THE DAILY NEWS' PAGE srs Gas? ILSJ IsssssssssHssWi si f islr- - " rnAi 'new manager FOR HOME OIL T. N. Leraje Takes riace of J. E. Clayton Who Goes to Vancouver Office ; office. Mr. LePage was married only a I few days ago to Miss RusseU, daugh-I ter of Chief Engineer Russell of the lighthouse tender Newington. They have taken the Lindseth House, 1178 ' Hays Cove Avenue. Into which they till move onIonday. Aw COAL PRICES and "Coraoi" Coal, from All grades of "Nanaimo-Welliiipton" Vancouver Island now sell t a dollar lew than last year. The reduction In price is the outcome of (1) A desire on the part of the Producers to reduce fuel costs to the public; (2) The need for permanent protection .against the ' nosibilttT of substitution of inferior coals . n a. (3) The ready co-operation ot those rnnce nuptri ' Island Coal, as compared with imported fuels. . . t . r ,t. .. nrlrM. Order raal by name. Check Jour delivery deNver? slips. slip,.' Kep 'your money in British Columbia". 9 Double Screened Lump - $13 $0 Mine Run Washed Nut $12-00 Prices are for cash. Free delivery to any home in, Prince Rupert Gty Limiti. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phsns US DUlributort for . '12 .25 PHILPOTT, EVITT MO. LTD. T Pliant Ml ' --r" M.T.V rnmnt Britbk Trml I'nll riM J.Ik. f mW r rj.i..viM.'tTirnairnwi.i v K KEEP IE TOUCH With events that are transpiring. TEN CENTS a week .brings the DAILY NEWS to your house every day. Save money by subscribing Telephone 98 and the boy will call and collect l III f n Ir i n I lllr n iDnntJl lllr n iDonbi R B iVti U 14 1. C IV. Xiti M, VKI v V. sVb R WATERFRONT WHIFFS Halibut Landings for Week Kcport on B. C. Fisheries Minister Unable to Come This Year. T. N. LePage has Just arrived ini , r tu 2 T, . i the city to take over the "manage-1 Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for tne mcnt of the local office of the Home nrosent season to date have-totalled 12,9SG,400 pounds, of oil Distributors, j. e. Clayton it- Uyhfch 5.112,.r00 pounds.has been from Canadian vessels vfcsterday landings aggregated 502,500, of which 144,000 'pounds va. from Canadian boats and 35S.500 pounds from S ! American. The high price of the week for Canadian nsn g was 7c and :3c, which the Nuba, P. Doreen and '1 ramp were q paid for 3,X0. 11.500 and 14J)004 : fj pounds, respectively. The tow Cana- i Rupert has-so far this year been a dtan price wa 5.2c and 3c.'at which losing halibut business to other jjj figure toe Aiken sold 4,000 pounds, ports of trie ceasv, paruciuany g For American fish the high prjee Seattle. was 10c and 3c which the Peggy received for c.500 pounds. The low American price was 4c and 2c paid the Rainier for 35.000 pounds. The Tagahk. one of the finest cannery tesuicr.s in Alaska, with 200 horsepower diescl engine, was burned recently, according to private- advtets received at Waterfall. It Is reporter; to be a total loss. The Tagal.ik was skippered by J. Itanam. who is the owner along with P. M Hansen 8he had been under j RnPert- charter to the Nakat Packing Cor-! poration all summer as a cannery tender. The boat was built In Ta- eoma In 1928. she was 71 tons gross. MB tons ne, 65 3-10 feet long. 18.10 fees beam, wi.Ii a depth of 9.1 feet. Year after year hundreds of fishermen Iri Canada's Atlantic coast provinces carry on the world's great est lobster fishery. Lobsters are also eaoefat off Newfoundland, in some of the Atlantic waters of the United States, and in certain Euro-' peon areas, but, as Dr. D. K. Tressler. a unwed stales autnomy, nas pointed out, "the scale of the business Is very much greater In Canada than anywhere else in the world." Lait year the Dominion's lobster fishery yielded a catch of over 40,-TM48Q npnnds and was second only to the salmon fishery in point of market return, the value being 45.- 215,000. - Average catch over the past five years. 1926-1910, was 35,-119,000 pounds a year. Nova Scotia Is the largest producer of lobsters, and accounted for approximately 20,200100 pounds of tne Dominion's 1990' catch. In New Brunswiek the year's catch was 'slightly more than 9,000,000 pounds, while the Prmee Edward Island and Quebec landings amounted to about 8.100,000 pounds and 2,768.000 pounds, respectively. A great part of the Canadian catch is put up to canned form, but of late years th-re has been increasing growth in the export trade in live lobsters wttri the United States. Last National Fish Week has gone off quietly although effectively In j Prince Rupert. While there were nd ( official functions of observance,; many citizens caught- hold of the idea with-he result that fish formed i an important part of many1 diets' during the week. If the week has had the effect of further popularizing fish as a, diet, it will prove beneficial aU around. Every week might weU be National Pish Week in Prince T. II. Johnson, manager of the Canadian Fish St Cold Storage Co. iete. was named, a member of the' .solutions committee of the Carta-iian Fisheries Association for the .nnual convention in Ottawa this week. Mr. Johnson was unable to attend the convention this year. He sras president last year of the Association which held Its convention here in 1930. While an Increase in the frocen halibut holdings is reported for this year to date, other frown varieties show a marked decrease which may have its beneficial effect on market conditions. It is quite possible that better prices for halibut may prevail during the remainder of this season than were offered In the period which has now elapsed. Fisheries lleport Out Hon. S. L. Howe, Commissioner of Fisheries for British Columbia, has Just issued the report of the Provincial Fisheries Department for the year 1930. The report w its appendix maintains the high standard of the publications of that department It deals at leagth with the commercial fisheries of the province, contains a valuable contribution to the life history of the sock-eye salmon, and bulletins on the of canned loosters irom tne 3a jod- tAtaiied S18A21. of UVM (m ner Friday and Saturday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 p.m. ADMISSION 20c & 65c Feature starts at 7:20 and 9:20 Sat. Matinee at 2:30 Feature Starts 2:50 15c & 10c Owing to the lateness, of the par-1 liamentary session. Hen. E. N. Rhodes, federal minister of fisheries,) has found it necessary to defer until next year bis Journey to the Pa-i Saturday . faptwpy, - . , . . . . A Great Dramatic Thriller " DIRIGIBLE " With JACK HOLT, RALPH GRAVES, FAY WUAY A story of glamorous adventure and romance-of perils and hatred of human endeavor and mechanical triumph. Cartoon "The Village Harbor" . Paramount News Monday and Tuesday Clark Gable In "Sporting Blood' BULKLEY VALLEY COAL The Better Coal ' In buying Bulkley Valley Coal: You get the In grade coal on this market; you keep your fuel (i .ilar in your own section of the province; you he! i the local unemployment situation; you help l, . , , a basic industry in Central British Columbia. In dering insist on Bulkley Valley Coal. NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservaUve or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Oovernment Grade A certificate Health and Banlta-tlon. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY Box 895 Phone 287 sued by the Department during the year. The report also gives detailed (statements showing the salmon pack of the entire province, not only for ; the year IPSO but for the previous years. j Gar Owners Our repair servir i : efficient and en- . UUl'KUT MOT0KS Distributor r DODGE St PLYMOUTH CARS rhone 5C6 Mht Calh Ml A Real Bargai FOR EVERYONE SUGAR SI'Ei 1L Irlfir Onaat flahtrla His ltlnmrv. POT your preservlHu Pacific Salmon," and "Wioie rjn i-wnrn MxU incite a n. C. Sugar gran.i Meal." and reports on the lrnon vUJt vnnce Rupertt The mln-l (This special for spawning areas oi w pni had intended to SDend several $3.00 or over rivers. 'wmIcb In rtrttUrr nolnmhta at the The value of the fishery products h,, ot th. iMtintl MM hu Tear these exoort snitMnents were r- . n, imo over 9.600.000 pounds. The output ( avaUabte at the the time the report,' laner than the production in other ycar Brltsh Columbia again led all "SmmmfoSi JL0LU1!; " U,e Dominion TTZ Heige H. n. has !'"- . ik. vaiiu or ner risnerr Broaucw. J exported exported to to the tne uniua unitea Kuigaom,ana United States. made the most trips, namely 14, Ier t t exceead ,n Taiue that ail nUur niimnaan xnnnlriM and n th . . , i. ISnomg 10 10200 DOUndS in In all , oi wova ewovia, uie Bcconu in ibij. , . ,,.Vn, i.ini . total f and It also exceeded jby $U,MS.1 of fuh m fWe trl that of all the other Drortneea com- . , ..... , A .tot.mmt luti-H hv th tlnlld t. " . V . ' lIOBUS lnc or volume Staff. Bureau of Fisheries .hows.of .almon In J i . . . i m ri:su i iiasn xris ituhl irirui m risvr . . a ms a AAA r wv tawnj iivni' uuij ivi w rv w I. pounds as compared with 150.000 , lutMl M ctnl ot me 1 time J pounds ln July. 1930. For the season apppn(jX of the rcport con- i'J3i Amenean mnoings nere uggrc- , detaa reports from Uie ' patd 5.888,000 pounds as against RpawnlnR grounds of the Frascr.'m rrti 1.1 .315.000 pounds ln the first seven 8ketna and Nasg Rlver, and HIverg I nn I hniKailflth : .1.. .. M(I Unrflmia - .... , HVMWM.m ! iniuiviin iWM. """" "". arirt smith. inlets, in most 01 tnese ; this record, were almost jiiccordlntj to areag spawnmg conditions were re-on a level with 1930, landings for salt8factory. the first seven months of 193 1 being u algo contains in detail the bul- 14.304,000 pounds as compared with on th ..Par.ific aalmon'' and' 4.517.000 pounds in the correspond- .Efiiblt. Meal" which were is-' ing period of 1930. i Seattle landings for July this year comprised 2.095,575 pounds as against 1,060,000 pounds ln the same month last year. For the season to date Seattle had received 7,899 510 pounds as compared with 7.692 135 pounds ln the first seven months of 1030. ' For the whole coast American landtngsm July 1931 totalled 4.597.-443 pounds as against 4.970,323 pounds In 1930, while Canadian landings for this July aggregated 1.191,400 pounds as compared with 1.151.050 pounds in July 1930. The total of American landings for the first seven months of this year was 21.907,726 pounds as compared with 24,470,010 pounds in the correspond-1 ing period of last year while Canadian landings for this year up to July 31 aggregated 5,435.440 pounds In comparison with 5,332,025 pounds These figures Indicate that Pnnce , Eft LiVssVsslBBVsSHCsVgQKn imiMui-sW, In box or tube. D.CSUM it doei poii-tivelr telievt th itch (ng lmot at Kor as pplitd and tffecu a healthful h.aling of th ilun,Dr.Chai'i Ointmtnt it a moit MUlfactory treat ment for E zrma, Ilemor-rhoidf or Piltf and all Imtatiuni of tha itin, Fifty rtart ot iu( rel, ' LONDON. Sept. 19. "The air rivalry between the sexes has been carried a stage further by the announcement that the 10,000th Royal Aero Club aviator's certificate has been grantcdr-to a woman," says the Manchester Guardian. "Many women are now in training to become air pilots," an air authority said to a reporter, "but whether the number ot women will catch up with men is a matter for the future. Women make very good pilots because they have a very light touch, but I would not say they are as capable as men ln an emergency, because they do not seem to have that self-command which a mart possesses. They are liable to lose their heads. The majorlty'of wmen who fly are ybun'g people who find aviation a fine way of passing their spare time." each customer Preserving Pears Per box , wnwn, atu,rt hwu 1&S - i in In five 109,000 7,.Zi, Dringlng pounds stcr ..r canneries in r-run operation it last year iwnlh Columbia produced nLleha kPreTrln ir,rM.,M, r""" ,ri Ul ueale na" led ,ea the lne lnpl- P ucw was 139 )39 109 109 eases cases - subatantlsllv substantially II . 45 cent . T .v, Pir mb . CanadUn fleet for volume of land- rreserving iTunci. Crate, No. I Prices on prcM i now at their lo Mcintosh Red Appi 3 lbs. for Mcintosh Red Appli Per Do ... Ithat 1.379WJ pounds or nauout was i orovlnce m 10j0 produced a nsck of "LTi:":, r7'.S ZZ.Z. "Zl OraDcfrult- landed here in July ox wis year ny 2jniJiB cases. It was the largest ! American boats as against 1,906,000 eTer made ln . ne nrovlnce. It sur- landed 39,700 pounds of fish. pounds in the same month of 130. passed the former high record of George Smith, wharfinger at the Landing of Canadian llsh, however, 1925 by 1M.629 cases. There was an wharf. nn hu showed an grease this year, the increase ln both the pack of sockeye annual vacation yesterday. We will total for July. Demg iuijuu nli nink. The nink neck consti- k a U'o i tmrr Hutu ttxr nrr xrculrsl' Flying License Granted Woman 4 for a- Oranges Dine Oi" , Sdoscntor (Extra value.) 1 tin Malkln's Bcm h Powder, 12-os , 1 pkg. MJkta's Bct 1 Powder, BotfVfor Mslkln.Dsst Tea 2 lbs. Corn c-n Ui Cob Ter doeen 2 dcswti for fr Cucumbers Bach Plckllng'Cueumbcr.s 3 lbs. far Pickling. Onions- 4 lbs. for Green Peppers Per lb. Ail Other Varied Itetlured Trirc 45c 81.9! 1.85 S1.35 25c 82.75 ,25c 70C Mussallems Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Phone 3C0 319 3rd Ave. - Have More - 417 25c 85c 20c 35c 5c 25c 25c 15c Crntf I'hnn. 1M