?AOt FIVE THE DAILY JlEWS Saturday, Notciiifcc? 14, 1031 The Daily News, "Classified" is the Poor Man's Advertising Column - , cy . - .. . . . . . . - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED WA.ni Ft) Rebuilt or ttied )5-h0rie pm! heavy duty Vivian Marine en; '.)( Must be cheap. Apply Box i i,r) Daily News. 2C0 wanted--At once, girl for light tin': n good hofne. $10 per mil'i(li fare paid, permanent po-s,ti,,ii Write Box 42, Ahyox, B.C. ; 263 Wan M D Salesman lor Canada' , ,:idinu line of advertising ,. .!:, and calender!. Our no-r !" rt!ffrr?nt and r cel- !, r- state territory and If any pi. v: .us experience. Send copy of references. Box 116, Dally New. 265 AGENTS WANTED Emnii'vmint for ten thousand for "Authentic Life of Edison Large Illustrated book; low ii'-. -e (iilclc sales, big profit. W' :ift-r?ul opportunity to mane money Write for free sampi Wui.stiin Co., Toronto. tf FOIISALE ; FOB SALE Cary Safe. Apply Daily News. tf FOR RALE Good used can at rig!.' prices. Kalen Motor! Ltd. tl FOR SALE Dining Room Suite mv.Mvting of gate-legged table. ( i hairs, buffet and china cabi-nr wslnut finish, practically new $125. Phone O. C.Arseneau 758 or Oreen 148. tf FOR RALE Gas-Boat (built or civile ropper rivtttedj oak rlbi nr.rt planking, tan shaft. 10-11 fi'gifir- also Barbour's salmon x.-:- mid twine, hosepipes. Bar-for cash. Apply Hanley Government Floats. 270 FUR SALE- Elegant Chesterfield a. tolid walnut, beautifully uii.'ioLstered in lustrous Engllsn rr, i,,nr coat $500. No reasonable "fifi refused. Rare antique Frertt-n cabinet. Louis XIV. per-i rt Encyclopedia Brltannica. up--"it- Chlnaware. curios, cab- : ink, leather suitcases, etc Mr- Hyde. 13 Federal Block, af-'er -' pm. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Furnlihed 4 room fin" bath. Phone 547. tf FTW and flveroom apartments fot- r-nt Xfussallem Grocery. t For rknt -Clean, well furnished. ; ' "i two-room suite. Palmer A" umnu. Phone Red 444. (tf F"H RRNT-Corrifortable slx-roon '''' with Majestic Range, clos-" Second Avenue. Apply T"-nnwrm Hardware Co. Ltd. LOST tfJKT Monday. Dark Oreen Lea J'1 P'irse. Phone 368. 261 EXCHANGE WlT' trade Oak Heater In gooo 1 '"'-iiiiun for easy chair or i'' "n.. Apply Box 114. Daiiy Newt 26 SHOE REPAIRS MAr, sOE HOSPITAL. Shoes rc ''"" Second Avenue West, tf 8f REPAIRS Best matertals- ii.st work prices reasonable ria:man Co.. opposite Post Of tf ROOMS FOR RENT cOMT (JRTABLE Room to rent, clde U1 Pbone Red 218. (tf) HOARD AND ROOM f RM AND BOARD. Phoneftcf - tf 0Ot Home for Child with prlvatM Apply box 900, City, tf PALM1STUY Mr8. jAME8 CLARKj paimistry Crystal Reading. Federal u"k, Phono Green 701. I AUCTIONEER PRINCE P.DPEPT AUCTION MAR'f j "c out. sru or exchange any kind of ruinlture or household goods, musical instruments, ma chlnety. etc. General repairs eratine. rjackint- tnH Workmanship guaranteed. Juatj - w una wf will call. O. J. DAH'ES, Auctioneer. reuerai BIOCK. i CHIROPRACTIC! Miruhlr.e and Red Ray Treatment! Nervous. Femsle and Children' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL 'Graduate CbirODraotor) 6 and 7 Exfhanrp Rlnrlr Green 241 Black! nt t CHIROPRACTIC Health Service The PALMER MfTTHOD Absolutely confined to the spina! column. T. V. HOLLAND 15 Besner Block Phone rm TRANSFERS B. St R. TRANSFER. Cartage an rarntture Moving. Phone 204. tf CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177 for Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack fine. tf 1 ' - - - . ... . i nni, T T, TTI,r T. FEMALE HELP WANTED ! Re a Kindergarten Teacher Free on request Booklet entitled "Opjurturttr fur WooMn tn Kindergarten." tllD( you how to attft kindergarten lr. your own home. Addreaa department 11 Canadian Kindergarten Institute. 401 Kenalnavn Bidg. Winnipeg. i : I Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Phone Red 608 DOMINION DAIRY TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAI It T FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter Cottage Cheese FltKSII PASTF'RI7EI1 MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Dellm rhmueh'int Ibr City Typewriters for Rent by day, week or month I Rose, Cowan & LaHa ! Phone 234 vmrnm-mmm in 1 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue fl "If It's on oi under (he water e do it Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped ror Diving anrt Ocnefal Salvage Work Agents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES Boata and SCows of all dim!-tlons for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire IIAKOAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.c. Dbttrtbutora Coolidge Propellers Sand tod Gravel In anf quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night K4 P.O. Box 1561 WOOD FOR SALE- Any Length Apply T. Glenn and R. Viererk T. & R. TRANSFER Phone Oreen 609 Reasonable price; Orders Promptly Attended sheen-a i.t iiitTuirT wmun OI JI EEN riURl.OTTK IMMI9 TAKE NOTICE that I, C. D. EmDKOC.. of Portland. Oregon, Intend to apply (or netnae to prpapae for OmJ ul pvtrakium, over and under the (Slotting daacrlbad land. Commencing at poet planted at to Southeast corner of Section 8. Tp.. : thence North 8'j fitlalna fhnA VTemt AO chains UtMM ISotrtc 80 chain. thence Baet 80 ehafL to point of oomoaraaoient aari eou- talnlng 840 acrea more or lev. Lot1 ,7tl1 - " SKEEVA LAND IHHTHICT KHTRICT qrrcEN chakiotte iLNns TAKX NOTICI that I. C. D. Bmmoofc. of Poeaaand. Oregon, intend to apply for Uoeaae to prjapeet for teal and-paaroteum. over and under the following deecrlDed land. Commenefag at a poet planted at the SoutHweaf corner of Section J. Tp. S: thence North 80 ahatna. tbenr BMt 80 eMina. tbenec South SO chatni. Uiemar Weat SO cnaltu to point of ooeaineoorayent cod can talnlng 840 aeraa more or lev. Looaaad I'tto Oct, mi. C D. EMMONS. SKEENA LAXB DISTRICT niSTIIICT Of IJIEKX (1IAHI.OTTE ISLAM TAKE NOTICX that 1 Robert it. Mount, of Portlaad. Oregon, latend io apply for a lireaae to proepeet tor coal uid petrowum. over and under toe roi-icwinc tirarrlbed land Commend n t a poat planted at the Mortlwaat onrncr of Section S. Tp B; thanee South at rhalna. thence Weat 80 ehaina: U)K.' North 80 chalna. thence Eaat 89 camls. to pntet of commencement and contain -li!g 940 arm mora or leaa. Located 11th Oct.. ItSl. ROBERT M. UOONT. Skeena Land District Diatrlet of Queen Charlotte Islaods TAKE NOTICE that I. C. D. XmaiOB. of Portland. Oregon, intend to apply fre- a llcenne to pronpast fcr eoai and petroleum, over aiid under tho follotr- l rtoftrrtbed lend. OaHneacBH at a -K-at planted at '.he Northweat coruer of toctian 4. Tp S: thence Banth m tlulna. thanoa Staat N chalna. thenot i North 80 chains, tnaoot Weat 80 chalna u point of commencement and v-tainlag 640 aeraa awre ot Ma. C D. SMMONS Located 17th Oct. 1981 . The following is u .fettle of eharires made or rwidlnir 4 notices: Murritgo ai.d Engagement ' announcements S2. Birth Notices 60o. Funeral N6tlces $1. Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. - .y r ' r . - DlSPPOisfTEO vrtu sea WOT - VO- 1 . . rcr y-r Ami I'll. St. TILL1E THE TOILER" Ti MV in v : T. 7 '-"'i ' W Ts inn a SALVAGE & TOWING BASKETBALL SCHEDULE November 13 Boy Scouts vs, Japanese .Asso. Tuxls vs. High School. Amazons vs. Comets. 32raxr vs. c n. r November 17 Rovers vs. Boy Scouts. High School vs. Merchants. Blue Birds vs. ComeU. Pdnthefs vs. 32 Taxi. - November 20 League of Nations vs. Japanese. Tuxis vs. Merchants. Amazons vs. Blue Birds. C. N. R. vs. Panthers. November 24 Rovers vs Japanese Association. Tuxls vs. High School. Comets vs. Amazons. C. N. R. VS. 32 Taxi. November 27 League, of Nations vs. Boy Scouts. High School vs. Merchants. Blue Birds vs. Comets. Panthers vs. 32 TaxL December 1 League of Nations vs. Rovers. Tuxis vs. High School. Amazons vs. Blue Birds. .Panthers vs. C. N. R. December 4 Boy Scouts vs. Japanese Asso. Tuxls vs. Merchants. Comets vs. Amazons. . 32 Taxi vs. C. N. R. SCHEDULE OF WHIST November 19 Legion vs. Grotto. Moose vs. Empress.-FUh Packers vs. Totem Park. Seal Cove vs. Musketeers. I.O.O.F. vs. Sons of Nofway. November 2ft Grotto vs. Old' Empress Hotel. Moose vs. Fish Packers. Musketeers vs. Totem Park. Sons of Norway vs. Seal Cove. Legion vs. I.O.O.F, December 3 Fish Packers vs. Grotto. t.O.OT. vs. Moose. Musketeers vs. Legion. O. Emp. Hotel vs. Sons of Norway, Seal Cove vs. Totem Park. December 10 Orotto vs. Seal Cove. Legion vs. Moose, I.O.O.F1 vs Musketeers. Fish Packers vs. Old Empress. Sons of Norway'vs. Totem Park. December 17 1.0.0 J, vs. Grotto. Totem Park vs. Moose. Tatem Park vs. Moose. Old Empress Hotel vs. Musketeers 1 Seal Oave vs. Legion. Fish Packers vs. Sons of Norway. A new giant airplane, capable of carrying 28 soldiers and transporting a load of 14 tons, was recently tested at Rheims. France. - C. TOOMBS Radio Service Radio Sales and Repairs All makes of radio work guaranteed. Phone Blue 901 SOS 4th A. E. Something For AT THAT saTttbUJatu Ha tolC) tte smooLO . Vf PMIV HAMBSJfT rOOMD -TVVefr MAW VfiT f ftOCIJ no y vr f- ' AX mim l .i -.;i ,fm nwnti mmiHilllBEiSBSBHH v. VANCOUVER BKEWtRIES LIMITED Hreurr and Dottier of DUTCH GIRL, CASCADE, U.B.'C. BOHEMIAN La3 Bsen, " OLD COUNTRY ALE and CREAM STOUT Support the B.C. Cotrrnmeht tn i ft it$ cmmpvltn urging the pettpte I to Kelp B.C. Intluulrie by to their purrhairm to B.C. In liif lirt the tolulion unemployment problem. This advertisement is not puWished or dhipl yed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of the Prwi..ce of British Columbia. TORTURED WITH SCIATICA After taking two boxes of Dr. Wiiiiams' Pink Pills (tonic he fsft its ms hstfer. For about ten yean," writes Edwin j The increased supp'V of oxytren reacts Collim, R. R. No. 1, New Lowell, Onl , ' just as yuu would expect it kin'!'; . a!l "I was tortured with sciatica. I was be- i tlie vital iorce in the hod tiuic!:c-.. A-ginnins to five up hope of ever being appetite, imparts a feeling of well-lx-inu, well, wbenvI saw where a Grand Trunk and induces restful sleep, employee bad been relieved of sciatka hy Now that you know the benefit of Dr. WiHtams' Pisk Pills. After i 1 Dr. Williams' Pint P-t- 'tonk) taking one box I thoutht I was a little better, and after taking two boxes I knew I was better, and after I bad take seven boxes I felt I had gotten rid of sciatica. I am sow a man Has not been bothered with Sciatica since near my 77th birthday, and I am never bothered with sciatica now." The iron arid other elements io Dr. Williams' Pink P3k (tonic) increase the amount of haemoglobin or oxygen. carrying agent in the blood. This hat been proven by official bsapital UU. Mac to Face so foumd out, AMD ('VIE VtMOVAlM VOU Ct-CJMC5 "TtMcs VUT IHft MAM HAMD FS .nrn . V WHAT everybody wants to see in British Columbia right now is more employment! And though you may be unable to "give" employment you can certainly "create" employment by buying B.C. Every time you purchase a bottle of PILSENER BEER you are "Imy- employment for B.C work men . . . helping to keep-your fellow citizens from joining the ranks of the unemployed! v Therefore, when you buy beer insist on PILSENER BEER and keep B.C. citizen at work! PILSENER BEE!? is the ROYALTY of beers . . the king-pin of all liecrs in QUALITY and PURITY! fJrettctl and Bottled by VAriCOUVER BREWERIES Limited I o B.C. B.C. firing I trdutt: t to the 1 why not do the wl th ? Tf you have sciatica, rheumutism. lumbago or neuritis, give lese tonic pills an opportunity to work their brnefits uon you. Consult your neighbors if you wish. More than likely some of thta will have been benefitted bv Dr. Williams' Pink PiBs Bat don't, we beg of you, for your own sat, put the matter off! Be sure to say "Dr WiUiaaas ' so that your druggist wilt know exactly wfeat yau want. SO cents a padu.tr 2 sOMETHIMo'S C30TTA G UOME AtbOOT IT- i 0 TrVOT'S tr v - v -. v. J V1JTM. imm 4B 7 Products! n LOODVSKIN I TROUBLES Vy Nearly arerylxxlf is subject to 4 r soma form or fKr of kliwvi at TK skin troubles . . especially in tha Kr Spring. And it s all so unnecea-' r sary. A course of Tru-Bloo4 cleanses the blood stream, and tor removes tha poisons that causa r these troubles. Where tru prions kave appeared o Buckley's. V Ointment along with Tru-Blooi L This is a combination that can't f& ba beat At yoor druggist's. I , ia RESULTS 37 1 AOPRODUCT' TiL. f-ll TR u-blood Clears theSkin By Westover, TT rKi t V JIH. i ,U I' I Hlria a ii -t-T3s