TV BERT'S TAXI THONE prom-- & Security 678 81 1 5 yoTxXH No. 257" "I Mi' '"mil 3 tner Block Nimtd Leader Yesterday ot Liberal Nationalist Parliamentary Party MN'DON. Nov. 4: Sir John Sinn is unanimously elected leader ! m National Liberal Parllamen-r 1 1 , yesterday. Simon headed !"!. il Nationalists In the renin campaign. MRS. JUDD COLLAPSES Two Innamrd Persons Cited As Accomplices of Altered "Trunk Murderess." FHK' iNtx. Artsona, Nov. 3 Mrs. R'.':. Winnie Judd was In a virtual 11 collapse yesterday as she '""I lie formal charge laid ag- r of murdering her two roommates, Miss Hedvtg 'n and Mrs. Agnes Leroi n.i mod persons were cited inplires and It Is expected i' uuty will be revealed next when, the prellmlnary-i ipt'ns. NEW JURY IS FORMED E'jht Mm and Four Women to Hear Second Trial ot Alexander Pantagcs She DEMOCRAT CONQUEST Looks Like Party Will Control Congress as Result ot Yes- . terday's Elation? t ,.13 WASHINGTON, D.C, Nor. 4: Although the Issue was still in doubt, it appeared last night that the Democratic partr had captured control of the Houwof Representatives as a result of special elections yesterday In five congressional districts. The Democrats retained New York Seven and Ohio Twenty, both strongholds of the party, and captured a Michigan sent which deviated from the Republican column for tiie first time In 33 years. SENTENCE FOR LIFE Ilalfbreed Pleads Guilty to Rurnlng Down Roman Catholic Convent WINNIPEG. Nov. 3: Nelson Hughes. 20-year old halfbreed, will spend the rest of his life in Stony Mountain Penitentiary, ne picau guilty In provincial police court to burning down tne jtoman wwiu; convent at Cross Lake, more than two years ago, when one of the sisters and 13 little children lost their lives In the fire. He was sentenced Immediately. ' . , ' This Is the first time that Magls-Mnhio hn imnosed life im prisonment in all his career on the bench, he said. Pavnter. an alleged ac- IUCUifiv complice, elected r for a speedy ail trial ... tnr nrcliminarv T.os ANGELES, Nov. 4:-The Jury; uVprovlncial police court. . "rlng of the second trial ,n8 ' 21, lhe motive that led mder Pantages, theatrical convent, . tQ burn down the on a charge of criminal rdln(. t0 a statement made to upon Eunice Prlngle, young He nad becn punished for ;;;;' ; wo years ago, was formed lnfractlon of the rules, and on . " W1U 01 occasions naa biiciiir Drevlous 11,1 ' ur ur women women. .lwo two v. " .. u..hji. h.iiidlne. hut. but wit was Hi ., fing of evidence In the trial 'ht before any damage was done. ' ""inicuced today. I'MTEll STATES HAS ENORMOUS DEFICIT Washington, d.c, Nov. 4 I''"' United States govern- m"i completed the first four Vim, t the current fiscal with a deficit of more $661,000,000, It was anr ""ced by the Treasury De I'l'iuiont yesterday. Governor Rolph Of California Got Up to Vote SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 4-Alter having spent two weeks as a p- . ot Prnncls Hospital SUf- FILM STAR IS WEDDED Dorothy Mackail and Neil Albert, Miller Eloped to Yuma I Yesterday i LOS ANGELES. Nov. 4: Dorothy Mackail, screen actress, and Nell, Albert Miller, eloped yesterday to Yuma, Ariz., and were married. It was Miller with whom Miss Mackail threatened several months ago to ' run away to Honolulu. Sentenced For Trapping Fur Close Season .TOKYO, Nov. 4: Meagre reports so far available indicate the loss of hundreds of lives and extensive property damage as a result of se of the people. LOGS ARE SALVAGED Three Power Tugs and Plane Used In Recovering Three Million Feet of Drifting Lots The power tugs Salvage Princess, Red Roy and RiUmor succeeded yesterday in effecting the salvage of two booms ot Queen Charlotte Island logs aggregating some three million feet of timber which broke, adrift last Sunday in a gale from Captain's Cove where they had been anchored. It was five miles west of Captain's Cove that they were picked up. A fisherman reported on Monday that the booms were adrift. The Northern British Columbia WHEAT PRICE BOUNDS UPWARD AGAIN TODAY William Ross and Peter wesicy, vancouvek. nov. wneat Port Simpson Indians, were eachl took another upward bound on sn. with ODtlon of 30 days the local market today when It NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1931 Just babies well-known, too. There's Ht len Mack, then Linda Wa Uins and Conchita Montenagro. And listen they've been pleked as the o.'Ilcial baby stars of 1931. Great, lsn t It! Of course Linda Is seen now In 'Sob Sister," one ot those blg-tlme affairs, while Coiichlta-well, she left Spain before Alfonso did, but not for the same purpose. V ARGUMENT PRESENTED Kalln ay men Take Action In Connection With Proposal to Arbitrate Wage Cuts MONTREAL, Nov. 4: Argument on behalf of the running trades un ions or the railways Is now In tne hands of the Minister of Labor, Hon. James Murdock, president ot the Brotherhood ot Railway Trainmen, said Tuesday In commenUng upon the proposed arbitration ot wage cuts. It was announced yesteraay that the Canadian National ana Canadian Pacific Railways had applied for a board of conciliation in the matter. OTAWA, Nov. 4: Employee of the Canadian railways have nominated Dr. J. C. Hemmeon of McOlll University as their representative on the proposed board of conciliation with the railway companies. MANY IN QUAKE BTG IN BOOKS Southern Japan is Visited By Death Library Put to Much Greater Use and Destruction on Sunday Than Last Year Board Meeting vere earthquakes on Sunday In SeVf nty Thousand Volumes Will Be Southern Japan. Additional shocks circulated By End ot Year yesteraay lent runner to tne terror Airways Gypsy Moth seaplane, piloted by Desmond Murphy, did r,lrl.?!:,r",l!.n;'w Canadian Winner me salvage ui uwih v-p. , P. Armour, manager of the Pacific Salvage Co, being on board the plane. There were nine rafts in all anchored at Captain's Cove. At the meeting of the library board last night the librarian re ' ported that the circulation of books this year to the end of October was l j 13,169 more than for the corres-1 ponding period of last year and that I jit was estimated that by the end ot j 'the year the total circulation of; ! books for the present year would j j reach seventy thousand. I For the month of October the borrowings were: Fiction. 4.58S. Non-flctlon. 632. Duplicate pay, 133. Juvenile. 1.472. Total, 6,872. The library was open to the public 22 days and the average of volumes loaned per day during jthat period was 312.4. New borrow-ers numbered SI and cards cancelled, 13. The total of registered bor-1 rowers In the city is now 3,419. Books were added to the collection, 13 by gift and 90 by purchase, 'making a total ot 8070 on the selves. Is at Vancouver With Large Cargo PRECEDENT IS SET UP First Time so Many New Members ot Parliament Have Attended At .Westminster , . LONDON, Nov. 4: There was an unprecedented occurrence in the Houses of Westminster yesterday when more than 250 new members of Parliament who had never before sat in the House appeared among the victors in last week's general election who assembled to be sworn in and to attend other preliminaries. It was the, first time in history that so many new faces made their appearance in Parliament at one time. Swrari i? in of members will continue for a couple o? days and the formal opening of the new Parliament with state formalities will take place. IS HEIR TO BIG ESTATE Reported That Local Railway Employee is Soon to Fall Into Great Wealth imprisonment, by Stipendiary Ma-' was quoted at 7Hic. This was to distributing houses In B.C. In-1 In "Merchant ot Venice if tp iT.vt in nrovlndal a tan of more than two cents eluded in the careo was a shipment, - - - - KlsVlnbc i . nollce court yesterday afternoon on . over yesterday and was half a of 11,000 cases of soup and several CLEVELAh charges of trapping during close , cent ahead of the previous high thousand cases of honey. SS. Cana-, to the stage fcrlng from iniiuen. " i ThB CBMS were nrosccuted Drlce on Monday, Ijames Rolph. jr.. got up yw-"- - riepartment; noss ftnd t . and cart his vote in tne ...u v - are servlng tne time. ! T 4- 4 election. j VANCOUVER, Nov. 4: -S3. Canadian Winner ot the Canadian National Steamships, Intercoastal Service, arrived In Vancouver this week with one of the largest cargoes she Maude Adams Comes Back has ever carried. The cargo consls- j ted ot general merchandise from Eminent American Actress Back Eastern Canada and was consigned i On Stage Opposite Otis Skinner CLEVELAND,- Nov. 4: Returning Tomorrow s Tides Thursday, November 5, 1931 ' High 9.33 am. 18.8 ft. 21.49 p.m. 18.4 It. Low 2.50 am. 6.0 It. 1 ' 15.31 pjn. 7.8 It. after twenty years of dlan Winner will return shortly to retirement, Maude Adams played the Atlantic Coast with a full cargo Portia here last night opposite Otis of B.C. products. jSklnner as Shylock. PRICE: FIVE CENTS mil OFFICER WAS RED LEADER LARGE RELIEF BUDGET IS NECESSARY, ROBERTSON SAYS dominion Expects To Spend Thirty Million rv t ti t on umress i ms i ear British Columbia Program AgRrcgatinff $5,750,000 Has Ilccn Approved, Minister of Labor Announces Dominion Pays Big Share OTTAWA, Nov. 4 : It is a conservative estimate to state that the total federal contributions for relief of unemployment and distress in Canada will exceed $30,000,000 apart from direct relief requirements, Senator Gideon D. Robertson, minister of labor, stated yesterday. For British C olumbia the Dominion has approved municipal and provincial work ggregating in cost more than $5,750,000. Of this t he Dominion's share is $2,893,000. SIMON IS GRIT HEAD Some of the Younger Stars of Screendom 3 Sergeant John Leopold Causes Sensation With His Revelation Today Well Known R. C. M. P. iMan Discloses That He Was Secretary of Communist Party Attended All Conventions and Did All His Duties as Such TORONTO, Nov! 4: Sergeant John Leopold R. C. M. P. j acted for nine years as secretary of the Regina branch of the Communist Party of Canada he disclosed at the trial of nine Communists here today. Sergeant Leopold, under the name of E. W. Esselwain, had attended all conventions and performed all the duties of a Communist. His testimony created a sensation. It is expected that he will be dismissed at once from the police force. WHEAT ON WAY HERE Well Over 200 Carloads of Wheat Coming 32 Cars in This m- t Twenty-two more carloads of grain arrived early this morning from the prairies for the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator. There were 146 cars on the territory west of Jasper Park bound for here yesterday with 88 more cars loaded on the prairies In all. GANDHI IN CONFERENCE Indian Nationalist Leader Calls at No 10 Downing Street to See Premier MacDonald LONDON, Nov. 4: Mahatma Oandhl Indian Nationalist leader, who Is about to return to India following the unsuccessful round-table conference, visited Premier James Ramsay MacDonald at No. 10 Downing Street yesterday and spent an hour with the Prime Minister. Gandhi tendered his apologies to the Premier for having failed to A local railway employee, accord- bring about an agreement between ing to report which is current, has the Hindus and Moslems of India In ' been definitely established as the their differences. nearest heir In connection with the settlement ot an eastern estate f l l i which has been In chancery for JOS AUSfelCS VlUn manv vears. It Is rtDOrted that the : 5 estate Is worth several million dollars and Is soon to be settled upon the nearest heir. The Weather Langara Cloudy, light easterly wind, sea calm. Dead Tree Rain; strong southeast wind; barometer, 29.82; temperature. 48; sea rough. Dlgby Island Rain, strong south-cast wind; barometer, 29.86; temperature, 48; sea choppy. i Man Gives Self Up George Snell Surrenders to Tolice and Says He Shot Allen Maxwell In Self-Defense LOS ANGELES, Nov. 4: Ocorge Snell surrendered to the police yes-Iterday in connection with the j shooting on the street Monday night ot Allan Maxwell. Snell as serted that he had shot Maxwell In self-defence. AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN IS NOT IN CABINET . LONDON, Nov. 4: Sir Aus- ten Chamberlain, long promln- ent In public life of Oreat Brl- tain, announced yesterday that he would not be a member of the new national cabinet on 4 the grounds that younger men should have their chance In the government of the country. j it, . 4 4 m 1 r