Til row's Tides son noperui tnat agreement may be Irwin, the viceroy, for a frank '.mew in. which to' discuss the .Mdhi is not satisfied with the islanding reached at the refund table conference In Lon-Uoidlng that India is far from i independence by that agree- i W DELHI. India. Feb. 16: The ' WON, CHINA, Feb. 16 One ! '""'irod persons were drowned ln " "i River, south of here, today v,!,,'i a steamer, with five hundred ! w I Mini: am UumJ m frvtlr t which held that the Produce Mar-ktinir Act of British Columbia is d between India and Brttoin i(fectve- According " to opinion complete lndepenaence 01 ,htn lhe judgment relating to the ; :mer country, lie nas asea riw amies r to in volve also the end of the market control of milk. GRAIN IS IN TODAY Carloads of Wheat Lord Irwin, said today that Twenty-Seven . mm a nrru i.uuuin i vui vi'inmant 1st raxinv til ffrH n L - I amnesty to political prison- India and to consider the : I lL. laiua Arrive Twenty-seven carloads of wheat I WW Ul MIC UlCVCUfr . , t . a allal . All-India Congress party , lumnm ""V""T? to today, way freight ks if Mahatma Oandhl wiU i or uw aioi " Rupert elevator. Although the elevator is almost full, there ti no word as to when the next ship may be expected here to load grain. T'ic Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners Association, at a in.-.-i inrr yesterday, decided to stand by the former agiee-"-"t that only in case of a boat becoming lost does the nT pay all "hole" bills. They were not willing to comply V. I! I f! the civil disobedience cam- ind give evidence of a change u t toward the government. VANCOUVER WHEAT NfOUVER, Feb. 10: Wheat M'l' U rt at 60c on the local "ice today. It is Just as well to forget your troubles because there are a lot Imore coming. , Local Boat Owners Decide to Stand By Former Arrangement ' In Regard to "Hole" Trip; i a demand of the fishermen that, aner a oout ""' Hod or delayed for threeyks, the .rjeeg; HUNDRED DROWNED tliiiirsr. who Had Been Celebrat ing New Year, Lost Lives At Canton fishermen, up to mis mumm., still standing by their demand to this effect. a far as the boat's share of pro ceeds is concrned. local boat own ers are still satisfied wiw are not demanding 1V blng done in Seattle. There is, therefore, ,,.nt. nver that matter here. In the matter of grading, the buyers still Insist that first class fish shall hereafter be that weighing from 10 to 80 pounds Instead of. as formerly, from 10 to 00 pounds. word received locally this morn ing was that 14 halibut boats, mun-u.. kit mm ATI h.rt left Seittle at -'ik. Those on board had the week-end and that 13 boaU had celebrating Chinese New left Ketchikan. Up to this morning. V ai lno local halibut boaU had left. EDITORIAL SPRING AND MOTORING Spring; will be here very soon and with it will come the urge to be out of doors. Many Prince Ru-pcrt people will be considering the purchase of new cars because the highway will be open as far as Cloyah Bay, the first time there has been an opportunity for a rral drive outside the city. Residents of Prince Rupert who have been without cars because they felt it was not worth while to own one, will have had their objections removed. The new highway will be one of the most picturesque in the country. After it reaches Galloway Rapids it skirts the water most of the way. Beyond the end of the highway, there will be fair walking to Cloyah River Falls and the lake beyond. This is a time to consider well the make of car to be purchased and also whether it is to be a mnt avav hv the tndement of the! new auto or one of the various l&mreme Gewt f- Canada 49Bmakotsed'tarirPossiblythef'e will be difficulty in supplying -the mediate demands once the sun begins to shine and when the 'hew bridge is open to traffic. LAVERGNE IS DEAD Hon. Louis Lavergne Passed Away in Quebec Had Distinguished Political Kecord QUEBEC. Feb. 16- Hon. Louis Lavergne, aged 35. former senator and Liberal member of the House of Commons for Drununond-Arth- 'abaska from 1S97 to 1910. died on Sunday He had resigned the sen-fttorahlp last year. The late Mr: Lavergne Vas bom on December 1, 1841, at St Pierre, VIontmagny, ttit son ot the late David Lavergne. whose ancestors came from Limoges, France, in I860, and Marie Genevieve Dela-grave, whose ancestors came from Berrl. France, in 18T0. Educated at St. Anne's College, Kamouraska, he was married for the first time Jn 1878. Ills' first wife died in 1887 and he married again, his second wife passing away in 1917. The late Mr. Lavergne was a no tary public and chairman of the Board of Notaries of the Province of Quebec from 1903 to IMG. Deceased first entered poHties In 1807 when he was elected to the House of Commons In a by-elee tlon necessitated by the elevation of his brother to the bench. He was reelected in l&QO, 1904 and 1906 He was elected Liberal whip for the Province of Quebec during the 1901 session and in 1909 was summoned to the Senate. The home of the late Mr. Lavergne was in Arthabaska. CAKI) OF THANKS Mrs Duggan and family wish to UiaHk their mny friehdsfor thefilllferous kind expressions of sympathy 'ahd floral tributes received during their recent bereavement and previous Illness. ItlKTII NOTICK A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Creelman, Terrace, on Sunday morning, Feb. 15, at the Terrace Hospital. Why Advertise? February 17, 1931 Some people do not want more 1.40 ajn. 19.4 ft. business. That Is why they neglect cum . n .. .. 13.24 pm. 20.9 It. the generally accepted method of 7.35 7-2 a.m. ft. placing .their wares before the people 1959 pm. 3.1 ft. In the form of advertisements. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER v -;:ttl No. 34. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1931 PKICE FIVE CENTS RODUCE MARKETING ACT IS UPSET VICTIM OF KITWANCOOL SHOOTING IS DEAD IN HAZELTON British Columbia Law Is Defective Supreme Court of Canada Says A. C. Lawson of Grand Forks Wins His Appeal Against Committee of Drection Not Liable to Impositons, Judges Rule OTTAWA, Feb. 1G Holding that the Produce Market-iuj Act of British Columbia is defective, the Supreme . li t of Canada today allowed the appeal in the case of V ( . Lawson of Grand Forks vs. the interior tree fruit and v. Lr table committee of direction. The judgment read as f .iii iv. s : "The appeal is allowed with costs throughout. The - appellant is entitled to declaration AGREEMENT HOPED FOR Mjial'na Gandhi Ask For Inter-iew With Viceroy of India on Question I ' jN")ON i .vihi, l iiiiic.able Feb. 15 Mahatma that he is not liable to imposition of any levy by the respondents on or In respect of any produce marketed by him and that respondents have no authority in any manner to re gulate or control the marketing (in the sense defined by the Actt of his ! produce for consumption beyond the boundaries of British Columbia. VICTORIA. Feb. 18: Practically all of British Columbia's marketing legislation appears to have been American Spaniel Club Champion Champion Idahurst Belle II. wit h her trainer. Bob McOaughey, and owned by O. B. Oilman, Boston, Mass.. who has been judged best of her class and champion of specialty show of American Spaniel Club. New York. Through Instrumentality of W. G. McMorris, Island Mine Is Now Under Development Active operations are being started on the Skidegate-Sunrise group near Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands. This is a gold quartz property with attractive possibilities. On February 3, Major A. W. Davis, mining engineer of Vancouver, arrived at Queen Charlotte City with a few men and vigorous development work is now being started. The mine Is equipped with an oil- driven compressor, hoisting plant, 1 75,;; lron concentrates could be de- assay office, and suitable buildings j llvered at udewater at trifling cost, tor a crew ; u te not t00 mucn to expect that. The history of the property is an m the not dlgUnt future, some interesting one. It includes the ort-1 oI tht properties will be accorded final dlscdvery, shortly before theimOTe auon than they have re-war, of high xrade gold ore. by thecelved ln tne pa8t. Indians, the .staking of adjoining i , iretind by some white men; a campaign of development on the latter ground by ail eastern company whfch was not very successful, owing probably to the underground work being mainly directed ln an area away (mm the main mineralized zone, and finally, the amalga mation of tin- two groups by W. O. McMorris and the campaign now under way. many years been lndefatlguable ln his efforts to bring these islands, with their iremendous raw undeveloped resources, to the front. In former years the pulpwood possibilities and the coal areas existing there, largely engaged his attention and, ln more recent years, the meji- mwes. ReaaonMble, t Jot, the expenditure of several hundred thousand dollars on the Islands during the past 30 years, it ts to be hoped that his more rrcf.it activities will Rive him a substantial reward. Interested not only in this gold property now being worked, but In some large low-grade copper-Iron propositions as well, where, betide a copper concentrate, ln the same operation, a large tonnage of HOLY LAND DISORDERS Precautions Rring Taken to Guarrl Against Fresh Disorders In I'atestlne JERUSALEM. Feb. 18 Strife is looming again ln Palestine and One of the pioneers of the Queen precautions are now being taken Charlottes. Mr. McMorris has for against any new disorders after a period of comparative quiet. A bitter Arab uprising in protest against the stand that has been 'aken by Premier J. Ramsay Mac-Donald is threatened. . 4 IJKSKlUmOUOH SAILS MARCH ti TO TAKE UP GOVERNORSHIP 4 LONDON. Feb. 16: The Earl of Deatborough will sat on the Duchess of Bedford on March 37 for Ottawa to assume his A duties as Oovemor-Oeneral of Canada. Samuel Douse Charged With Murder of Silas Brown, Another Native Affair Happened on January 11 and Two Men Were Shot By Same Bullet Dead Alan Had to Have His Arm Amputated Allegedly as a result of injuries sustained on January 11 when he was shot in the arm at Kitwancool, the member having later to be amputated, Silas Brown died Saturday night in the Hazelton Hospital and Samuel Douse, who is alleged to have done the shooting, having been held on a charge of wounding, has now been formally charged with .lurder, it was announced today at w-vfc Y4"lTrfeY j divisional headquarters of the pro- qlSVlllKlK I vlnclal police here. The Inquest and Lf liiJlLLiLu I preliminary hearing are both sche- at Hazeiton urr rc KTVTi'ihS iXluluLi vjlL 1 lAJ i According to the police. Douse1 Vkron to be New American Pride of Air While Los Angeles Iteverts to Routine Duty WASHINGTON. D.C.. Feb n herrefeirrr fromrthe 'anal Zone where she :aged ln manoeuvres with the Pa cific and Atlantic fleets, the Unl-ed States Navy dirigible Los Angeles will be relegated to routine duties and the new dirigible Akron, now nearlng completion at Akron, Ohio,' will become nation's pride. The Akron is. 100 feejt longer than Los Angeles and Is. larger and more up-todats, than the other ship in every respect- ; Vane ouver Stocks (CourtMjr 8. D. Jhnrton Co.) Bay view, nil, 1. Big Missouri, 45Vi, 46. Cork Province, 1, nlL George Copper, 75, 1.00. Georgia River, 3, George Enterprise, 3, 5. Golconda, 36, 42. Grandvlew, 614, 7. Independence, nil lty. Indian Mines, 1. 2. Kootenay Florence, 14, 2. L. & L., nil. 1. Lusky Jim, 2, nil. Morton Woolsey, 3. 4. Marmot Metals, nil 1. National Silver. 2Vt, 3. Noble Five. 9ft. Oregon Copper, 54, 6. Pend Oreille. 1.10. 1.20. Premier, 70, 72. Porter-Idaho, 74, 8. Reeves Macdonald. 30. 42. Rufus-Argenta, 24, 3. Ruth-Hope. 5, nil. Silver Crest, 24. 3. Snowflake, 3, 34. Sunloah, 35. nU. Toplev Richfield. 14. 2. Whitewater. 5, nil. Woodbine, 14. 1-Bluebird, 2, 3. OILS ..Freehold. 134. nil. A. P. Con., 26, 28. Hargal 10. nil. , , Calmont, 20, 23. Dalhousie, 50, nil. Devenlsh, 7. nU. i4. Fabyan Pete, 3tfi 34. ' Home, 1.52, 1.53. Merland, 16, 16t Mercury, 254, 264. Royallte, 16.00, 16.75. United. 26. 28. Eastern Stocks Noranda, 16.60, nil. C. P. R., 43.25. 44.50. Inter. Niekel, lftjOO, 17.00. Ford A., nil, 27.00. took out his gun and shot Brown, ifhp hullt crnlnir thrraiirh Via lattr'M ' arm and passing into the leg of.' George Sampere. A rifle was used. No motive has. as yet, been ascribed for the desperate act. e Panama nfant Boy Died is now en- Here on Saturday Johnny Mikeli Was Born Four Alonths Ago About Time His Father Passed Away Johnny Mikeli, who was born here four months ago about the same time as his father, Sam Mikeli of Anyox. passed away, died Saturday evening. The baby had resided at the Dyer Apartments with its mother. The arrival of an uncle. Frank Mikeli. from Anyox tomorrow morning on the Cardena is awaited before funeral arrangements are completed by the B. C. Undertaken. COAST LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER COMMITTED Charles Sweetser, 55. llght-keper at Dryden Point, has been committed for trial by -Magistrate C. l. Fillmore on a charge of attacking a 44-year-old Indian girl at Rivers Inlet. The accused was arrested by Corp. A. W. Stone of the British Columbia police. SENATOR IS IMPROVED Haydon Feeling Sluch lletter Today Following Satisfactory Week-end's Progress OTTAWA. Feb. 16 Senator Andrew Haydon. who suffered a heart attack on Saturday was reported today to be resting comfortably following a marked Improvement over the week-end. FIRST IIAI.IUUT OF '2 ,r ' . ' f REASON IS LANDED The first halibut of the 1931 V tfeasSni'wtts landed at Prince Rupert today, the day after fishing became legal, by W. Wilson of Port Simpson from his boat Lucky Star. Wilson 4 brought ln a load of 500 pounds which he sold to the Bacoh Fisheries. The fish were caught )ust outside Prince Rupert Harbor.