PECIAL! SPECIAL! LAVENDER FACE LOTION LAVENDER TAICOM' 85-ccnt Value Both for 50 cents Ormes Ltd. Ulw Pioneer Druggists Phones SI & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert iRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Jl'EKAriNt. 0. T. T. UO.OOO-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK fjigirieertt. Machinists, Hoilermakers, HlarLsmiths, Pattern Makers. Founders. Woodworkers. Etc ELECT KIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant In Equipped to Handle All Hindu of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 IULKLEY VALLEY COAL THE 1JETTER COAL . r . Analysis o ra't'r 29.32; ash. 6.76; fixed carbon, 62.87; b.t.u.'s, 13917 ; in volatltt will not block your pipes. Being low in ash, tu ,:; r buyine clinkers. Beinc high In fixed carbon means d quajij J3eing hlh In British Thermal Unite means heat value per pound. Core Your Dealer Can Supply You. ?or Sale-Here are some Snaps ?FTU AVENUE EAST 4 - roomed house with bath $1,200. $300. I cash, balance arranged. pf irni AVENUE WB8T Lot, and 4 -roomed house with bath. $1,000. Balance on easy terms. " Encllsl? Hill. Summit Avenue, Borden Street and any a. i f the city at reasonable prices and terms. McC-VFFEUY. C.IHIJONS & COLLART. LTD. J"RI AVENUE IV- TELEPHONE 11 L IN ION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED nri;oii, MIMKIl i:lt ltMON IMUMi Kl '3 cn iie tfum Sov. IX I0:.m l leli. iH. 1031 (with flil rHarn ..... limit SUnti XI, 1131 1 NNCE Ittl'EKT TO VANCOUVER SIO.M RETURN Htwnirtu lmr Itlnc ltuwrt I m uMvr V'ATAt.l tttltV TtBMiVV. 11 IVM. i iivihj Vancouver, tu Orn Fain. Tntmoay noon pro. t.tKUKVl t:nv Ullh.tV MlltMdlir Tfving Vancouver Sunday midnight approx. tu Port Sunrwoii, Alio Arm. Anyox. Stewart ud Naaa River pomu Sunday, 8.00 p.m ;,,. 'mslWn retarding all lulling! and t.iket at IKIVIi UI.Xl.IIT AIICM'Y: Hecoiid Afniir. I'hw 5 . C. COAST STEAAISIUP SEUVICE SAILlMiS tKOM t'KIM E KUl'Lltl ;SSi5ro Ketchikan, Wrancell, Juneau, and Skagwa'y. r t: 3."T '"Kt-JIIPS February 7 and 21. Hi Vancouvri, Victoria, Seattle r ' ' February 11 and 25. rr:nc8 Mr Uuran Kalia. etc. Vauor anil Vic toria, every Friday. 10 p m. Asent For AH Steamslilp Lines W ' On iuul. oen Alnt. 3rdAv . Prince Ruprt. PliolieSl. rhone .fifi Rupert Motors '"He and Service Station DOIlfiP. r.r.,1 Bantam Austin nistrlbutors DER AND BODY WOKK Ji ECIALTY TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN UAIitY FOIf " SKEENA nitAM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH I'ASTEUItlZEir MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throujhout the City If you Mant ;anJiinjff, try a classified ad. Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Misak Alvazoff of Vaheouverand Walter C. Broad of Stewart ar? among those who recently Registered at B.C. House In London, England. "M. A Burbank, C.N.R. division engineer, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip, up -the Ilnp onofflciai duties, i J:t i A.McGuire, Alice Arm, who has been on a trip south on mining business, was a passenger aboard the Cardena yesterday afternoon returning north, H. McCook returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a two weeks' trip to Vancouver. Mrs. McCook is remaining in the south for a while longer. T. B. Campbell, totem pole preservation engineer for the Canadian National Railways, arrived In the ettjr on yesterday afternoon's train from Haseiton for a brief visit in town. Mr and Mrs. Hugh McLeod and family of Prince George arrived in the city on yesterday aftepftoon's train from the Ulterior and will be (he guests for the next week of Mr. McLeod's faihr. A! H. McLeod. Ambrose Avenue. WtfaiilLA. H. C. for Skeena has moved lrji the legislature for publication of the report of .the Crysdale survey of the Crysdale survey of the Peace River Block and Northern British Columbia in -.onnectlon with the P.G.E. Railwy. Parent Teachers' Association monthly meeting Wednesday. Feb 18 in Borden Street School at 8 p m. Speaker Or. J. H. Carson, sub- 'ect "MEDICAL INSPECTION OF SCHOOLS FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF PAR BNT AND TEACHER." All parents invited. 30 Taking the place of the steamer Catala for three or four trips Un on steainer 'Cardena. Osist. VahrKl tone. arrived in port at 2.50 yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed at 8 p.m. for Anyox Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning southbound. Mrs. At Crawford of Fort St John was a few days ago made an honorary member of H.M.S. Resolution ' Chapter. Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire, in Vlc- torta in connection with the Red , Cross ' Society in the Peace River j district. Mrs. Crawford Is at visiting in the Capital. Mr. and Mrs. Lcs Guile qf Prince Oeorge arrived in the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon' train and left this morning on their return to Prince Oeorge. During their brief stay here, 'they were the guests of Mr. and fare. II. 10. Kennedy, English HlU . Mrs. Ouile is Mrs. Kennedy slater. , NOTICE Parties entering brown car on Eighth Avenue. Eajier Ridley Home on Friday evenltg, February 18, and taking key, wiren and 'known. Will they kindly enclose key In envelope and address to P. j ;o. Box 785 before action is taken. I 39 "UriLD II. C. PAVROLUS" May We Speak Of Climate Now and again in these announcements we call attention to the bearing climate has upon inllH.and here we are in the heart of winter with days and nights soft, balmy and lovely. Do cows enjoy It? They must. And so the milk of Fraser Valley Is better, the yield of happy wfuther conditions. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Ahliotsfortl. 11.C. nTrTTi stllTTWli 'I li stTiU THE DAILY NEWS HER FAT IS MELTING FAST AWAY All over ther world Kruschen Salts is appealing to girls and women who .stride, or an attractive, free-frora.fat Kumiiiat cannot fail to win adijla-tion. I I Here's the recipe that LanishM Qt and brings into blossom all the natural attractiveness that every woman posscMies. j i livery morning take one -half teaspoon of Kmsciien Salts in a glass of hot water before breakfast. lie sure and do this every morning for " It's the daily dose that tales off the fat." Don't miss a morning, Kruschen daily means that every particle of poisonous waste matter and harmful acids and gases are expelled from the system. i t At the same time the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are toned up and the .pure, fresh blood containing Nature's six life-giving salts is carried to every organ, gland, nerve and libre of the laxly, and this is followed by "that Kruschen feeling" of energetic health and activity that is reflected in bright eves, clear skin, cheerful vivacity and charming figure. FREE TRIAL OFFER If you have never tried Krwvhrn ry k wm at our expense- We have dwtnboted a grat many ipestal "GIANT" paefcap which aiaka It taty (or you to prove our claim (or yoonrS. Aik your druggiat lor the new "GIANT" lie. ?kckase. hia conaiau ol our reu1ar 5e. bottle totrtlwi ih a parate trial bottle mtbaa (or about one werh. Open the trial bottle firvt. put tc ta the teat, and then, if not entirely convinced that Kmsrben dnrt everything we claim it to do. the rrfUr bottle is still as good aa nrm. Take rt back. Your drucgiat la authonaed to rnura your 75c. immediately andwUhoat aontion. S ou hive tried Krwhen free, at our expme. Uliat rould be (airerf Maawfaaund' bf E. Griffitha Ilughea. Ud, Mancer, . Eag. (Eaub. 1756). Importers UdSinay ba, lxd,Tarooto. City Golf League tonight Gardens. . Knockout Crib Tournament in Legion Rooms Tuesday, Feb. 17 at 8 pm. 33 Dr. R- W. Alward, The Vancouver On-to-the Peace Association has been given the use of free quarters in the Hall Building In the southern city- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Woods (An nette Stone)' returned, to the cltyi onii tha .Gardens,, .yesterday . afternoon froln-alitrip" toiVHncouVcrl Mrs. E. W. Marentette. fbrmerlv r tii. nt.. ui . I ui v.tta lavx tiu iiuw naming ui Vancouver, and small daughter, Betty, have been visiting in Victoria wth Mrs. J. K. Cornwall, Oak Bay. ' At the request of Mrs1- Catherine Aiken and ' Sort Billy;' of Prince George, 'radio statibrFKJR of Seattle on Saturday evening played "Gee. But I'd Like to Make You Happy." Charles Lord, secretary of the Northern British Columbia Salmon Fishermen's Association, returned to the city on the Cardena yester- j day afternoon from a trip to Van-! couver on fisheries business. J. B. Woodwortrjrrived in the city on the Cardena yesterday afternoon from Vancouver to pay a visit of insepection tq the Surf Point mine on Porcher Islam! which is being developed by the Timmins interests of Toronto. Local friends haveheard from Doug Frizzell at Havana, Cuba, in the course of a trip tqiNew York via the Panama; Canal. Doug re-, j ported grand scenery on the trip with plenty to be seen at all times. It was hot at Panama but cooler in Havana. The Canal was a great sight', Doug says. MXA. for, oi0f Hnaon. MP for Rkooiw Fort George, during the session of was among uest8 to T ulalina ( fl t ml H la Bln ;M,i,Bu.,-lthe Lieutenant-Governor's state ing at ine tmpreas Hotel. 'dinner In connection with the op enlncr of the LoalaUture at Vie. Irwin of the Brayn. . properlctor . torla laU wcek m and M a v j m a l a at-. taBe w.. retumeu w wie c 0rmB .pfe ln1rttM ta Pr- Mty on the Cardena yesterday af- , anH TftIml(.,, r.,nHnn ternoon from a business trip to t the EmpreB Hote, To the laUef Vancouver. After having been confined to his home for a few days with a severe cold, William Mclver, supr-' intendent of the Alberta Wheat; Pool's local elevator, was able to-resume his duties today i . l . ) -JJtt-'I'l ; i P. W. Luce in the "Odd Angle" Olumn of the Vihcouver Province last Wednesday writes facetiously of an opposition caucus T.J). Pa t-tullo, A. M. Manson. K.C., and H. F. Kergln took1 mythical parts. j Capt. M. F. Macintosh, the new A college boy gets the surprise of his life, in "The Mayor and th-; Manicure,'' at Moose Hall Feb. 10. Diplomats and politicians can benefit by certain lessons for public men In "The Mau?r and The Manicure. at Moose Hail, Feb. 1G. Mayors arc mayors, tand mani cures are manicures; but when the mayor "manicures" thaumanicuro See "The Mayor and the Manicure," at the Moose Hall. Feb. 10. Women of Mooseheart Legion whist drive and dance, Feb. 19. Royal Purple brldge..and whist. Friday, February 20, Elks' Home. Admission 50c. 1 i Next Royal Purple Brldge-whl. series Monday, February 23. j Anglican -Tea, Mrs. Woodland's FUJh, Vf enue. February 2C "Melvlna's Courtship," at United irilrilQfel FebV27.- ri i 1r ATT EaIes' Smoker March. 0. L. O. B A. Bridge. Whist and Dance March 12. St. Patrick's Concert, Catholic Hall. March 17. Catholic women's League Spring Sale April 8. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 10. ; affair Mr. and Mrs. J. C Brady oil HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel' Prince Rupen s leading family hotel. Hot .tnd cold water in all roonu A. J. PKUniMMMF, Prop. Cor. of Fraser uid Fifth Sts. F T. member of the Legislative Assem- H. Decring, city. bly for the Islands is a son-lnlaw of the late Sir Richard MeBride and Lady MeBride. Mrs. Macintosh Is the former British Columbia premier's daughter. Boston Grill Thone 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to IS Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties am DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat At St. Elmo Hotel i Eyes Tested For Glasses Rowe's Sheet j.., Metal Works . jHP. '.i-l' !VK ...11 i Irij'i-itt Have Removed ' From Third Ave. W. to 227 2nd Ave. W. (The Old Stand) Where they will be pleased to meet all .their old friends and patrons. ,1 Savoy Patterson Porcher Island; New Royal Hotel I. Zairlll, Prnn TDK HOll.1. ttOKTII WHILE Hut & Cold Water. Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlrphoiir 181 ANNOUNCEMENTS Royal " Wah' Soon and W. Trites, city. M. Whatystow. Pacific: L. Snyder Anglican Cathedial augmented Vancouver; F. W. Somerton. C.N choir concert (direction H. W. IL Brocklesby) Moose Haft, Feb. 16. i If you have headaches, or suffer biliousness or indigestion take Beecham's Pills dsn PIP Bis SeedutitiH BRING HEALTH Dinnerwarc, china, crockery, 1 glassware, Ileilbroner's Store. : Retail Merchants' dinner, Tuesday 6.30 pjn, Boston Cafe. Please attend, 39 Moose Ladies' Whist Drive and Dance Thursday, Feb. 19. Cash Prizes. 39 Misses Amelia and Nellie Our-vich sailed last evening on the Cardena for Stewart where they will visit with friends for the week or so.- Father Charles Wolfe. CM!-transferred from MeBride to as priest for the Roman Catholic Church, sailed on thp Cardena for the smelter town. Mrs. Borsuk of Hulatt was In the city for a brief visit, arriving Sunday and returning this morning. Shp reports twenty cars of ties shipped from Hulatt last week. J. Whitemah Smith bf San Francisco arrived In the city on the Candena yesterday afternoon from the south to pay a visit here with his brother, Louis F Smith. From here, Mr. Smith will proceed to Stewart to visit with his brother, W. D. Smith. The visitor is a well known vocalist and has often been 'heard over the radio. re throats Quickly relieved by rubbing on V ICKS VapoRur Monday, February 16, 1931 Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Alber-tolite, Capt. Thomas J. Mountain, arrived In port at 11 o'clock last night from loco with a cargo of fuel oil for the company's local tanks and sailed tlis afternoon for San Pedro, California. I CV. . T I flUI - 1 of wilful damage in connection with the breaking of a window on Cpmox Avenue, was fined $20, with option of thirtv days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont la city police court this morning. ! C. N. K. TRAINS . From East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 pm. , ., , ' For East Mondays, Wednesdays ind Saturdays. 11:30 am. .. Mail Schedule For Ihe East-Monday, Wednesday and ""Saturday . 1030 am. From the East- Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday ...... 220 pjn. For Vancouver -i: Tuesday- Djp-. , , Thursday rlr..9 pn.-, ' ' Friday i 1.. W p jri. Feb. 11 and 25 piil,: From Vancouver- Sunday . 4 pjn Wednesday 1030 pjn- Wednesday 10 JO ajn For Anyox and Stewart Wednesday 3 p.m. Sunday 7 pm. From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays pm. Thursdays 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday 7 pjn. From Naas River and Port Simpson , Tuesday 11JQ a jrL' For Queen Charlottes-Jr1' ' 1 Feb. 5. and 19 U! From Queen Charlottes i ,.: Feb. 7 and 21 Spjn. For Alaska Feb. 11 and 25 pjn From Alaska-Tuesday ss. Cam&Jerv v, 1 pan. HAVE YOU TitlED A CLASSIFIED? More and more pc&ple arc turning to the classified cdlJ 1 umns of the Dally News to find what they want. Ufced cars, furniture for sale. lost and found, houses to rent or for sale, positions wanted. All sorts of'thlngs are advertised there. If you do not read the. classified page, get the habit now. Try It today. FURNITURE SPECIAL 1 Only 8-piecc Oak Dining Room Suite with uqteleg. extension table and Windsor 2fl ftlY isflD.UU back chairs Club Terms, $29 Down, Balance $12 Per Month Barrie's Home Furnishings The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Office, Smelting and Refining Department TRAIL, BRITISH COLUMBIA ! SMELTERS AND REFINERS Purchasers of Gold, Silver, Lead and Zinc Ores Producers of Gold, Silver, Pig Lead and Zinc TADANAC. TRAIL QUftrGOAL IS IN A DRY SHED When you are buying coal look on the economical side of life. If you buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10. means to you, PEMUINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $1U0 MINEHEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton 1U0 MINEHEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 1SJ0 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580