- | eee —s 7] ri + Fi ; . < ie. fe a 6 Prince Auer Ory lock 8 Engineering 00, Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. can be docked together on sone light. Large materisis is one laid in. Foundry Work Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Eto., made at Reasonable Pri Prices. Machine and Boiler er Work of all kinds boats making Several section, fees Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. Phone 524 Motor Delivery The Gift Appreciated Later by That Little Boy or Giri of Yours. Your laughing little boy or girl 4n a few years will be a serious man or woman. A very small sacri- fice will help greatly to make the pathway more smooth that they must tread, If, for example, you are 40 years of age your child 10 years, a saving of less than $1.00 per working day’ would give the child an income of $40.00 per month for life even were you to leave to- morrow. Larger or smaller sums in “proportion, We can issue Policies on the En dowment Plan between the ages one and fifteen years. Why not one of these asa Uhbristmas gift for your boy or girl. Success or failure— anxiety or happiness—so much in vears to come may depend upon the possession of even a comparatively small income. Let us explain more fully the “Childs’ Endowment and Income Policies” to you. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Limited, Agents Phone (1 - 3rd Avenue National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY oo MM Stephens Notary Public sean —— FOR SALE Seven-roomed House with tw» Lots, on Graf: Hill Closed in sleeping porch, fireplace and range, concrete pillars and wall in basement, and stationary tubs in kitchen M. M. Stephens small stock of repair Cor. Fulton and Sixth Prompt Attention TEST OF HONOR AT Empress Mas Bessie Love in “The Wishing Ring.” “A Test of Honor” &t the Km- press tonight is a drama of love, this, the result husband dies. At the inquest sh: testifies that Martin's advances were unWelcome to her, and that he had killed her husband whil the latter was seeking, to avenve his wife's honor. At the Empress Bessie Love, being that her carer eee Boston Grill The Best Place to Eat Menu ON THE COUNTER We have No 50c Lunches We employ All White Help Open all of the 24 hours. Look out for Tomorrow’s Menu in the same place | DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hburs--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT charming as ever, plays the lead- ing part in “The Wishing Ringe. RUNNING To STEWART The gasboat “Nora” will now make fortnightly trips to Stewart and way points, carrying passen- Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B. ¢ Any accounts against the said cafe should be collected before December, 27 at 5 p. m. after which Tite's Christmas Drawing. Every $2.00 cash purchase en- titles you free to a ticket. First prize} brass bed, coil springs fel: mattress and pair of down pillows. Sevond .prize .ladies’ desk and chair, mahogany finish. Third prize St-ineh campo Doll. tf sk for Atkine Sausages. 'f TUE ~~ THE DABLY NEWS ‘ Se DAYS SPECIAL —e oh ws Quaker | Pears In HEAVY Syrup EX 2 lb. Tins, TRA SPECIAL 4 for $1 Regu 12 to lar 45c tin. Limit one customer. Pianos Walker. Comin Longlegs” Don't Drawing Ticket with chase at Bulgerc’s, Jewellery Store. V. Warren, en Pulp and Paper Swanson from correctly tuned. G,. C, Phone Blue 389. tf . . ,. g Wednesday Westholme forget your “Daddys Theatre. Christinas each pur- For the home fireside; the com- fort of easy ehair and rocker WESTHOLME THEATRE| rites store for. holiday a counts. tf . . . agent for the Wha!- Co,, returned Bay and Ocear Falls Saturday. will be he 2, at 8 p. ooms.,. The W oC. mm. G, Wednesday, velock i velcomed: Mr. ar urned t the Wynne i Venture anger, and jealousy. Mrs. Dawson arrived from Re At a country club trap shooting] gina on last night's train and contest one day, Martin and Rut!!! wil) visit with her brother-in-law go to the club house, and they are|< Dawson, of this city. drinking tea when Curtis and 9 Lumley appear just in time to see Toys, Dolls, Games, Books, Martin embrace Ruth. Anger*i|Sleighs, Xmas _ Uards, Kodaks at his wife’s conduct, Curtis at-|Gramophones — Xmas Gifts for tacks Wingrave, who knocks him|everybody at McRae Bros. down. Lumley administers first we oe ae aid, and tells Ruth to give her The regular monthly meeting of husband wine. She fails to do|'he Retail Merchants Association id on Tuesday, December m. in the Board of Trad: . . . omen's Auxiliary of the will hold a meeting on December 3, at 8 n the O. B. U. hall. All 282 id Mrs. Jack Wynne re- » town from Butedale by last night. Mr. s now Customs Collector it that point. The current Royal or at Demers. Spirell Mac * 257 . . . issue of the Bw. gers, mail and freight, beginning December 3. Office 621 Second| '##¢tle contains a notice of th ‘vemuie. Rt ‘neorporation of the Olympia W. COYNEY, Agent. Club Lid. with head offices at ‘ thee Prince Rupert. NOTICE Se | have bought the Palace Cafe, A. Lindeborg and D. Lindeborg, discoverers of the Big Missouri mine and owners of the townsite, Hyder, left on the Princess n Saturday evening for time I will not be responsible. Vancouver, L. K. MAIN, 285 ee i B. C. Manning, chief of the COMMUNITY PLATE. ‘The gut! Forestry Department, returned de tuxe, at eastern prices, ©t from Hazelton on last night's Tite’s. tf train. He was acccompanied by a ames Turnbull, forest ranger { arpet squares, congoleuns for the Hazelton district. rugs, floor civaving« at specia! pee eenenaetat aie - prices. Barrie's Furoilure Store. Take advantage ot the coat sale 281 a Corsetiere. Phono 7. SeGeeasesescerece TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * "te ee ew eeeree rer erane 5. cretary Wanted Applications will ceived up to 10 p.m. Satur- day, Dee. 6, inst., to fill the position of secretary of the hospital for a period of three months. Must have a knowledge of bookkeeping, Man who will live on the premises preferred. Applications from return- ~«d soldiers will receive favor- able consideration. Address or deliver appli- cations=to the be re- Secretary of the Prinee ‘Rupert General Hospital. 285 The Garant Boarding House 416 Sixth Avenue Bast Near Drydock Board by Month or Week. Phone Ked 245 sa GIRL WANTED for light house- work. Good wages. Phone Green 402. tf St. Regis Cafe Boiled Cra Mashe Jam Special Menu, 50c. Tuesday, December 2nd Luncheon 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. . Boiled Corned Beef with Cabbage Veal Croquettes, St. Reais Special made Head Cheese Baked Macaron!t and Cheese Cottage Dinner 6 p.m to 7:30. Soup. Hice Tomato Alaska Salt Cod, Cream Sauce Fried Smelts Green Peas Small Steak Liver and Onions cked Crab, Sliced Lemon 4, Baked or Boiled Potatoes Pudding and Custard Sauce Turnovers Pumpkin Pie Tea snd Coffee save money. Orme mt ee es ers es / oo For a ~~ Messenger phone 203, tf . . * Demers are selling winter coats at cost 281 . . . A chance to save money. Family Shoe Store. tf . . * For plate and sheet glass, see A. W. Edge Co. tf “Daddy Longlegs” at the West- holme Wednesday. 281 J. 8S. Harkley came in from Stewart last night. , . . “Why Smith left Home.” West holme, December 9 and 10, ti Mary Pickford in “ Daddy Long- jews” Westholme Wednesday. . . . Use “Muresco” the great sani- tary wall finish. A. W. Edge Co, > . > Mary Pieckford in legs’ at the Westholme day. Daddy Long Wednes 281 Secure seats for “Why Smith left Home,’ Westholme Decembe 9 and 10, tf . . . New shipment Dall Real Lace Mrs. Harvey's. Opposite the Post Oilice. * > ’ The “‘Dinector’’ Corset. Manu faetured in Prince Rupert. Phone Blue 92. tf >. . * Ladies’ colored spats on sale $2.20 per pair. Family Shoe store. tf > . > Tite's large stock of fancy goods and toys opened up and af your service, tf . . > Very nifty Xmas Cards at Me- Rae Bros. The gift so cheap and so much appreciated. 281 A good stock of French Ivory Leather Bags and Umbrellias al Bulger's Jewellery Store. OR 20 per cent discount on all wall- papers. We have to make room for new stock. A. W. Edge Co, if * . . Dick Greenwell returned Vancouver last night after spend- ng some weeks visiting iu the sity. . 7 * Tite's special discounts fi ash until Christmas in our fur 1itune; rug and drapery depar! nents. tf . . . Mrs. Basset-Jones will not r« eive tomorrow Tuesday, nor a gain until the first Tuesday January. 284 . >. > Wallace's Xmas Drawing. Three free prizes. One ticket with every dollar purchase in any depart- nent. First prize, eiderdow: voomforter; second prize, silk sweater; third prize, best pair ladies’ shoes. tf * . * There seems to ke some mys- ery attached to the Mr. and Mrs J, Ratchford who arrived from Vancouver on Saturday morning s boat. Joe says that it is not his brother, Jack, who left for th: Kast some weeks ago. 7 . * Mrs. Charles Youngman was able to return home from the hospital last week after being seriously ill there for some weeks Her mother, Mrs, ©. B. Lochar vhe recently arrived from, Seatt! s still with her. . . , Don't miss the great Shoe Sale. ‘amily Shoe Store. if Barrie's Christmas drawing. Every two dollars’ worth pur: thased entitles you to a ticket ree, Starting Wednesday, No- sember 19. First prize, Daven port bed; second prize, fumed oak table; third prize, wicker, rocker Take advantage of the coat sale it Demers. 281 Jack Wreathall, W. Wrathall, left this morning's will resume Government at the brother of W for Hazelton on train where he his duties with the service as operator main office in Old Hazelton Mr. Wrathall recently returned from service overseas and ar rived from Vancouver on Satur. day morning. For every dollar purchase you get a chance to win a 877 Gramo- phone at MeRae Bros, 281 Keds» springs end mattresses al redueed prices at Barrie's fur. nituure sale. tf the future and Family Shoe Store. Buy shoes for Good warm winter coats at cost at Demers { Local News Notes {| ee KITTY GORDON “Playthings of Passion” Canadian Kinos And Two Reel Fatty Arbuckle & Mabl. Comedy “HE DID and H ae ee ee TT Wnt Empress : Tonight - re ee a mee JOHN BARR} MORE | “The Wishing Ring’ FLAGG COMEDY “Welcome, Little Sister” gram } Norman [DN re Hi ‘ni i su i i Theatre SILVERWARE Seems Supreme LL over Canada more p< Silverware the past year Why this great demand’ Do people want it beca to get or because they did ni war. Anyhow we stock of silverware this Christmas time. have ready { Tea Sets, $20.00 up. Ca up. Faney Flower Baskets cute things which make the t We have the complete lin odd fancy pieces in Sheraton patterns, at Vancou Compare with any catalog prices, a won Commun opie ! } thar & s ier] r your Ke basket : ana > able ( eoia pie ana rand 5S no ieee JOHN BULGER Jeweler The Gift Store ” ° ” Fexall emecdicr A name that all America has learnt lo know and rely upon “Rexall Remedies” are the high standard of quality that maintained in compounding on proven principles. Con established because of the co made. ** Pexall’’ does not in ans Instead there | hi im *“‘Cure-all,’’ preparation for Remedies"’ or habit forming drugs. ‘Rexall Remedies’’ every are sold re Ormes, Li Two Phones 82 & 200 A successlu do not contain — ful ’ for! fdence nse! ganse sa nature-aiv stimula! in this c¢ t) mited : i y our. Service emma a "64 | '