Saturday, September 19, 1931 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIV2 The Daily News "Classified" is the Poor Mem s Advertising Cofovm Few Words inthis section is the Cheapest Way of Reaching the Mass of the People. ; v CLASSIFIED ADVERT For rent, for sale and all other small advertisements In this stcUon charged at the rate of 2 cents a word per Insertion with six insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOR KENT FOR RENT choice apartment. Westenhaver Bros. If FOR RENT Furnished i room flat with bath. Phqne 547. If THREE-ROOM House, partly fur ntshed, close in. Phone Red 623. -2 la FOR RENT two furnished house keeping rooms, 609 3rd Avenue, Phone Black 625. FLATS FOR RENT 5 and 6 rooms and hath on Sixth Avenue West. Phone Blue 802. tt TO RENT furnished rooms two or three as desired. Light and Phone. Terms reasonable. Phone, 283. 221 FOR RENT Pianos, phonographs. sewing machines and cars,! Walker's, cor. Second Avenue j and Fourvh Street. tf' FOR RENT CJtfan, well furnished two room suites, $10 per month, half-block from Post Office. 834 Second Avenue West. Phone 290. 22J, TO RENT very comfortable fullv furnished, steam heated suite. hot water, electric range, etc.. J iose in. iw a monui jct in? winter. Apply H. D. Barrett. Phone 353 or Blue 277. tf FOR SALE FOR SALE Brick lined heater Phone Green-712. FOR SALE Kindling. 50c. sack. Apply 600 9th Ave. West. FOR 3ALE Oood used cars at right prices. Kalen Motors Ltd. FOR SALE fine Persian Lamb coa; with collar and cuffs. In excellent condition. 513 4th Ave. E. 222 FOR SALE Leather Chesterfield Suite, Sideboard; Rug 9x9. Monarch Stove, going cheap. Phom Black 518. 408 th Ave, Wert. .f HAROAIN In Old Newspapers. Useful for lighting fires, laying beneath carpets,. wrapping parceli, packing furniture and many other purposes. Special for a short time, 2 bundles for 25c Dally News. tf SITUATIONS VACANT START NOW Vou can earn money easily taking orders lot the most beautiful line of Personal Christmas Greeting Cards ever thown In Canada. Write for particulars. Regal Art Co., 91 Gould St., Toronto. 114,19,23,28 EMPLOYMENT PULL and spare time workers mak ing good Incomes selling "Imper lal Art" "Made in Canada" Per sonal Christmas Cards. Write now for particulars while agen cles still Available. Sample Book. free to responsible people. Brt tlsh Canadian Publishing Co., .51 West Wellington. Toronto. s3C HUNDREDS of Postmen, "Clerks, Stenographers, Customs Exam lners, etc., In the Canadian Civil Service owe their Jobs to our correspondence courses. The oldest In Canada. Our Free Booklet on request. We employ n;i agents. The M.C.C. Civil Servlc? School Ltd., 401 Kensington Bldg., Winnipeg. t( HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER wanted for family out of town, Three good wages. Apply with references to Phono Blue 390. 222 WANTED middle-aged woman to keep house for winter for hoard and clothes; four children aged two to eleven, Terrace. Apply by letter, Box 105, Hews Office. WANTED GIRL wants housework. Phone Black 900. 223 POSITION required as hrtp fn' Hotel or family, or as house-keeper to. several men, oy capable educated woman. Experienced plain cook. References. Box 108 News. 233 Public Stenographer MIMEOORAPHINO. Muriel Morris, Phone 782. (O-l) BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129. tf CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Kay Treatments Nervous, Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Graduate ChlroDrartor) C and 7 Exchange Block Green 241 Ulack 283 LOST WEAVER Lost Turner Row Boat at Captain's Cove. Reward $5. Call at Ray Dive's. 219 TRANSFERS B. tt R, TRANSFER. Cartane .and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tt j NEWS AGENTS ANY Publications on Earth, Bener News Stand. sJl COnitESroNDKNTS WANTED ..I LADIES and Oentlemen 1a' South j Africa. Europe, etc., seek corres pondents. Write Bona f We Cones-; pondence Bureau, Postbox 166?. j Johannesburg. B. Africa. tf. PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal Block. Phone Green 701 VIOLIN TUITION WORD has been received that Professor Pryce will not resume work here. Miss N. Lawrence is open to take several new pupil? for similar work. Phone 177 ti SALVAGE & TOWING "If It's on or under the water wel do il." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and t nonorai Ralvace Work Agents for EASTIIOI'E ENGINES . -it J.-tn. Boats ana ocows ui u umvw4--Uons for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern RC. Distributors rlMrn ... Prnnrllcrs - - m Sand and Gravel in any quantity ... . i.i. .. u.t nntor deliverea anywnc uj w. Phone Day or NUht 564 P.O. Box IWI "TILL1E THE ISEMENTS AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPEPT AUCTION MART We buy. sfll or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments, ma chlnery, etc. Oeneral repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone BlacK 120 and we will call G. J. DAWES. Auctioneer-f'edemJ Blork tf1 SHOE REPAIRS VAC SHOE HOSPITAL. Shoes repaired, Second Avenue West. If SHOE REPAIRS Best materials--finest work prices reasonable. Sharman Co., opposite Post Office, tf TAXI SERVICE BERTS TAXI Promptness and security, Phone 678. Stand Bes- ner Block. lnislC iUISS S. OLAFSON A. T. C. M. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Teacher of Piano, Theory. Harmony, Counterpoint. Telephone: Red 390 Miss D. Hogan Teacher of Piano Thompson & William Method ' Phone Blue 329 Your Figure Studied Lines Symmetrical Arranged MRS. THOMASSON Dressmaker & Ladles' Tailor 415 Green St, Phone Blue 901 Miss Margaret McCaffery A.T.CAI. TEACHER OF PIANO Tel. 585 Beginners Preferred Mrs. B. M. Hickcy Beauty Parlor 121 Second Avenue Finger and Water Waving, MarceWng, Electric Facials, Scalp Treatment for falling hair and dandruff. Phone Red 251 TOILER" . Manufacturers Advertisers and Advertising Agents "Look at the Mapof British Columbia shown-herewith and note that Prince$uperl;is ihc centre of the largest trading area of angrily in ihe Dominion of -Canada. The Daily Netos Prince Rupert j i is the only daily newspaper attempting to coyer this huge area and the people in it look to that paper for linformation in regard to. Possible, markets. The nearest Canadian daily tievspapersto Prince Rupert are: , , . , ; Vancouver, distant 500 miles Edmonton, distant 955 miles ; ; No.papers. published north or vest The industries in the district include-... Halibut Fishing'(largest In'thorld), Salmon Fishing (largest 1nB.Cv) ' Lumbering, Logging and Mining. i Paper Manufacturing. Ney' Industries are being planned forithe, district, announcement of which will be made in the near future; ' A new .Hyilro-Electric Power Plant has been installed and is iiow in operation. No advertising campaign is complete without including r The The Penalty of The Daily News Of Prince Ruport, B.C. only A.B.C. paper north of Being Perfect "''' NOTICE Map Vancouver and west of Edmonton. :r .i of "British Columbia. By Westover, 3 ! . -J life 'XI fry It 7 m ".IS , v.itf I m. rf. MA