PA01 FOUR. ft. ?1 feitil "fa.-.. American Footballer Sensational Tactics 4 f ! f 3 a, A' LAST NIGHT Lare Crowd Witnessed Another Fine Set of Games and High School Are Also Winners Staler League C. N. R., 20; Taxi, IT. . . Ladies' League Amazons, 32 20; Comets, 0. Intermediate League Tuxis, 18; High School, 33. Junior League Japanese Association. 5; Scouts, 34. Another large and enthusiastic audience witnessed the second series of games in the first half of the basketball schedule. All four games were evenly contested and the fans voiced their appreciation of many ball association will be supported In its effort to foster the game in the city this winter. Already it has been noticed that ficult, these games are well worth LAMB'S RUM AGED. BLENDED AND MATURED AT THE LONDON DOCKS "Lamb's Fine Old Navy" PROOF OVEItrUOOF Old and Good! Ask the British Navy! On sale at Liquor Vendors or direct from Government Liquor Control Mail Order Department, Victoria. B.C. this advertisement is not published or displayed" "by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British V 'nlumhlH PIPE TESTED by a RADIO SPECIALIST lOf, 1 and art pocka ga alio In fapound humidor f frit seeing. Last nisht the Scouts and Japanese made their initial appearance. On paper it looked as though, the Japanese would walk off the floor easy winners'. Bat how those Scouts played! Ths deadly shooting of Santerbane, Wi son. and Calderonl took all the fight out of the Japanese who left the floor on the. short end of-a 34-5 score. How- N. It. Beat 32 Scouts, Amazons j ever, this score does not indicate the play which was in reality fast and hotly contested. GJve those Japanese a little more shooting, and let the Scouts "be prepared" for a reversal, mayhap. For the Japanese, KUhimoto was outstanding, while Suehire weiked hard. The teams: Japsense Kanaya 2k Kishimo-to (24, T. Nakamoto 1, Suehiro, Obata. Kondo; total. 5. Scouts Santerbane 12), Calderonl (10), Wilson- (12. Miller, Vier-eck; total, 34. Referee, Dan Morirson. Intermediate Game The Tuxis-High School game', which followed was the best exiri- I UUi- 4 I 11 J 1 dazzling plays in a manner that01"" OI uurmg me eve- augurs well for the game this sea- ,ntoj. This league will be hotly oon-on. Mueh favorable comment wasitested because the Merchants- line-also heard In respect of the excel- .UP beln8 strengthened so that all lent heating conditions which pre- i teams will be on nearly equal vail in the building. It Is hoped that., strength. The Tuxis boys, who; with such comfort for the specta-; "ashed so brilliantly against Mer-i tors, and with teams which seem to j cnants on Tuesday, were not so sac-' be so evenlv matched, the basket-1 cessf ul with High last night. They: Just couldn't seem to locate that elusive basket. Morrison, Thurberj and Nakamoto potted at it from all angles but they could not sink a the preliminary Junior games areie enough percentage to pull out f nrnvidlne keen comDetltlon and. i a w,n- IIl8h- on the th h- - ! even though Ume limitations place Pecially In the first half, couldn't them at an hour that is rather dlf- mlss- ot Un8er'8 first flve to, three went in during the first lew minutes of play giving High a 6-0 , lead that it was able to hold I throughout Unger's shooting was deadly and, during the first half, he gave High five baskets. Running: him a close second was Wingham , who, although amassing less points, I was probably more spectacular. Morrison, however, who is usually a consistent marksman, was away I off and only managed te locate twice In the first halt. Nakamoto, i once again, was the most useful j ; Tuxis player. To watch this boyj ; work is a treat for any basketball , enthusiast. His brilliant dribbling, i fake passing and shooting, and fine I 1 1 team play stamp him as the Tuxis k . pivot. After piling up a. comfortable lead In the first half. High played 'their subs, Ross and Tobey for half the game, while Vance, Wingham, Walters and Forbes took turns at, i warming the bench. Allen and Han- TURRET BILLIARDS ORGANIZED Lcajue Will Consist of Five Teams '1 his Year Starts Next Tuesday Flv8 teams have been entered in ii3 Prttue- Rupert Billiard League to. che states 1931: They are as follows: orbtto D. Brown (captain), O. Waugh. B. Morgan, O. Howe, G. Simmon, E. Hudson, P. Johnson, P. V acner. Legion F. Zieman (captain), C. Haptre. J. Smith, P. Tinker, J. Stra-c until, 3. u. Macupnahd, L. Raby, M. Eckert. Elks C. Balagna (captain), J. Andrews, A. MlteheH, B. Murray, B. Hutaen, B. Batt, J. Scott, R. Wicks. Cold Storage A, Murray (captain), J. HUlman, A. Macdonald, J. May, P. Aldridjge, O. Veirlck, N. Chenoskl, R. Fonff. Empress M. Andrews (captain), B. Mitchell, R. Young, A. Murray, A. Murray, J". 8ulger5 B. Windlei N. Valentine, H". Walker. Play will be evtary Tuesday and Friday nights starting November 17 when Grotto will play Empress. Chas. Bafagno 13 predtnt. s;3n substituted well for Tuxis. After a second half In which Tuxis outplayed High hut were ineffectual in their shooting and in pass ing the High guards, the game ended 23-18 for Hlsi. The teams: TuxU Morrison 8, K. Nakamoto (8i, Moxley, Smith, Allen, Thur-ber (2), Hanson; total, 18. High Walters 2i, Vance, Unger (10), Wingham (9), Forbes (2), Tobey, Ross; total. 23. Referee, Walter Johnson. Ladies' League In their first appearance the Comets were badly swamped by the Amazons who piled up a 20-0 score against them. However, this was the second game for Amazons who seemed in better condition and who were more at home cn the new floor. Amazons, also seemed to have a weight advantage which should be adjusted to provide closer rivalry in the Ladles' League. Susie Bod-dle was the Amazon mainstay and. with the help of hard-working Enid Morris she combined with Dot Prlt-chard to do all of the team's scoring. Prttehard was left wide open beneath the basket too often and 'My occupation as a radio specialist requires deep concentration. Naturally I get much consolation from my pipe. Unfortunately I have a very sensitive taste my tongue hums easily and my throat gets sore readily. About a monthagol tried Turret pipe tobacco. I then and there decided that it was the tobacco I was looking for a fragrant, cool smoke that did not hum my throat or tongue. Now that I have found a tobacco that I can smoke day in and day out without hud effects, I find it more economical to purchase the half pound tins. I would advise any person who wants HEAL HPE SATISFACTION to try Turret pipe tobacco' PIP E TOBACCO A good9 cool smoke tested Turret In cut for thorn who roll thtlr oxen n W ...Here's comfortinq relief without "dosing." Just rub on MICKS WVapoRub proved that she seldom misses, being nigh score. For Comets, Robert and Steen played hard, though ! these players wasted much good ef-i fort by unnecessary roughness. It is team play combined with good shooting that makes a game, not Individual effort. And it was because the Amazons exhibited morej of this that they were such easyj winners. The teams: I Amazons-Boddle (5), Morris (4),' Prltchard (11 1, Harvey, Morgan, Letchford; total. 20. Cornels Steen, Roberts, Kach. Jack, McGutre, Connery; total, 0. , Referee, Dan Morrison. Senior League For C. N. R. A. It was their second encounter: for 32 Taxi their first. In spite of this the taxi men nearly pulled out a win. If the sen lor game Is an indication of the 30od sportsmanship and brand of oasketball to be dished up tor the fans this season, It certainly will lean much for basketball. The play throughout this game was very fast featuring, brilliant combination and nuch speed. It was a ding-dong affair throughout, with the winner In doubt until the final whistle when the scoreboard showed 20-17 for the Trainmen. The C. N. R. having played more together, displayed good teamwork, and the efforts of Lambie, Morrison, Smith and Styles in this direction were the chief factors in. the C. N. R. victory. Unfortunately", fifthe second half, the C. N. R. teamwork was spoiled by placing long shots on the boards for rebounds which in every ease were ineffectual. This type of basketball slows up the' game and shows lack of inlttatlYSaand team play. Dido Ourvich, Rstehford and Ross were best for j.. Taxi while the good woi k of Doug. Stalker was marred by heavy fouling. Had not D. Ourvich suffered a painful leg Injury in the final five minutes of play the C. N. R. might still be playing off a tied scere. However, they held the ball well for the last three minutes in an effective still and 32 were unable to score. The teams: C. N. R. A. Smith i4, Johnson a. Styles, Matheion, Stalker 'It. Morrison (4), Lambie (10); total, 20. 32 Taxi D. Oorvich i4, Ratch-ford 2. S. Ourvich 2, D. Stalker. Ross (7), Kenny (2; total. 17. Referee, J. W. Plommer. SCHEDULE November 16 Moose vs. Elks. I. O. O. F. vfc. Engles. Q rot to vs. Swift's. Prince Rupert Hoiel v. Musketeers j k. c. s vs. seal cove. November 23 Swift's vs. Seal Cove. Efk vs. Musketeers. I. O. O. F. tt. Moose. Eagles vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. 6 rot to vs. Knights of Columbus. LOCAL ITEMS Charlew H. Lake, well kn jnet 3ttw5rt ptMpwtof and rata ' lag inan, is a nasteager aboara the Prince George today returning to the Po.n'i.iCiuiil camp alter a trip to Vancouver. ; '. Mr. and Mrs. JlpSM Cannon, who were married reetntly In California were pafetuera aboard the Pain cess Norah this tribrntog bound for Juneau where they will rei ide. Mr. 'Connors i the son of the Chevrolet and Uuick automobile dealer at Juneau. I A -(Fie rfitttst of their sons. Mrl-vih- Dafoe alld Frank Russell who are aiudyisaiat Calgary, rudto station CNHC flf Oalgary last nlaht ployed a number Irr honor of Rev. ,Dr. and Mrs. "F. W. Dafoo and Mr and Mrs. Stanley Smith of thin city ' I Reception was good st the time the number was played. I If it wasn i for the footiwl! . ib. one would think this was a s.h o of flying fish a was during a Utah and Washington game at Seattle, recently, wi 1 the boy in the , Salt Lake state Cot Meeker Block 9 Men's Shoes, Women's Shoes, Children Shoes all on sale at the Cut Rate Shoe Store at Cut Rate Prices. Women's Novelty and Street Shoes Gf Off $1.00 fromSLSAto An Extra Special Price on Women's and Children's Knee Ouai Boots for Saturdty and Monday Women's, sizes a4 to 7 g4 Qff Reg to $25. Our price Misses, sizes 11 to 2 Reg. 93.50. Our price ..... Children's, sties 9 to 104fc Reg. S2.2S. Oar price t?JLtCS .81.89 81.69 Men's First Quality Rubbers, size to 11. Reg. $1.40. On sal.' at Men's Extra Heavy Red Rolled Kdge Robbers Reg. $1.65 Now Mm! Here it a chance for you to one Calf Oxford Reg. to $58f On sale at StM and Women's and Children'- Cosy F : Slippers. Priced up from Children's Rubbers, sizes 5 to 10'. Reg Me. On salt at . . Shoe . rw BHTr m isAk mm w ammattir'tii'iivr a t v Arrange to make this personal test of the 1932 Rosers Superheterodyne Radio fodoy there will be no obligation. Wilh volume about one-half "on," move station-finder slowly across the entire dial! Then 1. Count the stations. 2. Notice how "sharply" each one comes In; no interference of one station with another; no "cross talk." 3. Listen to the quality of the tone, a weakness in some superheterodyne receivers. If reception conditions are at all normal, you will be amaied at Rogers sharper selectivity; finer tone fidelity. This ROGERS SUPERHETERODYNE RADIO COMPLETE WITH 8 FULLY. GUARANTEED ROGERS TUDES 154 Otfcer 7932 flogerl SuptrhtttroJynt Modtls, $133, $144 nJ $159. 95c 81.25 83.95 49c 59c Store Third Avenue -MAKE THIS IN OUR STORE OR YOUR HOME Sliil S 9 MADE IN CANADA v 51 Rose, Cowan & Latta Prince Kupcrt, B.C.