IUK TWO Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Bad Cold On Her Chest Had To Stay In Bed II r. J. C. Winter, Janow, Man., write: "I hT very reason "to praise Dr. Wood' Norwaj Pin Brup a it ha dune me a world of good. I bad a very bad eold on 017 chest, and had to itay in bed tiro weeks, and eoold hardly apeak on account of . coughing so -much. I tried every medirint? and liniment I could think of, but I 'got no relief. My ,habad read atypt Dr,rdod'(: NprT. p'ne Syrup to 1 decided to try 1C 1 took only one bottle and I am ready to recommitH Hit f6-anyone' witi a eold." ,,rice SSo. a. bot'tle; lwfaiiiil win 65c; at all druggist or dealers; put up only by The T. Milbura Co. Ltd., Toronto, Out THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT t' BRITISH 'COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince' Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SL'BSCKIPTION RATES Rupert y delivery, by mall 01 carrier, yearly period, paid In advance 5,00 pert. isslfled advertising, per insertion, per word 02 cal readers, per insertion, per line ..I : .25 f gal notices, each Insertion, per agate lne VILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureauof Circulations 1 " . . .... i ySjU1' 4; Tuesday, March It, 1931 WORK TO PROCEED g provision for continuation as soon as weather cbndi ons improve. This means that the work will no longer be nsidered relief work and men employed will be those uted to road, construction and 100 per cent, efficiency in De required. This is the begmnng othe close dpuiLof relief. -The ty appropriations also have been ehWWrl fartdLrbUlef vpenditures will be stonoed at the endoKftff rVSf tW ABUSE 5 iff I A i John D. Roclceleller presents Diana FlshWink. British Women's Oolf champion, with a brand new dime on golf links at Ormond Beach, where she is competing in the Women's South Atlantic championship Man in the Moon Wishing does not help much. Action must follow, the thought or the thought Is useless. . Liberals are apt to be broken up, ltJ"A.'i 'it ' ' ii jwJiu iuuiiuns uui uiey aix- a unit compared witn conservatives to day. On. Saint Patrick's Day everyone expect! the Irish to be against the Government but there are more than Irish lii the 1 Tory, rebellion today. Bqware of an optician's .daughter. Juft two glasses will make her a spectacle. 'This U the time of year when, the mashje fans begin to wonder jhoW long it will be before they can play outdoor golf at Prince Ru- e. a. y v, jpwm uu Tfiuvv, ay 1.4 i4Ufl ...-..fct 1 mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia. , 1 jaice gays ne'S not mUch of a aid In advance for yearly period 3.00 drake but he'd "just love to" mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- solach around in the muskec lire and United States, pald.in advanie, per year .. ,. $0.00 searching for a golf ball. mail to all other countries, per year ...j 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES - , !' A titled lady was once canvas- oncunt hi,i.i.i-.i.h"i IT SJJtTZ.Jtog for vote at a parliamentary election and stopped at ;a house, the door of which was opened by a burly woman, who eyed her tnn irrnMniifilv Pills. none j "May I ask," said the. lady . :"to what party your husband belongs?" t . j ' "Certainly!" answered the wc-jman, "I'm the party to whom 'e jbelongs, and well e knows it!" It is satisfactory to hear that while work has shut Tpc Qkrinprc nf m on the highway the Provincial Government is mak- 1 CIIJ uilllllcia Ul Trip to Honolulu by S. C. Thomson Dinner Dance to be Held Nest Month S. C. Thomson gave the Shrine Chronie fndigMtion is a very common condition. On this account many suffer for years not realizing that relief is at hand in the form of Dr. Chaae'a Kidney-Liver Pilla. Headaches, biliouannn, spalls of constipation and diarrhoea are among the accompanying ailment. What a relief it would Be to be free of this, condition, which makes one feel so miserable and it la so easy by using this well-known regulator of the liver, kidneys and bowels. . FIRST CHOICE OF SUITS OR SPRING COATS and summer goods of the finest Quality and the nattems nf thr VArv I latest. LINO THE CUTTEIt Steam cleaning, pressing and altering Free delivery to any part of :hr city. LING THE TAILOR HIT Sfrnnd Ave. hone fit!) S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars' Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Oas St Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Ave. East Phone 83 THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, March n snap! crackle ! pop! 1 hats tne way Rice Krispies sound' when you pour on milk or cream. The crispiest cereal ever made t Rice Krispies are toasted rice grains. Golden-brown. Delicious for breakfast, lunch or supper. Add fruits or honey. Oven-fresh in the red-and-green package. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. RICE KRISPIES RICE IPSPIES RUCKAR00S BEATLI0NS Vancouver's Chances at First Place in Pacific Coast Hockey C Glimmering VANCOUVER. March 17. The j hopes of ( the Vancouver Lions of I finishing In first place in the Pact-Iflc Coast Hockey League further dwindled last night when they .. . . i r, . , taiiea xo overcome me one goat or Interesting Talk Given Last Mjhtlth(, whlrh tA(1 PnPl1anfl Rl, karoos scored 15 minutes after the start of the second period. It was an exciting contest with both teams turning in stellar defence nrfnrmjinrM Th" f.lnnn nntlpH Club a lengthy and interesting talk i Anrtv .,..,.hMH., rht.ro,. -ith last night on his recent trip to .., i ,. 7 RELIEF .Honolulu. It the . was regular mon-, ,, ,, tnrniiA K,oV k many scones are nearti ot tne abuse ot the relief meas' u"j uwe"'K "4 "1C t'u" wonderful Buckaro6 defence. res during the past winter,. It is probable that should nohli with" Irplif'nn H "Jhll ' ' e '0nS are Dac'c 'n l i 1,.. . . ' Tirsr. nin rn t npu miur win Tn a rp- lere be a recurrence of the conditions obtaining this naSt In ihA rhalr inter the method of relief will be changed to enable men The regular April meeting of the ho receive it to give service for the money received. Any club w111 teke torm ot a dinner :heme which does not include such a provision should be ?an'e when wives and lady friends iscarded ' nsembers will be entertained. The Daily News is not critical of what had beenrdone. ' " t was necessary to act quickly and riiake suitable ''provi-' u Mayne of the Canadlan Mar- T b i. i" u""u"utc"J' i' y, uc.iiwiue "l tue aysiem Anyox wlrelesatation, was a pas- nd we believe the mass of the citizens will agree that this sehger aboard the cauia this this i desirable. CRITICS OF GOVERNMENT Outside of the official leaders of the opposition in the egislature the chief critics of the Tolmie Government in -.e province have been Conservatives. They have been ery outspoken in their comment and have gone so' far as j pass resolutions of condemnaton in their associations, jme have gone so far as to openly ask for the return of . J. Bowser, a former Premier, to form a Government place of the one at Victoria. Nnder these conditons is difficult to see how the present (administration can )ng retain office. They have been criticised by their" own' ollowers and by their own newspapers but th 'h jive a afe majority in the Legislature and presumably intend t carry on until conditions improve or -they are forced j'om office. , . ' morning bound for Ocean Falli where he also hai installation work to carry out. Indigestion WKtft chronic, It btit rtlltvtd by Dr. Uiti'i Kldnty.LI.tr PHI. In mot canes, indigestion results from torpid liver and sluggiah bowel action, i b!ets lor tb stomach and aid to digestion fail in this chronic form of indirection. You must get the am bofor you can expect permanent re- lie! and I tbii this U U best best accomtliibed accomtJitbed bv by the ue of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver malntng two gamesnin the schedule at Portland on Thursday evening and Seattle on Friday. The league standing is now as follows : W. D. L.ForAg't P. Seattle 15 9 9 61 49 39 Vancouver 14 & 11 57 Portland 11 8 15 55 Tacoma 2 1 7 12 53 59 24 BADMINTON IN FINALS I.O.D.E Handicap Tournament To lie. Wound Up Friday Evening The following games were played during the week end and last night In the I.OD.E. Badminton Club handicap- tournament: I Mrs. Darton beat Mrs. Hermann, 11-2, 11-1. Mrs, Shadwell'beat Mrs. Walker. 11-3, 11-5. J. Norrlngton bea& A. E. Parlow. 15-11. 15-11. Mrs. Shadwell andIlss H. Wilson Murray beat Mrs. Darton and Miss V. Smith. 15-11, 17-18, 15-3. Mr. and Mrs. Shadwell beat Mr. and Mrs. Toombs, 15-9,15-8. Mr. and Mrs. Darton beat Mr. and Mrs. Parlow, minus 3-15, 15-8, 15-4. j Mr. and Mrs. Bartlettbeat Mr. and Mrs. Shadwell. 15-6, 15-7. ' Mr. and Mrs. Norrlngton beat Mr j and Mrs. Darton, 15-8, 15-9. j It. Bartlett and O. P Lyons beat A. E. Parlow and Wilson-Murray. (12-13, 15-5. 15-7. will be. played Friday Tne finals New samples Just arrived of spring nlghTaV follow.: R. Blance and scratch) vs. o. P. Bartlett (scratch). J. Norrlngton L,yons and R Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Parlow scratch vs. Mrs. Shadwell and Miss H. Wilson-Murray rscratch). J. Norrlngton "minus 5 1 vs SDar-ton 'scratch). Mrs. Shadwell (minus 7) vs. Mrs Darton (scratch). Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett (minus 1 ' vs. Mr. & Mrs. Norrlngton (scratch GOLF" March 23 Orotto vs. Dry Dock. Great West vs. Acme. Flying Corps vs. Hankers. Oen. Office vs. 75 Taxi. v' , March 30 Orotto vs. Acme. Great West, Vs. 75 Taxi. Flying Corps vs. Dry. Dock. Oen. Office vs. Bankers. ' j - rr n BADMINTON TOURNAMENT Premier and Prince Rupert to Meet" Here Tonight in First of Northern H.C. Title 'Matches An event;of mucrt Interest In local njortln circle will be the meeting of Premier and Prince Rupert bad-mintonyplayers at the Moose Hall here tonight irt competition for a cup presented by the Sun Life As surance Co., and emblematic of the Northern British Columbia cham pionship. The Premier player arrived in he city from the north on the teamsr Cattla thin morning and ere wefcomed on arrival by offl-lals of the Prince Rupert Badmin ton Club. They will return north in the Prince George tomorrow after noon. The ownership of the Sun Life -up will be decided by1 the side which has. the greatest number of vina on the aggregate In the tour-tament to be held here tonight and mother to be held at Premier to-vard the end of the month. 1 Following is' the draw for tonight, names of Premier players being ven .ftel in each ease: Singles-iN. T. Langford vs. Wm. Tobey, Jr?,.. O'FarreH vs. Ronald Allen. . .. Doubles S, ' Embleton and J. B. MINIATURE GOLF PLAY Acme Had Low Team Score Last Nisjht and Sadao Suga Low Individual Score Team scores were as follows: Acme. 316; General Office, 352. Grotto. 353; Bankers. 302. Great Wist Life. 332: N, B. C A. 334. World's Charnpiop Sled Teami Vat son t; Frank Russell and Wm. ' uamble; A. D. Coggan and F. Mc- (Prince Kupcrt Hotel and Oddfellows 'hertori vs. Shelford Darton and C. ; Tie for Second Place !. Norrlngton. in Cribbage Singles -NT. Langford vs Ronald j , , , Allen; B. OTarrell vs. William To-! Prince Rupert Cribbage League bey. irelu last night were as follows:, Doubles S. Embtetoh and J. B. Prince Rupert Hotel 14, Hawks 13. Watson vs. Shelford Darton and C. J. Norrlngton; A. D. Coggan and F. McPherron vs. Frank, Russell and William Lamble. John Frelperg and TedThye Grapple In Tacoma Tonight i TACOMA, March 17 A wrest-' ling match of more than usual In-; 'erest will take place here tonight I In i " s - ; ' " V. i" . ; , I i 16! German team. In Ulelf sled Deuflschland I., in which they won the world championship for sp-icd run down the steep hiii ui St. Moritz. Switzerland, recently. MOOSE HAVE l LONG MARGIN Toe H. 10. 1.O.O.F. 17. levator 1L Six Musketeers 16. Moose 18, Grotto 11. Eagleti 12. Knights of Columbus 15. SealiCove 13, Operators 14. LEAGUE TABLE Moo " ... " 188 ' I. O. O. F 148 Seal Cove 134 Six Musketeers .. 134 Orotto 133 Eagles 132 Hawks r 130 Operators 128 k. of c .".. .. 'tee" the meeting of John Freberg. ' claiming to be the Sweuish heavy- Toc jj ..j weight champion, and Ted Thye, j ' ; WAT A i-n V DAt-tlatirl MArttTarrlaM TVAt 105 124 136 136 137 135 140 M2, 142 uh 148 148 SSpflrteoriIs united States 185 148 134 134 133 132 130 128! 124 125 112 112 Hope for Indoor Tennis Contest I NEW YORK. Marfh 17 -Francis S. Shields, United States youthful (hope for the Davis Cup indoor ten-inls contests, scored his second Acme had the low team score of foree-hla.way.4nto.the. third round 316 In the City Miniature Oolf Lea- ,ot thenatlonal indoor tennis cham- gue at the Sunken Gardens last . v1""""' night. Sadao Suga had the low In dividual score of 74. C. N, R. TRAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 p.m. For EastMondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11 30 a.m. Georges Hui'.kenschmldt wresiing nhamplon of a past generatio n, within the confines of his fitudy at Nice where he is wrl ting a book of reminiscences FIGHT FANS SEEGURVICH Greatly Impressed By His Snappy Workout Last Evening About three hundred fluht followers wre on hand last evening at the Empress Social Club to see Nltu Ourvich in action and were well pleased at the splendid showing of the local boy. Nina appeared to be m the pink of condition and gave a real snappy workout. Friday night's ten round bout between Ourvich and Wendle should be one of the most interesting ever staged In the city, both boys being highly regarded for their fighting qualities and ability to deliver quick knockouts. Tonight Benny Wendle will hold his final public workout before the big match takes place on Friday night. GROTTO WINNER Almost Had Clean Sweep In Billiard Fixture Postponed games In the Elks- Grotto Billiard League fixture from last Monday night, were eteaaed up last night, the, Grotto winning 1244 to 1147, on the aggregate. Elks Balagno 21 Bray 340 Mitchell 250 Young Smith . Brown Waugh Grotto Andrews .. "owe McLachlan 2 c P. Balaioro iE) A. Murray (CD T p. Tinker (CL Don Brown E) Zleman (CD .. O. Waujh (Or .., J E. Smith (E 15 212 2 1147 250 250 349 . 250 980 1248 Th? league standing for the second half of the. season: ' Orotto 12 14842 1237 'Iks 14 13202 I0o Billiard Averages 24 22 22 14 19 23 5827 5392 5200' 3268 4388 334 1 3420 243 241 m 233 230 TS 228 C Baptle. UCftj.pjajU Uqwe (OJ 24 . 5431. - M McLachlan lO 23 5175 W Willlscroft (E)''. 15" 5328 M. Andrews (CL 23 5083 M ' May (G)" 8 ,1767 321 ' Andrews (0 22 4812 210 W Mlichell (E) ...24 5126 214 A. Macdonald (CD 7 1499 21 F H. Stephens IE) .. 5 1026 208 '" L Youngman (CD 4 814 304 T. Clough (O) 3 599 2W F Bray IE) 5 084 w W. Murray (E) ....... 8 H98 187 ,J- Scott (CD 1 "2 IT John Bulger (G) -.1 . W