In TAXI Day Night and Tomorrow's Tides She The only reliable service In town Wednesday, March 18, 1931 High 1.05 a.m. 19.7 ft. For Quick, I 1 13.04 p.m. 20.1 ft. Service .11 flfl Low' 7.12 a.m. 5.9 ft 19.25 pan. 4.0 ft. 1 mm NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER . a PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTJj iOML IEAMR5 KEYNOTE SPEECH SEATTLE COUNCIL HURLS GAUNTLET DOWN TO MAYOR Confidence Is Voted In Official Fired By Edwards Election Eve Impeachment of Puget Sound City Chief Magistrate Requested by Citizens' League, But Decision Reserved SEATTLE, March 17. In a dramatic session here, yes- -relay afternoon, the city council openly threw down the uimtlet to Mayor Frank Edwards, even going so far as ; discuss his impeachment. The council, with the single i wption of Aid. Erickson, voted confidence in J. D. Ross, i Trail superintendent of the light department, whom LEAVES FOR VANCOUVER Departure of Rev. John Kennedy From City Regretted Was Honored By Senior Boys' Club -ine mayor dismissed from office on , the eve of the recent civic elec- tion. The council further intimated that it would Insist on Ross' reinstatement by refusing to confirm any successor whom Mayor Edwards might nominate. The council referred Ip com- mittee-as-a-whole, a request from I the Citizens' League for lmpaach- v John Kennedy, who has been mcnt of Mayor Edwards on eleven .i.Dlying in the pulpit of the First ipecific charges. These charges F ijyurian Church for the past 'have largely to do with appotat- months, returned to Vancouver! menU made by Mayor Bd wards : uxiay's boat. 'which are claimed to nave been A' the soeelal reoueat of Rev. Dr. not in the public Interest, M Broth, trfrteiKl of'tnsiijryearf'f. -The-'-vote f enffdeDee in trW uding. Mr. Kennedy remained to former light superintendent came urt Rev. W. D, Grant Holling-jailer Mayor Edwards had pre-I tented his report as to why Ross v. i h lust evening. Mi Kennedy has had a wide ex- ' lii ncp both home and abroad. As udent in the mission fields of .,;" U. lie had the honor of being it : i the supervision of the great ip nntendent and statesmanVRev. D: Robertson. During his stay in Prince Rupert M; Kennedy has associated himself v 'i: other organisations In the city had been dismissed. Row reply to charges made by Mayor Edwards was also. read. . : UNDERWENT MAJOR OPERA- ' TION ON MONDAY SEATTLE. March 17 J. D. of Seattle and Beverley Hills California, underwent a major op-ret friends who all -i has made many , his departure and wish him oration in a hospital yeaterday. It of hoped that he wM make a jl v success in his new sphere , ,, speedy recovery. City Council To Lead Crusade With View To Having Province Put Downtown Block On Market After hearing a letter from the provincial superin-' tulent of lands who announced that,; after giving the matter careful attention, it had been decided that thdtime as not opportune to place the old CttirtJ Square on the market so action to this effect had been deferred, the city ouncil, at its meeting lust rifetjmajjge; ill fthe council head a crusade with a VdllUIl IVUMlUlUlm nronerty on the public mar ket. The idea of the mayor was that all public and semi-public bodies in the city be requested to .hnuror the government with pe- Htirttm to sell the block. His Wor4 lhip felt that everyone in Prince ) evening the senior boys' club Rupert heartily favored una r,. m v, mihmi jhn-nnrfv heine dlsDOsed of by the gov- ml took possession. Approach to1 of toxation besides mak-..r house was heralded by St. Peter's .,x(.eiient, property In the cen- i-M'Ur cry. section avail- tre o tne business Alter gumes ana? rcf rphments j abJe for bulldlnK purposes. He i' tub presented trtCiCanon with th nt uie . government vor butlfuUriimed picture of i hQuW ftt le&st flx R tRir upte( Piliu-e Hurierf sunset. The Canon I . , fh ,,ronertv so that m;racWabr5y-re!ry. m;racWappfepry. Then Then to to Tom Tom f f tlye B ,,'.. buver8 mlghtf miht, have a K mon. physical instructor, was . purcna(le. chase. m orntt efforts -on ociiiui u "lt I , wn. Cr,in(f to I UVl Wiilibft.v ' - con- Who Will It Be? Ptcnuf: 8 F Toimie INDUCTION 0FPAST0R Rev. W. G. Ilollinjworth is Formally Installed as Presbyterian Pastor LargeAttendance Reception is Tendered to New Mln-. Lster and His Wife t' The induction of Rev. W. D Grant HoUingworth, BA.. to Uie pastoral charge of First Presbyterian Church here took place last evening in the church in the presence of a large congregation composed of members and adherent of the church and also of ministers and representatives from the other churches of the city. The service of Induction was In oharte of Rev. J. Kennedy, assisted by Rev. H C. Fraser and the representative elder J. W. McKln- I. The sermon, which was appro-oriate to the occasion, was preach ed 1y Mr. Kennedy, who took as his text: "Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward." Mr. Fraser briefly Tela ted the stops which led to the congregation deciding to call Mr. Helllng-worth to be minister. Mr. Kennedy then proceeded with .the cere-. Continued on page lx.) FLIER IS MISSING Fears Cxprcwed for Safety of Pilot Fred Miller on Fairbanks-lkide night FARBANKS, Mar. 17.-Pilot Fred MlUer, head of the Independent Airplane Co., who left hereta weVk ago enroute to Bagle, hat hot been re ported. Fears axe expressed for his safety. TWO HALIBUT BOATS BRING FARES TOI1AY Twp lq4 halibut .boatr were In . mLL, and HettelL. iboth of 'H. T "si-T Aid. Collart thought thaw u um sJm. hald r ealchfe . . Wl&Wfiofandc r , . They disposed of, thaJr fhria to the and nAdn. cheers ; Unue to i wV? " sinking ought an exceptionally fine even-, pcrti'. 1 should lt JJJ ual terms. t It. wkly meet- Inatlve should the government stll. WHEAT at the end of this month until refuse to sell. omr thirty boys. donald. us- F me F 0 epu ssiiou council last n: V GRANTS ARE INCREASED Government to Pay Cities More Than Before on Teachers' Salaries Much Mackenzie King Assails Premier -Bennett on Unemployment Policy And LondoniGonference Attitude TWENTY KILLED Newfoundland Legislature journs After Receiving Report Frissell Missing Untold Suffering and Misery Was Endured by Stranded Men On Ice Floes. St. JOHNS Newfoundland. Mail 17 Capt. Abram Kean and 117 i!Rank'sibf;the:Workless Have Been Swelled Rather Than f ; ' 'Diminished, " Says Opposition Chief Condemns Unfriendliness to Mother Country OTTAWA, March 17. Sneakine for four and a half Ad- hours in one of the longest addresses that has ever been j heard in the House of Commons, Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie ; King, leader of the Liberal Opposition, yesterday opened ; fire on the Bennett government. It was the Liberal key-' note speech in the debate on the reply to the Speech from the Throne. Former Premier Klnq1 I directed his fire almost pntirclv :it . Premier Bennett, particularly at- J? pi p III tacking the Prime Minister's at- Iliijljii-ll 1 J tltude- at .the imperial Conference ' tor; .King moved an amendment torthe ; reply thathe policies of th men q his crew on the scallhirWInt.lia m" W P"Hiuce steamer Viking, which exploded and sank oft Horse Island Sunday night with the loss of twenty-five 1 lives, have reached Horse Island A letter frorra the superintendent after twenty-tour hours of suf- had. on the oUier hand., swelled the panics of, unemployed. The amfndment criticized the proposals of the Prime Minister to the Imperial' 1"'lTClta' Conference, asserting b that ui City Will Not of March, SHUT OFF it is officially announced thai direct relief will all be cut off by the city at the end of March, owing leunosd to the city ! fertas and misery on the iee floes. 1 wu'""c"re; to appropjdfltlpMiatJtnat pur-r-ths ft was pm- NWthts-effeetrirmn Ul ,VI0'httd te8POIt -pose having bemxtZsd. This posed at the present' session of the O. Bartlett. 18-year old wireless LoelflAtUrp tn SO imrad the Rrlura- nnnmlnr nil tha Tihni) le. It waa proposed to raise thei-raman: Russell Harry Sareent. ex- grant to 45 per cent., this aim to ap ply to dental surgeons and nurses In connection with schools. plorer: Capt. W. Kennedy, navigator; 3. Murphy, chief engineer; F. Fernell second engineer; H. Hannl- Explaining more definitely what ford, third engineer; Dr. the amended grant by the govern- Roach, ship's physician; ment would mean, Mayor Orme'rejeag operator; and pointed out that, on a $1600 salary i steward. W. J. C. King. xor instance, me government wouia ; The mate. Alfred Kean. Is stUl on now pay $720 as against $420 for- !. with a broken leg. merly. or an increase of $300. Grants dory, containing seven men, live on all teachers' salaries would be or whnm anoeared to be badlv hurt proportionately Increased. The proposed new legislation designed to come into effect April, this your. FARMER IN RASH ACT I was seen at daylight today five miles '''off Labrador attempting to reach In i Mnru Island hut thir kiimm an. avsisvsaasx av stitiiist vi v tvnvuw a wftlch was expected this afternoon ST. JOHNS. NFD.. March 17. Tragcd) at Rojul Park. Six Miles Premier Sir Richard Squires read! North of Vegreville, Yesterday .yaaterday a message from Horse) Island stating that a portion of( VEGREVILLE.. Alberta. March 17 tiie crew of the sealing ship VI-; -KlHing hlwtfewtthabtewfromikln rtivI. It is reported a broad axe as she waa milklna a! mtfCi wer Wng on ice floes cow yesterday. Steve Jahnltskl. aged 40. a farmer at Royal Park, six miles north of Jiere. set fire to his straw stack, climbed on top drove a knife three timet into his j body and died ENGINEER;' IS COMING Port Engineer is Coming to Canada at Behest of Federal Government which have broken up. The Assembly adjourned after hearing the meaaage. Owners Advised NEW YORK. March 10 Bowr lng BrOB., Ltd . owners of the Seal- Jahnltskl sent a note with his er Viking, received word yester-young chlldn-n to his wife-s bro- day that the Viking exploded off ther advising him of his' deed It rV J declared T, ' 1 Z . ,7u , "'applies to both meal tickets and the that, if the ence. poll- ,..),, nt ,h. kc- im. tton Act as to permit of materially Among the missing are Varick'vie ' w,c pwsisiea. g ta tabinS Xne to municipalities In respect to tea- making sound movies of tire ocean;' I181 At the Preaent ,me wiu be n chers salaries. In second class cit- I hisomnaniona A. E. Penrod. ca ru tenslfled rather than relieved. ;wtn have to rustle for themselves, Mr. King asserted that Mr. Ben-nett's''methbd of approach'! the Imprlal'.' Conference resembled nothing more closely than the presentation of an ultimatum to an unfriendly "nation on the eve ot S. Ulett, i war. had He charged that the Premier attempted coercion with re spect to the government of Great Britain, that he had Interferer In the domestic politics of the Moth er Country and that he had as- sumed a petulant and childish attitude when his proposals were' crlticlied by Rt. Hon. J. H. Thomas peared to be doubtful. There areltn the British House pf Commons, were no medical or food supplies , u,. posals. Continue After End It is Announced increased granU by the sovernment , Prlswll. young New Yorker, who was :vcr wwua.conaiuons wnicn ex- handling these will departments be definitely ! closed and. from that time, the men SKIPPER i IS DEAD Capt. C. C Ktlby, Dean or Canadian Fishing- Co. fleet. Passes Vancouver VANCOUVER. March 17 Capt. p. E. KUbjr, aged 60, senior skip, per of the Canadian Fishing C0.4 fleet. Is dead here. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, March 17 Wheat was quoted at 875-8c. on the local Exchange yesterday. Eliminate New Income Tax and Boost Liquor Prices Is Policy Advanced by Member for Skeena VlCTOUIA, March 17. Critcizing the intention of the, government to hring in & tax on incomes over $12 per week which, he said, would take some of the bread and milk from, the tables of the poor, Dr. H. C. Wrinch, Literal nipntliflr1 fni Sknnnn nnnpaWl tn thp miniRt.rv in thr T,prr?.c Horse Island. White Bay .New-ij A.i.. . ' ..if.. :! a w raise ue in me new 'foundland. kUllns twenty persons.; yewoniay e.xempuuns t,ax iThe message said Uiat men walk-1 lng ashore reported twenty dead All the crew have not landed yet.' A steamer with doctors and nurses i on board has been despatched to' j',o clear those On whom it would fall too harshly. He maintained that a traded tax would be fairer In place- of the additional income taxation, the province might well infor- follow the example of Ontario and the assistance. Only meagre matlon Is available. Th Vlklne whon the tracedv oC raise die prices 01 liquor, ui. Wrinch. aald. This, he declared. curred. was chartered for taking would not take -food off the ta-motion oleture on the Atlantic I Wea qt the needy and would be ' Ocean borne by those who' could: weM af- OTTAWA. March 16-Slr Alex-, Jhe' of fhe injured were ford to pay. 1 - s' , ' , :. ISSi rmf wltn" 'hQtmy muUlat 10 Hon. N. A LoWheed; mWr of , glneer, will come to to Canada with- many losing legs and arms or both. . (n a few weeks to conduct & sur- jlnd. defended Uie governments vey of all marine shipping centres: nrpiTUrD DCDflDT ("ighF Icy In tne construe-in Uie Dominion. It was announced WLAlHtK KLlUlXl Uon of road in BriUsh Columbia. vn.tM-ri.iv hv ttnn A frMl Uuran. oeciareu uiai uie worit wouia - leau. minister of marine Sir Alexander will advise the government and prepare plans for dcvelooment of each port for the 'next, twenty-five or thirty yeura.. Kingdom where, he said there would he opportunity of increasing :he timber exports of the province. TRIAL IS RESUMED Bowles-Lour ks .Murder Hearing Ii , .Proceeding Again ftHLESBORO, March 17 The trial of Nelson C. Bowles, wealthy young Portland broker, and bis paramour. ( ,e v M- V.M . nvM.w liuia J. UUUtM. KUV UliUCl WUJT Prince Rupert Cloudy, light, be" an Investment of permanent again yesterday Bowles and sev southeaat wind: barometer, 29.80: nature, yielding a dividend of six eral members of the Jury were suf sea smooth. i percent annually. He advocated th" flcieptly recovered from recent at- Triplc Island Cloudy, light. Rending of a British Columbia ; tcks of influenza to return to the southeast wind; sea smooth. lumber commissioner to the United courtroom. .