Dr Alexander FREE DEMONSTRATION OF lovers Form Corsets IIrs. R. S. Vass, demonstrator of Woolnough's Corscticrs of Toronto, will give a Free Demonstration of. .. Lovers Form Corsets in Mrs. H. S. Parker's Store cm Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mrs, Vass is one of the most capable persons in her line on the cohti-nent. Every lady should avail herself of this opportunity. A cordial'invitation is extended to you. ' .rz-,... . - 1 -,l i CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND X-RAY StRVIC'E- ' V' PHONE 575 IIKSNLTl BLOCK DENTIST 4 . SHIPYARD OPERATING (i. T. I. 20.00U-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK hnjfinccr. Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All1 Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK CO! Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPEinyiJ.C. OUR COAL IS IK A DRY SIILD When you are buying coat look on the economical side of life. It you buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. PEMISINA LOO Delivered, Per Ton $18.50 MINEIIEAD LOG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 13.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 COAL jf Buy the real Coal our fa-Oou Edkon and Cassidy-Welllngton in any quantities. 11 AWo nulkley Valley Hay Grain and Robin Hood Hour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Early Ad. Copy is appreciated FLEW SOLO FLIGHT Mile. Mury.se HUsz. lending French aviatrix, at Le Bour-get Field, Paris, beslae plane In which she flew solo from Villacoublay, France, to Saigon, Indo-China, and return. HALF OF SEAL COVE CIRCLE TO BE GRADED The city council last night gave introductory readings to a local mprovrment bylaw providing for the grading of the northeast hah of Seal Cove Circle between Fifth and Seventh Avenues. Inaugurating the company's ten day spring schedule to Alaska. C. P.R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. Albert Rippon, will arrive here tomorrow morning from Vancouver enroute to Skagway. The vessel's schedule calls lor her to return here southbound next Sunday She Couldn't Be Hoodwinked. Miss E. Thomson, of Clapham, writes: "I find that Carter's Little1 Liver Pills will do more to keep the complexion clear, and the akin free from blemishes, than all the fare creams I have used. I found the real cause of face blemishes was usually due to liver and stomach troubles. My druggist recommended them ui a specific for stimulating the liver and expelling the constipation poisons from the system." Take Carter's Little Liver Till for sick headache and tnriigfPtlnn. All druggists 25? and 75c rcdpkgs. INDUCTION' OF PASTOR (Continued from rage bne) mony of inducting Mr. Holllng-worth to the pastoral cnarge ot the congregation, after which he delivered the charge to the newly Inducted minister. Eloquently and earnestly, Mr. Kennedy stressed the great importance of prayer in the life of the minister who, day by day, sought to Influence for good the lives of the people under his pastoral care. He told of the great men of the Presbyterian Church whom he had met and worked with, and. that all those who had had the greatest influence upon his Iife and upon his work as a minister in the old land and in the great Canadian West had all been men of prayer. Mr. Fraser then delivered the charge to the congregation and told what the congregation could expect from the minister and what the minister could expect from the congregation. He briefly reviewed some of the duties of the minister; his pulpit work, organisation work, visiting the sick, pastoral calls and then stressed the importance or the congregation seeing that their minister had time for quiet study and meditation. Reception Is Held After the Induction service a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Holling worth, arranged by the Ladles' Mfl , of the church, was held in the! church hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKinley, Mrs. D. C. Stuart, and W. W. C. O'Neill received the con-1 sregatlon and visiting friends an.l ntroduced every person present to; Mr. and Mrs. Hollngworth. Mrs.' Wm. Anderson and Mrs. S. Massey, poured and delicious refreshments were served Dy me Tnemoers oi the Ladies' Aid, assisted by the young ladies of the congregation under the joint, convenershlp or Mrs. W. jw C. O'Neill, and Mrs. A. C. Clark, assisted by Mrs. II. M. i Foote. Mrs. C. Ham. Mrs. I. Waugh ,Mrs. R. Cameron, and Mrs.Moxley. 'The table was beautifully decorated with green candles and Irish emblems and the walls of the hail kaily decorated with shamrocks and green and white emblems and streamers. A short program of music and addresses followed under the chairmanship of J. W. McKlnlev. Short addresses of welcome to the new minister and his wife were delivered by Very Rev. Dean Gibson. Commandant Kerr, Rev. C. E. Motte. Rev. Dr. Dafoe, Rev. Mr iMcKenzie, P. ). Linzej and Miss I. Haddock who represented Rev. A. Wilson. Rev. J. II. Hanson was also present and brought greeting from his congregation. v Mrs. J .Waugh and Mr. J. A. Teng, accompanied by Mrs. J. S. Black, rendered beautiful solo during the "reception, while J. E. Davey. accompanied by Mrs. H. C. Fraser, sang during the Induction service. At the conclusion of the reception. W. W. O. O-Netll. on behalf of the congregation, expressed the deep debt of gratitude the church owed to Rev. J. Kennedy for so faithfully remaining here during the vacancy and for his splendid services during that time and for taking charge of the induction service. Mr. O'Neill then presented to Mr. Kennedy a beautiful parting gift as a small token of the esteem which the congregation bears to him. Mr. Kennedy suitably replied. The meeting closed with the audience singing the Doxology. I MEAT Market I Pork Specials Fresh side Pork, 3 lbs. for . 45c. ' Shoulder Pork, 3 lbs. for 60c. Loin of Pork, 4 lbs. for $1.00 Loin Pork Chops, per lb. 25c. Pork Steak, 2 lbs. for 35c. Let. of Pork, per lb. sic., Sparc Ribs, 2 lbs 35c. Mussallem's Meat Market Phones 18 Sc 81 417 Fifth Ave. L. I DOWNTOWN I SIDEWALKS Number of Projects Ileitis; Provided for Prudhomme Given Permission to Build' ! His Own After some discussion, the'SClty council last night adopted a report from the Board of Wqrks, recommending that A. J. Prudhomme be granted permission to construct the concrete sidewalk fronting the Sa voy Hotel on Fraser Street, subject to the city engineer's plans and specifications, his property to come under bylaw costs pro rata after the whole block has been provided with such a sidewalk as provided for in a local Improvement bylaw which has been already put through. The Idea is that Mr. Prudhomme shall carry the work out at his own expense and will be reimbursed by the city on the proper pro rata basis, then as suming his regular payments under the 20 year plan. Should it cast Mr. Prudhomme more to construct the sidewalk than it does the city, he will h-ive to foot the overage. Mr. Prudhomme asked permission to do the work himself since "he intends at Um same time to make repairs to the foundation of his hotel. Action was, deferred on a request from D. Zarelli that he be allowed to construct a concrete sidewalk on Sixth Street alongside the Royal Hotel since a bylaw has already been put through providing for an as-oh-Jlt1': sidewalk on the west side of Sixth Street between 3rd Ave. and Fraser Street. This bylaw would have to be amended before Mr. Zarelli could get the permission to construct a concrete walk, the city solicitor ruled. Efforts will be made to have the rest of the property owners concerned agree to Mr. Zarelli putting in his concrete sidewalk while they draw up a new petition providing for the asphaltmidewalk for themselves if they so desire. By following this course, there will be a minimum of delay in getting the work under way. In addition to these, -there were a number' of other items on last nignts council meeting agenda affecting public works. An initiative bylaw providing for, a 17-foot as-phaltic sidewalk on the west aide of Seventh Street from First Avenue to Seeond Avenue was put through its Introductory readings. The Council gave Introductory readings to repeal of Initiative and construction bylaws covering a concrete sidewalk on the east side of Seventh St.. between Second and Third Avenues. On completion ot repeal, a new initiative bylaw to provide for an asphaltlc sidewalk here will be introduced. The width will be 17 feet. An Initiative bylaw for a 17-foot asphaltlc sidewalk on the south side of Second Avenue from Seventh St. to Eighth St. was given Introductory readings. Fred Joudiay, wno has been in Stewart, returned to the city from the north on the Catala this morning. fH ylsBf ' " ' ' ' 'sEkBBBBBBBBCl mi' T ALSO IN IMPERIAL. CALLON JARS 25 PLUS 30rOR CONTAINER nrtKMBlQ ' MATURED AVP COTTLED BY VICTORIA WINERIES (MIIIS.H UMfU)UMITTP VICTORIA aC( This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the GovernmiMit of British Columbia Pi iiiiaiiaiKM'iiiKimacniairiiiu::!!;!:;,'!:!:!;!;;''!, rr-.,. www 1 rH Mon. & Tues. B TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 P.M. J. "Harold Murray and Fifi Dorsay in ' Women Everywhere . WITH GEORGE GROSSMITH and CLYDE COOK A Musical Romance of the ForeiCn Lcjlon and Morocco 5 SEVEN NEW SONG HITS Novelty "THE PEST." Foblc TIIE IKON MN Annette's Spring Fashion Review at 8.50 g Admission 20c. St C5c. Feature starts at 7.35 and o --- Wednesday and Thurday "THE OFFICE WIFE IB f B 1 4BJ.BJB IB I'B IB IB BB 'WIBIB EB IB I'BJ'BCB ri I j IN A I orcoiwo I AiSC: Batt.tu Scotland A fcaj old Scots whisky distilled, ii ij I... uicnucu, agcu-in-uie-wooa ana most important of all . , . BOTTLED ... in Scotland. Famed since 1807 for its outstanding . quality. Imported in 26't oz. and 40 or. bottles only. Sealed with the con. venient measuring cap. "Smooth as a kitten's urist" (DcGJLUims Soots (Ghisky CNeUR;Mfjrouhdcd LONDON "hiis advertisement Is not published or d'splayed i '''' '-fouor Control Board or by the Government 01 British Columbia WHO 4fS would let titeii' hair Your pride prompt! you to keep your lialr rl) groniiu-l... then for ! name reason nmnrim our dull, unpolished linen rrpulurly wllh glonnv 4NiirbC HhlVjrprJfMlfn' tM Mi a BhoeausiliKilUhcat QjOT HUQGB SHOE POLISH Ijlic NUGGET TIN open) mlh a In til I m St i i 1 I i i s 4 i I i i i ti