ft. PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday FiaVif in Mnvip T .Paris it- to Accidental Shooting of Small Boy A Finger Print Said Who Did It "Don't hut that wio'loir. do you nt to smother us" shouted John Brvra u a man imr him in s lower East &dt movie is New York got up to doM a window. "Shut up'" said the other. A fight followed and the two men eir hanging punrhea, strapped their way to the street where the fight was renewed with pistols. Leo Parosm, a little tor playing on the sidewalk, fell with a bullet in the he i a ad died. Brown was arrested and tried for murder but acquitted. The other man nude a getaway dropping Stops Body Odour :. study OrEVlOLCT la Isja 4 ,7, " " ' IKUO S , ... CHEVROLET Th world. lw..t Sn 1 1 msd.L Cc4 M (raw 1610 I H40i1wt. PONTIAC i 4U, tnnf from 1171 t II, SI l OIDSMOBIIE . 4.lt, B-rin- from 1.0 M 11.1)0 U f Ct Off , Mclaughlin ' BUICK II maitlt, tlin from lUtt M 11,900 t CADILLAC . Ot 51 mod-It .mil. M., r.figi Irani th. CxJitlac V- m ll.10, lo tt. QditUc V II .1 5.110 and up to th. dillK V-U with rut. torn bod... tor much u 115.000. AU prict I fctory. CMll-U GIN UAL MOTOtl his gun as he ran. The police found linger prin's on it which, when compared with records at Headquarters, identified a man named Nelker as the shooter This was in 1022, Nothing was heard of Nelker until this year when he was arrested on another charge altogether. Ilk finger prints were taken. They quiekiy tied him in with the boy's death yean sgo and be was tried aad conricted of manslaughter. Ills finger prints betrayed him. Your Prints on Foods May be Germ Laden Fee hew ms finger prists were dangerous to Peter Nelker, a hot beaded bad mtn. See bow your prists can be dangerous to you too usines man, teteber, housewife, stenographer, whoever you may be. All day locg you are teudgsz things which other hands hare tanked. Hands which may be term laden hands whose owners may be ill or disease carriers and YOt'R hands ri'tk up those rerms. Then you touch an article of food a chocolate or a bisouit and disease germs are deposited on the food. From yonr mouth the terms spread rapidly to your-systera and you may fail a victim of some deadly disease. Life Kit fusion Institute records show that 27 diseases may be spread by the hands in this way. You Can be Safe How ran ae 1 safe from germs? Thev are everywhere, they infect the hands of aila&ke. There is one method whkh everyoo can easily une to be safe. Wash the bands many times a day, and always before a meal, with LiebttoySoap. It contains a germicide. Manv other valuable qualities too! A Lifebuoy bath keeps you safe for many hours from body odour. Thousands make sure of not ofl ending by this means. Children are safe from infection through the rleanfing of little ruts and scratches which might other wise become infected. Aids Complexion Too So skilfully is the germicide com bined in the soap with two famous palm oils that the result is a smooth, luxurious beauty soap whore lather goes deep into the pores, lifting out all impurities and causing the akin to glow with health and beauty. You will learn to like the scent of safety which quickly vanishes after use, but tells you of Lifebuoy's protection. Why not have the EXTRA protection in your toilet snap which only Lifebuov can give you? Keep a rake oa the washtmsin and for the bath so that all your family can benefit from this world famous health soap. Get a supply of Lifebuoy from your dealer today. Lew BrMfcen UmUtd, TerMlo Lifebuoy Health Soap A Luxury Soap Plus a Germicide the value , .7"" i" "-'ICJC CADrr. Mr HI It '-. aer-, o GENERAL MOTORS buM. vjBT complete line of motor can, one for every purte and purpose. You will find them on display at a dealer near you. Study their value. They are thoroughly Canadian in manufacture, and Tine cart in every respect. Then again, General Motors offers the motoritt many other advantages. One of thaie is General Motors' own time payment plan GMAC. Your continued satiifaction is pledged by the Genoral Motors Owner Service Policy, the broadest and most generous in the industry. And a splendid body of dealers located everywhere in Canada is ready to demonstrate, at your convenience, General Motors value. tool in th cLtiifi.d p.g.i of your hen boot undor Gonoral Motor or th sddrtli of th nrtt dealer. 69 FINE SHOW PRESENTED Beauty Shop" Enjoyed By Large Audiences at Capitol Theatre Afternoon and Evening Under the auspices of the local! was scored by the use of exclusively ' local talent. All persons present at both performances were keenly delighted and expressed congratulations to lodge, director and performers on the success of the show. Some seventy persons took pafrt in the staging of "The Beauty Shop" by George Mitchell in a manner which left nothing to be desired. Among the Players Other of the Important parts were taken ably as follows: a dancing chauffeur, Sam Joy; Miss Mont gomery, a customer, Miss Matzie Macdonatd; a stout party by Miss Jean Grieve; Corsica n innkeeper by J. II. McCllnton; Corsica n duel ist, William Mitchell; Spanish sou venir glrL Mrs. F. W. Allen; Spanish dancer, Mrs. A. A. Easson; Corsiean undertaker, H. A. Ponder; a homejy girl, Mrs. Nona Hodgson, and a mermaid, Miss Molly Cross. Taking part in danee and song numbers as well as supplementary roles were Mrs. S. J. Jabour. J. A. Teng, Miss Nan Craig. Miss Laura Frizzell. William Lamble. Joe Scott, Miss Connie Thome, Miss Margaret McOulre, Miss Chrlssie McLeod, Miss Jessie D. Moffatt, Miss Florence Smith, Mrs. J. A. Teng, Miss Margaret Palmer, Miss Marjorle Blance. Mrs. Ian Fraser, Miss Ame lia Pilltbury, Miss Frances Cross, Miss Ethel Christy. Miss Irene Mitchell, Miss Evelyn Zarelll. Miss Louise Zarelll, Miss Murial Morris, Miss Netta Clark, Miss Maude McOulre, Miss Mary Comadlna, Miss Connie Morgan, Doug Nelson. Alex Mitchell, A. S. Nlckerson. William Murray. W. O. Harold. Ralph Smith, Mike Butnlch. E. B. Clark, W. E. Wllllscroft. Bert Morgan, Stanley Dalby and Percy Mcintosh. Orcncstrai music was lurnisned by Charles P. Balagno's augmented orchestra and it was a treat to lis ten to. Ushers were Frank Russell, Lee Gordon, Floyd Smith, William Elm hurst, Benny Wendle, Miss Victoria Krikeysky, Miss Nellie Ourvtch arid Alvln Johnson. Cashier for the at ternoon was Mrs. D. A. Brown with W. D, Vance presiding at the door, Evening cashier was D. A. Brown with Trevor Williams at the door. DR MAGUIRE ON TRIP EAST Local. Dentist to lie Away For Short Time on I'rofrssional Business Dr. J. F. Magulre. local dentist. Ic(t on this morning's train for Chicago, Cleveland and Toledo where ho will spend a short tun; on professional business. While in the East, Dr. Magulre will visit the II. G. Flschtrx-Ray Co.- in order to familiarize himself with the latest X-Ray equipment. Ransome St Randall and the Cleveland Dental Manufacturing Co. , will also be visited. NEWS OF THE MINES AKOUND PRINCE RUPERT Consolidated Not to Work Emerald This Season-Party Rushinp; Into Nation River Ogilvic In Manson Creek Country Althouch. H. C- Hughes, who for the past few seasons ' - . m W t a . . il A... I Elks Lodge ana direction oi c. H.jjas Deen engineer in cnarge 01 operations on me property, (Lewis, delightful presentation was just a vsit to the Emerald group in the Sibola tL-lncfrot the central interior, it is announced that Con-; SyP and S2S j "dated Mining & Smelting Co. Ltd. will not have a crew mance last night ox the colorful , worKing on tne property uunng tne coming summer, xur. musical comedy "The Beauty shop.", Hughes, who was in Smithers a few days ago, expects to it suffered none through the factSpen(j he entire summer in the central interior on explor- that "Beauty Shop" had been pre- tlioIJ and examination work for his sen ted nere seven vears aeo. it was i embellished by new song and danee hits which made almost a new show of it. In all another notable success 'PROSPECTORS . and, throughout the entertainment, , WINNIPEG June 10 Search fo It was quite evident that only per-, mineral wealth in 1931 in Canada s Prince George where they were to sistent and persevering rehearsal j nearer north awaits only favorable board a Western Canada Airways and practice could have brought. Wfatber when flying proapc-tois' nlarve. nUoted by Cant. 8. E. McMU- about in such a short period of time jvjii pilot thrir 'planes to Hel:U lan, famous Arctic flyer, and pro-such finished and excellent training j rich with hidden treasure. UnlUc- ceed north. The find is reported to as was exhibited by all in a great diversity of roles Between those who took the leading roles there was little to choose since all were very good indeed, each carrying out his or her part in excellent form. Miss Jean Robertson was ner usual vivacious self in the part of Vivian, Dr. Budd's secretary. Miss Palema Cameron was the demure French custodian of the shop. William Mitchell left nothing to be desired in taking the part of Hiram Sharp, chairman of the committee of creditors. Miss Evelyn Dalby made a pretty ward for Dr. Budd in the person of Anna. L. F. Smith carried off the part of Phil Faraday, in love with Anna, in his u$ualgood style. J. W. Plommer ably characterized Daniel Webster Briggs Dr. Budds' attorney, while the im portant role of Dr. Arbutus Budd, proprietor of the shop, was taken ARE EXCITED Kith Mineral Strikes in Manitoba Attract Attention field, Not far from the noted Shcrri i don country. In Manitoba, actlv'.tv will be holding sway in the Fay Lake area. tne of a gold strtV" this winter. Slakets will delve In' the property when the snow, r i disappeared to find what boun ¬ ties beneath the white blanket nt which they blindly measured th-1 laims. Into mining areas of Atha- papuskow. Reed Lake. Elbow Lake and File'Lakie drespectors will migrate for another rear of digging. Big Year Expected This year, the men who moil for riches appear to be veering away from the hunt for base metals to ward precious gold finds. PW-tlmers expect 1931 to surpass the past two years in production and exploration of new ground. Ice la leaving the lakes, rivers and trv? -treams, presenting landing place for the pontoon-fitted 'planes and a great stretch oi mirterto un touched country will be covered. Slowly but steadily. Canada' mining North is being conquered by man One of the greatest pio neering effort of recent years was accomplished within the bleak Arctic Circle last winter by the Northern Aerial Minerals Exploration Company. Ltd. At the huge bornlte find. In the Coppermine region of the Northwest Territories, a crew of the company's men toiled through the winter months seeking a valuable sulphite of cop per and iron. Tlurtna tu rfrnarv enld rlavi th company. Attracted by reports of a rich placer gold porperty on Nation River near Finlay Forks in the central interior well north of the Canadian National line, a group of Vancouver men consisting of Hon. W. C. Shelly MIA., Chris Allen. W. Mc-Kee. E. Watson, Toronto mining engineer and M. Pearee, dredge expert of Edmonton, left Vancouver at the end of last week by auto for their breihern of years gone by have been made by two old pros-'be prospector of today tunes hit pectors who, using only the crudest ourney to the mining territory In of methods, have been extracting days. Monttu of plodding over ba about $00 per day from the dig- ren tends afoot and by canoe ariglngs. Fort St. James on Stuart no more. Just the twist of a pr. ,Lake. about fifty miles south of oeller and a flieht through ' Motion River, will be used as head- floods and the land to be mined I.-; reached. When weather clears and the days of snow have, definitely ed, the mechanic! birds will earry the treasure seeWrs Into the d'f -tricts of Beaver Lake. 8ak i. country causing oxcltenwnt amonr the miners this year. Ookl has been found there and commercl-.l ore has been proven, up by drlf 'n at the 100-foot level. An Fn . lish syndicate, the Amisk Gold Syndicate, has number of claims in quarters for the party. W. M. Ogilvle has left Vanderhoof to spend the season In the milling region of Manson Creek and thereabouts in the Interests of the Consolidated Mining It Smelting Co. Mr. Ojllvte has already spent a . number of summers in the same re- iglon. Jack Hunter, for drunkenness. lake was fined $25. with option of 30 1 secured a days' Imprisonment. In city police I this new court yesterday afternoon. BUY NOW! And Save Money A sharp advance on all imported goods, will, make an advance in prices necessary. Here is your opportunity to slock up at low prices. ttuy Here to Advantage Shredded Wheat For health, per pkf Ready-Cut Macaroni 7 lbs Swansdown Cake Flour per pkg Ensign Marmalade 4's per tin Malkin's Best Custard Powder, per tin Malkin's Best Extracts per 4-oz. bottle Malkin's Best Strawberry Jam 4's, per tin McLaren's Jelly Powders- 5 pkga 10c 49c 38c 45c 29c 35c 67c 40c Granulated Sugar 100a QC Jft ner sack QDMV Granulated Sugar SO's per sack $2.75 Brown Sugar 50C A rd prlforpreaenring season) men lived in tent, enclosed ,r. Igloos. They ware the first to carry on mining operations In Canada with a blacksmith shop etlrely made of Ice, ad snow. .Carried into the north by airplane, the men had supplies sufficient to last until July when additional food and equipment wilL be brought In by 'plane. Efforts are being made to brlnj the Eskimo Into mining operation. This year, the Aborlglnee of the Coppermine territory were busllf engaged In hunting cariboo and seal flshlwr. but prospectors do- clarc they will continue to 6eek the aid of the Eklmo In developing mineral fields of the north DOLLY VAItDEN RAILWAY TRACK BKINO ItKI'AIKLD The department of public works has a small crew of men at work clearlnn and repairing the Dolly Varden railway track so that it may Phone 360 be used for light traffic during the ; 319 3rd Ave. summer months. Tlie crews are De-Ing rotatrri so as to give work-to unemployed men. Buy Nowl Fresh Vegetables & Fruits Bunch Carrots 4 bunches New Green Cabbage 5 lbs Oranges 5 dog. .'. Bananas Fresh and firm 3 lbi. Yellow Newton Apples 3 lbs Canteloupes Large size each B.C. Strawberries per box Fresh 8plnach 4 lbs 25c 25c 95c 40c 25c 15c 15c 25c Mussallenis Cash and Carry Stores Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 18 & 81 417-423 3th Ave. liHHHaWHHsii Addressed Local Catholic Women .Mrs. W. O. Story Was Interesting Speaker at Gathering Yesterday Afternoon Mrs. W. O. Story of Toronto, con vener of education for the Catholic Women's League in Canada, gave a very interesting address before the members of the local Catholic Women's League in the Church Hall yesterday afternoon. She spoke on the duties and alms of the league apart from the monetary end, speaking among other things on educational work. At the close of her address, a hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Story. There was a large Interior Couple Wedded Last Week VANDERHOOF, June 9: A quiet wedding took place In the United Church Manse here last Wednesday afternoon when Miss Eleanor Gertrude Chilton of West Vancouver became the bride of Ivar Edward Black of Fraser Lake, the ceremony being performed by Rev. R. O. Have you paia your suoscriptlon to the Dally News this year? 1511 slaaaaaaaaTMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasltitTT tasM UalsiaaaV3-al T 1 I i 1 1 1 Wll Hi Wednesday &Thursda, wo snows America's Danrins Joan Crawford k "Dance, Fools, Dance" She crashed society and bL tied the underworld to its most mysterious triait lomeay ANDY CLYDE In Novelty "Moonlight and Konunre FOX NEWS Feature Starts at , 10 t :H iiimiauAi .Urtl I.N f jf ' ji 15c ti 10c Feature Start ;:l Friday and Saturday SIDNEY and MtliruYln "Cohens and Kellys in Afritf TlreFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE KUPERT, N.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ol'EMATINlf U. T. I 20.000-TON FI.OATIMt UKVDOC K Engineer. Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, I'atUro Makers, Founders, Woodworker. Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant In Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK I'UONES 43 AND 385 SHINGLES! No.l-3xatperM $3.25 No.l-5xatpcrM ' $3.W No. 2 at per M $2.75 SUITOKT HOME INDUSTRIES MADE AT MASSLTT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 I'nONE 580 . Our Prices Will Please You Come In and let us show you how little it f01' to equip your car with GOODRICH SILVER- TOWNS. A comnlete Garage Service Distributors Dodfe Cars and Trucks RUPERT MOTORS Nlsht Calls: Phone 1C1 Ione 5G6