jiturday, December 5, 1931 THE DAILY NEWS FAQS THREES PASCALLS Chocolate Novelties for Christmas Prices 5c and up Ormes Ltd. Tflitt Pioneer DruQ&tsts THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. jiii ' a i ' nil iin n sail j i ri n i:i i t QhrktmaA Qii SELECTING GIFTS IS ' 7L DIFFICULT Let Us Help You K . a will cull we can solve a number of y- ir l'f problems. We have unique and Individ ua1 rwji.'wurk; Christmas Cards, singly-or boxed ; t io pi :ps; choice line of stationery; variety of i Christmas Tree and parcel trimmings; note! . Rifts of various kinds. ltd TALK IT OVER WITH JOHN AND MRS. McKAE. You Don't Have to Buv REGAL SHOP THIRD AVENUE nil ii inn t r 1 1 lira in ibib i b i m b b n .biiib ib r i H. S. OLSEN EUROPEAN EXPERT WATCHMAKER F.v years' apprenticeship at the Royal Danish Watchmaker School at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad working In the big cities of Europe. All Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. , Prices Reasonable. TERRACE, HR1TISH COLUMBIA Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg.... $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Stramrra Irtir rrlncf Haptrt for VifWtnt-TJt..M ATAI.A EVERY Tl'tSPAV, UO P.M. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver. Thursda Morning. T.KA lAKOENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouvtr Sunday midnight pjffox. Wki MUtngi to Port sunpaon. Alice1 Arm. Anjrox, BUwtn and Nm Rlvir points Sunday. 9 p.m tr;r.bt information regarding all aalliiua and ticket at - PKINrr RITKRT AGENCY: m-c mid ,rnu. Pnon. SM NESTLFS MILK (UNSWtETENED) EVAPORATED 1 jttJbtfft euat Jar TAIL SfZK HW BABY SIZE Convenient ! is VJ NESTLES NESTIE5 hWAPORAT,';- NESTli'S- XTorlXs Lamest Producers d Sellers tfConJemcJ and Evaporated MM. Economical ! SAVE yourself the bother of Keeps indefinitely jn its waiting for milk deliveries, scaled, airtight container-Keep a supply of NcsTifs on always pure and sweet when shelf needed, the tin. Al your -use as you open ,Jct the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help thev bring you. Local Items Thomas Monson left en yester day afternoon's train for a trip to Winnipeg. I, ..iiLil,'. nm Miss K. Mathers will be a pas senger aboard the Prince John to night for Sandsplt. ' Capt. W. P. Armour, local man ager of the Pacific Salvage Co.. sailed last night on the Cardena for a business trip to Vancouver. Furnace Fuel: 1 Ton Telkwa Coal, 1 Load Wood, 15.50. Stove and Kitchen Fuel: 1 Ton Sootier Egg, 1 Load Wood, $15. Ph. 116 ALI1EKT & McCAFFEKY, LTD. Union steamer Caraena, Cap.. Andrew Johnstone, arrived In por: at 11:15 last night from the south and sailed at midnight on her return to Vancouver and waypoints Several letters in regard to the load line were read at the mcetin? of the Chamber of Commerce last night and filed, it being decided to await developments and if necessary take up the matter' again Miss Joyce Edwards of this city has sent a contributlon to the Old Fashioned Photos feature of the magazine section of the Vancouver Sunday Sun. The picture sent by Miss Edwards was taken over sixty years ago and shows her grand mother at the age of nineteen. F. O. Sims, general superinten dent of the Dominion Government Telegraph Service at Ottawa, who with Mrs. Sims, was a guest at the Hotel Vancouver recently, has left for Prince Rupert. Mrs. Sims is at present the guest of Mrs. E. II Jupp, West Vancouver, and will leave on Monday for Ashcroft where she will Join Mr. Sims before proceeding Eas. Vancouver Announcements High School 10 and 11 -.t- Presbyterian cember 16. Moose Whist December 16. concert, December tea at Manse Dr- Drive and Dance. Eagles' Social Dance December 18. Gentlemen 50c. Ladies refreshments, 3.30 to 1.30. Canadian Legion Christmas Tree. Dec. 19. Hogmanay dance December 31. l.ODZ. Hall Presbyterian Burns Banquet 35. Notice to Fishermen Organization Meeting to be held Moose Hall on Saturday, December 5 at 7:30 pm. Called for all classes of fishermen and boat owners only. United we stand, divided we fall. Come and say it their I'M hm FROM ST. JOHN To Clicrbourt-Soutlianipton-Antwerp Dec. 12 Montnvr To niasgow-Rrlfast-Liverpool l-c It Duchcu of Bedford Or in DuoIm of Rlelunond o-x- ? Montca'm xDn-. II, Xjn. 39 Montdarc ,Jl,paJU M Qlasfow Liverpool only. To fircrnork-l!rlfat-Llverpool Duoheu of York ... , . . t t S iJtt tV!W?Iw-i.iYcrpooi Jan. 16 Mfliu Itmn VMOlKK Hliil IC I OKI To Hiinll-J.mii-( lilnn-riilllijilnr xDc. 10. Fb. n. . .Knvprrw of Aili xJan. S, HUt. 12. Enip. ot Canadt xJmi. IS. Mar. 20. ..Enip of Rum! ajan. SOxApr. S. ...Envp. or Japan xCall at Honolulu. Auolv to Aitfnia evertwhera or J J. fOIINTKR Btranubip Ofnl. Pau. Annt c V R Station. Vancourr. Telfplimie Trinity 1151 . chest CO L PS MaUaaaan II Sons of Norway Xmas Tret Benefit Dance. Metiopole Hall, to night at 9 o'clock. Gents. 50c. La dles 25c. Good music B. A. Latta. Canadian National Express Co. official from Edmon ton, arrived in the city yesterday in the course of one of his periodical trips on Inspection duties. Father Charles Webb, O.M.I.. parish priest of the Roman Catholic Church here, left on yesterday afternoon's train for Prince Oeorge where he will conduct a week's mission. Ray Common, accountant in the local branch of the. Royal Bank oi Canada, left on yesteiday afternoon's train for Quesnel where he will relieve the manager who is going on vacation. Fred W. Rudge, well known can nery manager of the B. C. Packers. arrived in the city from Vancou ver on the Cardena last night and expects to spend some time here on business. He is guest at tht Royal HoteL New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot St Cold water: Steam Heat 75c TEU DAY AND UP J. Zarelli Trlrphone tSI Fred W. Rudge. Vancouver. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert s leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms. A. J. PRUnilOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts A. Seaberg. city. Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Phone Red 608 DOMINION DAIRY Cut Down Prices on STOVE WOOD 12. DRY 11 or lG-inch length SI'KUCi: and CKDAK OUEIIN HEMLOCK, ALDER and JACKPINE Cedar Pilings and Radio Poles N. Carlson & J. Flostrand Telephone Green 556 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIrtl FOR SKEENA UUAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH rASTEUKIZEl) MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City I NOTICE Our coal is in a dry shed. Don't bur water. Buy coal and get your full weight. Discpunt $1.00 a ton. Note our advertisements for cash prices. HYDE TRANSFER, Phone 580. A rash a skin sore Eczema? rf DDD has no rival in the treatment of akin disorders. A doctor's formula that dotton rrromniend. An attire fluid that destroys tl.o disease germ inlliesUin. DUD cooja. soot hen, lieals. The blemished skin b washed dean. Hotel Arrivals Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Moose Xmas Tree, Dec. 20. Members please turn in children s names. 28.1 Constable Steele, R.C.M.P. of Tel egraph Creek, who has been on a trip to the Interior, arrived in town on this h'sofnfng's train 'l Mrs. M. A. Dupuls of Haysport li paying a brief visit to the city having arrived from the Skctna River on this morning's train. Rev. Charles E. Mottc, until recently pastor of Rupert East United Church here, preached in Renfrew United Church', Vancouver, on Sunday morning of this week and In Second Church the same At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce last night, the mem bers decided to take no immediate action in regard to the. efforts of the Canadian National Railway, to reduct operating costs. They ar cepted a report of a committee re commending against protest at shortening the period for dallv trains and no move in regard to mixed trains until after the report of the commission was received. BJTBaB Bil BIB:! BlB3-B3'B.7BXBi M.M De Jong s Cash Phone 953 and Carry Phone 953 Week-End Specials Pink Salmon '3 's 9r A tl. fo, MVS' m iuw vi Brlllo Silver Polish The only real silver polish in tubes. Uan Oft, u Mnn InKo. MJ W Rowntrees Elect Cocoa ARt I IK 1UV 1 1U. VHil Malkin's Best Extracts per 2-0?. bottle Felix Oinger Ale Pints 2 bottles for Sm I :. 81-40 Purity Quick Oals 2 pkgt.fpr Malkin's Best Coffee In fancy Christmas wrapper 25 Bullen's Lemon Cheese per 9-oz. ar Red Arrow Sodas Dollar size, per box Malkin's Beet Sliced Pineapple, 2's, per tin Rinso Large package each Royal Crown Soap 6 bars for Rajonl Tea, 1 lb.. Lump Sugar, 1 2-lb. box, both for De Luxe Matches Same as OQp California Grapefruit 2 for Sunklst Oranges Medium stee, per dot 3 dozen for Florida Orapefruit Large size, each tan 18c 25c 37c 29c 42c 28c 23c 23c ,52c 15c 33c 90c 10c Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or Over racsjcai. maxa-ra raraivsaii j Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 30,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MinlngMarhincry Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and AcetjIene'Weldlnr 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts wroBiariTOPiiiia I ONLY $10 DOWN PAYMENT I Don't Gamble With Radios! 1 u It must be obvious that a corporation like THE VICTOR CO. g Is In a better position than other 'organizations to produce the m finest of radios. 5 BECAUSE The exclusive business of Victor is making radios and records not a side line to refrigerators and washing machines. ' j! BECAUSE For forty years Victor has led the wdrld in the reproduction H of music. g BECAUSE g VICTOR is the favorite chIldT-"R. C, A. Victor of that huge gj organization that owns over 90 of the radio patents in existence. H BECAUSE When you purchase a Victor you do hot purchase an experl- gj ment but absolutely the best radio that the ingenuity of man has g been able to Invent. jj WHY Is VICTOR prestige supreme throughout the continent? "There's A Reason." Victor has always produced its wares a little g better than seems necessary. gj Glad to demonstrate in your own home. Payments arranged jjj to your convenience. jj 1 tan ri ?: mzi xmsm mrmrm (iiiii rmim i f ri : tmrn iacata The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COI Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SOUTH IMIL b. Jtth, liii. Ik folloU RsafMl Trip Winter Far mr ffrctlr ttramer for VAC)UVKR. Kram rXact Kupert From Anyt - ..... tto.oo Frm Mrwarl. IM.TO Ta Prlnc Rupert and Return, i An?o. IUJI From Mewart (MeaU and Her III Ineliidedl lli.T RETURN LIMIT. MARCH Hat Fee informmtUm emit mr amla lomt mgrnt ne ii. mcEwcn. n.F. a r.A.. rnne Kupen 1 V-ll Canadian National (Tlt Xarqat Zaikma ufuxtcm. ut crhtvcriaL. COAL liny the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay. Grain and Robin Hood Flour. a Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Freel LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 619