Decembel Peps will end it. Dis solveaPepsin your mouth when the cough ts troublesome, and the medicinal vapor that is liberated Is breathed to the remotest parts of the air pas- sages and lungs. It soothes and heals the inflamed membranes, thus ending the irritation and stopping the cough. are equally good for Perechitle, sore throat and laryngitis. All dealers, 50c. box, or Peps Co., Toronto. Why Pay More Than $13.00 LUMP COAL delivered in your bin? We screen every pound Phone Black 85 Terminal Coal Co., acre ree tee Useful for Xmas A pair of Shoes or Slippers makes a very ac- ceptable Xmas Gitt. Family Shoe Store Geo. Hill E. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoemen Phone 357. heTogg Ladies’ Ready to Wear Fancy Work Notions Undergarments, etc. Made to Order a oer ae L. PONZO venue end Fourth Se. Mrs, Second A Por Comfort, Courtesy* and Service 8° tof he SAVOY HOTEL, P, 7 COwness MANAGER Phone 3? P.O. Box 1704 EUROPEAN PLAN Per day and up. FIRST~CLags cape Re... Le Carte, Me. ae OO nares DiC Carne Ding lh i Ws second Avenue “e Extra Phone 557 Give Something - _ POOLE BP POR DDOD MRO ae enero CCOORNTOO CTE bie! Prince Rupert MMihee... : YP ee ce Ot Tomal 2, 1919. ’ OPO MO J. W. MoDonaid ana W. Galbraith Badly Injured When Shop is Wreoked by Fire. Iwo men, J. W Mel) . oa onald and W. Galbraith, were badly about the a €asoline explosion eceuried in the cleaning and pressing ment of the former at burned face and arms, when establish. 516 Fulton Street bast evening, resulting in the wreeking of the premisdés McDonald had just opened ditis repair shop for business y: ster day mowning and was finishing up the day's work at 9:45 when the explosion happened It appears that the place was badly venti lated and spontaneous comb: stion was Caused by the heavy gasoline, probably bei by the heating stov. At any rate a terrific explosion was heard jy. neighbors half a block away and the whole front of the one-storey frame building, which belonged fuines pf gnited VY. Reda, was at once in flames the front windows being biown out by the concussion. MeDonaid and Galbraith escaped from: the building with their clothes -and hair aflame. They rushed down Fulton Street to the Norfolk Rooms, where they live, and Dr yiggert was called to attend them. Their injuries, though very pain ful, are not dangerous. Quickly Vacated. rhe rear of the building, whieh was divided into two sections, was occupied by Mr. and Mrs, FE. A. Henderson and family. Mrs. Hen- derson was in the act of putting her two little children to bed when she heard the explosion in «the front and flames gushed throngh the partition into the bedroom. They quickly vacated, removing their furniture, and were,taken in by hospitable neighbors The fire alarm was rung in from the Norfolk Rooms and the department were out in quick or- der. While still uneheeked, th: blaze was quite spectaeula:, but was soon darkened with the force of water from No. 2 fire machine considered very Within 20 minutes the fire was quite out. A number of suits and all the equipment belonging t the business of one day was de- in the fire. The damage done to the premises of Mr. Hen- slight as the his belongings were re- moved, Several telephones fm the vicinity of the fire»were put «ut of commission by the melting of the cable im front of the shop stroved derson was very most of WHO WANTS SECTION TWO WATERFRONTAGE? Aid. MoMeekin Would Like to Know Interested Party. A tetter from the secretary to the Minister of Lands was read at last night's eouncil meeting. It was in answer to the comimuni. cation sent to the minister ad- vecating the centralizing the fish- ing waterfront in the vicinity of Seal Cove. It merely acknow- ledges the receipt of the city's letter an dexplained that Mr. Pat- tullo was not at the capital to reply. The mayor said that he had been approached’ by a man acting for the tisbinterests at the water- front. This man had said that the fishmen had inspected various places along the waterfront and had deemed Section 2 most suit- able for fish wharves. Seal Cove was too far out of the way. Ald. McMeekin, of the fisheries committee, explained that in mak- ing its report the committee had very little information to go On. He thought that the government might at least let the city know who had made application waterfront at Section 2. He men- tioned having the manager of the Atlin Fisheries, who stated seen it was not his company. All the committee had to work on was rumor as the interested party could not be discovered. J. 8. Carmichael was on sun- day afternoon the recipient of a gold watch fob from his Sunday School class as a token of their regard on the occasion of his leaving. The pnesentation wae id made by Miss Lorraine Grant a! ; - or behalf Miss Peggy Purdy on the class. Indian Agent Perry left 7 ai Hazelton on this morning > tr He will go from Hazelton to Kis piox to look into Indian atYairs ; there. for: GAS EXPLOSION: HEALTH OFFICIALS TWOMENBURNT ON THE WARPATH THE DAILY NEWS Crusade is Being Started Against Violent Sneezing in Public, The epidemic f weeping the t Start an colds which is now country has led health officists sneezing mice a are being emphasized in the the epidemic and the A prominet “ education of the public Silty © treating every case of cold 1 > head promptly. If taken at cand is be. sien te that simple treatment will give re ' in @ single aight, and the patient can main steadily at work The treatment recommended for colds is a “ ot r 1 Asperin, Phenacetine, Qu , Salol, Caffein Citrate, Caseara and amphor Monobromate. This is now of fered the publie under the name of Reid's Grip Fix Every home should have a box slogans which effort to check results it threatens to the neces hand while the epidemic of colds pre vails. It comes in capsule form and acts quickly Two capsules, taken two hours se over a period of six hours gives | e results with one capsule at a time thereafter to complete the work orip Fix is not @ patent medicine, ‘hen wetting it be but sure to ask for Reid's Grip Fix as there is no home treatment for On sale at 36 cents druggists lds which equals it r b ‘ x at all TIMBER SALE X1114 Victoria, Nov, 4th, 1911 Prince Rupert, B.C. Cedar on an area situated in Juskatla In let, Queen Charlotte District One 1 year will be allowed for re moval of timber ° Further particulars of the Chief Foret er, Victoria, B. C., or District Forester Prince Rupert, B. ¢ TIMBER SALE X1909 Victoria, B.C., Nov. 4th, Sealed tenders will be received by iviv the Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 7th day of January, 1920, fer th purchase of Licence AX1909, to cut 10, 716,000 feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Ce- dar on an area adjoining §.T.L. 11525p Sedgwick Bay, Lyell Island, Queen Char- lotte District, lwo years will be fiwoval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Fores ter, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an ap- plication will be made to the Legislative Assembly of.the Provinee of British Co lumbia at the next session, on behalf of THE ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE Ot BRITISH. COLUMBIA for a. private bill in corporating the said Institute, the said bill to be known as “THE BRITISH COLUMBIA ARCHITECTS’ ACT’, for the purposes of governing and regulating the practice of Architecture in the Province of British Co lumbia DATED at the City of Vaneouver in the Province of British Columbia, this 2¥n day of November, A.D. 1919 G. ROY LONG, Solicitor for the Applicants ee an Sse Sent aE NOTICE MATTER of. an application: for vf a fresh certificate of title to t Eight hundred and forty-eight 248 Group One i Cassiar District, satisfactory proof of of certificate having been fled, notice is hereby given hat it is my intention, at the expiration f one month from the frst publication hereof, to issue a fresh eertifeate of title in the name of Thomas Richard Tomlinson, which Certificate f Title dated 8th February, 1913, and is No, 3067-1 Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B. ¢ thie t4th day of October. i b 919 allowed for the re IN the part ef i THE issue ss is W. E. BURRITT, Acting District Registrar LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lands lo Skeena hand Mstrict, Recording Dis trict of Caasiar, and situate at Alice Are, Take notice that we, H. Rt Fowler an il b kergin, of Alice Arm oecupation mariners niend t apply fo permission to dease the following deseribed foreshore lands Commencing at a post planted on east bank of Kitsault Kiver; thence south 2 chains; thence east 80 chains more or less to dittance Hiver; thence nerth 20 = ns more ar less to lot 50, thenee west follow . neement ine shoreline to point of compe me onta 160 acres, more "or less and containing i eer LER H. F. KEROIN Nated. Getaber tith, 1010 i MINERAL ACT. Certificate of improvements oh hn” Mineral “stiver Tip’ and “Monareh ‘ qnana ciuate in the Naas River Mining . » Histrict pivision of Cassiar I miles from ere located About four ; he aa Alice Arm on its mote alte. rAKE NOTICE that I ewis W rom ’ eB. “— oo C. eet te supreme yrake jegistrar 0 e 5u 4 eer Ooeitiad Columbia, B. Tie veer Miner's Certificate No, 33583-C, satan. he date hereof, to apply y from t ‘ sixty ge Recorder for & Certificate > eo he ose of ob »provementa, for t urp = a Crown Grant oF each of the above mirth ! that action, un a further take notice a aoa tlen 85, met be ecemmenced before = issuance of such Certificate of Improve aed this $8 day of September A.D. iw the dangers gational campaign showing public Tects of violent sneezing in| tr f shee . a ; sneezes “Every public before A public danger” Think twice | feature of the campaign ts | sealed conere will be received by tt HEMPHILL TRADE SCHOOLS nister © ands not later than noon on . ; 2 ihe 9th day of December, 1919 for. the Blanchard & Visgard Sts., purchase of Licence X1114, to cut 3,635 Victoria C 90 feet of Spruce, Cedar, Balsam and , ria, B.C, Hemlock on an area situated on Infram Established over fifteen vears Lake, K.3, Coast. District 7 ‘ rors 3) years will be allowed for re-| With branches at moval of timber lietoris f To . » Further particuiars of the Chief Fores nr wares Edmonton Vancouver ter, Vietoria, B.C., or District Forester,| Winnipeg Regina Tacoma. Wn TIMBER SALE X 1889. tendent, General Hospital, —_————_ Prince Rupert, B. C., for ap- Sealed tenders will be received by the licat for Ss Minister of Lands not later than. noon on plication forms and other in the. @nd day of December, 1919, for the formation. 27 purchase of Licence X 1888, to cut 1, —— ——— 082,000 feet of Spruce, Hemlock and WANTED — FE ishing. boat with CLASSIFIEE ADVERTISING Phone 98 i etgubesion | This is the Advertising Column that |people read when they want anything It brings results | | | WANTED—Men as automobile drivers. to fill positions repairmen ane The demand for skiji. ed men in the automobile busix hess never was as great as it 1s; at the present time. We wile! train you in a short time with | the latest and most up-to-dat method, to qualify and earn big money in one of the most protit« able and interesting businesses. of the present day. We teach aulomobiie repairing and driv. ing, Oxy aeeteiyne welding, storage battery epairting ane rebuilding, Vuleanizing and re treading on the latest and best equipment. ‘Lhousands of our graduates are now _ holdings splendid positions and never regret the time spent in train ing themselves under our sys- tem. If you are interested in any of the above courses, write for literature and catalogur Dy pt. 57. Calgary Saskatoon Portland, Ore, WANTED—Young ladies wishing to take a three-year course in nursing. Write lady superin- about five h.p..engine. Cash down for bargain, Apply L, F. Regan, 3 Dyer Apartments. FOR SALE- reasonable, ~22 laying hens. Price Fencing thrown in. Call at 241 Ninta Avenue West. TWO YOUNG LADIES REQUIRED for bank. Apply P. O. box 1714 Prince Rupert, B.C. ti GIRL WANTED for light house- work. Good wages. Phone Green 402. ti FOR SALE POR SALE — Handsomest sét of inink in the North—stole and mut!.* Also number of mink skins suflicient to make = set. Write box 20 Daily News office, FOR SALE — Perfection coal oil stove; three burners, with oven, Also kitchen cabinet. Apply Suite 10 Summit Apartments. FOR SALE—Folding baby buggy; | tricyele for child about 3; in good condition. Apply 754 Fifth Avenue East. 281i FOR SALE—One peerless Kleetric Piano in good condition. Apply to F. Lazelle Co., Terrace. 83 FOR SALE Range and heater. Almost new, phone Red 403 or Black 323. tf FOR SALE—Cornet in good con- dition, $35, phone Green 249. FOR RENT — FOR RENT—3 and 6 room apart- ments. Also single rooms for men. Parkview Apartment House, 210 Ninth Ave., West. FOR RENT—Five-roomed house. Seetion 8—near Drydock, Phone Black 329. 280 MISCELLANEOUS CROCHETTING and KNITTING— Phone Red 487, Nu. 400 Kighth Avenue West. 231 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN.—Apply J. Mar- tin, Park Avenue, opposite the Dairy. 285 FARMS FOR SALE Cc. P. KR. PARM LAND -—— Choice farms in well settled districts in Western Canada; low prices; twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al. berta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new settlers. Act now—they are going fast. For free booklet and full information write IH. G. Loughran, General Land agent, 744 Hastings St. West, oe ‘ There’s a messageof health and ‘Cheer in every cup of WEDDING BREAKFAST COFFEE --a distinctly superior Coffee because of its selected grades --- its delicious: blend --- its maximum strength. Your Grocer Keeps It In 1 |b airtight containers ---ground-+just the pro- per decree of fineness. . Packed by the PIONEER COFEEE & SPICE Vancouver, B,C, eee een 2 MILLs, i Vancouver and Victoria a. — a a a = ————— ‘et MINING STOCK FOR SALE I have for sale part of the treasury shares in The B. C. Silver Mines, Ltd. Capital - $1,500,000 One of Properties is situated between the famous ; Premier Mine and the Bush Mines, Ltd. oy These shares will be listed on the Vancouver Stock Exchange. For further particulars apply to a 344 Pender Street W. VANCOUVER L aE : 2 2 —— * * we F ‘hes ‘ * ‘ MARY PICKFORD in “DADDY LONGLEGS” at the Westhoime Theatre Tomorrow § See ren oe