PAGE ezz l.uil $3 i KB mm PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Freet LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. rhone 649 P Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg......... $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg ..... $11,50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 COAL Kiiy the real Coal our famous fdson and Cassldj-Wellington In any qaantltles. Also Hulkley Valley Hay. Grain and Kobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 an 1951 yowr Budget S JL jOOK ahead 20 years! Does your present budget provide for the loss of the breadwinner for old age for the education of your children for loss of health or employment? All these contingencies can he fully covered by investing part of your savings in Life Insurance. You can stipulate the exact amount oC money needed under any future circumstances and your Life Insurance will ensure v the necessary monthly income, cash reserve, endowment or pension. No need for you to trust to luck that business or favorable investments will bring happy tomorrows! With Life Insurance the future can be made absolutely certain. Discuss your own problem with any Life Insurance representative. He will show you how to plan for. 1951 in ' f your budget. ; Life I , 1 "r tfrjrif iw" Y nsurance s. oervice Ont of a tenet of messages sponsored by Life Insurance Companies. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Itupert Striking a sunken rock in the tide rip in Kltkatla Inlet Narrows this morning, the steam tug A. R. Swal-lowgett, owned by William Miller of Porcher Island, sank within a few minutes. The owner and his mate, John Brogan, had a narrow escape wun tneir lives. Tney were rescued by Rutus Taylor in his launch. The Mclntyre Hall was the scene of a colorful promenade concert staged by the ladles' of the local! Roman Catholic Church. The priests of the church Father Bunoz and Father Hartmann, took an active part In the affair. The program was j in charge of L. Bullock-Webster, and i those taking part Included C. L.l iYoungman, Miss Olaholm, little Bernlce Lavclle, J. E. .Davey, Miss Helen Hawley, A. clappcrton. Mrs. Chlsholm, H. O. Fletcher, Miss Grant and G111U Couture. A danco brought the evening's proceedings to a close, music being by Gray's Orchestra. I Indian Agent Thomas Deasy of Massett Is paying a visit to town. THE DAILY NEWS -,, , kmU jj Great Scientist Taken by Death Sunday Morning (Continued irom rage One) tlfic books, Edison was led Into chemical experiments, one of States had depended upon Europe The "Wizard of Mcnlo Park," is Edison had come to be knowr, then plunged Into the mysteries ot synthetic chemistry and evolved processes for the manufacture ol various products that were needed In industry and which became er. scntlal in the manufacture of mu nltlons after the United Statr entered the. war. Before that step was taken by the. American government, Mi Edison had been named by Jose-phtis Daniels, then Secretary ot the Navy, head of the Naval Con- I suiting Board, the membership ot . wnicn inciuaea a score oi Amen cans pre-eminent in the field jof inventive research. At the tlnn J Edison was working nearly 18 j hours a day to help overcome the j handicap with which hl3 own Jn-jdustrle were confronted, but he said he was "not too busy to lenn a hand to Uncle Sam." Later when (he war became an actual part of the nation's business he devoted ihls entire time In his laboratory land aboard a vessel provided by ithe Navy Department to govern ment problems of the war and continued those activities unti' the signing of the armistice. Mr. Edison turned In his lattr years to a new field of endeavor devoting a great deal of his tlnw to Investigations and experiment looking toward the production of rubber from plants, shrubs and bushes in the United States in or der to meet a possible national emergency and to give the rubber trade a new "miracle" to round out his career of invention. Thomas Alva Edison was born at Milan, Ohio, February 11. 1847 the son of Samuel and Nancy El liot Edison. His ancerstors emi grated from Holland to the United States in- 1730. The family of the Inventor was noted especially on his father'5"slde for longevity. His great-grandfater, a prosperous New York banker of Revolutionary times, lived to be 101, and his grandfather, 102. His father was 94 when he died. Family Lone-Lived CommcntinK on that family re cord wheri 'he was 76, Mr. Edison said he was only In middle age and "I don't expect to lower the fam lly average." Mr. Edison's mother, who was born in New England, had been a teacher in a Canadian high school and from her he received most of his early education. It has been recorded that Edison spent not more than two months altogether in school. About the age ot 12 he engaged in a variety of business enterprises, Including newsboy on the Grand Trunk Railway between rort Huron and Detroit, proprietoi of a newsstand and book store and of a vegetable market, and cm ploying 11 boys to assist him In these various activities At 15 he turned to Journalism and with some old equipment purchased from the Detroit Free Press, set up his shop in the baggage car of his train There he published the Orand Trunk Herald, said to have been the first newspaper published on board a train. This venture con tinued for nearly a year and was suspended when he- was denied further use ot t)e baggage car. From his early reading of sclcn Kidney Acidity Kills E norgy If you fcol old and run-down from OcttlnR Un Nights, Nervousness, Ncuralcla. Lumbago. Leg Pains. Diz ziness, Burning Bladder or Kidney Acidity, use quick-acting Cystcx (Slsa-tcx). Often stops trouble In 24 hours. Guaranteed to worK satisfactorily or return empty box and get money back, only 70c ai druggists. Typewriters FOR RENT Call 'or Phone 6 0 McRAE BROS., LTD. which put an end to his railroad newspaper. While experimenting in the baggage car, & bottle of phosphorus tlpcd over and set fire to the car and he was ousted. On one of his runs as a train boy, Edison proved a hero at Mount Clemens. Mich., where he snatched the young son of the station agent from in front of a train. In gratitude, the tather taught Edison telegraphy. When he became proficient as an operator his experience proved an aid to his natural bent for scientific work. The Increased knowledge of the possibllitcs of electricity which he had ganed from telegraphy Impelled him to delve further into its mysteries and into the work which eventually made him famous the world over. After he learned telegraphy, Mr. Edison became an operator for the Western Union at Port Huron, Mich., and later night operator for the Orand Trunk Railway at Stratford Junction. Canada. Edison left his Job at Stratford Junction In haste without even the formality ot a resignation when he permitted a train, which! he was directed to stop, to pass by the station. Taking time to reply to the order, he found upon reaching the station platform that the train had gone by. A disastrous collision was averted only becaus? the engineers ot the two trains travelling toward each other on -ralghtaway track were able to on thfm in time. In 1373. Mr. Edison married Mary O. Stlllwell, by whom he had three children, Marlon Estlle, Thomas A., Jr. and William L. Mrs "rllron died In 1884 and two years 'ater the inventor married Mlna M. Ml'ler. Three children. Made-'lne, Charles and Theodore, were born of this union. Mr. and Mrs. K. Hunter. wAo were recently married In Vancou ver, were passengers aboard the Catala last evening bound for An-vox where they will take up residence. Mr. Hunter is In charge of the drug department of the Gran- by store at Anyox. HALLOWE'EN SPECIALS Hallowe'en Apples and Candy AH on Display at Our Stores All at Reduced Prices Mcintosh Apples, Household pack, E ' S1.45 Mcintosh Apples, Cee arade, per box $1.85 Hallowe'en Cundy all colors, onn nor lh WWV; -- Jhocolate Bars, assorted, 7 for Chocolate Bart, assorted, 21 5c bars, per box 25c 80c This is good for the children and Is always appreciated. Popping Corn. QPn 3 1h.i. fnr "V Pumpkin, 2tt-lb. tins 15c Pumpkin, fresh, , n ncr lb Vs Hubbard Squaah, per lb. 6c Freh Roasted Peanuts, ' OCp good and crisp. 2 lbs. for " Braid's Best Tea Blue Label With cupandsaucer. ft?n per lb. 101 We have only a limited quantity ot this deal. Buy now and get this cup and saucer free. Malkln's Boat Waterglass, Q0 2's tins, per tin OIL Malkln's Best Jelly Powder, 12-oz. tins With one package of Malkln's Best Jelly Powder OPn free Malkln's nest Extracts All flavors, 2-oz. bottles, 1 Qn each Wv H'e have a full ranee of fresh Fruits and Vegetable at prices greatly reduced. We solicit mail orders, and prompt atlrnllnn l nltvnvc ivn in 41.--- u .III JU oui-oi-iown customers ..entrusting their requirements to our care. jMussallem's Cash and j ' Carry Stores . I "Where Dollars Have More Cents" rhone 3C0 Phone 18 & 81 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 5th Ave. Funeral of Mrs. Andreasson Was Held Yesterday with manv friends of deceased and her family In attendance at the final rites the funeral or uii-late Mrs. Elena Andreasson, wife of O. Andreasson, well known locai halibut fisherman, and mother of three small children, took place vesterday afternoon from the cha- npi nf thfi B. C. Undertakers to Falrvlew Cemetery. Rev. John H. Hanson, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, oin- clated and found an appropriate text In the Gospel according to tr John 13:7: "What i Now Do Thou Knowest Not." Peter Lien presided at the organ and the hymn was "What a Friend We Have in Jesus." Pallbearers were M. Jensen, N. Starvik, A. Seines, B. Morgan, Pe ter Lien and Nels Luth. There were numerous floral tri butes. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A E. Diokson, arrived in port at 7:30 last evening from the south and sailed at 0 pm. for Anyox, Stewart and other;, northern points, whence she will return here tomorrow morning southbound. Th vessel brought north a falr-slzel list ot passengers. WWW Will mm Monday and TW1,. Feature starts 7 10 and n, TWO SHOWS - 7 ill: That Extraordinary Genius GEORGE ARLISS in "Alexander Hamilton" i waue nisiorj, Scandal! Intritut' Conspiracy' Comtdv ANI1V In "TOO MANY HUSBANDS' rarlnnn ' f ' V. ( ni i . 1111" Scenic "In the Mountaiiu" Wed. and Tliurs.. CONSTANT! ni'vwrtmi I,.. in IMJLbUr Price of Coal Reduced forCasI Nanairno-Wcllington Single Screened, C-i 4 AA delivered loose, per ton vXXsUU Nanaimo-Wcllington Single Screened, IS-fl to Off delivered bagged, per ton f?JLUtiO Sootlcss Stove, delivered bagged, Q4 4 CA per ton ?JH.DU Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phone 116 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famoi "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily Dy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. Thank You for the hearty co-operation extended Our Little Merchants in their first financial endeavor. In caso of any error or misunderstanding between subscriber and carrier boy, please phono W or call at the Daily News Circulation Department and we will gladly attend to it. Work for Prince Rupert Patronize Prince Rupert Merchants Read Their Ads in The Daily News Because it doesn't nnv t n.i..-i: imrluets. It does pay to Imv .i....jcni J