Page 2 > eee Sn c= eee ee THE DAILY News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. aH. F. PULLEN, MANAGING Borren. ¢SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00, To United States ani other countries, in advance, $7.50 TEL PHONE 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY A!) VERTISING — 75 cents per inca. Contract Rates on application. oes = — a a a DAILY EDITION. «aig Dee. 2, ---— uesday, 1919. All Are Subject To Furious Storms. Sometimes we think Prince Rupert has wind storms that cannot be excelled for speed, strength and purifying power. There we seem to make a mistake, They had a storm on Saturday night in Ontario that must have been worse than our little recent breeze, They have also had storms in other parts of the country that are much worse than anything we get here. The wind so mixed things up in Detroit that twenty-four hours after the event they were still unable to find out what damage had been done, owing to the wires all being tangled. If we gave as much care to our buildings in this city as they do in Detroit we should not notice a little breeze like the one that broke some windows here recently. Government Lottery In England Improbable. A dispatch yesterday told of an effort being made to introduce ihe state lottery as a means of raising money in England. While the method has been mooted doubtless in certain influential quarters, yet it will net be accepted by-the people of England. They doubtless are in financial difficulties over there, but they have not yet got to the point where an orgy of gamblimg is neces- sary in order to get the coin from the people. We are told that the bankers and the churchmen are against it, and well they may be. We look to Great Britain for our lead in a good many things. Let them lead off on state lotteries and the whole Empire would soon be gambling in the same way. It would be an excuse that some have been looking for. - While we realize that everything in life is more or less of a lottery, we think the sense of insecurity which ‘goes with gambling is had for the nation as well as for the individual. Coal Shortage is Very Serious. The coal shortage is very serious and if the strike in the United States continues we shall feel the pinch even in Prince Rupert. On the prairies and in Eastern Canada they are already feeling it badly and are turning to wood fuel as a temporary substitutes, In Prince Rupert, fortuhately for us, we have plenty of wood, if the coal supply should fail. The mill can supply us with practically all the firewood we can take. The woods in the neighborhood also may be raided in order to keep the fires Burn- ing. It will be difficult to freeze us. out but it would be very inconvenient in weather like this to have to burn green or wet wood. — ~ PRIZE COMPETITION ist Prize $200 Cash. 2ud Prize $100 Cash. 3rd Prize $50 Cash. These prizes go to those wh» secure the largest number of new subscribers to the Daily News. The competition is .decide: by points which are earned on new subscriptions as follows: City Circulation. Out of Town Circulation. 1 Month, 75e. ..... 75 peint= | 6 Months, $4 ..... 450 points i Month, 50c. ...... 50 point 1 Year, $8 .. .1,000 points 6 Monts, 83 .....:. 350 point 2 Years, $16 ......2,000 points (Year) 66.....5..0% 800 aint Renewals, City or Outside. On every dollar collected, 50 pts. SPECIAL CASH BONUSES. Anyone during the course of the contest securing 100 fully paid yearly subscriptions gets a Century Bonus of $100 in addition to any prizes or commissions otherwise earned. THEO COLLA RT, ‘Notary Public FOR SALE -- Lot 35 Block 28, Section 8, on 114th Avenue, only $275.00 Cash 4 i0t in section 8 for g20¢. -- Accident ineurance Marine insurance Fice insurance ; PHONE BLUE 69, WESTHOLME THEATRE BLOCK, P. O. BOX 66. _ EE: = ee 2, - — my x == 7 — ~~ 1 Dentistry One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your } Efficiency” ‘Dr. Bayne Morning, 9 tw 12, starnans 138 0 428 ‘nie 9 to 12 only; Every Evening from 7.30 to 9 Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment Se THE DAILY NEWS ——- STOPPED ER HEADACHES Years, Of Suffering Ended By “Fruit-a-tives” 112 Lixgew Sry Sr. Joun, N. B. “Tt is with pleasure that I write to tell you of the great benefit I received from the use of your medicine ‘ Ppuitadives’’, made from fruit juices. I was a great sufferer for many yoare from Nervous /leadaches and Constipation. 1 triedeverything, consulted doctors; ‘but nothing seemed to help me until I tried “Fruit-a-tives”’ After taking several boxes, I was completely relieved of these troubles and have been unusually well ever since”. Miss ANNIE WARD. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-tives Limited, Ottawa, LAND REGISTRY ACT (Sections 36 and 134, Re Application No. 14848: File 6,259. TAKE NOTICE that application has been made to register Attillio Deminato of Prince Rupert, B.C., P. O. Dox 68, as owner in fee under a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of the City of Prince Rupert, bearing date the 23rd day of October, 191¥, of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, ty ing, and a in the city of Prince Rupert, more particularly known and described as Lot twenty (20), Block thirty-seven (37 Section Five (5), (Map 923. You are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days from the date of the service of this notice (which may be effected by publication in the Daily News, Prince Rupert, B. C.,) on your attention is called to section 36 ‘of the “Land Registry Act’ with amendments, and to the following extract therefrom and in default of & caveat or cer tificate of lis pendens being filed be fore the registration as owner of the person entitied under such tax sale, all persons so served with notice, . and those claiming through or under thera, and all persons claim- ing any interest, in the land by virtue of any unregisfered instrument, and all persons claiming any interest i the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever es topped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the - jand so sold for taxes, and the Regis trar shall register the person en titled under such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for taxes.’ AND WHEREAS application has been made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Tith to the above-mentioned lands, in the nam of Attilllo Dominato, AND WHEREAS on investigating tv title it appears that prior to the Oth day of October, 1918, (the date on which the said lands were sold for overdue taxes), you were the assessed owner thereof. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the same time | shall effect registration in pursuance of such application and issuc @ Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the said lands in the name of Atillio Dominato, less you take and prepeeuee the proper proceedings to establish your claim, Ii any, to the said lands, or to prevent suct proposed action on my part. un DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince nepers. B. C., this 24th day .ol October, A. 1919 On F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles To Frank E. Stainer, Esq., General Delivery, Seatile, Wash. LAND ACT Notice of intention to to Apply to Lease Land. In Queen Charlotte . Islands Land District, Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Port Clements, Graham Island TAKE NOTICE that we, the Graham Is land Spruce & Cedar Co., Limited, of Por Clements, occupation lumbermen, | inten¢ to apply for permission to lease the fol lowing described lands:— Commencing at @ post planted at thr N.W. corner of Block 53, townsite of Por' Clements; thence N. 70 deg. W.-—-540 ft thence south 33 deg. W.—455 ft.; thence south 237.77 ft.; thence east 472.95 ft. thence following the shore line in 4 north asterly direction to the. point of com cuanpoment and containing 7.1 acres, more Or less GRAMAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR CO. LIMITED. 1919. Dated August 12th, TIMBER SALE X1884. Victoria, B.G., Nov. 4th, 1019 Sealed tenders will be received by the District Forester, Prince Rupert, not later than noon on the 20tr day of Nov ember, 1919, for the purehase of Licenc« poses to cut 310,000 feet of Spruce, Hem Balsam and Cedar and 1500 Lin. Ft oy ae Coat on 2 area adjoining Lot 103, Cousins Inlet Coast Vistrici Two years will be ‘eeed for the re moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Fores ter, Victoria, B.C., or Prince Rupert, B.C. District Forester, NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE, NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that the wipdbreak Reserve covering the belt oi land ten chains in width and situate along the north shore of Graham Island, notic« of which appeared in the “British Columbia Gazette’ of the 28th January, 1909, is camcelled in so far as it relates to that portion lying between Indian Reserve No, 1 and Indian Reserve No. 3. G. BR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Department of Lends, Veena. B. November “rath, 1919. MINERAL ACT, CERTIFICATE OP IMPROVEMENTS ’ NOTICE. “Mohawk,” “Mohawk No. i,” No, 2” Mineral Claims, situate in the Naas River Mining Division of Cassiar District. here located: Between Lime and peeney Creeks on south shore of Alice rm. TAKE NOTICE that I, George KR. Naden, Free Miner's Certificate No. 26,555-C, in- tend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certin cate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of each of the above claims And further take notice that action, un- der section 85, must be commenced hefore the issuance of such Certificate of Im- provements Dated this @4rd day of August, A. D. Mohawk ERNEST VALPEY ELECTS SPEEDY| { Marvin E. Alten Gets Two Months For Anenpess Fraud. Marvin FE. Allen pleaded guilty before Judge Young in the Gourtity Court yesterday afternoon of at- tempting to obtain money under false pretences. He was sen- tenced to two months’ imprison- ment dating from the time of his arrest, which time will be up on December 14, 10 days being de- ducted for good behavior. Ernest Valpey also appeared be- fore His Honor and elected for speedy trial on the charge of shooting with intent to do serious bodily injufy. He was released on bail until December 8, when the trial will commence. This ad- journment had to be taken as one of the chief witnesses, Kk. Andrews, left on the Prince Rupert Sunday night for Vancouver, before he haa been served with a warrant by the provincial police. In the mean- time Andrews will be summoned when he arrives in the south. COW BAY ROADWAY IS AGAIN DEBATED The Cow Bay roadway was again the subject of considerable discussion at the councH meeting last night. A recommendation for its repair from the Beard of Works was read and its adoption was moved and seconded. How- ever, on certain responsihilities being pointed out that would nre- sult from the city doing these re- pairs the report was again re- ferred .to the Board of Works. The roadway is not on publi propenty and as long as the city left it alone they would ineur ne responsibility. This’ walk was originally put in by Sol. Cameron of the Westholme Lumber Co. and was not a public thoroughfare. The correspondence between the city and the Emmenson Mills re- garding light and power conces- sions, which was moved to be tabled by Ald, Perry on Friday night, has been laid over for a week pending the return of Ald Perry from the interior. Never forget to look through the classified list on Page 5. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over Ldts 4005 and 994 Range 5, Coast District, ts cancelled. G. R. NAD N, Deputy Minister of Land Long S. 4t a wy 8th October, 1919. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION. NOTICE is hereby given that the reserve existing over Lots 1819 and 1820, Queen Chartotte District, by reason of a notice sed in the B, €. Gazette of 27th 1X vember, 1907, is cancelled. G. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, 22nd September 1919. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT COLUMBIA, OF BRITISH iN THE MATTER OF “THE ADMINISTRA TION ACT —- and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES W. SHAIRLIN, DECEASED INTESTATE. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN of an Order by th Honorable Mr, Justice Clement, ii the above matter on the 30th day of Octobe A. D. 1919, as follows: IT 18 ORDERED that the said John it MeMullin shali be allowed to swear to th death of the said deceased as occurring on the 25th day of Qetober, 1918, after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of notice of thi- order, unless in the meantime proof is furnished to the Registrar of this Court at Prince Rupert, B. C hat the said cd ceased, Charlies W. Shairi sequently to the 1918. AND IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that the ssid John H. MeMullin do publish notice of this order in,the Prince Kupert Laily News, a newspaper published at Prince Rupert, B. C,, for @ period of one month ATED at Pringe Rupert, B. C.,..this 30th day of Oetober D. 1919. JOHN i. NU CMULLEN, cial Administrator N THE SUPREME COURT COLUMBIA, N THE MATTER OF THE TION ACT” an N THE MATTER OF AARON NBLSON, TATE FAKE NOTICE that by an Order of His Honour F. McB. Young made the 19th day of November, A. D, 1919, | was appoimted Administrator of the estate of Aaron Nel son, deceased, and all parties having claims gainst the said estate are hereby re« t furnish same, properly verified, to me, on or pefore the Bist day of Deeember, 1910, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith JOHN H. MeMULLIN, Official Administrator. | Dated this 25th day of November, A. BD. | 1010. ' 1, Was Alive sub said 25th day of October, OF BRITISH “ADMINISTHA THE ESTATE Of DECBASED, INTES Tuesday Decernihe ' < ove tr 2 eer SANK OF: M( (ONTREAL, " erABusEED OVER 100 YEARS YEARS Never Mail Cash Money Orders, issued by The Bank of Montreal, are a safe, convenient and eco- Yee nomical means of forwarding money to all parts of Canada’ and abroad. Never send money in a letter—use Bank \pS9 a Money Orders instead. Vy oe Se YA ‘* WINNIPEO SRANCH PRINCE RUPERT BRAN, TERRACE BRAN STEWART BRAN ar ee rie . MARENTETTE, Man> er, t H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, . : BE. F. W. HARVEY, Pro-Mane ger, . ‘ as Bae. BEL « -3 OS EOS One life insurance policy. Two Vicvory Bonds. $26. in eash. Several important receipta. Think of the expense in time, trouble and money you would incur in replacing any of the above. Protect your valuables by + x renting a Safety Deposi x. Our fee is small, UNION BANK OF CANADA ‘ RESOURCES, $153,000,000 THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA Prince Rupert Branch - : A. T. Broderick, Manager The Royal Bank of Bannda'| begs to advise that it has for rental at moderate prices SAFETY ‘DEPOSIT BOXES They are recommended for the protection from fire or burg- lary of valuable business or private doeuments, Victory Bonds, jewelry, etc. The Manager will be glad to furnish particulars on application Prines Rupert Branch - AwW. Cameron, Mgr. if CANADIAN PACIFIC: RAILWAY CANADIAN- PACIFIC NT La , B. C. Coast Steamship Services « ( , ‘8. s. PRINCESS MARY for Ketchikan, duneau, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Rupert: r November 12, 22; December 2 and 151 For Vancouver. Victoria and Seattie from Prince Rupert November 16, 25, and December 6 8. 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE From Prince Rupert for Swanson Bay, Ocean Palin. Mardy Bay, Alert Bay, Beaver Cove, Powell River, Vancouver and Victorie— Every Saturday at 9 p.m. For rates, reservations and seilings, apply to W. C. ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT S.S.' PRINCE GEORGE THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for BWANSON BAY, OCEAN FALLS, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX. 8. &. PRINCE JOHN For Stewart, October 29th, November 12th and 26th. Massett, and Port Clements, November 6th, 13th and 27th. Southern Queen Charlotte Island Points, October 31st; November 15 TRAIN SERVICE Monday, W°dnesday anc Saturday af 11:96 a Ww Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections all points east and south. & 29 for Smithers, for Passenger Prince George, AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES For information and reservations apply to City Ticket Office, 5626 Third Avenue. Phon® 260. WH ONT Xo Ay Ler Your. LITTLE ORCTHER. HAVE THE WAGON PART Of THE TIME?