3 1 Hi PAGE SIX THK DAILY NEWB t u n pom r V ' '.V.WAV.V.V.7 ;::;...::::. ' r 1 F e out rful stations inonedeqree! THINK of it I The (lightest turn I of th dial on GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIO and even th most powerful station is eliminated completely. a No more overlapping ... no more worry about congested wave lengths. That is the Full Range Selectivity of the GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIO. You also get Full Range Sensitivity fo reach out after far distant stations ... end Full Range Tone that Is as natural and tone-true as if you heard it in the studio. See the handsome model on display. A demonstration will convince ou ot the advantage ot Pull Range eception. easy terms arranged. GENERAL ie ELECTRIC FULL RANGE A Price for Every Purse PAY only $10 1.00 Down Fv.w.v.v.vavAv Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited SAFE WINTER TIRES SURE FOOTED loodrich Silvertowns Get Them Now! Rupert Motors Garacc and Service Station Phone SGG (Night calls 161) DISTRIBUTORS: DODGE and PLYMOUTH CARS ' TEACHERS' MEETING Misses Mercer, Hartin, Roihwell and Mitchell Tell Interestingly of Travels The Prince Rupert Teachers' Association held Its regular monthly meeting at the Booth School last evening when Miss E. A. Mercer and Miss May Mercer spoke on the trip they had made to Japan during the summer vacation and Miss Rothwell and Miss Mitchell spoke on their trip to China and the Philllpines. These talks, given with views and reproductions of photographs, were of the greatest Interest to alL Miss Hartin, in speaking of Japan, remarked on the teeming masses of people, the countless bicycles used, In most cases with the riders carrying enormous loads, the racing automobiles with their expert drivers and their incessant honking of horns, the natives with their characteristic dresses, and the Japanese houses with their paucity of furniture and yet their perfectly balanced furnished appearance. The descriptions were always interesting and had a human appeal not often found elsewhere. Miss Mercer spoke on the shrines of Japan. Following an Interesting reference to the two religions, their differences and later the union of the two as complementary to each other, Miss Mercer took her listeners through many of the shrines she had visited. The typical torll gates, lanterns in thousands, the effective decoration of varl-colored woods, the sacred deer, the elaborate and marvellous detail in earring were a few of the many interesting points referred to. . Miss Rothwell opened her talk with a reference to the typhoon hazards and the success of modern methods of communication by which boats are enabled to avoid the course of this menacing storm. Her journey included visits to Shanghai, Peking though there was a possibility at one time that owing to the unsettled state of the city that part of the trip would have to be omitted Kowloon and Hong Kong. The de scriptions of the royal palace at Peking was vividly given. The construction ot the buildings, their wealth of detail, the Empress' "navy," the room of the thousand clocks, the strange legends that resulted in even stranger customs were all interestingly told. The hard conditions of the countless thousands, the ill-paid labors of the people and the lack of consideration shown towards many women who toll at heavy manual work were re vealing lights. The anti-foreign feel ing in certain sections explained some of the recent happenings in China. Miss Mitchell was equally interesting as she told of their exper iences in Manila, in the Philllpines. Their opportunities to visit certain parts of the surrounding country were limited owing to the four days' 10c. a week! torrential rain. This made automo bile driving dangerous as the driver 10c. a week! KEEP IN TOUCH With events that are transpiring. TEN CENTS a week brings the DAILY NEWS to your house every day. Save money by subscribing Telephone 98 and the boy will call and collect m Love Him! Silly question! Of course you love him. You txiit for him. It gives you a queer feeling to see him playing there on the floor and to realize he1 yours. Love him? Oh my you'd do anything for him I Watch for the first signs of constipation in your child and give Baby' Own Tablets. They are the ideal laxative for children of all ages. If your child is constipated if he has a cold, simple fever, no appetite or a coated tongue dont wait for more serious illness to develop. Get Baby's Own Tablets at once. They will save you worry. 25 cents a package at any druggist's. 1(4 BABY'S OWN TABLETS (Dr. Williams') For Children of All Ages i could not see ahead and later the water was up to the mudguards of I the cars. The "Venice of the East" represents three civilizations and these three are very evident in the habits of the peoples, their buildings and their dress. The natives have their houses built on stilts and thatched with an open storey underneath, in which the stock find shelter. There is the Spanish civilization inside the walled city and then there is the progressive American civilization evident in the most modern ot buildings and fine roads. The problem 6f Independence is, however, a very live one with the Filipinos. A very hearty vote of thanks was accorded the speakers on the motion of Miss Delaney seconded by Miss Halliwell. In the business meeting presided over by J. S. Wilson the tentative program for the year was presented by the executive and an interesting and worthwhile year seems assured. The resignation ot J. W. Plommer as press correspondent was accepted with regret and J. S. Wilson was appointed. A committee under the charge of Miss Rothwell and Miss Edgecumbe served tea and at this time an opportunity was afforded to see a model of a Japanese home as well as a "Hanging picture," a characteristic feature of every home and a toril gate. College Hospital In Toronto Soon TORONTO, Nov. 3: Preliminary operations on the erection of the new women's college hospital will start soon. The design for the building has been entirely altered from the original to allow sufficient space for an enlarged structure. It is the intention of the hospital to wreck tho house formerly owned by the Jeffrey family and the stables in the near future. The houses on iGrosvenor Street will be remodelled and utilized for temporary nurses' residences. Thd house on Grenvlllc Street will still be used as an out patient department and will be temporarily connected to the first unit of the new building. Twenty Years Ago In' Prince Rupert November 4, 1911 Arthur Esty was host af the barbecue ot a deer which he shot. Among tho guests were C. C. Westen-haver, Lee Baker, Charles Lindsay Bob Smith and William Angle. A new comet has appeared In the heavens and is visible in Prince Rupert. John Dybhavn has taken over the Norwegian consulate work here. It had formei-iy been looked after by T. D. Pattullo. . - STOCKFOR INTERIOR Fall Freight Policy of Government Taken Advantage Of PRINCE GEORGE, Nov. 4 One hundred and seventy-nine head of Hereford and Shorthorn breeding heifers have been ordered by farmers in the central interior of British Columbia under the Dominion Government free freight policy. Of these, 63 head have been delivered and distributed in the Prince George and. Vanderhoof districts. Sixty-six head in two cars ar? enroute and 50 head are beinz selected in the Edmonton yards and will be coming forward In the near future. Those enroute include 45 head of Hereford calves for Bartley Me-Crae, Topley. These will arrive a their new home Wednesday. Six teen head of Hereford yearlings for Eugene Soutal. Red Rock and two head of Shorthorn yearlings for E. F. Boyer, Chief Lake, are on the way,. Fifty head of Shorthorn yearling heifers on order and being selected include fifteen for L. J. Bodkin. Salmon Valley: six for Anton Ruste. Salmon Valley: four for Fritz Rockaank. Prince George; two for Alfred Larsen. Prince George nd two for Frank Jlalmaln, Prince George. Th eond car of similar stock l. for Endako District farmers E H. James, twelve head, Harry Le-D)kc. six head, and Ben Rand, three head. The Agricultural Department of the Canadian National Railway' at Prince George is cooperating with the central interior newspapers and provincial government offl cials in making .these policies known to the farmers throughout the district and are willing to sup ply any Information regarding shipping in live stock under this or other Dominion Government The American Nurse's Assocla tlon, believed to be the largest group of women of one profession I in the world, has lncreasd in mem bershlp from 86.000 to 104.159 since January 1. Only graduate nurse? arc eligable for membership. LOOK THESE OVER This is the time to do it We offer a few suggestive buys for making your Christmas cakes, mince meat and plum puddings. Our stock is fresh. Australian Raisins Light Qen rnlnr 7 lhs OV Australian Cleaned Currants ftCi 7 lbs vJV Australian Dried Peaches QCn 7 lbs 47 Evaporated Prunes Large size, 40-50, 8 lbs Shelled Walnuts 2 lbs , Shelled Almonds 2 lbs. Malkln's Best Extracts Lemon and Vanilla 2-oz. bottles Qr 2 for ooi. Malkln's Best Bleached QtZ Raisins, 2 lbs Malkln's Best Spices I Co 2 tins 95c 82c 85c Terrace Apples Hard for OtZn mince meat making, 4 lbs. "" Mixed Peel Citron, Lemon Csn and Orange Peel, per lb. We carry a fresh supply of fruits and ... . a m t YcgriaDies anu our prices are very A IOW . j We give care and attention to all mail orders. Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores "Where Hollars Have More Cents" No, 1 Store FJfth Ave Phone 18-81 No. 2 Store 31D Third A v. Phone 3C0 No. 3 Store 727 Third Av Phone 375 Ik6. Box 575 Wednesday & Thursday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 PJW. Admission 20c & 65c Feature Starts at 7:30 and 9:30 THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:30 Feature Starts 3:00 15c & 40c Wednesday, November , 1531 She had the world by the tail and oh, how she twisted Sec MAY ROBSON in "MOTHER'S MILLIONS" With an excellent supporting cast. MYSTERY LAUGHS THRILLS ROMANCE Comedy CHARLIE MURRAY In "THE STAY OCT" FOX NEWS ADMISSION, 20c & C5c Feature starts at 7:30 & 9:30 FRIDAY & SATURDAY "CRACKED NUTS" Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg ...$11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump . ". . . $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE "I am ordering Shredded Wheat for lunch today" "I don't waste the noon hour trying to read a long menu. I just say, 'bring me two. Shredded Wheat Biscuits with a bowl of half and half and some berries'. It's a nourishing, delicious lunch and keeps nic wide awake all the afternoon. The crisp, flav ory shreds of baked wheat arc delicious and I know I am getting all the whole' wheat in a digestible form." THE CANADIAN SHREDDED VHEAT 4.7$?B JfMt M COMPANY. LTD. W'f SHREDDE WHEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storars Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SIMONDS SAWS i ic most economical saws to use Simond Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Reml tX. and Acorn Av-Vtftcourtr. B.C MONTREAL , at. JoMv";