I PAGE SIX Tor i! tt n drif tno' ftnrl itorM; fcr Th T. Hlara C. 11, Tonalv PM. Covered With Bolls on Arms, Back and Reck 1 IfU Mrgart Higgina, Dyment, Ont, write: "I ni eoiered with boil on my irma, tu and neek. I tuod plutort and other remedie with no nenlli. Mr attention ni drawn to Burdock Bliiod Bitten, io I derided to grt a bottle. The result were nurTelloas, a in no time the boil hid completely disappeared, and aj akin waa dearer and freeher than rrer," auaifutortd, for U pxt SI rttn, only The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK C( Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ; 'Soul' Christian Science Subject Sunday Services The subject of the lesson-sermon in all Christian Science churches 'and societies on Sunday was "Soul." i Amone the Bible texts included in the lesson-sermon was the follow ing from Hebrews 10:39: "But we are not of them who draw back un to perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul." The lesson-sermon also included the reading of citations from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and health with key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, one passage being as follows: "Soul is immortal because it Is Spirit, iwhlch has no element of self-de' structlon." ipage 311). Fire Station at Terrace Under Construction TERRACE Feb. 16. Work Is proceeding on the new home for he fire fighting outfit which is be-ng erected on Lazelle Avenue near Jhristle't Bakery. The hose and 4eel carrier is also under construction and, as soon as delivery is effected, the volunteer fire brigade will get down to practice work. Department of Trade and Commerce OTTAWA, CANADA To Canadian Citizen, Everywhere in Canada. October 18th, 1930. DoYou Want More Branch Factories? - What is a factory worth to Canada, that gives steady year-round employment to five thousand hands? It depends upon where it's located, doesn't it? Hit's located in Canada, it's worth a small fortune to us. But if it's located at our very borders, but still outside of Canada, it may be worth nothing at all to us. In any event, it is almost certain to be worth far less than the branch it might be persuaded to establish in Halifax, or Vancouver, or any point in between, even though that branch gave steady employment to only fifty hands! No matter where they locate in relation to where we reside, we're always delighted to hear of branch factories being established in Canada, because of the employment they create for Canadian labour, the market they provide for Canadian farmers and Canadian merchants, and the business activity they stimulate in countless wrys and in countless y quarters. Thus far, in our efforts to promote their establishment within our borders, we have made use of but one lever our tariff. For a time it proved to bo a very effective lever. During the period preceding the war the harvest was considerable. But of recent years the annual crop of branch factories has been lean quite disappointingly so when we reflect that the justification for their estah'ihment should be greater than ever before, due to the fact that our ai. a imports of merchandise keep steadily increasing. Isn't there something that each of us as individuals might do to help o JilW th movement in full swing again? Suppose" we steadfastly refused 1 i!!(b buy merchandise that we knew to have been imported, wouldn't that cause a tot of these outside manufacturers to reconsider their plans? Not long since, the manufacturer of an imported product, the annual sale of which in Canada runs into millions of dollars, boasted that no action this country might take would ever force him to establish a branch factory here. When he said that he was, of course, thinking only of one kind of action tariff action! And feeling secure in 'the' advantage of a low manufacturing cost obtained through mass production, he probably had some justification for believing that his hand could not be forced. , But he overlooked one very important point. And that is that while Canadians have always shown themselves a very tolerant people in their attitude towards imported merchandise, they are quick to resent unfair- ness of any kind when practised against themselves. Now that particular manufacturer buys no materials from Canada. The workmen he employs buy nothing that has been produced in Canada. From the opera tion of his huge industry the people o f this coun try derive no profit whatsoever. Why then should they continue to buy his product when there are available to them at equal prices products of the same kind, and of just as good if not better quality, that have been made in Canada? Not only that particular manufacturer, but scores of others, could be forced to open up branch factories in this country under pain of losing their entire Canadian business, if each and every one of us, before completing a single purchase, were first to make absolutely sure that thearticle had been produced in Canada! Vfry sincerely yours. X Minister of Trade and Commerce. THE DAILY NEWS Monday February, A GREAT COMPANY'S DIAMOND JUBILEE Life assurance has now. apparently, reached such a point in public es timation nru) mnf iiteneei that it seems comparatively Immune from the viartes and fluctuations of" other lines of business. The Sun ElirWry e Assurance Company of Canada, whose report appears elsewhere in fiflflJHBWWIHI rbffrJIryTroimwv confidence to an unusual degree, for it reportnew-policieewriUen during the year to the net amount of over $700,000,000, the largest in the com- j parly's history of sixty years. This year It celebrates its diamond Jubilee. A graphic picture of its progress is shown in the report which discloses, decade by decade, its growth from assurances in force in 1880 of less than $4,000,000 to over $2,800,000,000 today; and of an accumulation of assets from less than $800,000 in. 1880 to nearly $590,000.-000 at the present time. Even more striking ia the fact that the company has paid to policyholders and beneficiaries since its organization over half a billun dollars more than its entire assurance in force' only ten years a;;o. This is almost j magical and" helps to explain the widespread faith of ordinary menj In life assurance from the stand-; point of investment as well as of; family protection A most Iritere.sun- feature of the report relates to the company's investments. The Sun Life has long been a consistent and successful investor in hi?h ur.i l st cks. These securities are v.ilu.ited on the last day of each ycr !v the Canadian ARTHUR B. WOOD Vice-Pn id r. and Chief Actuary. Sun Life A-uiance Company of Canada. DICTATOR HONORED Surprise Party Jor W. It. MeCal lum Saturday Evening jj5 5Ek MmmSfammmmavS T. 15. MACAl'LEV President. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. icpartniont of insurance on the ba-is of tiictr market price on that 1-1 v. S'.irh a test tins year, neediest (i s iy. was a most exacting one. Yet vcri at tW adnormally low prices ruvailmt u the end of the year !i c ii any s common stock hold-. t..k '.n by themselves, showed a i.tj t.u' ial excess over cost. Morc-wi. h - actual cash dividends paid lu in ;830 on the total common !x ks held by the company In the 'vi. ins year were nearly $1,000,000 i rxc. . oi tn-. dividends paid on iu-.-e id' nti' . 1 ?hares in 1929. Buch -jnI.ictor i.'isuc from the sharp-"t and sevt'icst market "break in ':.:. n iteration is a wonderful vln- '.ivim of t'v investment sagacity ! mi.:iv The rate of 6.44 ' , rained on the mean invested assets i .' cmj.'ny is a further proof f thrifty administration. 1 iu; company announced that the irotits to policyholders entitled to participate during the ensuing year will be allotted on the same generous scale as lias existed for aoroe time, ard that the special maturity dividend which has been so popular will also be continued. words. Mr. MeCallum thanked the hostess, host and guest tor this delightful sunwise. He felt sore that the Secreary's word were quite true regarding the officers i and members, and that MI would be a banner year. A toast was then honor, the company A very enjoyable party was held ' singing "for He's a n- . . . .... ' Wt It tat hit rising and Jolly Oood on Saturday evatalng at the homo Fellow," which was followed by a of Mr. and Mr. B. J. Bacon in ; toast to Steward William Lamb honor of W. B. McCallum, recently i The oartv eontliiaad until a n m elected dieUteof Prince Rupert when the guest toek their leave Moose Lodge. At)out thirty-six per-1 all voting the affair a mugiuiiccnt soot were preterit; dancing and 'success. Tencral joUificfttfon, followed by refreshment vSm$ the order of! evening. j gS2S5SiSS! In outlining (he qualities of '" guett of honor, Secretary Percy; Cameron stressed the business, sense, tempered with fraternal gard, possessed by him. In fore casting the advance of the order for the coming year, he empasited Soda Bixults-the enthusiastic co-operation the i box for dictator would be sure to enjoy from the officers, committees and members. Guided by these excellent omens he took the liberty o! prophesying an outstanding year for 1931 In replying In a few well chosen SOMETHING NEW FOIt LADIKS AND GBNTS Larae assortment new clothes for autumn and winter lust to hand. All finest quality and latest patterns. Come In and see us today 'Weekly Specials RcgSlOO Soda Biscuits 2's 2 pkgs. for Oinger Snaps 3 lbs. for Pulity Oats Contains China ware, X pkes. Malkin j Beat ScedlRta Ral'ins l's, S pkgs. Malkin s Best Spices 3 for Malkin's Best Extract 4 o-s Heins Ketohttp I bottles for. Suit or overcoat complete and fin-1 Robertson a Sfiotch Marma- Ished in three days. Line, the Cutter Steam cleaning pressing ind altering. We deliver any part of the city. LING T1IE TAILOR Hit Krnnd Ar l'linn B49 Dr.H.0. Johusen Dentist Successor to Dr. E. S. Tait Suit 1 Exchange Block Phone 109 s. par tin 35c 25c 81.00 40c 25c 40c 80c Chase it Sanborn's Ottfee CCn per lb. eJOl Fi-pvh Rhuhnrh r m I 2 lbs. for Fresh Spinach 2 lbs. for 25c 25c I Fresh Fruits &. Vegetables. Arriving Every Week Mussallem Grocery Co.; MrrtHed 417-423 I IITH AVENUE EAST P. O. BOX 575 I'lione R and Bl FISHERMEN WIN FIGHT Are Advised by Commissioner of Fisheries That They May Have Cannery Licence Change of Policy r , ' The following letter from Chas Lord, secretary of the Northern B C. Salmon Industries Association, has been received: "At a recent date, through the medium of your columns, the public was informed that the co-operative organising committee of the Northern B.C. Salmon Fishermen's Association was forming a Prince Rupert Fishermen's co-operative ; Association and that, considering lit possible that they might be in I the position to equip and operate i salmon rannery t:ils coming season, they had, in an official capacity approached the Provincial c; verr.ment Commissioner of Fish lories for a definite statement as ) whether or not he would grant i almon canning license If needed. 'It was also stated in the tarn" letter that tbc reply of the gov eminent had been in the negative which, naturally, aroused the Ire 3f the initiators of this movement "At further information to the pubilst I may state that our Asso ciation has kept right after the powers that be. terminating in a personal interview with Hen. S. L Howe. Provincial Commissioner of Fisheries, and I take pleasure in offering to the public the content" t the final letter received from Victoria. Victoria. B.C Feb. 193: To Charles Lord, Esq.. Secretary Co-operative Organic ing Committee. Northern B.C. Fishermen's A- so-Jtkm. PO. Box. Prince Rupert. B.C. "Dear BSr Confirming our eon vernation this afternoon and' a' tated In my letter of the 3rd Inst o :on? as the Prince R'jpert Flah--nren's Co-opratlve Association iroseaaing is confined to mild cur 'ng or the fresh fish business n 'iceneo will be required. 'However. If the Association decides to erect and operate a salmon cannery in the Northern area at or near Prince Rupert, then a 'icense will req-itre to be taken out y your Association. If your Atso- laMon aoplv for a lleense for th? 1911 season for sueb a plant, accompanying the application with the necessary fee I will give In-tractiont for the issuance of such license, -Yours faithfully. (Signed) "S. L. HOWE, "Commissioner." "The receipt of the above letter -i construed b- the directors of Uv now in orporatei Prince Rupert If Monday and Tucd , TWO SHOWS , . 3 1t I.j tell and I'atsy Ruth Mi!!cr in - "TheLashllU Lone Wolf" A Itomanltn t t. une or ttic Co,, Comedy--"OH. Tn.'iy-Carloon - "Itr.Mi T;ir Kraiy Kal "RAMBLINt. ULttlRTir ADMISSION -- : , . Feature SlarK at : n , tl Wednesday ATliurviai "ON YOt'R H.fK" Fishermen's Co .; :on,' to be tlu u elving a liceiiM he executive of " Salmon Flshrrn.-includes that in he limitation if easing plants, ad lnclal goverr.n-.' "As secretary in 1 Salmon Fishcni nd its co-ope : ake this opportune various conm . ercnt organiza'f or their support 'MMltton. "Thanking you lty m these nut'' "CHA Vortneoi B. C f. : As-o WEDNKSMU SPECIAL SPONGE SANDWICH 20 cents The Electric Har We Deliver Dry.o... J did Tom 36 ft oz, hV'l a riiiT-cncn sW r- v-' iui l. us ns iy INVESTMENT IN PURITY tS-QUALITY .rxooS This advertisement is not published or (lis Liquor Control Board or by the fiovertimi British Columbia. ran