PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal Block. Phone Green 701. Mail Schedule Por the Fast-Monday, Wednesday and Saturday l0;30ajn. From the List-Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday - 3:30 pjn. For Vancouver-Sunday - 9 pm. Tueeday . .12:30 noon Thursday 8 P-m- Friday II p m. October 4, 14 and 25. 4:30 pm. From Vancouver-Sunday .4 p.m. Wednesday 10:30 ain. Friday P-m. Saturday 10:30 ajn. October 10 and 22 am. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday 7 P-m. Wednesday 4 P-m. Saturday 4 pjn. From Stewart and Premier- Sunday 8 p m. Tuesday 11:30 a.m. Thursday .8 pin. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 p m. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 a.m. For queen Charlottes - October 8 and 22 10 p;m. From Queen Charlottes-October 6 and 20 ..,.......a.m. For Alaska Oct 10 and 22 a.m. From Alaska-October 4, 10 and 28 p.m. RESULTS Lorn WAHT ADS. TAXI SERVICE BERTS TAXI Promptness and security. Thone 678. Stand Besner Block. lm sl6 HOUSE DECORATING J. P. MOLLER. Phone Red 802. SALVAGE & TOWING "If it's on or under the water we . dolt." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. 1 Fully Equipped for Diving aurtj General Salvage Work i Agents for EASTHOI'E ENGINE! 1 Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire" i BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES . Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Oravel in any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night 564 P.O. Box 1561 TRANSFERS B. & R. TRANSFER. OarUge and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. U CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177 for Dry Bircn. cedar and Jack Pine. C. TOOMRS Radio Service Radio Sales and Repairs All makes of radio work guu ran teed. Phone Blue 901 508 Ith Av. E. Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue phone BiacK 120 and we will call. G. J, DAWES, Auctioneer. Federal Block tf QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M. No. 1 3x per M . No. 3 per M, -53.75 --3.25 .. 2.75 ROBERTSON L SIMPSON Massett, B,C Agent: Hyde Transfer. Phone 580 DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING Ladies'. & Gentlemen's Tailoring Reasonable Prices M. T. LEE COMPANY 323 3rd Ave. XV. Phone 663 Typewriters for Rent by day, week or month Rose, Cowan & Lalia Phone 234 MISS S. OLAFSON A. T. C. M. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Teacher of Piano. Theory. Harmony, Counterpoint, Telephone: Red 390 Miss D. Hogan Teacher, of Piano Thompson & William Method Phone Blue 329 "TILLIE THE TOILER" VAIZ-WTU "TO I Monday, October 5, 1931 THE DAILY NSWB P AGS FITS The Daily News " Classified" is the Poor Man s Advertising Column w CLASSIFIED ADVER TBEMENT For rrnt, for sale and all other tmall advertisements In this section charged at the rate of 2 cents a word per Insertion with tlx Insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge Is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c FOR KENT yon nsNT chotc Westtnhaver Bros. apartment. If FOB RENT Furnished 4 room flat withjbath. Phone 547. tf FOB RENT two furnished housekeeping rooms, 609 3rd Avenuts, Phone Black 625. tl FOR SALE FOR SALE- dood used cars a' right prices. Kalen Motors Ltd. FOB 8ALB-rPurebred registered Airedale female 8 months old. fifty dollars. II. Evans, Smlthert (234 FOB SALS Two wntr coat', outgrown, not worn; sizes 14 and 18, Both fur trimmed. Will sett cheaply. Blue 634. (233' FOB SALE or RENT 12-room houe furnished on Fulton Street. Terms right. Small payment down. Inquire McCaffery, Gibbons and CoUart, Third Avenue. (235 BARGAIN In Old Newspapers. Useful for lighting fires, laying beneath carpets, wrapping parcel packing furniture and- many other purposes. Special for a short time, 2 bundles for 25e Dally News. tf nELP WANTED HOW To get a OoTernment Job. Free booklet. The M. C. C. Ltd. 401 Kensington Bldg., Winnipeg. WANTED Young man as assistant In Department of Bacteriology Apply by letter stating age school grade, references. Acting-Director Fisheries Experiment' Station. 233t BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. 129. Phone Red if INLANDER To meet business de pression rates reduced. Board and room $35 per month. (tf SHOE REPAIRS MAC SHOE HOSPITAL. Shoes repaired, Second Avenue West if OVERSHOES, GumbooK resoled and leaks repaired. T. B&Ulnger, Third Avenue. 0-29 SHOE REPAIRS Best materials-.. finest work prices reasonable. Sharman Co, opposite Post Of fice, tf VIOLIN TUITION WORD has been received that Professor Pryce will not returns work here. Miss N. Lawrence is open to take several new pupils for similar work. Phone 177 tf i CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated IV. C. ASI'INALL (Graduate Chiropractor) I 6 and 7 Exchange Block I Green 211 qiack M3 T. W. HOLLAND , Palmer Graduate Chiropractor Room 15, first floor Besner Bloc!. Hours, 10 to 5, 7 to 8; Sunday, 2 to 4. , Closed Wednesday and Friday evenings. Phone 857. Eventually, why not now? AUCTIOiNEER PRINCE RUPEFT AUCTION MART We buy. sfll or exchange any ktnd ot furniture or household goods, musical instruments ma ehlnery. etc. General repairs crating, oacklne and shipping tlLt n vet try a nnt1 Till! I I IMPORTANT NOTICE Manufacturers Advertisers and Advertising Agents Look flt the Map of British Columbia shoWn herewith and note thai Prince Rupert is the centre of the largest trading area of any city in the Dominion of Canada. The Daily News Prince Rupert , is the only daily newspaper attempting to cover this huge area, and the people in it look to that paper for information in regard to possible markets. The nearest Canadian daily newspaper to Prince Rupert are J 4 Vancouver, distant 500 miles Edmonton, distant 055 miles No papers published nortfi orwest The industries in the district include Halibut Fi?hing (largest in the world) Salmon Fishing (largest in B. C.) Lumbering, Logging and Mining. Paper Manufacturing. Map of British Columbia. s 7 New Industries are being planned 'for the district, announcement of which will be made in the' near future. A new Hydrq-JSIectric Power Plant has beeji installed and is. nowf-in operation. No advertising campaign is complete without including V The Daily News Of Prince Rupert, B, C. The only A.B.C. paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton. The Unconvincing Whipple OKv By Westover I SI nrYJ. ul n- A -t f I SS f . I r 1 LI SI . ' -VB w l - AWT -SE HIM- vAANTS - 1 Td. ?UU B W . i I I Tw V llw O i P y