Price 50c a box 1931 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Colgate's Tooth Paste 2 Tubes For 25 Cents Buy One Tube and We Will Give Away ANOTHER FREE! Ormes Ltd. "Jit Ptoncer Druqgists THE REXALL STOKE Phones xi and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. Her Heart Was So Bad CoHldi'l Bo Housework Mr. 8. Drat-oman, R.R. 2, Midland, Ont, write: "I had been troubled with heart trouble for many years. My heart would brat ao faat I could hardly breathe, and I had headacbea, and diiiy and fainting apella. I couldn't get my housework done I waa ao weak. , I took three boxes) of Mflburo'i Heart and Nora PilU and felt much better, and now I would not be without them in the bouse. it iH 4m sad paml Harm, m mtiUi iirti m nmipi l prim fcj The T. Uilbwa C. IM. Tonal. OmL UNION STEAMSHIPS Special Winter Excursion Fares Mfrrtltr Norinbcr lt. (Oood ii l'bruar W. IBS ItUI i lit IIKHT ILAHS lUTlKN l AUKS from Prima Rupert (In-Mft.i and Beruii to AMOtIK or VICTOIlll .. Ih ret. i ' miVK III I'EUT (Including Meala and Berth) rrom Ocean Palls I I c. i t From Anyoi SIIJ5 ret. From BtwU U70 return. HrjraT- Irate lrlnr Koprrt lor Vanmurrr KWUV Tt'KHHAY 1:30 p. s (alala) Etrrr milt MlltMtillT. (. tardena.) nutt rfTva.lon nd ticket from-K M. HMITII, Prime Kunrrt .ttniiv. heeond Atrnue. Phone Mi Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE E; & " il water: Steam Heat :$c PF.K DAY AND UP J Zarelll Trlephie tat Savoy 0 -4-ry. I lay sport; Mrs. Ku.mtsa. Savoy Hotel :; H i port's leading Jam-i Hot and cold watr Li U,: r Vijiis. A. J. PRl'DIIOMME, Prop. r : Fraser and nfth 8U Royal nivich. Premier; Fdm:nton. Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Phone Red SOS DOMINION DAIRY TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN IIAIKT FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese rRts PASTEURIZED MILK AM CREAM DAILY Delivery Throughout tne uiy .(SlBWSBSSMaaBBBBSflBtaSi COAL ir ihe real Coal our fa. ? Fdon and Cawldy Ji'.n-.ln any qoantltlet. tZ nHn Valley Hay. 'n and Koblu Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co RONES 58 AND 558 Tv mONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing &0ert?U,!rUon Made jTon and Delivery Free! UM2- THE TAILOR "'fond Av Phone ,619 AIRSHIP IS BUT PYGMY Dirigibles Three Times She of Akron Will Be Rullt Says Commander Charles. E, Rosendahl CLEVELAND, Ohio, Nov. 3. The kipper of the world's largest airship believes it will look Uke a pygmy in the future. Lieutenant-Commander Charles E. Rosendahl of the U.U S, Akron, told the Cleveland Engineering Society the time will come when ships two and three time as big as the Akron will be built. The Akron has a ga capacity of &0GQ.OOO cubic feet. In the future, he predicted, air monsters of 15.000.000 cubic feet will be built and will be of greater value as long range scout The difference in slae. however, will be in circumference Instead of length, he said. The Akron Is about 670 feet long. Commander Rosendahl said that In building the Akron many difficulties of the past have been overcome. "We have minimised some of the three outstanding difficulties in handling a ship. Through the improved stub the ship can now better land from flight. She can also be served from the ground without the use of the big land crew previously required and can ride out better. Through the use of a mast on wheels the ship can dock and undock mufeh better." Announcements Presbyterian vember 5. Recreation Club NoYoriber 20. Fall Bazaar, No- Daughters of Norway basaar, No vember 6. Eagles social and dance, 6. Ladies refreshments. Oenu 50c. Bogie's Whist Tuesday, Nov. 10. Admission Gentlemen 50c. Ladles refreshments. Moose Carnival and Danoc No. 12 and 13. Baptist sale of work, Nov. 17. Anglican Cathedral Baiasr, November 19. Varden Concert, November 18. Scotch Banco Parish llafl Stl Gore Dnce November 27. United church Bazaar Dt 3 Local Items Dinnenvare, china, crockery ! glassware. Ileilbrpner's store. 1 For Nanalmo - Wellington coal phone 771. C. C. Ketchura it Co. tf. Daughters of Norway Bazaar tn Metropole Hall Nov. 6. Homecook- ing afternoon dance and play in rvening 258 C. R. Cocks of Port Esslngton Is paying a brief visit to the city. having arrived on-yesterday after-1 noon s train from the Skeena River J. O. McMunn of the Canadian Credit men's Trust Association returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to Smithers on official duties. Miss Josephine Berna left on this morning's train for Halifax wher on November 12 she will embark on the steamer Montrose for a visit to her native home in Paris. I George O. Bushby returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Terrace His son, John Bushby, who went to Smithers on Monday, has not yet returned. Miss Jean Couture, who hasbsen pending a holiday visiting in the rlty with her parents, sailed by the Catala yesterday afternoon on her return to Vancouver where she will resume hermurfoig duties. Mrs. T. J. Marsh and her sister, Miss Deacon, arrived in the city from Terrace on yesterday after noon's train and are the guests of Mrs. Marsh's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Far-uuhar, Agnew Place. A. J. Edlnnd. foreman of th Government Telegraphs construction department, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Terrace where he spent a week superintending lmprovementi on lines In that district. C. N. R. strainer Prince Rupert Capt. D. Donald, arrived In pert on time at 10:30 this morning frgm Vancouver. Prmreft River and Ocean' Fall and will sail at 4 o'clock this ifternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. Rev C. W. McKlm of Terrace Rev. H. R. Doss of Pouce Coupe and Rev. George Hedley Wolfendale of Fort St. John have become author announced in the B. C. Oasette. Johan A. Bergman. Swedish youth, who has been residing U Radio Tubes Tested FREE With the Jewell Tube Tester McKAE KKOS., LTD. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total rapacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Itcpalrcrs for Sled and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mlnlng.Machlnrry Itepalrrd and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE By forming new, rich blooS Dr. Chase's Nrv Food restores the exhausted nerves and removes the cause of Sleeplessness, Irritability, Headaches and Nervous Indigestion. rooms llth instant 9 p.m. Glasses fitted -ty registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Charles Wilson of Lake Knthlyn is paying a week's visit to the city, having arrived from the Interior on Sunday. Nelson Brew of Haysport arrived in the city on yesterday afternoons train from the Skeena River for a brief visit to town. Oiler Besner, who has been on a business trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south oa the Prince Rupert this morning. All returned soldiers are Invited to parade to Anglican. Church on Sunday morning. Meet at club j rooms at 10.15. Poppy Tag Day Sa-I turday. 259 Remember Presbyterian Bazaar tomorrow. Afternoon tea. Supper at 6 p.m.. price 50c Oood program at 7 pjn. by Miss Craig's pupils and also vocal numbers. ing Vancouver about the middle of November to spnd, m?n!) at San Frihlelscb; ller pfcnjre appears & the last Vancouver Sunday Pro vince. D. C. Schubert and T. M. J. For- . - 4 t U .1... M I V. i mile muiucu mi wjc uh im ui Prince Rupert this morning from a brief trip to Vancouver where they attended sessions of the Pension Board. ised under the Marriage Act toi . solemnise marriage within the Pro-! CPR sUsamer PrlnceM Noran ... f t-ui.h ri..mM. if ii Cant. William Palmer, is due In port at 4:15 this afternoon froai Skagway and other Alaska point and will sail an hour later for Vancouver and Victoria. uona Kiver. i-orener iswna. mi uis M, and Mr. n xr Valentin past two or three years, left on this' h. w.r. marriMl a aM. the morning's train for Halifax where brlde havlng I0rmeriy been MUs on November 13 he will sail on the Rosalte Duggan. returned to the Swedish-American Line steamer, clty on the prtnce Rupert this Orlpsholm for his home In the Old mornng from a honeymoon trip to country. c " own in poor Vancouver and Victoria, health lately T. D. Pattullo, Liberal leader for 1 British Columbia and ML.A. to Prince Rupert, returned to Victoria a few days ago after having completed a summer's tour of the province. His latest trip took him through the southeastern portion of the province. I F. W. Crawford, president of. the 'Vancouver Tobacco Co.. arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this imornlruj from Vancouver and will be here for the next two or three days or. a regular visit to the local Orotto Cigar Stoic business lit whtch he is interested. He is accompanied by Mrs Crawford and child. KUTKK Our coal Is in a dry shed. Don't buy water. Buy coal and get your full weight. Discount $1.00 a ton. Note our advertisements for cash prices. HYDE TRANSFER, Phone 580. rf Fishery Patrol Planes Are Back At Their Base VANCOUVER, Nov 4 Planes and pilots of Canadian Airways Ltd. are all back from their summer's fishery patrol work at Swanson Bay und elsewhere In the north. One or two of the air engineer will be doing some piloting during their spare time this winter CELEBRATE ARMISTICE Big-Parade Will Take Place to Ceno taph From Outside Legion Hall Next Wednesday is Remembrance Day and the Dominion Parliament has declared it a statutory holiday. On that morning various organizations in the city will parade to the cenotaph with the Canadian Legion. and members of the R. C. N. V. R. j It is expected that there will be two bands taking part, the Prince Rupert Boys' Band and -the Moose Band. Rev. C. E. Motte, who served over- r-nn m Vi a nnniHInn Afmv mill Ka " the speaker for the day. The proces sion will meet at 10:15 and will march at 10:39 to the cenotaph. There will be a church parade on Sunday and a smoker in the Legion Hall Wednesday night. Lantern Slides Provide Scenes In Opera "Aida" COLOGNE, Germany, Nov. 4: Projected "lantern-slide" pictures In place of conventional scenery was the outstanding feature of the new production of Verdi's "Aida," with which the Cologne opera season op ened. The producer, Herr Hans Strolibach, Is the first to expert ment with this method on a large scale. In the temple scene massive stone pillars were seen supporting tons of masonry, and even in the stalls It was not realized that the scene was nothing more than a picture cleverly projected from a bridge some 40 feet above the stage. Many Skeena Holdings Ltd. is among1 difficulties were experlnced before the newly Incorporated companies I perfection was attained. Three pro- announced in the ast B. c. aa- jectors were used, each so finely ad zette. Capitalization? ia $10,000 and head office is at Vancouver. Mrs. Paul Alvazoff will be leav justed that the three sections Into which the pictures were divided were thrown on to the seml-clrcular screen, or horizon, as it is termed, without any detectable overlapping. Shadows concealed the "Joint" between the picture and stage. The delicate task of transferring the scenes to the "slides" was carried out by Frl. Fritz, one of the opera's artists. Absolute perfection was ne cessary, lor a microscopic aeieci m a slide would nave been a glaring error on the stage. 4c. Halibut Landings American Hclgeland, 22,000, Atlin, 122c and Attu, 27,000, too late. Canadian Cape Beale, 38,000, Storage, 10.7c and 4c. Select Your Greeting Cards From Our Choice Collection It's the wise shopper who takes advantage of our complete selection of cards now. You avoid disappointment . . .you relieve yourself of the rush and 'hurry that is part of Christmas shopping. Cards of distinction' and charm are available at the lowest prices in years. We are equipped to print and deliver your personal cards in our own plant in 21 hours . Prices from $2.25 per dozen Accept our Invitation; see for yourself the; many beautiful designs we showl PRINTERS AND STATIONERS Whatever Your Skin Trouble-Get Well This Magic Way Many Sufferers Relieved by Famous Herbal Healer Whether it be a disfiguring rath, or an outbreak of pimplea, tore chapped hand", f roitbite. or aay cut, burn,- or aeald--4resi the plate at one with this graad herbal ointment, Zam-Buk. It il twautifully toothing, awiftly healing, and highly antineptie. Even in chronic trouble! like externa, aalt rheum, u 1 e r a, and polaoned aorea, Zam-Buk eradicate dinease and growa new akin. You can "rub it In" for eold-on-the-chect, bodily chills, stiffness, sprains, museular pains, etc In fact, there are a hundred uses for Zam-Buk. Be sure to keep a box at home. ALU SPEAK WELL OF ZAM-BUK 'Zam-Buk rid me of try polsonloc and completely healed my festered flnter." Mrs. 8. Cray, 81. Ro Du Lac. Manitoba. "A bad attack of Barber's Ikh sided to Zam-Buk In two weeks, y skin Is now fine and healthy." Ur. D. IL, Box 417. Humboldt. Sask. When I suffered from painful mat tery boll. Zam-Buk waa the only effective remedy." -Hate! -B. Beck, Newburn. Lunenburg. Nora Scotia. "Zam-Buk Ointment and Soap soon cleared my skin of a dlsflfuilna- rash." Mr. H. Brown, St. John T. B. Hospital. St. John. N.B. "I couldn't And anything to tellers a burn on my arm until my Mother applied Z a m-B u k." Mrs. E. B, Croteau, Waterloo, Que. The unparalleled success of Zsm-Buk at a (tealer of skin troubles lies In its original and valuable formula. Zam-Buk it compounded from certain extracts of herbal origin, to refined that they soak through the tiny pores into underlying tissues. Zam-hnk healt from below aa well at on the surf a re. It kills poisonous germs, stops pain and itching, and grows new skin. Zara-Buk is also a splendid remedy for piles and a fine dressing for Injuries, Zam Buk Ointment 50c box, Zam-Buk Medicinal Soap IJc cake. If your paper does not arrive, telephone the office Extra Special ! Lucky Purchase i imro? if 1 Ti1 111 LMHEid UMd , WE PASS ON THE SA.VINGS TO YOU Ladies' Hats in IJelt and Velvet, in all the latest styles. Prices ranging up to $4.50. Your Choice $J79 For this week only. To secure a good choice, come early 1 SEE OUR WINDOW LADIES' OUTSIZE DRESSES In Wine, Brown and Black-Pried to sell at JAB0URS LIMITED $6.75 1 1 533 Third Ave. W. l'lionc.615 1 if -au. ; tj TsFf' s 4