PAOE BEE '..V.V.V.V.V.V 1 v i Imp , u i The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. BULKLEY VALLEY COAL The Better Coal In 'buying Bulkley Valley Coal: You get the highest grade coal on this market; you keep your fuel dollar in your own section of the province ; you help solve the local unemployment situation ; you help develop a basic industry in, Central-British Columbia. In ordering insist on Bulkley Valley Coil. New Carrier Collection System In view of the depression and to make it as easy as. possible for people to pay, the Dally News Is to be sold on a weekly basis, payable In advance. The delivery boy will collect each Friday evening for the week following. He buys the papers and sells them to the customers, so there will be no credit given. The boy cannot afford It, Please do not ask him to return for the weekly payment. Have It ready for him. Customers now In arrears will pay the amount owing at the office, but this will have nothing to do with the regular collections made by the boy. He will be doing business on his own, and if he does not make his own collections will not deliver the paper. Those paid In advance wlll continue to receive the paper until the subscription expires. Any wishing! to continue the yearly pay ments may do so, and we pay the boy. The price of the paper will be 10c a week, payable strictly In advance. That means six papers for ten cents. It will take a few weeks to get the new.-system running smoothly, and in the meantime we ask for the co-operation of the readers of the paper. The routes not going on the new system this week will do so Just as soon as the lists are made up and the boys properly Instructed. Help the boys to set up In business for themselves! . :TS"T IBitnED A11D PltPDUED BYDRiTiSH CPLUMNAAETiSK AHD OtAFT5MEn FROM TMS 5TU0IO OP t mmm LIMITED Jtftf MYMOUft STREET VANCOUVER. S.O Were Married at Vanderhoof Miss Rhoda Annie Bown Becomes Bride of Carl John Lerum at Quiet Ceremony VANDERHOOF, Oct. 5. The marriage took place here a few days ago of Miss Rhoda Annie Bown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bown of Flnmoore, and Carl John Lerum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lerum. The ceremony was performed In the United Church Manse by Rev. R. O. Dunbar. Witnesses of the ceremony were Mr. .and Mrs. Meier. FINED FOR NOT PUTTING OUT HIS CAMP FIRE BURNS LAKE. Oct. 5.-Patrick Patrick, Babine Lake Indian, was fined $25 here by Stipendiary Magistrate R. W. McGowan for falling to extinguish a camp fire. JONES FAMILY MEAT MARKET 209 Second Street ! ' IjAMB LOIN CHOPS-i , ' 1 lb. X. SHOULDER . i 5 lbs STEW 2 lbs Phone 937 Two-Day Special Monday & Tuesday BEEP ROUND STEAK . 2 lbs RUMP ROAST- 0 lbs POT ROAST 7 lbs. PORK SHOULDER ROAST 0 lbs SPARE RIBS 3 lbs. . from CHOPS- 1 lb ... PORK STEAK 3 lbs SIDE PORK 2 4bs 35c $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 50c 25c 35c 25c 25c $1.00 25c Also All Kinds of Vegetables. We Deliver All Orders THE DAILY 551 CONCERT IS SUCCESSFUL New Musical Organization of Moose Lodge Makes Fine Impression Before an attentive audience of 350 persons the'MooseLcglon Band, consisting of twenty-one players, made Initial concert appearance) with deserving success, last evening In the Moose Hall. The band, under the able leadership of Robert Greenfield, opened with the March "New Colonial," followed by a vocal solo by Mrs. C. E. Cullln. A string selection bv Miss Nellie Lawrence and j pupils, assisted by Mrs. J. Black at the piano, and J. Brough with base viol was particularly well rendered and drew appreciative applause. Others assisting were Mrs. F. Allen and J. A. Tene. with vocal solos; a saxoDhone duet by Saunders and ttStewart, and violin solo by Bert Cameron. , . . two vocal choruses by the well known Vardon Singers led by Peter Lien also drew special applause, while the band rendered Gounod's Excerpts from Faust In a strain entirely fitting for it. The march "On the Way" by the band brought to a close a program which is planned to be but one of many. Rally Service at t United Churc! Sunday School , Scholars Unit' With Morning Congregation , Yesterday Rally Day services at First Uni ted Church yesterday forenoov were a memorable occasion when he Sunday School scholars unite with the adult congregation in Ur Stories of Jesus" Rally Day ser vice as prepared by the Board o Religious Education of the United Church of .Canada. The pastor. Rev. A. Wilson, wa leader and gave a brief address on Character Building and Habits." Connective readings were very abl r and expressively rendered by Mildred Hunt. Lois Judge, ChrLstlnt Wilson, W. Tbbey and R. Ross. Musical accompaniments were provided by Miss Connie Morgan piano, and Miss S. Olafson and Or ville Denstad, first and second violinists. Prelude, voluntary and postlude numbers were Impressive ly rendered by organ and piano duets. Miss Way presiding at the organ and Marybelle Stiles and Ruth Nelson at the piano. In the course of the service the bautlsm of Dorothy May, jvmngeti daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Ernejt Smith, was celebrated, Rev. A. WT-son officiating. Nechako Valley Teachers Will Have Convention VANDERHOOF. Oct. 5. The Ne chako Valley School Teachers' In stitute will hold Its second annual convention in Vanderhoof Superior School on November 6. School In spector W. O. Oamble of Prince George will be the principal speaker. BISHOP HIX RACK the east. FROM SYNOD MEET Bishop O. A. Rix. who has been in Toronto attending the General Synod of the Anglican Church, re turned to the city from the east on yesterday afternoon's train Mrs. Rix, who attended the annual Dominion Woman's. , Auxiliary meetings in Nova Scotia, Is still In C. N. TRAIN For the East Mondays, Wednesday and Eatur days, 11:30 a.m. From the East-Sundays. Tuesday and Thurs days. 3:30 p.m. Typewriters FOR KENT Call or Phone 6 McRAE'liROS., LTD. Truth Acting on Human Belief Is The city council has delegated City Solicitor Fred Peters to report m the various bottle liquor licenses in the city. Victoria capitalists have pur chased two lots on the south side if Third avenue from D. McLeod for $14,000. The property Is now occu- Dled by Mr. McLcod's residence. Great Antidote The subject of the lesson-sermop in all Christian Science churches and societies on Suntiay was Among the Bible texts included in the lesson-sermon was the following from Luke 13:12: "And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine Infirmity." The lesson-sermon also Included ihe reading of citations from the Christian Science textbook, "Science ihd Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, one passage being as fpllows: "If sickness Is true or the Idea of Truth, ou cannot destroy sickness, and It would be absurd to try. Then classify sickness with error as our Master did, when he spoke of the sick, whom Satan hath' bound,' and find i sovereign antidote for error in the Hfe-glvlng power of Truth act ing vn human belief, a power which opens the prison doors to such as are bound, and sets the captive free physically and morally." Twenty Years Ago In Prlnre Rupert October 5, 1911 The Prince Rupert Branch of the -ldustrlal Workers of the World, In letter to the city council, protested it the systems of having prisoners clearing and levelling ground at the recreation park. The latter was re ceived and filed, no aetion being taken. ildrens Colds Jpllt PeasJ- 5 lbs. for iearl Barley 5 lbs. for 3. tc K. Oatmeal 10-lb. ticks, each 3. It K. Rolled Oats Checked without "dosing." Rub on T VapoRur I'l'H.Hf.'.tnn.riM HIUJ.IV Jt ira Real Bargains!! On Staple Articles 7-lb. sack Malkln's Best Tea-l's, per lb Malkln's Best Shrimps l's 2 tins for tfalkln's Best Prunes 2-lb. pkgs., each Aylmer Brand Blueberries 2's per tin Aylmer Brand Loganberries, 2'a per tin Aylmer Brand Pears 2'i per tin 35c 35c 60c 48c 43c 45c 25c ylmer Brand Peaches Sliced or halyea 2, 9 (in MK, per tin .ylmer Brand Red Plttd OAf Chirrlfirnr tin .3j Aylmer Brand Apricots 2's, per tin 20c 20c 20c 20c An Assortment of These Lines Per Dozen $2.30 We have arriving for your Thanksgiving dinner a full assortment of Vegetables and Fruits. We solicit mail orders and give each order received our personal attention. v Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores 'Where Dollars Have More Cents-Phone SCO Phone 18 & 81 J1S 3rd Ave. 117-423 Sth Ave. S Monday & Tuesday B TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 p.m. ADMISSION 20c & 65c Feature Starts at 7:33 & 9:35 g in Bsmomnmnuanxarif First Showing in British Columbia Just completed on the 18th September a run ut the Roxy Themr-New York (6,200 scats) at admission price of $1.50 top. James Dunn and Sally Eilers 1 "Bad Girl mm PJ From Vina Delmar's Sensational Novel. An Income for Life Guaranteed! Here b the picture of a Life Income plan that combines protection, savings and income (or retirement It pttvidn for Yen ... a definite monthly income commencing at s certain aae, and continuing for life, with a guaranteed minimum number of monthly income cheque. Or, if you so desire, you may withdraw a substantial amount in cash when the plan matures. It ptevidti for Yen ... a definite monthly income it you become totally disabled by sickness or accident. AD de. posits are waived during such disability, 99 2 A beautiful story of a boy and a girl. You'll laugh and weep and laugh again. I M S Comedy "Stout Hearts, Willing Hands" PICTORIAL Cartoon "JUMPING BEANS" m g Wednesday and Thursday "Guilty Hands" and the plan remains in fun force. 7i froxidti jet Yeurt ... a substantial estate if you die before the pian matures. An Income for fife may be substituted if desired. It fnvidti r IVuri . . . twice the amount of the estate, or twice the income, if death renstu from accidental causes. This plan combines a lift income for retirement with ceaplcte family protection. TOD A r, while It la fresh in your mind . . . fill In and mall the coupon for full Information. Confederation Life Association Toronto, Caniula Without obligation, send me full information regarding "Aa Immqc for Lift Iuarsnu4." Addrtsi WALTER PURKIS, Representative Rox 11 1, PRINCE RUPERT CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING . T. 1'. 20.000-TON FLOATING IMYDOCK Sngineern. Machinlatit, Ilollermsken, BlarkemlthH, I 'a I tern Makers, Founders. Woodworkers, Ktc. EIJXTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOllK PHONES 43 AND m Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Now Open For Business At Our New Location Third Avenue and Seventh St. (formerly Jaboiir's) KAIEN MOTORS Phone 52 If your paper does not arrive, telephone the offia- i