October 17, 1931 Week-End Candy Special Chocolate Covered Dates, 35c lb. Ormesitd. Pioneer Druqgists rboncs 81 and 82 Third Arc. and Fulton St. CROP REPORTS and BUSINESS SUMMARIES TURING the season the Bank of Montreal issue periodical rtporti oa crop conditio na throughout Canada. Every month it publishes a "Business Summary' coming business conditions In the Dominion and In the countries where the Bank has offices. Both of these puhltcations ere sent free to all who I rwjuat to hare their rumj placed on our mailing list. BANK OF MONTREAL EstabUsk UlT i Total AmcU in execs of 1800,000,000 More Honrs Entertainment ,ifH!!i F Uris urn aaw mm NATIONAL eBON CO, LIMITED "toutf TOONTO jOMfMl vVliuilptg ilSD FVEREADY LAYERB1LTS lead - in haiterv sales, because they offer more hours of service, longer life, mors dependable power and more satiiactory reception. There's no other battery like LayerMt ... no other that l completely patVeJ, 'layer on layer, with power-producing materials. And there is no other Layerbilt, except that bearing the Eveready name. Three sires (22)1 volts, standard 4J volts, and heavy duty 4J volti) answer all needs. Sold at Radio Slortl ereryancre. EVEREADY Radio Batteries RD 3 your paper docs not arrive, telephone the office Local Items Dinncrware, china, crockery glassware. Heilbroncr'i store. Mrs. W. E. Drake will sail on the . Prince Oeorge tomorrow night for, Vancouver. Her young son, who1 met with serious injuries in a fail; last spring, has not yet completed i recovery. Austin Drown, president and, general superintendent of the North Pacific Mines Inc., operat-i ing on Massett Inlet, has arrived1 in the city on business connected with the company and will be re- turning in a few days to the 1st-: ands. Hon. R. W. Bruhn, provincial minister of public works, arrived in the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Victoria to confer with the city council and inspect unemployment relief camps In the district. He will proceed from here to the interior. C. N. R. steamer Prince Oeorge, Capt. II. E. Nedden, arrived in port at 11 o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Palls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Stewart and Ketchi kan, whence she will return here southbound tomorrow evening. C. H. Worby. superintendent if sleeping and dining cars for tne western region of the Canadian National Railways with headquarters in Winnipeg, will arrive In the city by train tomorrow afternoon from the cast and will sail m the evening on the steamer Prince George tor Vancouver. Orchard City Teas, sieve 4 Pastry Flour, per 13-lb. sack terror last night) B. & X Roiled OaU, per 7-lb. ack Skim Milk Cheese, per lb; 29c 43c 25c 40c 10c 10c Watch Our Windows for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Cranberries, 25C Cauliflower, per head 20c and Celery, . . prr head Anjou Pears, per doaen Tokay Orapes, per lb 89c1 43c 23c 25c 10c 35c 25c Free Delivery on Orders ..r Co tut Ul PiUV Ul Ut i.1 o i:bi,:i: mmmmmmemsma THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREB CHILDRENS coim Quarter of Canada Population Is In School, Revealed OTTAWA, Oct. 17: Practically one quarter of. the entire popular tion of Canada is attending school, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reveals following the decennial census. School pupils of the Dominion number approximately Halibut Landings Summary American 20,800 pounds, 7.1c and ,3c to 8.6c and 3c. Canadian 8.100 pounds, 7.6c and Oeorge H. Halse. president of the3c and 8 (5c and 3c- orhwrt Telephone Co. and man- American aging director of the B. C. Tele-J Havana. 30,000, refused 0.8c and phone Co.. who arrived in the e-ityji-. left for Seattle. 'rom Vancouver on the Princess nCne. 44.000. refused 7c and 3c: Mary yesterday afternoon, will salt eu for Seattle. il tomorrow evening on th Catala to. utuya. 5.500, Booth; 7.1c and 3c. make the round trip to Anvox and Diana. 7.300, BMthf So and 3q, Stewart and will return here on; Eureka, 8,000; Cola Storage, 8.6c Tuesday morning. On Tuesday ' and 3c. venine he will rwe a conference) Canadian with the cit council in regard to viking I 4,000, Cold Storage; 8.6c the possibilities of long distance and 3c. radio telephone service from here, Bayview, 3,600, AUn; 7.6c and 3c, and. on Wednwday morning wi!l - proceed by train to Prince 0org i uu in tsui; txs aw ixr wtmt Cash and Phone 953 For Week-End Savings Carry McCormack Jersey Cream Sodas, per 9-0. pk Helm Worcester Sauce, large bottle Hrlnz Chill Sauce, jor bottle oqi irrel Brand Peanut Dutter. 2' j's, Hi:i1;t Refugee Bcnnt. : (In? for (Juakcr Corn, 3 tins or lack's Cooked Spaghetti, 6-08. tin : .tht Brand Salmon, tails, c: an Malkin's Best Sliced Peaches, tf.i'ktn's Best Bartlctt Pears, Phone 953 14c 10c IN MEMORY BEATTIE In loving memory ol our daughter. Jeanie Wilson Beat-tie, who passed away October 17, 1930. Time roth on and I"nr reminded Of a day my heart ana crushed, When God took you oh. so quickly. And we all in gloom were thrust. In the bloom of life death claimed you; In the prime of girlhood's days; But I hope some day to meet you And to be with you always. Inserted by her father and mother. NOTICE Our coal is in a dry shed. Don't buy water. Buy coal and get your full i.oIcVW tlltomint CI Alt a Inn XuCl,otr our advertisements for cash i prlres. HYDE TRANSFER, Phone 580. rf Ell UdaKsaa ro Oct. cx. Nov. Nov. FROM MONTREAL (iLASGOW LTAST-MVr.R. POOL as. Nov. au , or r: hnvwi 30. Ntv 7 . imoJHJM I Winl: 6 MontolNft 13 Du?heea if Yurx To Chrrbonrn-outbainpton-I.lvcrpool Nov. M Urulcalir. To Ilavrc-LondonAntwcrp Nov. 12 Montrose from wnnt-o ro ciiEitnouKG-soirriiAAirTON Oct. 88 ... Emprras of DrltaJn FROM VANCOUVER To llHUll-J.imn-t'lilii-riillliilnn' Oct. 34 Re&fMwaa of Asia Ncv. 7 Km)teji of OaniKla Nov 31 Enipresst of RumU xlncludlKc call at Honolulu. Aonlv to Aeanu everTwbers or J. J. roilSTKK Bteamab'p Clctil Pa. Aent ' O P.n. BtsUon. Vanrourer. tel"lhni;r ! :ilti 1161 Drink More Milk For I'rrsh Local Milk Phone Red 608 DOMINION DAIRY Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Three one-act plays, Presbytex-ian Church, Friday, October 23 at 8:15 p.m. Tickets 50c. ! C. It. Cocks of Port Esslngton is- paying a brief visit to town, hav-lng arrived in the city from the fikeena River last evening. Mrs. J. L. Lee and son, who have been visiting with relatives in New Westminster, returned to the city irom the south- on the Prince George this morning. B. K. Sandwell, Montreal economist and writer, who is making a tour of the country addressing Canadian Clubs, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning : from Vancouver and is speaking , before the local Women's Canadian ! Club this afternoon on the subject lof "Unemployment Insurance." Mr. Sandwell is accompanied by his wile. They will proceed Monday morning by train to Edmonton and the Peace River country . Announcements Don't forget concert for needy children, Eagles' Hall, October 20. Catholic Bazaar, October 21 and 22. Concert, Presbyterian Church, October 23. ' Eagles' Serpentine Dance, Oc tober' 23: Ladies refreshment! Gentlemen, 50c. St. Peter's tobcr 29. Church bazaar, Oc Hill 60 I.O.D.E. Bridge and dance October 30. Moose Hallowe'en lance, Oct. 30 Prcsbvterlan' vcmber 5. Fall Bazaar. No- Moose Carnival and Dance No. 12 and 13. Baptist sale of work. Nov. 17. , Anglican Cathedral Bazaar. No- wmbcr 1!) MUSSALEM'S MEAT MARKET Our Meat Department is now under the management of IJert Salter. Our policy of serving best quality meats, Riving service and low prices will be continued. Saturday Specials Leg of Veal per lb Rump Veal per lb. Veal Chops per lb. Shoulder Roast of Veal per lb 25c 25c 25c 15c Veal Stew O Jp ::ill Prime Rib Beef ;K-r lb. .u loln Tips pc lb. v -irloln Roasts per lb itump Roasts per lb. Shoulders of Pork per lb Legs of Pork per lb. Loins of Pork per lb Pork Chops per lb Legs of Lamb per lb Loins of Lamb per lb Shoulder of Lamb per lb 25c 25c 25c 20c 15c 22 c 22c 25c 28c 22c 15c Stew Lamb 101 n r n, X.tA7s JVa Spare Ribs 3 lbs Local Fowl per lb, Home Made Sausage 2 lbs 50c 25c 35c We deliver free to all parts of the city. Phones IS and 81 117 Fifth Avenue East Hear the New 9-tube T Super-Heterodyne Victor radio With Automatic Volume-Control Pentode and Super-Control Tubes $ 149 .50 Other Victor Super-heterodyne Complete With 9 tubes models priced from $8950, complete with tubes. This finer instrument creates a new high standard In advanced Super-heterodyne performance. The most outstanding value in radio today ... a 9-tube Super-Heterodyne, in a cabinet of distinctive beauty, for only $14950, complete with tubes. Easy Term Payments. (0J bookings 0 Let Canadian National show you how moderate may be the eoat of your Christmas visit to the Old Country. You'll enjoy the family reunion all the more If travel details re all made In advance ... and eoste known. Tickets, passports, baggage, hotels, travellers' cheques, steamer reservations can all be arranged by Canadian National ... over the "comfort route". For Information, call or write: II. McEwen, D. F. and P. A. Prince Rupert, B. C. Canadian National UiNlON STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave' Prince Rupert f wr Vaneoutcts lAM ATALt rVEBT Tt'CSDAV, IJ0 PJL Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. TJSA. CAKDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight approx. Weekly aaUlngs to Port Simpson, Alic Arai. Anyoz. Stewart and Naas River I'oLnta. Sunday, 8:00 p.m. Further information regarding all sailings and tickets at rniNCX RLTERT AGENCY: ternd Avenue, fnon SM NESTLE'S tAPRnnitrTnrCAKA IESTL H sliesanMa 1 mi&M Mil! .TAixaizx x n a i m ABV sat "NJESTLfi'S EvsporsteJ J-T Milk is twice as rich as ordinary bottled milk ... a pure cow's milk with all useless water removed . . . then sterilized and scaled in airtight tins. Rich and creamy.. . Nestl's Evaporated Milk adds an appetizing richness to all cooking and baking and to beverages. NESTLlf'S Worlttt Largest Pro-duttrt and Sellers of Coudemed and Evaporated Milk. AS TWICE AS RICH AS ORDINARY BOTTLED MILK PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing AlteraUons Made Collection and Delivery Free! LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 649 COAL Buy the real Coal our fa mous Edson and Cassldy. Wellington in any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co IMIONES 68 AND S58 4., la aV- r 4 " 1s s 'V, V4 i''1 tf ? lai jar f)'. J. Si ' -1