OPENING DAY SPECIALS Good at Our Three Stores SATURDAY & MONDAY ONLY We are very proud of our new store. More commodious shopping facilities will make it a pleasure for you to shop at our newest store at 727 THIRD AVE. W. Free Delivery on All Orders Amounting to $?.00 or More Campbell"! Tomato in Canada 2 Una fw Peas No. 4 Serve per tin Five-String Broom-each Strawberry Jam 4-lb. tin Purity Quick Oat per pkt Malkln's Beat Prun eta-lb. pkt Soups Made 15c 8c 30c 50c 18c 20c Free Sample of Tea and Baking Powder. Candy for Children Accom panied by Parents " Phone Store No. 3 35 Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" We Solicit Mail Orders, and Give Personal Attention to Packing and Shipping No! 1 Store Fifth Ave Phone 18-84 No. 2 Store 319 Third Av-Phone 3Cfl . No. 3 Store 727 Third A v. Phone 375 MUSSALLEM'S MEAT MARKET Friday & Saturday Specials Legs of Lamb 28 C Legs of Veal , ff n per lb Legs of Pork-- . OOn per lb . V" Shoulders of Pork - 1 Af per lb Shoulders of Veal "I n At,l per lb Shoulders of Lamb 1 f AOV' per lb Veal Stew 9X per lb Lean Beef Stew CJp per lb . A01' rork Sausage QCo 2 lb. ... ""I' Rolled Prime Ribs n r n per lb Sirloin Roaata Beat quality OCp beef, per lb Sirloin Hps Best quality QOn beef, per lb. . STZ 18cand20c Veal Chops 9 tin per lb Pork Chops 9 Co per lb...- Lamb Chops 9 Co per lb "V Plekled,Pork- 19 lo per ib- .. ." '2 We deliver free to all parts of the city. Phones IS and 81 417 Fifth Avenue East ST. PETER'S BAZAAR Affair of the East End Anglican Church Yesterday Afternoon Was Complete Success After a very stormy morning, thi Weather Man relented yesterday afternoon to favor the annual bar- j aar of the Women's Auxiliary of St. Peter's Church, Seal Cove, wHh welcome sunshine and warm zep-! hyrs.. As a result many ladies- from ; all parts of the city called to lend their patronage to the affair. Throughout the afternoon the haS was .well filled and the event proved highly successful. Hallowe'en decorations and a genial atmosphere helped to make the functio.i most enjoyable. Mrs. Oeorge Kelsey was general convenor and she was assisted in her duties as hostess by Mrs. W. II. GocUell. The following ladies wete in charge of the various tables : Fancy Work Mrs. S. E. Sunbury and Mrs. W. O. Vigar. Plain Sewing Mrs. J. O. Vlereci and Mrs. H. B. Eastman. Home Cooking Mrs. W. V. Tat-tersal and Mrs. D. Sievert Candy Mrs. F. A. Hart Miss Mary Geary. Miss Patricia McAllister and Miss Kathleen Eastman. In charge of the tea roam were Mrs. A. H. Hill-Tout Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton and Mrs. W. B. Skinner. Mrs. J. E. Boddle and Mrs Kenneth McPhail poured and ser-viteurs were Miss Annie Boddle, Miss Marjorle Sievert and Mrs. H. Lund. Mrs. A. Frebourg acted as cashier. Mrs. Cecilia Cavenalle was the winner of a guessing contest During the afternoon there were delightful piano selections by Utile Misses May McPhail and Thelma Skinner. OPENING SPECIALS Save While You Spend We now offer yon the combined service of our Three Stores. You will find it easy to shop with us as all commodities are plainly marked. Advertising space does not allow us to list all our prices but we offer a few suggestive buys: Cottage Roll Appetising It "I Op wholesome ham per lb AO I Royal Breakfast Bacon 9Cp A Machine sHced. per lb Dry Salt Pork 20 C Swifts Economy Square 9 ftp Baeen, per lb A III Split Peas 25C Small White Beans 25C Dried Green Peas 25C Royal City White Corn - 9 Co 2 2-lb. tins UC Royal City White Corn Q n per 11-c. tin Norwegian Sardines Equal i Hp J-vO to King Oscar, per tin Ueckist Honey Serve with CQp rolls, per 5-lb. tin UOl Skimmed Milk Cheese Equal to Kraft Q C)? per 5-lb. box ?AJ Palmollve Soap Deal 3 cakes Pslm- ollve Soap. 1 pkg. Palm- 9 Co olive Soap Beads, 40c value P. & 0. White Naptha Soap OCo 6 cakes for uOV, Waxed Lunch Paper 40 sheets ftp to roll, per roll Malkln's Best Tea QCo 2 1-lb.pkts OUO Malkln's Best Coffee C Cp 2 Mb. tins OOl Ensign Crab Meat &0 9Qp per -lb.tln Oranges Nice and Juicy QCo 5doz Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores "tVbere Dollars Have More Cents" i We Solicit Mall Orders, and Give Personal Attention to Parking and Shipping No. 1 Store Fifth Avc-Plione lX-St No. I Store 319 Third Av. Phone SCO No. 3 Store 7X7 Third Av. Phsne SS P. O. Box 57$ AUY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PltlNCK EUPEKT - BKIT1SI1 COLUMBIA Published Rvery Afternoon. Except Sunday, oy Prince Kupe'rt . Dally News. Limited. Third Avenii , v f; 11 F. PULLEN - - - MftnaRlns-Edltor .It Contract rates on application. Editor and' Reporters" 'Irleptionr , , Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member t Audit Biirran of Circulation TERRACE INQUEST (Continued iram Page One) said she broke the bedroom window. Fighting the Fire Vick's Benefit Dance and Concert Don't Miss It! Friday, 9 p.m. EAGLE'S HALL Six Rig Vaudeville Acts Between Dances Vic will sing "The Rag Time Porter's Blues" and "The Rheumatism," accompanied by Joe Areeneau and his $400 banjo. Other snappy numbers by such well known artists as Harry Astoria and Joe Arseneau Sketch Bill Howe and Harry Smith The Smallpox Twins In Hawaiian Guitar Duet Bud Baldwin King of the Lumberjack Baritones Sam Joy famous buck and wing dancer ana others. ! It will be a great show a little dif ferent so come and get your money's worth. Tickets on sale at Orotto Cigar Store. Empress Social Club and the Royal Hotel. Charles Kalagno'g Augmented Orchestra Doors Open I pjn. Admission 50c tmzm mzwEMsmzm msmimmzmva t I was not Ml Friday. October 30, 1931 NATIONAL CO-OPERATION Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, former Premier of Great Britain, and now a member of the MacDonald Government, has declared in favor of national co-operation instead of party government. That is a view held by manv in Canada and is very likely to give place to the present system which is inefficient and expensive. What makes co-operation difficult is the spoils system by which supporters of the party in power get the government business. It is not a British institution but has been grafted on to the British party system in Canada. As long as it lasts there can be no co-operation. Most of the bitterness in political life is the result of the spoils system. People who will not quarrel for a principle will fight for a few dollars. I SWEEPSTAKE LAWS ! The laws in regard to sweepstakes seem to the man on' the street to be very foolish. To allow the sale of tickets and then refuse to allow the purchaser to collect the, winnings seems against all reason. In a recent case in the i city the Daily News might have made fifty thousand dol-. Iars by laying an information and putting in a claim for ' the money. The present law puts a jiremium on meanness and is no deterrent of the custom of selling tickets on long J chances. showed what appeared to be thej remains oi an adult person in the J basement of the house. Mrs. Little was with witness when they were discussing the remains of the baby and Acting-Constable Creelman when they were discussing the E. T. Kenney said he attended other remains. It was utterly im the fire. When the siren sounded possible to identify the remains of; he grabbed an extinguisher, ran the two bodies, as they had betnj towards me nre ana roae on a car very severely burned pan oi me way. Arriving mere ne window just above his head, which was broken out. There was consid He saw the remains between half m .past nine and a quarter to ten. I n 'o chop a hole through the east rhm wm the ot a 1UC 0i JnT L whleh was tilted on one side in th- room was. There was a single sash basement and lt Eefmfd mat adult body had slid into the base- rMent w4H tYtm aaVi Tia twn KnH. h'? the ?? 1 were separated M feet: Witness emptied extinguishe which he had into that room and nt" tne large sized extinguisher into the one. "I dOtt t think f Mm. mnm Th.. V,l-oH H. fl. SOI IKM but only temporary In that room. Flames seemed to be coming from Sergt McNeil: "In your opinion would it have been possible for any r for anyone to have been alive there." "Were you present when the re- what appeared to be the kitchen. we fathered upf After the fire had burnt itself out be noticed what appeared to be the body of a child in the extreme north east corner of the building. Further examination of the rulnt The Foreman: "Which room was above the basement' "The living room. I believe." Albert Edward Johnson said he wao apprised of the fire by his sis- ter-m-law. He started towards the li;JISsTns1sf.-:j:Sl'lJI fire and Just then the siren and the mill whistle gave the alarm. Wheu he reached the house the men from the mill had begun to arrive Short y after Cauthers came and his father-in-law told him his wlf' and child were both inside th- house. He ran towards the back door and witness went with him. Cauthers opened the-back door and the flames forced him back. They then went to the east side and Cauthers tried to chop a hole In the side wall. Mrs. Wilkinson then came out and Cauthers went into the Wilkinson house. Witness left fhortly after as he could not be of any service. Arnold Creelman. special constable, stationed at Ter race, substituting for Constable Mr Kenney during his absence, said the first he knew of the fire was when he was in the station shaking down the stove. On hearing th siren he grabbed the key of th-fire hail and laid It on his desk He then went to the front door and saw the fire was too far aws;' for the hose to be of any use. H got on John DeKergommeaux' truck end went to the fire. A few men had already arrived but the fire had too much start for anything to be done with it Witness saw Cauthers trying to chop a hole through the wall and LkCHILILAlNS: fT , itae .fc iaa hM. f I war Dm wnk II .k . 1 1 1 1 ill tm km - What a riaf I 1 AyLMER AYLMER TOMATO JUICE Made from fresh-picktd, lun-ripentd Canadian tcanatoet . . . hijh in vitamin content ... a driitht-fulbealth drink 1 LUtta In on the AYLMfR Mutictl Menu tvtry Fridy rvcntHf ovr tadio Ulion COR. they have that SOUP MADE IN B.G AYLMER Tomato Soup retains the Natural Flavour of the fresh-picked, sun-ripened tomatoes. AYLMER Vegetable Soup . . . the Natural Flavour of fresh garden vegetables. AYLMER Soups are made in British Columbia. All vegetables and tomatoes in them are grown in this province. All cans, labels and cases also are made in B.C. DOMINION CAHNERS B.C. LIMITED VANCOUVER, B.C. 9 Canning PUnti in British Columbia A 100 ac PRODUCT be said his wife and child were inside. As soon as the fire cooled he first noticed the remains ot the baby. On further examination he discovered what looked to be the emalns of a full grown person. Witness immediately wired Staff-rgt. McNeill and Coroner Robinson. When the bodies were discovered there were present E. T. Kenney. O. Little and W. A. Klrkpatriek. The remains showed that the bodes had been severely burned There were only a few charred remain which were removed to thr Blue Room The only evidence o.' slothing was the finding of a few buttons which appeared to have formed part of a woman's dress. Death by Sotfooitlon The Jurymen were: J. B. Agar i foreman i. R. D. Christy. O. Temple. W. A. Klrkpatriek, O LRU and J. H. Smith. Their verdict in tlmated that they accepted th? evidence of Identification of thr remains recovered from the burned home of the Cauthers family an-i agreed that death was accidentally caused from suffocation Oct quick result-, with a wnnf art GREATEST 2013 ORGANIZING i BILLIARDS Six and Posriblv Si en, T ami T pected 'jo Be In Competition This Winter Billia ' 1 -K The Print Rpsrt la beteg reorganised for th- winter's activities C P C again president ind t!i. ' are hr iraf as last ea . It Is planned to hve iblv. rven teams m . Sacrifice Sale Ever Known In Prince Rupert Every Article in Store to Be Cut to the Bone Before huying elsewhere, come and convince yourself that wchavc the larRCt stock and lowest prices in the city. Montreal Importers