FADE BEE THE DAILY NEWS Crooks Caught By Radio Receiving appnralu with roller tml theel of bromide paper uhich will receive thumb print picture Whose Mark Is This? The capital of every country keeps on file the finger prints of crooks. Ottawa has 200,000, Scotland Yard, 500,000, Washington 350,000. Pcrha ps a burglar, rone a safe a thousand piles away. He leaves a firiRqr printf somewhere without knowing it.j A perfect reproduction of thatf finger print can be sent by Radio or Telegraph to the Capital. It is done by the telephotography process. In a few minutes may come-back the description and the record of the wanted man. Thusathe police know whom to look jfor-because he left mark-hisfinger print. All Leave Their Marks So you leave marks on everything you touch, as does everybody else. Those prints are usually gcrm-ladcn. You pick up those germs from others, from things they have touched and from handshakes. Then, if you touch food, you convey those germs to your mouth, where they breed. A hand may be used to check a sneeze or a cough. Then that hand, in some way, conveys those germs to other hands, and cold spread. Life Exteision Institute lists 27 diseases .whjch may be conveyed in this way. Lifebuoy Kills Them Lifebuoy is a luxurious soap, based on two palm oils. No finer soap was ever created for toilet or bath use, or for the complexion. But, instead of per Stops Body Odour his fume, it contains a germicide. You can smell it for a moment or two after using. That is the scent of safety. Lifebuoy lather kills the germs or makes them inactive, as proved byjaboratory teats. Waih your hands often with Lifebuoy. Wash them always before touching food. Millions of people, the world over, protect themselves in that way. Lather with Lifebuoy before going out in the evening, or lc-f ore you start the day. It makes you safe from body odours for many hours. Keep Lifebuoy for the wash basin and the bath. Make it easy for the family to use it. Your dealer has Lifebuoy ready for you. Lcm Brother! Liimtfl, Toronto Lifebuoy Health Soap A Luxury Soap Plus a Germicide 4t The Fish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ul'KKATIMi O. T. I 20,000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc. ELECT HI C AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our I'lant la Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 IS RUSSIA REALLYRED? Communism, the greatest force for food orievil'the world has ever known, has! transformed Imperial Russia, the land of the czars, in- val peasantry, Into a mass of seething industrial humans a land today of 150 million people armed to the teeth but nevertheless concentrating every vital energy on production of every kind by systematized industry and, social living. What effect will this tremendous machine of concentrated human energy have on the world in the next five years? Maurice Hindus Russian by birth, North American by adoption has studied Russia personally for the past seven years. He has written a book called "Humanity Uprooted," where all the present Russian Russian communist aspects of property, man, morality, family, peasant, proletarian, communism, love, revolution and war are freely discussed. "Humanity Uprooted" is one of the greatest historical modern volumes to date. This story commenced in the Vancouver Sunn TERRACE TAX RATE Mill Rate of 12 is Set This Year- Village Council Has Meeting ' TERRACE. Feb. 1J The vil'.ige commissioners held a meeting in the municipal hall, Terrace, on Monday, J. K. Gordon In the chair and all the commissioners being present. The rate bylaw fixing the rate at 12 mills on land and on 50 per cent, of Improvement values vb passed, as was also a bylaw enabling the commissioners to borrow $490 on short term, the clerk reporting that the sum of $704 due from the Federal and Provincial governments in respect of unemployment relief work had not been received- Arrangements were made for providing a hose carrier for the volunteer fire brigade and for sett-1 ing up a fire siren at the centre of the town. A donation of $50 was granted the Fall Fair Associatl6n and steps were taken to take advantage ol an additional $300 for unemployment relief. LITTLE GIRL, 10, EATS SO MUCH MOTHER AMAZED 'My 10-year-old daughter had no appetite. Then we gave her Vlnol, and now she eats so much we are amazed." Mrs. W. Joosten. Vlnol supplies the body Important mineral elements of iron, calcium with cod liver peptone. This is Just what thin, nervous children or adults need, and the QUICK results are surprising. The very FIRST bot tle brings sound sleep and a BIO appetite. Vlnol tastes delicious! Ormes Ltd., Drugs. SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND GENTS Large assortment new clothes for autumn and winter Just to hand. All finest quality and latest pat- ! terns. Come In and see us today. Suit or overcoat complete and fin ished In three days. Lint, the Cutter i Steam cleaning, pressing and alter- i Ing. We deliver any part of the city. ; LING THE TAILOR 1117 Second Ave. Vhone filD Dr.H.O.Johnsen Dentist . Successor to Dr. E. S. Tait Suit 1 Exchange Block Phone 109 WRIGLEYS - jut BIG5 7 MOTHERS $ W0KIH HONORED February 5th. Do not miss it. Hava J Banquet Given for Them by C.fi. the Sun delivered direct to you by mail or by your local representative! 50c per month. If you require back copies from and including February 5th, simply write direct to the Vancouver Sun, Vancouver, B.C., and they will be mailed to you; Lee J. Dell, Box 231, Prince Rupert, Green 732. WRIGLEY packages contain TIESE the best that can be produced in chewing gum. Freshens mouth sweetens breath the chewing . fl A Steadies me nerves and aids digestion the sugar is energy that keeps' you "up and coming." Keep fit with Wrights, cut I.T.' Girls at Terrace TERRACE. Feb. 11 Charm and vividness were evidenced In thv mother and daughter banquc' Stven by the-Terrace C.O.I.T. o' tho Anglican and United Churchc on Friday evening last, In the United Church. Sixty-two mothers, or" mothers for the occasion, and girls set down to a repast attractively prepared by the girls and their leaders. After the dinner toasts -were given to the King, the Mother? and the Daughters- Those taking part were Helen Smith, Rita Taft and Mrs. II. C. Head. The originality of the girls wat displayed in poems composed for place cards; and these the mothers were called upon to read. Th girls all took part In' the "Quest Ceremonial' a C.G.I.T. sketch. The remainder of the evening was spent In playing games. Miss Sophia McLaren, president of the senior group, graced the chair. Leaders for1 the girls are. Mrs. McCarthy for the Anglican group, and Mrs J. H. Smith, and Mrs. H. P. Allen for the United Church group. Mother arift Daughter week'Va concluded in the church services on Sunday night. In the United Church, the girls were responsible for the entire ser vice, which was conducted by Miss Sophia McLaren. The C.O.I.T. choir sympathetically Interpreted the Negro spiritual "Lord, I Want to Be a Christian," explained previously by Miss Edith Kohne. A second rendering was, "Faith ol Our Mothers." Doris Holden gave a splendid paper on "Motherhoods Gifts to Girls."' Mrs- Moore representing the mothers, spoke effectively on "The Challenge of Olrlhood to Mothers." Mrs. II. T. Allen gave an address on the relationship of the Church and Home in the Life of a Girl. Mrs. J. H. Smith read a Mother's Day storyt andtfenny King gave a reading 'Take TJr On a Quest ' Others participating were Mar-Jorle Kenney. announcements. Bertha Moore, & prayer; scripture reading, Mary Maxsam, and Gertrude McConneJl, offering. Rev. H. T. Allen officiated as special organist, and made closing appre-clatory remarks. Terrace Women's Institute Meets Mrs. McCarthy Fleeted President-Plan to Help Fall Fair TERRACE, Feb 11 The adjourned annual meeting of the Terrace Women's Institute was held on Saturday when a discussion took place as to the bet rnethods of asptl Association tpn havlng'neerf was In jedpa the Fall Fair on, reports hat the fair year. Vart- ous suggestions were put forward but a final decision was reserved. The election of officers resulted as follows: President Mrs. McCarthy. Vice-President Mrs. Butt. Secretary Miss Pearson. Treasurer Mrs. Riley. Executive Mrs. Braun and Mrs. Hall. CONCERT ENJOYED Large Audience Appreciated Entertainment Last Wight in First Presbyterian Church lf. A very enjoyable concert was held last night in First Presbfrteiih Church by talent of the church assisted by outside artists. There was a large attendance at the entertainment which was staged under the general supervision of Mrs. James Simpson. All the musical numbers were much appreciated as was a Jolly three-act play, "The Trials of a Hostess," which was staged under the capable direction of Louis F. Smith. The musical program was In charge of John E. Da-vey, choirmaster the church. It is expected the rMancial proceeds will be satisfactory. The program was as follows: Vocal solo, Mrs. J. II. Carson, ac companied by Mrs. M. H. Blott. Cello solo,' William BeaumoHt.ac-companled by Mrs. J. S. Black. Vocal solo, Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby, accompanied by Mr. Brocklesby. Vocal duet, Mrs. James Waugh and J. E. Davey, accompanied by Mrs. Black. Vocal solo; J. A. Teng. Duet, J. A. Teng and Alex Clap- perton. TTUIIn uti, Ik r I mm 'm.Um T ni.twannm. mt viuiiu wk Mvtmm 4iwt4V wnivtvinv, wfempanted by Miss Molly Law- en ce. Male quartet. J. E. Davcy, J. A. Teng, S. J. Hunter and Alex Vocal solo, Mrs. James Waugh. Piano solo, Miss Elsie Finlay. Three act play, "Trials of a Hos tess," hostess. Miss Sheila Stuart; society lady, Miss Beulah McKlnley; character roles, Mrs. J. A. Teng, Mrs. James Waugh and Miss Annie Walker; maid, Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill; secretary-treasurer. Miss Olive Munro; soloist, Mist Mabel Ushers were Misses BUen Os borne, Margaret WiUlscroft, Helen Walker and Molly Owens. Presiding at the door were Misses Dorothy Balllnger and Nessie Brown. ' After the concert, delicious re-freshmants were served to those taking part in the program by Mrs. D. C. Stuart, president of the Ladles' Aid. Local People Were Affected One or Two Stocks Took Upward Leap Yesterday Giving Life to Market Yesterday's local stock market returns proved very interesting to a number of local people. Reeves MacDonald, which had been hovering around 35, yesterday touched 50 and Pend Oreille which had been more or less stationary at 75 yesterday was quoted In the list at $100. A number of local people have stocks in these mines. Local quotations showed several slight advances in industrials. Weekly Specials NESTLE'S QUALITY MILK EVAPORATED MILK 1 case Qff Off Baby size Hfln .12 cans . TRY IT Malkln's nest Tea per lb Malkln's Best Peas No. 3 3 tins for Malkln's Beat Pears 2 's 4 tins for Red Plum Jam 4's per tin 50c 50c 95c 50c Tabic Figs myrna Brand tCn 2 lbs. far Terrace Turnips 9 lbs. for 25c iMussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 FIFTH AVENUE MAST P. O. BOX 575 Phone 18 and 84 ANY0X FORMS PARLIAMENT Great Interest Being Taken in Activities There of Mock Legislative Body Ministers (.!" AVc'MrnYd;;.) I)'" ANYOtf, Feb. 11 A Mock Par liament has been formed here and considerable Interest is being taken in its proceedings. Following are members of the parliaments: Premier, H, M. Mayflcldj Secretary "ol State, Rev. Frank Bushficld: Trade tfnd Commerce, T. J. Kirk wood; Finance and , Postmaster GeneraCw F. Eve; Agriculture, J. A. D. Stewart; Railways, Canals and National Defence, W. A. Glbb; Public Wprks, Mr. Wilkinson; Interior. Mrs. R. O. Cutler; Health md Pensions. Mrs. W. J. Lang: Customs, Inland Revenue and Vines. W. Barclay; Labor, J. Evans; Speaker. H E. Collls; Scr-grant-at-Arms, J. Shields; Leader of Opposition. R. Gale. Meetings arc held twice a month and all subjects arc discussed on strictly parliamentary ,rules. ltd WINS TO AtlCE All.M ALICE ARM. 'Feb'. liP.':.?cd ersen returned to his home heir last week after a visit In Prince Rupert. We Will give you Wednesday February j, Wcflnosrlnv f. m TWO SHOWS 7 I'll The King of Entertaintf, AL JOLSONi, With Louise Drr ,fr u Moran, Lowell Shrrna,,. many other stars jc6, and jollity- son h, $ .00 HCMln. Comedy "MAItllY 0R nH Cartoon i r TO M.lRv PARAMOU NT NtU'S ADMISSION - : . . ( I'ealure Starl at 1 is tV; THURSDAY MATLMYjt 15c Si 40c Fcato Start Friday & Saturday "Under Suspicion" for your old iron No matter how old it is or what shape it's in. Just hrin.5 it to us bctwccri"'now and February 14th and get a dollar for it This dollar to apply against the purchase of a new, modem Electric Iron that will give you years of satisfaction. All types of irons . . . sad or electric . . . accepted. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited i OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SUED When VOU are buvlnr rnal Innlc nn llio ornnnmlr.lt side of l''f " you buy wet coal, you are loslnr 10. So start today and bw dry coal and see what 10 means to you. I'KMniNA IXlO-Dellvered. Per Ton " '' minkiii:ad i:r.r. DMivrrfn' iw Ton r " AIINUIIKAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 1. ,1 . HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PnONE 580 FURNITURE SPECIAL 1 Only 8-picce Oak Dining Room Suite vi' extension tame and Windsor back chairs $125.00 Club Tcrni3;'$29 Down, balance .$12 Per Month Barrie's Home Furnishings Daily News Want Ads. hrin? nuick Res O 1