( 4turday, November 14, 1931 is wisest to buy fine quality tea ONI 'Fresh from the gardens Salada Tea is sold by Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores PRE CHRISTMAS SALE NOW ON Manicure Rolls and Sets Perfume Atomizers Wahl Fountain Peris, and Pencils Bath Salts Christmas Candles Bridge Sets Shaving Stands AT LESS THAN COST Ormes Ltd. TTfte. Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump . $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK i j COAL Biy the real Coal our famous Edwin and Cassldy-Wellington in any quantities. AIo rtulklry Valley Hay. cin and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co f HONES 58 AND 558 Prepared Daily By Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free! LING -THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. I'liune 619 SAFE WINTER TIRES - SURE FOOTED Goodrich Silvertowns Get Them Now! Rupert Motors Oarage and Service Station Phone 5C6 (Night calls 161) DISTRinUTOKS: DODGE and PLYMOUTH CARS I Local Items Dinncrwarc, china, crockery glassware. Heilbroner's store. Benefit Dance for sick man by Sons of Norway tonight In Metro- pole Hall, George O. Bushby sailed last night on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Just what to give this Xmas nuv be puzzling you. There's one gift, no one but you can give your photograph. Benson Studio. 2fl.i H. W. Birch, district deputy-grand master of the Masonic Lodge left on this morning's train fcr Smithers to pay an official visit to Omlneca Lodge there. He was ac companied by a party of six cr eight local Masons. They expect to return to the city on next Tuesday afternoon's train. Announcements Baptist sale of work, Nov. 17. Varden Concert, November 19. Eagles' carnival and dance, No vember 20. Ladles refreshments. Gents 50c. Recreation Club November 20. Scotch Dance C.N.R.A. Bridge, whist and danc Eagles Hall November 25. Parish Hall Seal Cove Dance November 27. United church Bazaar Dec. 3. I.O.D.E. ber 4. hard time dance Decern High School concert. December 10 and 11. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT,-- Five-room modem flat in choice locality. Phone 107 260 i in ii mi mm nsmrd-i ma. m un bibs .. De Jong s; Cash and Carry Phone 953 WEEK-END SPECIALS Beekist Honey Fancy Jar 2 for Chocolate Eclairs per lb. mrramn Phone 953 1 Pkg. Gloss Starch. 1 Pkg. Blueing, 31uelng, 3 Do. Clothes Pint-All For Macaroni 4 lbs. for Little Chip Marmalade per Jar 35c 26c 25c 22c 1 Pkg. Swarwdowri Cake Flour and 4 Lbs. Brown Sugar C -I p " A The two for 1 Lb. Malkln's Best Tea and l Lb. Malkln's Best Coffee The 2 for 3 lbs. for Honey Graham Wafers per 16-oz. pkg 85c 27c 75c 21c Malkln's Best Oold Seal Pack Straw- bery Jam per 40-oa. Jar Ontario Cheese 2 lbs. for Oxo Cube per large tin ... Smyrna Figs Reg. 10c .per lb. Special, 2 lbs. for 45c 35c 25c 15c Your nlione order gets the same care as jour perKonai . receive. visit would Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or Over 0BWWOTlllOTBtIlll THE DAILY NTWH PAGE THREB if, i By forming new, rich tloo3 Dr. Chase's Nerve Food re-(tores the exhausted nervei and remove! the cause of Sleeplessness, Irritability. Headaches and Nervous Indigestion. Preroyterian Burns Banquet 25. For Nanalmo - Wellington coal i phone 771 C. C. Kctchum it Co. tf. Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Mrs. A. C. Aldous of Vancouver arrived in the city on the Cardena last evening from the south, being on her way to Metlakatla to pay visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Morrison. C.P.R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived- in port at 10:30 this morning from the south and sailed an hour later for Skagway and other Alaska points whence she will return here next Wednesday afternoon southbound. . C.N.R. steamer Prince George, Capt. H. E. Hedden, arrived in port at 12:15 noon today from Vancou ver. Powell River and Ocean Falls NOTICE Our coal is in a dry shed. Don't buy water., Buycoal anil get your full weight. Discount $1.00 a ton HYDE TKANSFEK, Phone 580. The letter Box SATURDAY SPECIAL Lemon Cream Layer Cake 30c The Electric Bakery Phone GG7 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Dorks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Sleel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Andrew Johnstone, arrived in. port at 6:15 last evening from the south and sailed at 12 midnight on her return to Vancouver and way-points. '' . j Mrs. Dahl, wife of Dr. Dahl of Skagway, and sonwere passengers aboard the Princess Norah this morning jeturnlrig to their home in Alaska after a trip to the Eastern States. rf EKROK EXPLAINED Editor, Dally News: I noticed a letter from E. T Kenney in your columns In which the writer blames me for what was nhvlnntlv a mlsnrtnt. Mrs. And red Anderson, mother of Edgar Anderson, C. P. R. agent at Skagway, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah this morning returning to Skagway after a visit in Seattle. W. J. Rooricy. superintendent if plant for Canadian National Telegraphs with headquarters in Edmonton, after having spent several days here on Inspection duties sailed by the Cardena last mint for Vancouver. i With the best will in the world 1 1 cannot be responsible for mistake. which occur after copy has lei', my hands. YOUR CORRESPONDENT Terrace Anglican Cathedral Bazaar on Thursday. Nov. 19 at 3 o'clock Fancy-work, plain sewing. Home- cooking, candy. White Elephant. Japanese Novelties and Fish Pond Afternoon tea. Supper at 6:30, 50c. followed by a musical program. 21 A. H. Robson and G. C. Foote. well known pursers of Canadian National Steamships, will go to ths Atlantic Coast for service on Uv steamer Prince David on the Boston-Bermuda run this winter, it '.s understood. Capt. A. J. Gilbert of the Prince David, It is reported. Dr. R. G. Large escaped Injury early yesterday afternoon when hl3 new Pontiac car skidded on the dangerous corner of Third Avenne and Cow Bay road and landed on Its top in the debris-filled gulley alongrtde. Thp body of the car was and will sail at 4 o'clock this af-j dented up considerably. ternoon for Stewart, whence she will return here tomorrow to be tied up at the local dry dock for the winter. NOTICE We offer 1 ton of coal and 1 load of wood for $15 rash. Albert & McCafferiPrrfone llfi. (2G8) 1 Price 50c a box IT'S Sharp 'fain li His Heart Nerves li Bad Ceiiitien Mr. Fred J. Chase. Thomson Station. N.8, writes: "I hare used Milburn'a Heart and Nerv Pill with wonderful remit. My heart would beat bo fast I would hare to mt down when at woTk chopping in the woods. I had aharp pains in my heart when I would li aown at night. RIGHT HERE . IN TOWN TODAY! THE SMALLEST BIG RADIO EVER MADE! It works like a Trojan Station after station comes in with a smoothness that will surprise you. For the money, IT CANT BE BEATEN I couver, was a passenger aboard the ! . . . . r,. , w .v. i i ! Mrs. H. S. Parker, who has been! i . - . . aj nerree were aim in a very bad condition, but dui after alter using usi two boxes of MUburn'a Heart and Nerve mrvo Pffla run 1 I feel just nne, and am fourteen pounds heavier than I have been for years." C. Ud Toronto Ons.'1"""1 ,tor"' mtiM iintX Mip el pri by Tfce T. Uilbwa Other Models $119.50 $147.50 $197.50 $219.50 ONLY $10 Down Payment $QQ.50 Complete Made in Canada All Victor Models sold on EASY TERMS I eMaeMvs.Mi Mrs. D. L. Pitt, who has been In TV,ma. is a nasseneer aboard the western manageTorth7 Canldlln Prince George today returning tojtlon trip to Echnonton and else Airways with headquarters in Van Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Rayner left on today's train for a two weeks' vaca- ner nome in rieimei. i .., v. Gcorge Simpklns, customs officer business trip to Vancouver and at Juneau, who has been on a trip for Whltehorse on infection duties on a Ilr ,?fie ??.?.el".n. ","!!:! nowhere in the south, returned to to Seattle, was a passenger aboard orauSTut tElEith. city on the Prince George this the Norah this morning icompanying Major MacLaren was Air Engineer William S. Tall. Oapt. S. K. Gray, who was skip per of the steamer Princess Alice FROM MONTREAL To Glasgow-Belfast-Liverpool N jv. 20 Durness of Richmond Nov. 27 Duchru qS Atlwll To Cherbourg-Southampton-Liverpool Nov. 36 Montcalm FROM ST. JOHN To Glasgow-Brlfast-Livcrpoot D?e. 5, I Doc, 31 MratcUiv Dec. 11 DuobfM of BPdfor I O-c. 18 Duoheia of ructmvciHl Dm. 33 Montca'm x Calls a Olaagow Liverpool only. To Grccnock-Hflfast-Liverpool Jan. 8 . . . .' Duoixaa of Ybrk To Glasgow-Liverpool Jan. IS Melita FROM VANCOUVER To lt;mall-4auii-Clilia.riillliplnni Nov SI .. EmpratM of RumU Add1 to Ancnu ttervwhere or J i t OUSTER Steamship Onl. Pasa. Agent C P R. Station. Vapcour. Telephone Trinity 1151 BOAT ENGINES Also 10 to GO H.P. From $8.50 Generators $5.50 from and Guaranteed New Storage Batteries from $7.93 VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1219 Granville St, Vancruver Branch Yard at 330 Second ' Ave. East , morning. .... There were only 17 passengers on ; board the steamer Princess Norah which was in port this morning Sergeant W. J. Service, chief of the city detachment of the provincial police, and Mrs. Service, who :r T , " Ion the Alaska run during the past northbound norinDQuna from irom Vancouver Vancouver to i have nave been seen on on a u week's weens trip uip to w Van- n. ote. ouxyermcntajor. tasti couver. returned to the city from mand tor the winter df the steamer r here on the vessel. Three went the south on the Prince George Princess Mary on the Vancouver Prince Rupert-Ocean, Falls run. He replaces Capt. James Flood, who has been in command of the Prln cess Mary during the past north from here aboard her. this morning. TA1 K ABOUT HARD TIES A FAIR EXCHANGE TWO 50c PIECES FOR $1 NO. 1 ALBERTA EGG, Per Ton $11.00 COAL - CASH ONLY Also Nanaimo-Wellington Lump and Nut Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. 116 Telephone 117 "CVERY comfort, luxury and convenience J- known to modern railroad travel is yours : on the "Continental Limited". Radio, valet - . service, library-buffet'obaervation car, and the famed C.N.R. personal service. Trains leave Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturday!, at 11.30 a.m. onnectine with this crack flyer. Low Winter Fares to Eastern Points H. M.KWKN, D.r. rjk. ltaM Rvswrt. B.C v Canadian National dfu. Xargat fUihvuuJuitcm, in. cpf metier. UNION STEAMSHU'S SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION PARES. Effective November 1st (Oood to February 29, 1832. , REDUCED FIRST-CLASS RETURN FARES. From PRlNCp RUrERf (includlne UnU and Berth) "To Vinoouv aixJ VtotorU llw.oo ret. TO PRINCE RUPERT ( InctudlnjT VeaU and Beft& irom OCaN FALLS Ml3t ret. From ANYOX . . . U S5 ret. Flom 8TEWABT lie.'Jd ret. Steamer leave Prlnee Runert for Vancouver EVERT TUESDAY 1:30 o.m. EVEY r K1UAY MIUNIUH1 ISSJ5. vniiur.nw. I Full infortnaAkm. rrwrfaUont and tkkeu (mm R. M. SMITH, Prtace Rupet Aeer. Nenml eiiur. I'liune !Wl i 4i,tr i; " " Sk