FASHION SHOW AT THE CAPITOL Annette Provides Attractive Display Itetwren Acts Last Evening Orif of the feature attractions at TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA ItRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese UWSH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City E3H pAOB THREB TTIE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, March 17, 1931 Pascall's Easter Novelties JUST IN F!SM.Ass6rtmfen lit the City Price 5c. to $1.50 Bclcct yours Now. Also fine Assortment of Ganongs and Moirs' Novelties, Ltd. Zriw Pioneer DruQfisLs Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TIC AIL HltlTIMI COM MIUA Manufacturer of ELEPHANT llr.,i)(l (IIKMK.W. IKUTII.IIUS rriKinccin & Refiners of TADANAC Itriind ;i.t;Ti(()i,VTic 1 AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINO CADMIUM-IUSMUTH' UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mm mm rap I'rlurr Kupert f or Vanrumrr: UMAnil t tltY TltSIIAY. I JO I'M. Arriving Vancouver v. a Oceio Palla, ThurKtajr Noon approx, T.H.. 1 AKOIAA EVMtY tKlllAV MIIIMOIIT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight approx. Weekly tatflogs to Port SimpHOii. Alice Arm. Anyox. Stewart and Naaa River )(inii. Sunday, B OO p.m. Fir her information regarding all aallmxb and tlcktla at rillM r: Itl M'.KT .UltMV: Seronil Atrnur. I'huiie 5M I B.C COAST STEAMSHIPS wHi TtaWU. J H. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE FAILINGS HIOM PRINCE RUPERT l'o Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau, and Skagway. March 7. 18 and 28. To Vancouvet, Victoria, Seattle March 11 and 22. Priute Mkry Ocean Falls, etc. Vance utef ana Vic- ' toria. every Friday. 10 p m. , Azcnts For All Steamship Lines W C Orchard. Gen Axent. 3rdAv.. Prince Rupert, Pbon31. Coastal Steamship Service S.S.'TKINCK HI IMJn " or S.S.'TIUNCF GEORGE" lrar I'rinrr Rupert llnirwlajb 10.00 ii.m. fur Van router, ratlin, at Urean 1'alW anil I'nwrtl Ritrr. For An;o nl SliMrt. V nlneailaya, 4.00 p.m. Regular ervtc loMorlli ami Strflli (Juren Charlotte Wlanilt. Parlirular on requeat. TUUN SKIlVM'.r. Paaarnger Irnlna Irate Prince Rupert for F'ImnntOii. Viinnipetf ami pn'inta Fal eery Momlay. W r-'nrilav ami Sal unlay at 1 1 ..".Oa.m. Canadian B1afinal for .nfornuttion cull or itr.'.T R. F. McNAl f.llTON. District PaMengrr ,.rnt Prince lliiprrl. H.C V- 7 The Annette Fashion Show." Some of the most beautiful coats and gowns ever displayed here were shown last night.' Many of these are copies of New York and other eastern spring revues. Lace ensembles were the outstanding feature for afternoon or evening wear Printed georgettes, ensembles, the new fur fabric half coau, tweed coats, etc.. were shown to advan Capitol Theatre last night was!. k the following models: Phone 566 a specialtV tors., Harare, and Service Station DODGE ami BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors ' Pender and ijody work Ini-r'r- Vivien Hlckey, NeUle Gur- vlch. Verna Brochu, ui iverson Olive Brown, Ruby Krlkevsky, Victoria Krlkevsky and Pebble Stone The finale of the fashion revue una the bride attended by two bridesmaids. SPORT CHAT Renewing their argument for first nlacton the standing sheet, Grotto . r . .... a and Tjanadtan Legion win meei w night In the Billiard League, un tips are announced as follows. Don Brown Grotto i vs. A. Murray (Canadian Legion). George Waugh vs. O. P. Tinker. James Andrews vs. Marcus Andrews. George How, vs. Frank Zleman. M. M. McLachlan vs. Charlie Daily News "Wnnt Ads tuick results. brint it Local Items Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner's Store. "TmTa'f ternooH'stf aln7 cluT om the East al;.3,.3fl,,wajrepo,rJf)d this mornlngfUoi be bri time. ''. " Mrs. Dora. Larsen was fined $5 with option of' two days' Imprison ment. by Magistrate McClymont In city police court yesterday on a charge of vagrancy. Lots lust west of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral,, on, Fourth Avenue West are now being cleared preparatory to the erection there of a residence for the bishop. Some of the more Important Job's having .finished up, a number of men have been laid off from the local dry dock recently but it Is stated that there Is no truth to a rumor which has been circulating that the plant might close down entirely. The report of Fire Chief D. H. McDonald for the month of Feb ruary, presented to the cuy council last night, announced that there had been five fire alarms during tha month with damage of $7.70. Expenditures of the cie-j partment for the month had amounted to $1129.05. The usual inspections had been mace of fire equipment whieh was found to be in good order. . George Wilson, formerly busi ness manager of the Daily News and now manager of the Mining and Industrial Record of Vancou- 1. .1 4 t- ..HjL. .n VMn ver, writes mat iic upvu w iic visit in May from his mother and father, whose home Is near Glasgow, Scotland, and that, during their stay on the coast, he may bring them up to see Prince Rupert about which place they have heard so much. Mrs. Annette Woods of this city Lwas congratulated over the air from radio station KJR in Seattle last niRht on the occasion of her birthday. Incidentally, a number was played in her honor,, on re quest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dutfet of Ilyder.ljj J Je Jlrrr&r prietress of "Annette Ladles' Ready to Waar." An Ocean Falls request was also played during the evening by the same station. In response to inquiries. City Engineer F. N. Good stated at last night's council meeting thatthreu school xohe signs were all ready for Installation In the vicinity- of the Intersections of Fifth and Sixth Avenues on Fulton Street. After some discussion, it was de-eMed to leave the location of the figM to the discretion of the engineer. The necessity of such signs had been brought up some time ago by Aid. S. D. Macdon- aW. Aid. Collart drew attention at last night's council meeting to the dangerous condition of the side walk on the west side of Fifth Street between Third Avenue ana Prase r Street. Aid. Kuddtrham pointed out that a construction bylaw for a new aidewalk here had been passed and the Board of Works was just awaiting word as to finances before going ahead with the work. The old sidewalk had already been barricaded of! the city engineer stated.- . NOTICE . Owing to various rumors in clrculaUon to the effect that lbm gotng out of bus! ness,' J wish to statf that there Is no truth lri this-whatsoever, and hope to be in business far many years JUST TRY FtaSHT'ISJI Si OHJPS and be convinced.; R. R. STRACIIAN, Prop. Fish and Chip Shop l'lione Black 936 I r:,v :Edr Sal ' aw . .at m Gas Boat "PEG." 35 feet long, equipped with a 30 horsepower Kelvin engine. Built for a fish packer or cannery tender. Bids will be re ceived by the undersigned up to noon, March 21. 1931. The highest or any ' .tender not necesarily accepted. Boat may be seen at the Pacific Salvage Company's float, this city. C. L. MONROE. ii)4) Official Administrator. "Your Vegetable Compound Is a good medicine. Anyone who is in poor health should not hesitate to try it. When I was taking the Vegetable Compound I tried Ithe sample Liver Pills I found in the package. I have taken them every night since and I can feel. myself improving. I am so thankful for the good they do me that I hs've told several women about it." Mrs G. W, Poslijf, 263 Huron Sr., Stratford, Ontario. EnBgQXZfflKSSEBHBM BOXING, Wendle vs.Gurvich, tO rounds. Friday. Maich 20 at ihc f-mpress Social Club Arena. 63 The LiHt Beauty Parlor. Mrs. oulhei;ai.d, will be opened lor business March io with the la'est aid up-to-the minute Ideas in beauty culture. 64 Accounts of the city tor tne two weeks ending March 13.. totalling $26570 were passed for payment at last night's council meeting. The list Included. $435.40 in relief disbursements during the fortnight. A recommendation from the fi nance committee :that an applica tion of Thomaa-McClymont to purchase tax sale rights to lot 5, blk 8. section 7i. for Ihe sum of $24.22 iplus interests boiwccepted was ad opted by the city counell last night. The city council last night gave the order 'to MeRae Bros. Ltd. for supply, at a tender of $178.83, of 1931 Uterature to the civic reading room. The only oth er tender was one of $174 from Rose, Cowan & Latta. Aid. James Black mentioned that the cost or ( reading literature - seemed to oe mounting gradually year after year, Doug. Frlneil. who has been on a two-mjnths' holiday trip in the course of which he travelled via California and the Panama Canal to New York and Montreal, thence home across the continent, stop ping off at a number of the large cities enroute, returned home on Uiis afternoon's train. The trip was a wonderful experience, Iv ays. . ANNOUNCEMENTS ' f St. Patrick's Conceit,' CathoUc Hall, March 17. Presbyterian Shamrock Tea, on March 17, in Church Hall. Inter-City Badminton Tournamentpremier vs. Rupert, followed by dance. Moose Hall, March 17 Rebekah Whist and Bridge, Met-ropolc Hall. March X. Admission 50c. . " . I BapVst Easter Sale AprU 2. Raster Concert April B and 7. Direction Alex A. Connon, Moose Hall. Annual Daffodil danee, I.O.D.E Hall, Easter Monday. CathoUc . womenViLoague Spring Sale AprU 8. United Church iRaster Basaai. " April 9 Anglican Cathedral Easter Sale April 9. Crib and Whist League Banquet Commodore Cuff April 10. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 16 Oyro Hoedown May 1. Parent Teachers Wednesday at 8. Ladies' Golf League tonights-Sunken Gardens. Billiards tonight Grotto vs. Canadian Legion. . Glasses fitted fty registered, optometrist at Uchbroneri store. 0 Anglican W. A. St. Patrick's Tea at Mrs. B. I. Melllsh, March 19. Benpy Wendle works out tonight 7 pjn. at the Empress Social Club Arena. Public cordially invited. 64 D. G. Esselmont of. the drawford Transfer Co. Ltd. staff at Stewarij was a passenger aDoara me uaia-la this morning bound for a trip to Vncoouver. ' Mrs. Charles Barrett of Barrett Lake, who arrived in the city on Sunday from the interior sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. O. E. Gulick, local manager of. the Swift-Canadian Co., returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a brief trip to Stewart on company business. Mrs. Ella Shumway, who hasj fceen visiting at Blllmor with her j daughter, Mrs. .B. E. Morgan, Willi leave on tomorrow morning's train) returning to her home near Mln-j neapolls. I Union steamer Catala. Capt. A.1 E. Dickson, returned to port at 10 o'clock this morning from An-, yox, Stewart and otner northern i points and sailed at 1.30 this af ternoon for Vancouver and way- ports. Speaking before the Gyro Club In Victoria last week, Mrs. E. L. Crawford, who has not been out-Side the Peace River district since she went there In 1913, urged. among other things, a Pacific Coast outlet for the northern agricultural country. John A. Anderson, road superln-i tendent for Atlln district, who has . and will proceed tomorrow afternoon on the Prince George to his headquarters In Anyox. Northland NavigaUon Co.'s mo- 'orshlp liner Northland. Capt. Len o'clock to 9.30 this morning to dis charge a carload of fresh fish for transshipment East over the Canadian National Railways. On recommenoatlori of 'the finance committee, the city council last night agreed that lot 16, block 26. section 1. should be exchanged with Nick Gurvlch for lot 7, block 22, section 5. on which a city sewer was built last year, providing he pays the sum of $200 and the 1931 taxes. Aid. Collart. chairman of the finance committee thought the deal would be advantageous to the city as there would be considerable more taxes forthcoming from Mr. Ourvlch's new 'ot which is located on Third Flower Society Asks City Help In Beauty Plan Great Offerings FOR FISHERMEN ... Black Diamond Fisherman's Coats and $345 ..Pants,'. at per garment Fishermen's three-quarter length. Boots, $5,75 Goodrich Hi-Press, best makes,, per pair Also great assortment of Master Mechanic and Great West, union made Mackinaw Coats, Blazers, and Pants at very greatly reduced prices. Extra heavy, Fishermen's reversible Gloves, 2.35 Special, per dozen These arc only for a few days RUNNING SHOES Big assortment of Men's, Boys', Women's and Children's Running Shoes at 25 per cent less than in any other store in town. MONTREAL IMPORTERS Robin! Hood FLOUR Makes Better Bread, Cakes & Pastry CANADIAN MADE GOOD been visiting Stewart on official!, . , , ii.rj Gui, aunes. arrivea in tne cuy on me Catala this morning from there l Vs Ivvi vi i - va iiunaiu aj ! Was Marked With Great Success in Paper Trade MONTREAL, March 17 C. Howard Smith, president of the Howard Smith Paper Mills Ltd., and former nresldent of the Canadian Williams, bound from Ketchikan 1 Manufacturers' Association, who to Seattle, called in port from 7 died herb suddenly yesterday of heart failure at the age of 58, was another example of a Canadian who made good in a big way. Born at St. John's, Quebec, 1873, he was educated in the public and High Schools there and commenced his career with his late fa ther. Edgar Russell Smith, in the publishing and printing business in the little town of his birth. Joining the Canada Paper Co. for one year, he accepted the manage ment of the Klnlelth Paper Mills where he stayed for three years. ' Starting In business as a paper Jobber In 1900. the late Mr. Smith; In 1912 organized the Howard! Smith Paper Co; and, after build- j lng his first mill at. Beauharnols for the making of high grade pa-: per,' he organized the Howard; Smltli 'Mllle Ltd. The high grade j paper met with tremendous pop- ularity and In 1916 it became nec- j essary to purchase the mill at; Crabtree Mills, Quebec. In 1819 Mr. Smith purchased all shares in Toronto Paper Co. at Cornwall and became president, adding" four machines and one pulp mill to the production of Howard Smith Pa per Mills. Eventually nc occame The Prince Rupert Flower Society . ldent or dlrcctor of many 0f last night asking for assistance in the way of pulling stumps and hauling soil In connection with a plan Fulton Street to Fourth Avenue W. for beautifying the cinder trail from The matter 'was referred to the Board of Worksfoc report. , Sympathy was expressed for any move such as this, to wards beautlfl-cation of the city's appearance. Miss Lenox Is Speaker Ad kressJMgillcanfVonO's.xig lary TctftefdayoinTork Among Japanese Mlss E. O. Lenox addressed a sewing meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Cathedral Interestingly yesterday afternoon on her work among the Japanese. Mrs. Thomas Andrew, president of the the most Important pulp and pa Woman's Auxiliary, presided over , Mabel the meeting, which was held In the Swanson rser companies in Ontario and Quebec. Outside his own business, the : late Mr. Smith's talents were also recognized and he became presl- dent ofth,c Canadian Pulp and. Paper Association In 1917 and pre-j stdent of' the Canadian Manufac-1 turers' Association from "1923 to 1921. Besides his widow, the late Mr. Smith is survived by one son, Ed- j ward Howard Smith, managing! director of Howard SmlthijPapcr Mills Ltd. His recreation were .golf and horses. In politic he was a yonsemtjve. j 0M The case of Mabel Tlbblts. char- ged with being the keeper of a disorderly' ( house, occupied all thlsj morning in city police court, before Magistrate 'McClymont ' and was adjourned until this, afternoon. E. F. Jones, city solicitor, is prosecuting while T. W. Brown is acting for the defence. Charges against Raleigh and Andrew of being Inmates will be Cnthedrnl Hall. There was a large proceeded with after the Tlbblts attendance tjf members. 'case is disposed of. Wednesday Special RED CURRANT JELLY ROLL 20 cents The Electric Bakery The store of service te quality We Deliver Phone 667 DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat At St. Elmo Hotel Eyes Tested For Glasses HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot .ind cold water in all rooms A. J. PRUDIIOM.ME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser und Fifth 8ts. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, ITop THE liom HOKTM WHILE Hut ft Cold Water; Bttam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlrphonr tHI Royal Mah Fen, city; Mrs. kle, Vancouver. L. Van Wln- Boston Grill Phone 457 P-lnce Rupert Larxr Cn'arct SPECIAL MNNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday NitM, 9 to It Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties 5 :: Kaien Motors General Limited Garae and Station Service CHEVROLET and IIUICK Open Day and Night Phone 32 Third Avenue