M m i "At PAGE BIZ WATERFRONT WHIFFS Pacific Salvage Co. to Take Alice Arm Logging Outfit South Coho Run on Islands New Cannery Project Mooted The Pacific Salvage Co. of this city has secured the contract for the moving to Marpole on the Fraser River of all the logging equipment of the Abbotsford Logging Co. of Alice Arm including donkey engines, steel rails, etc. Last week two of the company's power tugs, Salvage Princess and rachena, and two large scows left for Alice Arm to cany out the loading of the outfit. The Pachena is doing the loading; and the Princess, which' is no'wfbackj- will tow the outfit south. The AK-- botiiorci Logging Co., wmcn was t-year oia iar.ner who among. controlled by the late J. O. 1're-1 other ailment, has twiw been theway, operated on the Kltsault Flats at Alice Arm for several years and took out a laise quantity of logs which were shipped to the pulp and paper mills down the c.inst. Tcte Bruno, popularly known as "Ire Cow Bjy Barbe-.," leit this w ik for hi? n'.i;e homt in It;: Jy where he has btvn clisd on ac- stricken with pneumonia and whose recovery is now despaired of. Pete, before leaving, intimated that, if his father survives, he will remain in the Old Country until he Is restored to gooi health pgalri. Pete has no idea as to how long- he might be awj-.y, statin; that he business interests here. Peter was accompanied by his wife and fam ily. While no information whatever can be gleaned in official quarters in Prince Rupert, the tumor is current here that D. B. Finn, who resigned the position over a year ago to take charge of the scientific re search department of the British Columbia Packers Ltd., which has since been eliminated, may return next year as director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station. Local officials of the beard and station were entirely silent on the subject when questioned as to its auUiorativeness. Mr. Finn, who .was.reqntly married, is at present at Cambridge University in England taking up special scientific work. It is understood he will not return to British Columbia until late next spring or early summer. Being now on a winter vacation from his duties with F. E. Hunt Ltd., local ship chandlery concern, Reg Webber is giving his attention to an investigation of the radio re- might be back within six months ception difficulties of himself and or might be away until the spring of 1933. Felix ReJa and Louis Maz- count of the .if nous illncw of hiszei are left In charge of the Bruno friends. Various forms of aerials are coming in for his consideration and, by the time winter is over, we ;ri:i Ri a n bxki ii an : im Bfwxm btik msm kv : uxua ikwiixhi KJKtKcn arm mmm ran WE CAN SOLVE YOUR GIFT PROBLEMS You will save much time, and make your money jo further if you will allow us to solve your lift problems. In our complete store you will find a wide assortment of beautiful and useful gifts jifls that will constantly remind the recipient of jour thoughtfulness and good taste. We are listing just a few of our many Items from which you can select gifts for every member of your family. Diamonds, Watches and Rings Bracelets, Reads and Novelty Necklets Earrings, Compacts and Vanity Cases Atomizers, Many Designs in Hand Rags -Read Rags, Sewing Baskets, Umbrellas Rutterfly Wing Pictures, Rook Ends Waterman & Shaef fcr Pens and Pencils Desk Sets and Silverware Carving Sets and Perculators Flatware, All Kinds of Lamps Club Rags, Suit Cases and Fitted Cases Lacquer Ware, Rronzc Statuary Cocktail Shakers, Flask Lites Leather Relts & Ruckles, Cents' Pocket Rooks Pipes, Smoking Sundries and Cigarette Cases ' Poker Sets, Indian Moccasins Indian Curios, Totem Poles Moradabad & Chinese Rrasswarc Wedgewood and fiouda Pottery Smoking Stands, Fancy Cups & Saucers Fancy China Novelties, Vases Cut Glass & Colored Glassware Sterling, Ivory & Pearl-Tone Toiletware MAX HEILBRONER Diamond Specialist Third Avenue kbibxb lasma rviwaxavaTaxa m ed tm mmmm ea ra tu : Mnarara tms uxmim run tmta is eb ru ru If You are one of the few. People Who do not already Take the Daily News We suggest it would be a good thing to get in line with progress. Telephone for the boy to call and then pay him a dime a week and live happy cycr .afterwards. Re an optimist. Subscribe to the paper that radiates optimism. 9 THE DAILY NEWS Telephone 98 Third Avenue TUB DAILT KKWS Saturday,. Decmbft , may firmly anticipate that our friend is going to have a pretty definite idea as to Just what is the matter with radio reception in Prince Rupert and how it may be bettered. Meantime, Reg is in ag reement with many others who hold the view that the Northern British Columbia Power Co.'s high tension line is the chief offender in this' connection. Frank Davles, popular accountant of the Atlln Fisheries here, is spending his annual vacation with relatives at Victoria. He is at least in no danger of getting run over by the traffic as long as he confines himself to our tranquil Capital City. Capt. "Winnie Pierce, owner and skipper -of the American halibut boat Tahoma. has taken up residence in Prince Rupert for the winter. With his wife and family, he is living In one of the West houses on Fifth Avenue East. With funds at a low ebb following the unprofitable 1931 season, -ome eight or ten of the Prince Ru-)ert halibut boats, in order to cut winter living expenses, arc now 'camping out" for a few months. That Is, the members of the crew ire living on the boats which, sup-illed with the necessary provis ions, are anchored at suitable points ilong the coast. Fresh meat is be- .ng obtained by hunting and some if the boats are also engaging in rapping operations. It is being found a good deal more economical than living In town. A large run of beautiful silver bright coho salmon Is reported In 3kldcgate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. This Is something unusual ind it is claimed that these particular cohoes do not belong to the Queen Charlotte Islands, being much larger than the usual species there. Some boats are reported to have caught over thirty-one fish In one morning for their own use. Salvage .Princess Hunting The Pacific Salvage Co.'s power tug Salvage Princess, Capt. Frank Tyler, returned to port yesterday after a successful goose and duck hunting trip to Qulnemass In the Naas River area. The vessel left for the north Wednesday afternoon, the party on board consisting of Capt. W. P. Armour, Aid. J. H. Plllsbury, Capt. J. R. Elfert. F. A. MacCallum, W. M. Blackstock and Or. J. H. Carson. At the end of last week the same party made a trip also on the Salvage Princess to Banks Island and took a good bag of deer, geese' and ducks there. The Northwest Telephone Co.'s service boat Belmont, here in con nection with the establishment of a commercial radiophone station it Prince Rupert, arrived here on Thursday of last week and Is making headquarters at the floats of the Pacific Salvage Co. The Bel-:nont will probably be here for some time while the radiophone installations and tests are being carried out. The Indian Department's power cruiser Naskeena, skippered by Dominion Constable A. J. Watkinson, returned to port Thursday afternoon following a trip' to Kincollth to pick up Indian Agent W. E. Col-llson. who had been at Kincollth on business in connection with the putting in of a new waterworks system for the Naas River native village. The Naskeena left for the north Wednesday morning. Jack Cobb, well known and popular old timer of the city, arrived recently from Lowe Inlet, where he has been located for the past year or so as cannery watchman. He will spend the winter In town and expects to return to Lowe Inlet about March 1. He has been given a hearty welcome back to town by many old friends. New Cannery Project Names of prominent canncry-nien of the north coast of British Columbia are being linked with reports of a projected new salmon cannery project which It Is said will be In readiness for operation next season. It ls'unde.rstood that at least one plant will be established in the neighborhood of Prince Rupert. Prospects of better canned salmon market conditions In 1932 are Inspiring the prediction that next year will see canning operations return to more normal conditions with many of the capnerles, which remained closed during the 1931 season, again in production. Incl- dentally, next season Is a big cycle year for pinks. : Little has been heard lately re gardlng cannery plans of the fish ermen's co-operativd organization. John Dybhavn, member of the Biological Bpard of Canada, and H. N. Brocklesby, acting director of me rnnce ttupert risntncs ljjjch- mental Station, will be leaving Prince Rupert on Christmas Day for Ottawa where they will attend the annual meeting of the Biological Board of Canada. Prospects are that boatbuilding activities at Prince Rupert this winter will be very quiet. As far as new construction is concerned, little if anything isifi ''sight. :Of "course, there will be the- usual overhaul and repair work which will start soon after the New Year. Some new engine installations are also being planned according to report. MUCH FUR EXPECTED Yield of Pelts in Trace Ulvcr Dis trict Expected to Be Heavier This Winter FORT ST. JOHN. Dec. -Pion eers of the district predict a much heavier and better quality catch of furs in the Peace River Block this winter. Fur traders are getting their supplies in order for the first hipment north. Loads of provisions in heated sleighs will leave Fort St. John before Christmas on their Journey. Dr. A. L. Prltchard, who arrived in the city Thursday night fror-i Massett Inlet where he has been conducting salmon research work for the Biological Board of Canada left on yesterday afternoon's train for Toronto. kuxux ui uimuzuuuzm uxuzwim THIRTEEN THRIFT SPECIALS For Monday and Tuesday Small White Beans 6 lbs BarUett Peart Quaker No. 2 tins, per tin . .... Lux For fine laundering per pkg Malkin's Best Coffee per 1-lb. tin : Chateau Cheese Spreads or slices, -lb. pkg. Argood Mince Meat per 4-lb. tin Icing Sugar per 2-lb. pkg. Red Arrow Sodas Fresh stock, per pkg Corned Beef Fray Bentos per 1-lb. tin Soap Chips per lb Kaien Crab Delicious fresh packed, Vfc-lb. tin Seedless Raisins Sunmald per 15-oz. pkg Celery Okanagan per head 25c 15c 9c 40c 16c 38c 15c 15c 15c 9c 20c 15c 9c Thrift Cash & Carry 201 Third Ave A Few Doors Down From Moose Hall Phone 179 "CARRY AND SAVE" IB 1BTBTB IU !7I TM mrutl ru twv BOAT ENGINES 10 to 60 H.l. From $8.50 Also Generators from $5.50 and Guaranteed New Storage Ratteries from $7.93 VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1249 Granville St, Vancruver Branch Yard at 330 Second Ave. East immnaxBiBHraiBii'Bii Fri. & Sat. Only TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. Feature Starts at 7:30 and 9:30 Admission 20c & 65c Sat. Matinee at 2:30 15c, 40c 1 IbM.HIHIB&M ai'i mvm .. OXnppfi?WN.S GREATEST COMEDIAN Charlie Chaplin in "CITY LIGHTS" Remember His Battered Derby, Bauty Trousers, Trick Cane tnd Funny Mustachlo? "Laugh and the World Laughs With You Come and Laugh! Laugh! Laugh! MICKEY MOUSE in "TRAFFIC TROUBLES" Hodge I'odie "HKill LIGHTS OF TRAVEL" Musical "NO MOKE HOOKEY)' Monday and Tuesday "WATERLOO BRIDGE" b xm Turm xmxmiMMuru tnvMzm kmxm sm tu tutu immtmsu ui jj , 2 3 OUR MOTTO Economy Service Quality When buying from us. Free delivery on orders of $2D0 We Stork n;ttirn iliv advertised u"xi.s Our prices are uniform, we sell for less and list a few of our many low priced articles for your selection. Use our phones, we hare them for your convenience and arc always pleased to quote prices not advertised. Woodland Butter 3 lbs. for Swift's Pure Lard-bulk. 3 lbs. for E838a;zN01"xtra8 si.oo Shredded Wheat Biscuits, per pkg. Kellogg's Com Flakes Qn nfir nlfcr wl r" Aylmer Catsup 2 bottles for Aylmer Plums 2's per tin Aylmer Strawberries Raspberries, 2's, tin Aylmer Saurkraut 24's, per tin Becklst Honey 5's per tin 95c 40c 10c 27c 10c 25c 15c 68c BeekUt Honey 2' per tin Malkin's Best Jelly Powders, per doz MalUs'": Cst Jams 4's, per tin Economy Bulk Tia In the cup 3 lbs. for Liquid Veneer Furniture P i-: large bottles Jffp Ul regular 60c. for Bruseell SprouU 2 lbs. for 35c 55c 41c 95c 25c Bread Raisin. Brown & Hp lV White, per loaf With each order of $3.nn i . r we will sell 10 lbs Ki ,vi .'v 45c Out of town customers ran be assured or having their order, riwii the best of care and attention. Mussallems Cash & Carry "WHERE DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS" No. 1 Store. 3lh A v. No. 2 Store. 319 3rd A v. No. 3 Store ' 3rd At, Phone 18-81 Phone 360 Thone 'J PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Best! Prince Kuport merchants say that their customers like to buy goods of the best quality. Tlx y are a discriminating people. - If there are any Prince Rupert people ni taking the Daily News regularly .we suggest that they are making a mistake in not taking the bcist. Tlv Pri-'e is now so low that it is a mistake to do witi"Ut the paper that cipilatos throughout the district. Call ur the Daily News business office and ask that the boy call and collect. 10c. Weekly Commence Getting the Paper Tomorrow Early Ad. Copy is appreciated