?aoe -rwo THE DAILY NEWS. PRLVCF. ni'PERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Erery Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert DaHy News, Limited. Third Avenu H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SCflSCKIPTIOX ICATES City deBtery, by mall or cartler, yearly period, paid In ad ranee tvr wwf pen, para in advance, per monui --v . By mall to all ports of Northern arid Central Britfeh dbtambta, paid tn ad ranee for yearly period .. By mall to ait other part of British Columbli, the British Empire and United State, bald in advance, per year . 6y mall to ail other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per tneerttett, per word , vocal readers, per insertion, per line Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Admitting and Cirtutatlon Telephone .. DAILY EDITION Slember oi Audit Bureau of Circulations 'vmrnt inmSB' h brand mo$t favourrd by Scot f mm and tKy art th grtatttt ccnnoUitun of tohltky. Cbia you main a yiirr -aftou when thvot-tug Ukuky for fourulft The -J "MARRIAGE"o THE WHITE HORSE " WlOTB HORSE- is Real Old VY Scotch. First matured and then blended, it is again matured aad roblended, so that th whiaky becomes proparly married. This rannying of "WHITE HORSE" la a rery lengthy proceas and tho reault is a right noblo aplrit ft subtle and diatinctire aroma and bouquet, soft, smooth and very pltaaing to the palate, without a trace Vjf kick or bite. As a heart tonic and dlgeaUva WHITE HOR8E- standi supreme. White Horse Whisky This advcrtlscraent Is n6t publiiheo or displayed by the i.iMuur i.umroi jionru or oy trie uovernmetit of British Columlils - SJDO 300 JCjOO Si WINNING LETTER Miss Martha itirane of This Cttr Took First Prhe In Vamoure ith San Competition. FolloWinc was the letter vth Reminded of bay "Talking. about animals reminds me of a dog. about which I had promised tb tell you quite a while ago. The reason t haven't sa!tt anything about It is because It hasn't arrived yet. At present it Is in Germany. A few daVs ava We r. celrtd hew that Femo, the dog, received a silver cup as 1st prize. In a recent dog examination at Berlin. The police force had wished to bi.v It, but her master won't sell It for anything. Although I have feati and heard much of love between man and dog. yet this Is the lim time tnat I have teen such great devotion. Each d"ay I long to sec Fema, but Until July I shall not be able to. "Well, it's about time to begin preparing lunch, to til continue writing after. "Here I am again. Not tint It makes tiny difference in a letter. "I was straying some things that were stuck lo the bottom of a pan ro that I could give it to the chickens: but I dldnt hive tt go a far as the chicken coup becaust they came rushing up to me when they heard hie rcraolng. It clldn'f occur to me that the.v wild ir.t used to th Sound and would cornel to me without mv callln THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, June Q r-- thing looks so green and fresh, to4 The bare winter branches are no (covered with dancing leaves, ard uiey look so stately and beautiful. I am glad I do not lire in the p'iw-ineas centre "of Prince Rupert, where there Is no place for tree and grass to 'grow as they like. In wild confusion. j 1 Far To Sthbol "As school is two and-a-ha:fi miles roues away away from iroax nere here. i I often oiten wall: wan: . . ... w ... . , 'l: ! the railway becau II 77 L ' -men I can enjoy the lovely sea .JTkI ?u?tIbrm. the mountains, the trees conducted by the Vancouver Ejn j ... .. . . . . - muu tTcryming wai is oeauuiui. J riUn,y pa?r Somettaes I sit and gate for hour,' t I did exactly what you told us to t, if t 7? myieif, didn't hare to hurry home so that , two questions: 'Am r I one of thw-i tj - . . ,. I- f, 8unRa'; afraid I'd never leare my M 2 fTn" LfV f T 1 wnKh Is under the shelter of 3 one of those who ait laiily cnoy- . . . 15 2Jff ' I1?' Jtr 2f -vSeSy aTlwascomlnghom.. tT LL? J1 I spied a little field mouse under a ui that I 1 ?? wa, fc evidence woUU one of the latter. I am verrlu . . .arhalm of myself, but I am de ! aTt iT..Hr.. iW eft Ter n .dt Uktng it home. tmin d at the m, Urn, n , . . to me cmcKens. i took a uttiv .out of the second trouo and lou . . . -- .. va mow: k - J Sm - - - i iUMs . it Uito Mier ami t hi.""- f l.uran. TT : V. ,w"e i was waierung 11. out a iter . . . . . .. Ume wW petmH other, to to!- thjt few mlmx j ookpd agam and the piece of sandwich was t - t u .. . ..... . gone, .tlL ,11 ?efttlh"!Id stayed ahd tried to therefore I to kpend it L mr ,,ln.h th() ii!ii.,in-' mi 1 i i n r u ir t .... iwljety wrttlni to vw. .., .... i iiiiuodiiu iimnuuer ui me u. XV. Jioruan WO., loggers, KiaieSI -rwpro iv,i. ' oegeneraung into an , n that cedar willTast much longer than spruce for any ouU'whSTiS Zm i m andT mmai story ajtain and so i bette? door work and for sidewalks will outlast fir. He ravs there hard to VhSV ft J!ic,05e ? nc.e 1 m !?ak,n h? Id. Wnttteedftjr. June. 16, ltt CBDAU-BEST WOOD John Morgan, one df the owners of the Billmor Spruce are plenty of examples of this at the canneries and mills, if ' th, ' Tt Tw, Thp Pttv rnnnril at it rtront mnoHHrr rloirloH In n.a most loeieal WaV Is to describe lh .l.. . . . . . cedar for the sidewalks on McBride Street and Second a Avenue. . k M. LOGGING AND NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING How many people ever realized that there was a connec tioir between logging and newspaper advertising? This year newspapers have had dozens of cancellations uf advertising schedules. To such an extent has this been the case that.it has become almost a nightmare with publishers. It la nmntprl nut that wVion a no era rf nrK-nv-i Join r : celled the size of the city newspaper is cut down that much " vw.iu.ii fiv nuuiu jiicctii less worn ior' many employees and so another vicious circle Would be . " Commenced. If all r-nrHpfl nn ta ilciial till tiinl1 un dwcu you to tears, u snouia not . . lneWents triAi. m i order j of time. tiWA lnf .UfcKM haVe Used lhfll Dhraw ho: w .u Z "7 T," T U hackneyed, but it IIU In, to kJZ'il there'' 8ucn a this ?bZ Lt ZiT? Zt X) teaeher"s e but a" not mf a btaek cat with a paten of whlt trnvti.t. u.r t 1 ,.. 1 . ."l ' mtV tR1 on ii breast, it looked so com Me tht when t raw it " ":.Ha: . . .. ? rarjs v"-"iM3 and she understood. i I Plan far f.t "She gare me a cushion and with ! it i succeeded in making quite a comfortable place for the ca The hext dat. hoWeVef. when I andif this happens all over the country the mill orders fori Un Ktt ,the name L5itafeand.the mil18 -t to the loggers a Z'X.iT. TT in;': ' M' bwthert and ter came to see . . , Local 1 loggers state that is what u t. has been happening of-, hem. too. and we an felt verH ten thlS Vear. There have b(Pn rpupntpr! MnnaWoHnna irisornr for the dr Jff.l... littui MUei the manufacturers had continued their advertising, the t0Tm ,y,ng there 1 wanted to ttmi'onn n w .......1.1 would t . i.' i . i .. lit. hut but Mn Mr VTa t ainiM would nn not 1 kunusiiy was arousea. GYRO CLUB LUNCHEON Cilr to be Aked to Kepalr Plar-Grounds Committee Named for Handling of Fair Concession bur TVi. newspai)ers have ContinUPd the Size of their tumpm. K let me I monthly business luncheon TestcK the paper mills would have been kent busv and the forme . . . . . ... .. dajr- declded- to teke up wlt" the w t..u. ..lK:ii was oeaa uxj. Mrs. xai city which were established by H "H ' 'uw " approa the Club and turned brer to the .MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION cucu. inai ereninK 1 Drouent ner some supper and I took another peek at the box. Mrs, Kat was Iteeentlytbe Manufacturers' Association Urged greater !rthrit7eertk,tunsTereTon asked ereryone in our family if ne or she knew anvthlnk about but the failure of orierfthp inUnT 1-"rtiT5 th wtten but they all saM Jess jess SUffeHtirr suiienng. C,,U tnat they n't. and so I thought inrhan m wo V ustct ski for them herself. Mrs. Kat is our constant companion at present and we all love her very much city. It was Minted out tfiaf some of the grounds are in a deplorabi cunuwon, naving nign ruiuto rum. n was leit to the club aetlr t ei committed to go further Into the matter with the city. , Arrangements for th hnnHlini of the concessions dt thw yifi fcxnwiiron oy tne Uyro and Rotary Club Jointly were discussed. Thi uyro.wuo committee to make pre uminary arrangements for thll work consists of C. A. Klrkendal!, Tit T. W KttaM ftinii tt a nv-A.'.t ... ... w.. .... While the RotarV rlnS rtwnnittU eonsists of O. H. Munro and 8. p, Johnston. Sending of a delegate . to he forthcoming International- conreni llrtn In ttumiltn.. r i.n-i.t lU Vancouver was discussed and thl matter referred to the executlr for action. It was decided to abandon ,lhe excursion to Ketchikan, which tvas blanned tn hitn hort miH Vii week-end, in view of the fact thai business prevents many of .the members from onncr nt tht tlma It Is possible the trip may be ma5e: m August. H. D. Darrett was initiated as d member of the club. William MiU ehell was appointed song leader following departure from the city' of M. M. Blott. The winner , of (III luncheon ruffle was Wm.CrUlck shank. The luncheoh was presided ovef by President 0. C. Mills and there was a good attendance of rhemberi Train Hero Todav On Time; Is First 4 On Summer Schedule" - fr The flrt nniunnlli Iroln In hr.1tl them under time table of Canc(4 JillWinr"! irhH i . I idlan ,dlan National Natlahal hallwar.4 hallways for the ... Jlni ..... fit n t n4i. ... ...-. sv a t.o n lH"'tT But I am glad that they are not!lnto prlnte Rupert arrived on tlmi iraia oi mo tor i tove an mala ati ' viMih.ummikhhiii all kinds. "As I read thlt letter over Int afraid I've changed to Mr. nunrewi. It seems to be tint all rve talkrd bout Is animals. "If raining today, but. not In torrthts. just - enough to water I.KIF IJtlKSOM MIllKS CI.UI1 HAS MF.KTINfl Leif Krlkson ladles' Club, HyBsa( held their regular meeting Monday mgni o" at me : nome iiuine oi of MM. Mrs. H. ii. ErkK alien : V. Ooda gardens At I look out of Ut son. Seventh Avenue West At Ue windows I notice that nature has close of the meeting refreshments undergone great changes, Every-1 were served, Wins Fascisti Speedboat Trophy ' " o '' ' ' SSSSMSSMSSSSSBSSSSSB a Miss Lofetla TurnbuU oi Las A -a.. .uu.ias Amen an peed boat pilot, brings her tr:.n craft Irt ttflet capturing the cup the Fae;UU pajty in one ot the international speedboat rC on Lake Oarda in which she dctpr, d ,ni( of the outstanding men pilots in Italy I'll iov7ork for Mother BRAVE Words, bravely spoken. Bojhh ihouldert, btsrld to lift burden of 'responsibility bvyond their' sutngtb. It Is a tragedy id conucion as to create but little comment . .". children starting out to light life's b-ittlet, Unequipped'. Have you thought of the story behind the little figure that urges you to buy a paper . . . UUt begs the chance to rua aa errand, for a few sorely-needid coppers? I lave oU imagined the plans that may have been made for his educadon th hojei, held in happier days, for his future? Ant have you considered what would be theyfte of your boy . . . your g!rl . . should you be taken awiyf. x For the burden you drop must be earned bei ' on the frail shoulders of your children. Or on the broad, sustaining back of Life Irwancei Make your decision today, . . and protect, with adequsM Life Insurance the future you would wish lot those you love. Any Life Insurance 'representative will be pleased to discuss the details with you. i k4i Life I km s, I . . 4 t nsurance Oervice Diitltb Ujt ItuuramH CtmpumUt trmtmt as CsmsV,