Today V Wther Tomorrow's Tides Ira Thursday, June 11, 1931 High 10:18 am. 15:8 ft. Prince Rupcl O udy, lignt ,22:24 p.m. )8;8 ft. south wind; ba( !9:88; tern- Low 4:10 a.m. 7:1 ft. pcrature, 54. . 15:48 p-m. 8:8 ft. a Vol. XXII.. No. 135. 6 Jf NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS GO VERNMENT ACTION ON FISH ASKED "BACK TO LAND" MOVE IN CANADA PROVING SUCCESS Proposal Is Sent To Ottawa Asking That Clearances Be Held Requested That Ten Days be Allowed to Elapse Between Tlmnnf llnnl'ii Arrivnl U'KI, VicU .,. I 1 . United States Asked to Agree The city council of Prince Rupert with fish buvers and fishermen's and boat owners' representatives, at a confer- ence lasi nigm ueciucu 10 request uc customs department, through Hon. Edgar W. Rhodes, minister of fisheries, to not grant clearance to halibut fishing vessels for ten days after entering Canadian ports on the Pacific Coast with catches of fish. It Is also requested fr i iT TI1T1 j that the Canadian government take Mi!(l HIIMl- the matter up with Washington i Kum j hi. ... FOR MEN ;wlth a view to having the Ameri can customs act likewise in respect to halibut fishing vessels on the coast. The proposal Is asked to be I made contingent upon both govcrn- 'mcnts agreeing upon Its becoming Three Ilrilish Cruisers Dispatched effective as soon as possible. to Scene of Submarine Sinking- The proposal Is being advanced with a view to preventing abnormal quantities of halibut being landed, LONDON, June, .JO: Three Brl-lthus demoralizing the market and tlsh' wrhlps h4ve been dispatched 'causirifrJce' conditions under to the scene on the Shantung Pen-, which the boat owners and fisher Insula In China where the large men declare that they cannot af- submartne Poseidon was sunk yes-1 ford to operate. tcrday in collision with a merchant j Following was the text of the vessel. 18 men still being missing telegram which Mayor Orme sent to ioiiowtng tne crasn. t the minister of fisheries at the con- The Poseidon, one of the largest ciusIon f the meeting last night: submarine In the British Navy. ..Durtng past two weeks price was 260 feet long and was built less' to hallhut flsh(irmen ha. he.n than two years ago. Ten Are Dead WEI IIAI WEI. China. June 10: 8 BATTLE, June 10:-A $500,- ooo fire swept through the ln- duntrial Section around the old Upbuilding plants on thc.lo- rul waterfront' yesterday. on the average below cost of prdt ductlon. Poor marketing condition's resulting In abnormal quantities Twenty fathoms under the surface! being frozen. Canadian fishermen of the Yellow Sea, eight men In the sunken British submarine Poseidon waited helplessly today while on the surface desperate rescue efforts proceeded. Ten other men In another compartment are belelvcd to be dead. unanimously support tying up ten days between each trip for two or three trips. Believe American fishermen agree likewise but on account American fleet being scattered Impossible to secure unanimous opinion. Manager of Amerl- Rn far h. Wn i-mtum! 1 can vessel owners three weeks ago from the sunken undersea craft, six PProved of Idea of tying up for of them popping up through the water within four hours after the disaster, using escape apparatus. Two of the survivors have died. Massett Canners Plant Will Run ; icn nays ana an American uuau spoken to here are In favor of same Therefore would ask that Canadian Customs do not grant clearance to halibut fishing vessesl for ten days after entering Pacific Canadian ports and request that the Government take the matter up with Washington that American Customs do likewise to all halibut fishing n 11 117 vessels entering racmc nmcwixw Itl i1TlAll YYaVport this proposal contingent on 111 Ulliail If a J bQth govemmcnts agreeing to be- - I come effective as soon as possible. John Dybhavn will be leaving In Tnis proposal has unanimous sup-a few days for Massett where pre-' of au fishermen and fish buy-paratlons will be made to operate ers an(l dozens generally In Prince the cannery of the Massett Canners Rupert." ' this season. The plant will operate . u'il.v on a limited scale and will, It ' is understood .only put up cohocs. CLOUDBURST AFTER HEAT ASllCItOFT. Juno 10: Following several days of extreme heat, traffic was blocked and roads and crops damaged by a cloudburst Monday afternoon. IIAI .1? Ml! t inM lini.t.AR BLAZE IN SEATLE Delegates For W, A. Meeting Are In City Delegates are arriving in the city for the annual meetings today and tomorrow of the Caledonia Diocesan Board of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Anglican Church. Among delegates already here are: Mrs. Oliver Thome, of Kincollth, ' who Is the guest of Dean and Mrs. Olbson. Mrs. E. A. McCarthy of Terrace, guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. MacCal- Mrs. Dungate of Hazelton. guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Homer. Mrs. J. O. Stephens. Smlthers. guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. District Passenger Agent Here to Be General Agent in San Francisco MONTREAL, June 10: Canadian National Railways staff changes announced today include the following: W. J. Gllkfcrson, general agent, passenger department, San Francisco, will commence leave of absence prior to rctircment-and will be succeeded by R. F. McNaugh-ton, district passenger agent at Prince Rupert. The office of district passenger agent at Prince Rupert will be abolished. PEACE IN ROME DUE ROME, June 10: Prospects for a reconciliation between the Vatican and Fascist government are said to be bright. The government admitted yesterday that three notes had been received from the Pope and that a reply had been sent to the Vatican which it was believed would prove satisfactory. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER.June 10: Wheat was quoted on the local exchange today at 57c. BRITISH COLUMBIA TO GET AUSTRALIA CUT LUMBER MARKET VICTORIA. June 10 , part of Australia's lumber lm- V portations from America nm- ountlng to from 300,000,000 to 400,000,000 feet In normal times will be diverted to British Co- i lumbla by the new Canadian- Australian treaty, which Is about to be announced at Ot- I tawa, it la believed at the legls- latlve buildings here. What a School! Learning the Art of Angling The art of angling, ways and means of catching elusive trout, ts one of lat st studies to be adoeJ to Azusa high school curriculum In Azusa, Calif. Class meets at Rainbow Angling club, where a : al catching of trout is taught by an expert angler, and a rod and reel Is textbook. Here's a g aupf students ready nayt lmpatlsnt to take up the new course What a school. M'NAUGHTON PROMOTED A large Many Single Unemployed Men As Well As Families Are Taking to Farm Life Scheme Initiated By Minister of Colonization, With Co operation of Kanways, is Hearing Good Results OTTAWA, June 10: The "Back to the Land" movement, initiated by Hon. W: A. Gordon, minister of immigration and colonization, has succeeded in placing 7600 unemployed single men on farms in Canada up to the end of last month and, in addition, 1800 families have been placed on selected farms. The work is being carried on nrough officers of the department working In conjunction with the two railway systems. THREE ARE Lethbrldgc Provincial Jail Has IU First Triple Hanging This Morning LET11BRIDGE, Alberta. Juno 10 Back to back on the same trap. Mike Radko and Bertram Joner, slayers ot Ernest Midwinter, Cai-gary taxi driver, were hanged here this morning. Immediately after the execution ot Radko and Jones. Fred Baldwin, who shot Maud Law of Calgary on Christmas Day last, was hanged, making the first triple hanging In local history. CONDITION OF WHEAT Was Lowest This Spring in Records of Dominion Bureau ot Statistics OTTAWA. June 10: The. condition of spring wheat In Canada at May 31 was the lowest on the records of the Dominion Bureau ot Statistics. MASTERS AND MATES VOTE FOR STRIKING . VANCOUVER. June 10: LaLLU 1 Ell) Merchant Se the Canadian Service Guild have voted by a large majority tor a strike In support of towboat masters and mates, who are seeking to have a permanent wage scale agreement signed up. It l hoped, however, that an amicable settlement of points In dispute will be reach- ed before coast shipping U generally affected. e- PROTECT HUSBAND Smithcrs Woman Issues Writ In Connection With Sweepstake Winning A writ has been Issued out ot Supreme Court In Vancouver on behalf of Mrs. Isabella Whltelaw of Smlthers to protect the interest ot her husband, Robert Whltelaw, who won the sum of $650 In the Bulkley Valley District Hospital Association Trust Fund sweepstake on the Der- ! by last week, the sweepstake being l conducted under the patronage of the Elks Club ot Smlthers. AIRPLANE IS GIANT Great Britain Reported to Have Huge Craft Under Construction LONDON, June 10: Great Britain is reported to have under construction what will be, by far, the largest airplane In the world. The new machine, it is reported, will be equipped with engines developing 51,000 horsepower and will have cabin accommodation for forty passengers. Halibut Sales Summary Sitka, 22,000, Royal Fish Co, 9.1c and 3c. Western, 36,000, Cold Storage, 9.3c and 3c. Brisk, 33,000, Booth Fisheries, 9.7c and 3c. Attu, 36,000, Pacific Fisheries, 9.4c and 3c. Wabash, 2,500, Cold Storage, 9c and 4c. Teddy J., 12,000, Booth, 9.8c and 1 4c. Marie, 10.000. Pacific, 9.2c and 4c. Charlotte, 4,000, Storage, 9c and 4c. Canadian Rose Spit, 7,000, Atlln, 7.1c and 3c. Viking I, 6,500, Storage, 12c and Cape Spencer, 9.000, storage, 7c and 3c. Mayflower, 6,000, Storage, 7.4c and 3c. Minnie V.. 4.500, Atlln, 7.8c and 3c. Albert K, 700, Storage, 7c and 3c. I D. S. T., 4,500, Storage, 7c and 3c. COUNTY COURT CASK IS NOW PROCEEDING The hearing of the County Court case of Ous Rekos vs. Klllas and Christopher opened yesterday before Judge F. McB. Young and is proceeding today. Plaintiff Is claiming In the neighborhood of $700 for wages, overtime, Interest on loan 'and damages for dismissal. W. O. Fulton Is counsel for the plaintiff and T. W. Brown for the defendant. UNABLE TO COME HERE Minister of Labor Sends Wire to Mayor Following Invitation By Council In answer to a wired request from j the city council that he visit here In j the course of his forthcoming tour of Western Canada to observe un employment conditions, Senator Oldcon D. Robertson, minister of labor, has sent a telegram to Mayor Orme that time will not pernjlt him to visit Prince Rupert but that he would welcome a synopsis of the situation here if It could be sent to him. The minister of Jabor stated that he expected to be In Victoria on June 15 and in Vancouver on June 16. The minister announced In the telegram that the purpose of his trip was to "ascertain the existing unemployment situation with prospective conditions necessary to anticipate during the coming whiter." DISBAND MARINES General Smedley D. Butler Makes Sensational Statement BEVERLY. June 10: SDeakin before the Beverly Chamber of Commerce at a farewell dinner yesterday, General Smedley D. Butler declared that the famous United States Marines were to be disbanded by President Hoover as a measure of economy. TIMEKEEPER ABSCONDS Warrrnt Out For Arrest of John M. Farlane on Big Bend Construction Job Took $8,000 VICTORIA. June 10 According to reports received by the government from Revelstoke. John M. McFarlane. missing tlmc-clerk on part of the construction ot the Big Bend highway, "absconded with practically the enUre payroll for the month of May," amounting to approximately $8,000. A warrant for MeFarlanc's ar rest on a cnarge oi torgery nas been Issued. Rain Postpones Camera Bout Giant Italian's Engagement With Redmond Will Take Place Next Monday Instead NEW YORK. June 10:-The Car- nera-Redmorit bout scheduled for i today, has been postponed until Monday because of rain. 4-.-.- - GERMANY TO GET ! REPARATION RELIEF LONDON. June 10: It is stated here that, as a result ot last week's conference between representatives of the two na- tlons, Germany is to be re- lieved by Oerat Britain of some of her burden of war repara- Hon payments. France and Italy would be affected by such a move. 'toil 1 :