Tuesday May 28, 1031. Why Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Kent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc, Through a Classified Ad. CLASSIFIED ADVERT! SF.MF.NTS Silversides PAINTS Bros. tin ml WALLPAPEKS GLASS Bll Third Avenue FOR RENT CHOICE Apartment for rent. Wf.iinliuver Bros. tl FOR RENT - FurnUJied 4 room flat Wlin Data, riiuuc vj FOB RJ:NT Five-roomed furn ished .iprtment. Apply Muftal- lciii a Phone tf TOR RENT -Clean, well furnished modem apartment. Palmer Ap-artmeiiis Phone Red 444. FOB RENT Pianos, phonograph. sewing machines and car, Woiiinr cor. Second 'Avenue and Fourth Street tf KOOMS TO KENT BEDROi M to rent- close In, Phon Bed 218 , tf FOR SALE FOR SALE New ChefterfleM Solta. Pboni Blue 34S. tf FOR SALE Mahogany Weber pis til CkkxI snap for cash. Apply Daily News. FOB SALE thoroughbred Cocker 4iui Springer Spaniel Puppies. Photit C43. 1W SIX HOLE Flndlay Rang, ahnos'. new cheap. Owner lea vine town Plum'' Blue 821. (uk nALt cneap, 18-ieot open launch, lifeboat style, 4 horse- powpr Easthope engine, moveable canvas cover. Apply DUy News. Phone 98. tf U I4ll, :,k fir,. t'. I f u. CJ v II r , ") "'' I, ft,"' OrT Ana i, una... '. l!h, tiii: ntNKiuncY act ' I- ,:, of JABOUR BHOTH- fh. tittf.d Prince Bupart. RC. Au- :1t,; Aaftlgnor. N i..jy given thai JABOIR 8!U lll.lt; uurntD. Prlnee BinMrt, I; ' Brttmh o-iltinMa. did ou day ol Uay 1981. ma M ell-wnment of all it pro-r btjafli ol It crad.ion X r McLrad. Official - uppolntM ua to be cuato-'" "UK of the debtor until "iming of crcdlton ' further given Utat tht Urn rrditon la the aboa " hald at the Own Hooa. BC. en Friday tha 5th ' irai. at 2-se o'elook m tb ' v' u to voir tharaal. pront ni muat be Inrtaad w1U ui ii rtiBi u bald. I be uaed at tkw BMdUUi! 'd with ut prio tharato I ' ii tic? 'hi"' !. t'.irii riwdRon wUl alad tht! : iit. I r uke n?Hec that If yau -in againit Mm cteblor fur ' ontitlad to rank, ptn! ; ' irtiit 3 filed with u or i u,,i wlin opp tl(. ' ton or the AaMor'i a-"" dlrtrllMitad . am on . tbr I' 1 Cheaato viUwut ra-! 'lii'.m. I v -in Touver. B C. tlua tth i U 1'JSl. AN CREDIT UKH-B TMMB ii I 1 Twin i mi ,ii. I ' ' V.. I4KIIHU . CuatudUo Uuildliia. VinMKMir II o mim:iu, ait " iliiti or litiiirotrniriit NfrnCE ' " tional lnrai Olatm. all-' Atlin MlniiiR Drvmton ol 1 i'i il lit fchnut Am Ml. tiw RntUiMT Mltx aad speculation WMpataar " irk Mllaml rn.lm. that I. Mm Dtttfawi 'iy rrom the osta Nraot 1 'if MllVlnw t)nnvU. fj a ' ImprovcmafMa. for th ""uiuing a L.TOwn urnt ol "uii. '-r uk notk tht Htn 86. muiit wmnoe of 'Wilts be canuutnfaa ueh CarUfleau im da of Uiy. A.D, 1831. 11 MON. rUASER, Asrnt Kfty ,r J" JOSK. COPPER CUTT, ROB . "IANCE Or THE WNK llHuuS, ' J,'P OF MINERAL CLAIMS. h . tlip Ooajit. BIcMmA Mlnlnr Tt Kl"'ne Mat. "M'W, Z.u -of w W. II, Uaaon. frw '' toiV ,,w 4707' Nlaull. Ufi , '"Ifloate 3S31BD. Alnn-!aD ft V ,,lri" r's cerurioate 34-m, ,t, , , ''''iiayman frw miner er-"' net,. . "tnd, alxty days from own I ,, '" "PPly to th minlnc rr- lot "'inoaKw of Improvement ,ra' in. ' ,',r,0,MI ot obtaining efuwn ' A4,a abova clatmi. Unl' Si., , '' ollt that alon "ur J ,,. '"' 81 -Rk of tha Mineral Ad w '""I, ,,.', ,','ei befow the laMUanct No advertisement taken for less than 50c. WANTED TAKE advantage of our lummer classes In AUTO M0CJIAN1CAL it AUTO BODY ti DUCO COURSES. Special fees. Write for our fre "Automotive Opportunities" booklet and 40c. per hour sparc-Ume work plan. HEMPHILL AUTO AKD ENGINEERING SCHOOLS, 104S Pender Street Wast, Vancouver. B.C. SITUATIONS WANTED OITIL wants housework by hour or month. Phone Black 441. 137 EXPERIENCED reliable woman home or hotel $S5 a month. Phone Oreen 343. 123 FOUND FOUND Small child's black shoe on Third Avenue. Owner mev have same by calling at the DHjr" News Office and paying for this advert lament. PALMISTRY MRS. JAMBS CLARK, PsMlttry and Crystal Reading. Wallac Block. Telephone Blade 637. Public Stenographer MURIEL MORRIS, office Weston -haver Block. Phone 781. tf SALVAGE ANP TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Ful'y Equipped Tor Diving and General Salvage Work " Agents tor EASTHOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of aS descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Pntlnrs Northern BC Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Oravel in any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day nr Mint 564 PO Ttoi MM CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Ked Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Chlldrens' Diseases Specially Treated I W. C. AKPINALl (Chiropractor) Phone Green 241 & 1 En change iOpp. Qrme's) DRESSMAKER MISS N. ROGERS. Phone Blaek 2S6. HOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129. t; FURRIER MRS". O. FOWLER, 601 Sixth Avenue West. Phone Blue 153. tl SHOE REPAIRS FOR Finest Work try Louis Shlbig, 3S1 Second Avenue West, Box 30. Prince Rupert, B.C. tt TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Dry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine. tf RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204, tf TAXI & MESSENGER FOR satisfactory TAXI or Messenger Service Phone 678, Dar-row Casey it Bert Oeghltn., rr -iu . j . w. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPEPT AUCTION MART We buy. srll or exchange any kind of furniture nr household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. Oeneral repairs, crating, packing and shipping Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer Federal Block tf "TILLIE THE TOILER" MAC VM'ut View TAH 8 MB TO TV VAC HT CLlB 6AMC6 TOMICHTH WHAT'S that, yowe 'RxsticeoH Ob that ch- i cawi uMoest - VtAnO why mac DIDW T at TVII CHAMCF ToTAkl I CAN'T Flf5Ut! Hy vou OTTIVTTTTT1W 9-Piece Walnut DlniLK Suite Dls-! appearing leaf table, latest design I buffet, six chairs, leather uphol-, stered & china cabinet A bargain OUT tWt 1 160 MACKENZIE'S FUKKITUKE Phone 775 BLASTING AND. EarthWork NELS ROKKJAR 811 Fraser Street Phone Blue Evenings GEORGE MACKLIN Plain and Ornamental PLASTERING, STUCCO, IiKICK, CEMENT, ETC. Tel. Red 832 4 Emad BIk. "WONDERFUL TLELL" Queen Charlotte Islands The Home Farm Beach and Meadows for the children. Excellent cuisine. MADAME RAJAUT QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M $3.75 No. 1 3x per M. .. 335 No. 2 ner M. 2.75 Robertson & Simpson" Massett. B.C. Agent: Hyde Transfer, Phone 580 it 'iiiir""'1 Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payments As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to ouy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. 1 i . s i i f !1 Birds of a Feather wmikilif av. heck i Z I 0111. llHflli. Im. Cftrt Sfll. HlfcM mmit ft (fllklMtkl TO 1 c?a ,C5 Act umckiv ill " III I This Offer Will be Withdrawn May 30 Special Offer 15 Months' Subscription For the Ordinary Yearly Price of $5.00 in Prince Rupert -or- $3.00 Anywhere in Northern B.C. Outside of the city limits FREE! To the fortunate holder of each Twenty-fifth receipt as advertised above, on subscription accounts and issued from our office we will present a cheque for QH, HEi.ua MAC- Tiuui E 7 wny shb luvr utsrT vmith a oom5 MAW MAMfcD TlMMy - t NEVEft, ava) him eroae to sou knouj ANVTHtMQ ABOUT HiM HE'CJ MOT TWH KIND Op A BOV t'Ci PICK OUT IF I VMEB.E3 - DoMlT $5.00 PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS LTD. This Offer Will be Withdrawn May 30 By Westover. r'AUD FuetHBB.MORE, We KNOMM BV THE COMPAUV OMf3 KEEPS AMD OULV V STE R C5 AV I "3 AID TO HEft, . I'CJ MUCH riATHCR. tt-EH HER. MAR.f3.iSD " AND SETTtED OOVMM . C3uT t TV-iT-P1 PVERV Ut" UAr -r LEAD OVVi lIPH I I I don't vov Two of a Kind TIUU IB UJMEW T COM SFS TO AKIMtS TAVOiaS. I'M "THE ON VOU VAJAMT TO COM To OH. AJAl- lV NAllLU VDU CIO -THOSE "ZTAXb MEkirs t3R me: NAiHILB I BLUKl OUT AMD DO A l-lTTJ-E SHOPFlMf r f in km, r,aiui 1.1. . jb l, In. .1 II.h.im lll. .f j to tt.Vou pam yur subscription ElaV using! vO djj ...3, fi i4 II ,til i 4