... i :l i, page Fotm. THE DAILY NEWS , t .... , Fight for English Featherweight Title SHOPS Here is a fla h during a scrap .letween Nel Tailton of Lancashire and Johnny C'uthburt of Yorkiaire. in Liverpool for the featherweight championship of England. Tarleton won. SPORT NOTES The Canadian-American Hockey League, through 1U president, James A. Dooley of Providence, has Issued be turned over to his son. CRIBBAGE November 9 Grotto vs. Moose. Musketeers vs. &al Cove. Swift s vs. I. O. O. F. Elks vs. Ptince Robert Hotel. Eagles vs. Knights of Columbus. November 1G Moose Ms. Elks. I. O. O. F. vs. Engle. Grotto vs. Swift'-,. Princ Rupert Hotel v. Musketeers K C.'s VI. Beal Cove. Nqvcmber 23 Swift's vs. Sssfl Cove. Elks vs. Musketeers. I. O. O. P. vs. Moose. Eagles vs. Princ? Rupert Hotel Grotto vs. Knights of Columbus November 30 Seal Ojjve vs. Elks. Musketeers vs. Eagles. Moose vs. Swift's. Grotto vs. it O. O. F. K. C.'s vs. Prince Rupert Hotel December 7 Swift's vs. Prince Rupprt Hotel Musketenrs'v. Grotto. Moose vs. fiesl Cove. Eagles vs. Elks. I. O. O. F. vs. K. C.'s, There arr clog:- to 2000 -lubi l" Berlin. Oe.many. devoted to gym nasties and sport, with a tot r;1 membership of mors titan hilt i million. They have at their disposal 320 athletic fields, half of which belong to the city, with air trea of almost 2000 acres. There is little danger of the duck population of the prairies being! greatly depleted if the experience! a franchise to a New York team of one "nimrod" who recently spent which will make its home in the ' a day on the marshes near St. Laur-Bronx Coliseum. Assent of New'ent, Man., can be considered gen-York's two National League -teams, J eral. This sportsman fired 75 shells me Hangers ana trie Americans, costing $3.75. His fare on the Cana-made possible the .Invasion of theidian National was $3.60, and his Metropolitan -area by a-Uilrd eextetj huntcrt license," $2.00. HH'bag was George Funk Is president of the new; three ducks, or $3.10 a duck. As club, which will be managed by there was no evidence of pellets In .Frank Foyston, veteran player- the birds, it is believed that they manager. Addition of New York in- died of heart failure caused by the creases the membership in the barrage. ' league to six clubs, Philadelphia, Boston, Springfield, Mass., Provi-j dence, New Haven and New York. Promoter Armand Vincent, who has staged two world's bantam- An only son will carry on for base- weight title matches in Montreal re-ball's "Old Roman," Charles A. Co- jcently, ,1s angling for another cham-mlskey. The task has fallen on the plonshlp show to be held In Mon-shoulders of J. Louis Comiskey. and treal next June between Lou Broull-hc lmmeidately announced that he .lard. New Bedford, Mass., newly would carry on by rebuilding the I crowned welterweight king, and White Sox baseball club and keep-1 hard-hitting Jimmy McLamln of lng it in the Comiskey family. The Vancouver. Vincent says he has elder Comiskey failed to leave a will, (wired Brouillard an offer of $25,000 but his attorney announced that to defend his title in Montreal the entire state, valued at several against McLarnln next summer. A million dollars, would automatically (similar offer, would be made to the Vancouver fighter, the promoter ad ded. LEAD CRIB I Weekly Fixtures in C.N.R. Recrea-I Hon League Played Last I Evening i Canadian National Recreation A?roelatton Cribbage League results last night wers as follows; Station, IS; Roundhouse, 14. Car Shops, IS; General Office, 12 ' Standings of Teams Car Shops 43 38 43 Station 42 39 42 Roundhouie 41 40 41 General OHIO? 36 45- 33 Whist Schedule November 5 Grotto vs. Musketeers, Moose vs. Sons of Norway. I.O.O.F. vs Seal Cove. Totem Park vs. O. Empress Hotel. Legion vs. Fish Packers. November 12 Sons of Norway vs. Grotto. Musketeers vs. Moose. Old Empress Hotel vs. Seal Cove. Fish Packers vs. I.O.O.F. Totem Park ys. Legion. November 19 Legion vs. Grotto. Moose vs. Empress. Fish Packers vs. Totem Park. Seal Cove vs. Musketeers. I.O.O.F. vs.Sons of Norway, November 26 Grotto vs. Old Empress Hotel." Moose vs. Fish Pickers. Musketeers vs. Totem Park. Sons of Norway vs. SeaKCove. Legion vs. I.O.O.F. December 3 Fish Packers vs. Grotto. I.O.O.F. vs. Moose. Musketeers vs. Legion. ... O. Emp. Hotel vs. Sons of Norway. Seal Cove vs. Totem Park. December 10 Grotto vs. Seal Cove. Legion vs. Moose. I.O.O.F. vs Musketeers. Fish Packers vs. Old Empress Sons of Norway vs. Totem Park December 17 I.O.O.F. Vs. Grotto. Totem Park vs. Moose. Totem Park vs. Moose. Old Empress Hotel vs. Musketeers. Seal Cove vs. Legion. Fish Packers vs. Sons of Norway. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Nicely furnished ap artment, three rooms and bath. Phone 832. (260) JH HHrli w5hm?- iraPL MsKBL sIssssssssssH tssKssfc JttCsffisMst i JtIXtlli tyVMBmsitiUBBL fraH: Hisssssssss! IsssssswSssWw-ssssssssssssBb WSsHfe ibHlifllssssssssssssi Uearhing fir uiy.a atie and so ipy m buc.. a. f common enough in tennis but have you teen the new Alphine' action? Miss D. Round demonstrates it i o ladles double i at London, Eng. 0) The Schneider Cup Trophy The Sclnif Idcr Cup Trophy, drplctrd altuvr, ) ia made of gold, rlltrr and bronze and rrprrM-nts the Coddrtis Zrphjrr kitting the v a r h h Ich a t r rr t nl in t he form o f nir n'a heads. Originally tallied at 1,000, thi trophy ai pmwntrtl by M, Jurtjurfi Schnrldrr to the "Federation AeronatUtie Internationale" in 1912 for the purpone of encouraging the development of Ma-going v ( pircraft. Manafarturf hj Imperial Tubaceo Company of Canada, Umlled MAKE SILK Dead Sphagnum Moss Can be To Good Use, It is Believed rut MONTREAL, Nov. 4 The event ual manufacture of wall board, lit er, coarse paper, fuel, and even artificial silk from the extensive pea: beds and muskegs found in a'.l oarts of Canada is foreshadowed by the successful inauguration of the new Carlson Building Company nlant at Edmonton where the con version of muskeg Into wallboard beitan this month. According to the Natural Re roitrees Department of the Carta dian National experiments are al j ready being conducted with a view io determining the cellulose con 'tent of various deposits, partlcu ('arly those of the Hudson Day Railway region, as on this factor j leoendr If suitability as raw ma-I ' r!al fir paper stock, eoar. I r-oplnr paper, and other similar ; products I "it ! r-.long the new Hudson Day i'lne that the most extensive de-! posits of peat and muskeg occur," tntes a Canadian National official. "Surveys have shown that adjacent I to the railway there are at east 00 : square miles ot It consisting In th main of dead sphagnum moss which has lain there for countess j years These 'deposits vary, from six Half Million Is Spent By Henry down of junked cars, it was rehalf vealed yesterday. ted. tised and put up for sale on new and attractive Instalment terms. They were sold out In d day, and could have been sold out many times over to women who had not the wherewithal to keep going." Nine New Nursing Districts Opened During Last Year to eight feet in thickness and tni supply Is virtually inexhaustible! MONTREAL, Nov. 4 Miss Ellw-owlng to the fact that as the oldibeth Smellie', of Ottawa, chief su-muskeg Is removed, fresh sphagum , perintendent of the Victorian Or-moss grows in Its place, eventually 'er of Jtyrsis. for Canada, stated dying down to form fresh deposits ' recently ih an interview that the , , -n Order had opened nine new dis tricts last year. Ths principal pro-jblem this year consists in the ln-' creased demand for free nursing j service because of the difficult times nrflvslllne The VftN hnrvti 17sw1 txn Mcltii Mnlfitifv not td Is obliged to decrease Us 1 UI U on uh itiuiiuijj 3taffi anjtvrhtrc. but to strengths . them she 'stated'. i DETOIT. Nov 4-Henry Ford Through If, work for" aiother has spent $500,000 on new mar.hl and babies, the death rate ot thes ,nery to be tlsed in the melting patients of the V.O.N. Is less than the general average, she stn- Clke RECORD SPEAKS yor ITSELF Flight-Lieut. J. N. llootlimun, flying a tteunluno seven tiuiCH over the 31-mile course ut mt nvempc sx-etl of 3(0.08 miles per hour, won for the third tinicin surcion thcSchniiiler Cup ruee for Grout Hrilnln. The Trophy is now the permanent proerty of. the Iloyul Aero f'lnli of Knglaml. It i f-lflnlficnnt of the enormous stride taken in the field of ni-rontttitlcs that the 1913 average wus 4..2. miles ht hour -oiltraUiiK sharply villi the 1131 uveruge of 310.011 mile per hour. Hits in a remarkahle trihule to IlrituinV supremacy in the air Just aa continued supremacy among Canadian cigarettes U utrihute to Turret's suitcrior quality, iiillrineM and fragrance. After all, nothing can replace good, honest toharro grown and ripened right out in the field under nature's own sunlight nothing urtificial about that and the high quality is "inbred". II for lie. 20 for Zic. and In flat tint - fi'y one hundrrd Quality and Mildness urret C I CARwETTES Cant Run Homes ! STORES TO Nobel Prize Sought But Are Able to Secure Luxuries NEW YORK, Nov. 4: A South African visitor writes home to a Cape Town paper some of his im pressions from intet views. He finds that now the wife In each household Is given less money for her budgeting, according to New York editors. "And the strange thing Is," he was BE CLOSED For South America n.m.miiHnr. nav la c(,inr. Nominee of Arrrntine ts Mw"1 Holiday Same as Christmas Galvrt, 48-Year Old Aothir Mayor Orme announced this BUENOS AYRE.S morning that Wednesday next, be-, year s award ol ih n ing a statutory holiday all places of Literature to Sinclin: business in the city were requifd North American to n ! n to close Just as they would on -romptd a group m Christmas or New Year's Day. There terrors and writers to was no option. .x-n-'nitlon for a i. The law changing the status of America. told, "that to the masterly methods ,ine aa was paa at tne last ses of our supersalesmen, Impoverished ,'on r Parliament. families on the edge ot unemployment, even It they have lost all the savings they may have scraped together, go on lavishly 'buying' their luxuries. "There was a characteristic ease recently In whieh wteral hundred costly fur coaU were cleverly adver Buffalo Meat to Be Given Unemployed You ctn psy more but you cannot find a purer, clearer Sin than . . . Thrlr nominee Is m 48-ycar old Argent ln poet, one ot the lean American writers m i; work .ranslatrtl In'" gut'.rres. has altrartfd tional attention H has been snt to the demy of Uteratun HELENA. Mont., Nov. 4: Duffa- den s Minister in Ane-i loes may form a part of the food to At first a poet. Cm!'-be distributed among Montana's mure solid lltomry f drought sufferers and unemployed more thun twenty bo L this winter. An offer of 50 animals the psycholoRlral o-from the expanding herd In Yellow- native country Hi s 'eto,lC Nat,onal Park na been trtt- Paraguayan War.' m :! their homM "om .mltted to Oovernor John E. Erick- is called "the ArRi'ir I son by Roger Toll, superintendent of Fnr from admim: the park. The buffaloes will be deafness a handicap i turned over to the Red Cross. gift every novelist om" $1.50 Rep. Pint STERLING London Dry GIN $3.00 Rep. Quart nor one that equal. Sterling for imooth delicate flavor and value. IHiftt U..flmm, XlclntU. H. " advertisement is not published or displayed by Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. too 0 ,1.0 - !! . ilJ- AO I Kill s ,.f ni-l of , i ; urne 1 ... ,!ll