left lUilf in another. The one religion consists', and cannot prop- 4hihf reiigferr doea not do Is td eriy be counted as a part of re- vanish away.. So long as religion is Ugion. a real motive in individual lives. s6 Yet one may state without heslta- lonj will a spiritual Organisation or tiorr that it appears to be both the eftufeh be nesessary to promote re-dlvtae win and pleasure that Chris- ligiOus ends. These ends are social tiana should be united together fn a- rttt asjndrvjdtial ind they can some practical order for mutual never be attained by Isolated and benefit and common service to their rrtivKjual effo.-U. Religion must Lord. Organ of Jesus' Any group of Christians which of-' an organ of Jesus through which he may express himself. the Christian purpose In the word. Yet it must be borne in mind in these days of rapidly changing ideas and attitudes that no charge, no 'organization of this type has any guarantee or promise of perpetuity apart from its fitness for the service of Jesus. In ,splte of all that the ' Church may have done in the past we must be ready to admit that Christianity may yet express itself in new forms if the old prove Insufficient or unadaptable to growing change and change greatly, but y' Today the church fe being condemned on many sides. It Is being said that it is the opponent of progress and the enemy of silence. How-over, when all Is said and done there remains this fact, namely, that a similar Indictment on be preserve its institutional form in order that It may unite and direct the energies of many wills toward the attainment nf nnc vi-Mt rA DptnlU fers iteelf In the service of Jesus IS of organisation and 'government of this institution the Church, may change and change grata!, but Thus the church, regarded a the organized, institutionalized religion sum of all these actual organlza-1 , iM " , . , , , 'the human heart u ana to serve Its tions. has been a powerful L help to, ewn endth .nrMdln- of the teachings and principles of Jesus of Nazareth. Italy Described At Meeting Of Young People At a meeting of Anglican Younz Peoples' Society last evening, Erie Oee and Miss Ailetn Gibson gave Interesting readings and talks on "Italy." With the thought of Italy tlll In mind, macaroni and cheese were served for refreshments. The next meeting will take the lorm of a Hallowe'en party. Church notices FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson. UJl. Morning, Wbrship at 11, subject, "Savings That Do Not Depreciate in Value." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Service at 7:30. Bolo, "O Rest in the Lord," Mrs. P. C. Miller. Subject, "The New Motive, the New Creature, the New World." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, 245 Second Avenue West) This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "DOCTRINE OF ATONEMENT." Sunday School at 12:15. 'Testimonial meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. Reading room 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 5. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church ol England) Very Rev. J. U. Gibson. Dean CHILDREN'S DAY 8 ajn Holy Communion 11 ajn., Morning Prayer and 8ermon. Soloist, Mrs. C. D. Mullln. 12:3b, Children's Service 7:30, Evening Prayer and Sermon. Anthem, "On for a Closer Walk With God." Soloist, H. Lincoln. Fl&St PRES&YtERlAN CHURCH Minister, Kev. W. D. Grant Ilollingworth, Ujt. Organist, John E. Davey 11 i.m, Sermon' Subject, "THE SALT OF THE EARTH" 12:16 noon, Sunday School 7:30 p.nt. Sermon Subject "THE CHANGING HOME" Second sermon In series oh' "The Church and Modern Social Problems" All' visitors welcome. D esiined for use in Northern Ontario and cons-Shoos of the Canidiin Pacific Railway and remodelled and equipped at the expense of the Rosedale Chtpter oi me irapenu uroer Daughters' of the Empire, this railway dental car will b maintained by the Ontario Department of Health and will have running rights over all lines In Norther Ontario. The ear was handed over by the railway at the North Toronto station recently to a representative gathering Including Hon. G. S. Henry, Premier of Ontario; Hon. Dr. J. M. Robb, Minister of Health; Dr. W. J. Bell, deputy Minister of Health; Dr. F. J. Conboy, director of dental services for the Ontario Health department; and delegate from the 65 ehipters of the I.O.D.E. in Toronto. The car U complete In every way as a dental consulting office, fully equipped, with dentist and nurse attached, having their own quarters, with waiting room, dental chair and all accessories as In the most modern dental consulting rooms. Electric light, Lot and cold running water, electric accessories are all contained in the car which will furnish dental service to children and adults throughout Northern Ontario. The Letter Box I ASPHALT SIDEWALKS Editor. Dally News: In answer to Mr. Gustafson's tlttr in yesterday's paper, if what he rays is correct, that Mr. Good has eight or nine bosses to take orders from, it U no wonder that we have silch poor sidewalks as a result too marry cooks spoil the broth arid If the engineer has !o take oiders from every alderman there Is something radically wrong with administration at the City Hall. Mr. Good has done good work, but he-Is.. fturAari and dan only be lit one Vlace" at a' time. If he has had all the experience that his sponsor claim for him. then he must know that to dd such work properly a thoroughly quail-fled foreman should be on the Job all the time, and watch every foot of It that Is put down. I am not Criticizing the men who worked oh the Job they did Just as they were told, b it none of them had had practical experience In laying this a.phalt and I understand the en 10c. a week! gineer himself had never done any of this kind of work before. This sidewalk In block )1, section 1, was to hare been semen: in th. first prace. but Mr. Rochester got up a petition to have It changed to asphalt, saying the engineer had told him that asphalt would make Jurt as good a sidewalk as cement and would be much cheaper and that was why we signed the petition. We are satisfied with the asphalt, but we are not satlsflei with the manner In which It was put down. Mr. Gustafson says we should not criticize because we have no experience with construe tlon work. Perhaps we have had more experience than what he has had. but apart from that, anyone except a blind man ean see what a bum Job they have made of these sidewalks air over town, i We have the welfare, of the city at heart, and that is why we have drawn this matter 16 the attention of the city eouncfl tt is now up to them as representatives of the ratepayers, to see that this matter receives proper attention, and the engineer instructed to pt thest sidewalks In proper shape. I wtl! say no more. a Twenty Years Ago In Prince Itapert October 16, 1911 Word has bten received in th" city of the recent death at Nr. Westminster of T. C. Birnie. for merly of Prince Rupert. Mr. Blr nie, who until last spring was in the real estate business here n survived by his widow and two sous and two daughters. Thn interesting news comes froft Paris that a hotel will soon tji built there In which all the domestic service will be performed by electricity. FrederlcS V. Bark returned t trie city on the steamer Pfln:e Albert this morning from a trip t Vancouver and New Westminster Union steamer Cardena. C.ipr Andrew Johnstone, arrived in por at G:OS last evening from thi south and sailed at 12 midnigh on her return to Vancouver ami W. GRATTON. , Iwaypolhtt. 10c. a week! KEEP IN TOUCH With events that ate transpiring. TEN CENTS a week brings the DAILY NEWS to your house ; " every day. Save money by subscribing Telephone 98 and the hoy will call and collect