frlday, October 30, 1B31 End Pain, Swelling & Bleeding of PILES (HEMORRHOIDS) With Zam-Buk Herbal Ointment. WEEK Candy English Toffee, Ormes Lid. Pioneer Drvtqgists THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St UNION STEAMSIHl'S LIMITED Btramrn Iratt Prince Kopert f or Vancouver: tXK rATALA EVr.BV TUESDAY. I JO V3. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver. Thursday Morning. T.R.H. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDMOIIT Arriving Vanoouver Sunday mldnlfht prox. Vltl'i taUlngi to Port Blmpaon, Alle Ann, Anyox. Btcwart and Ntu Rim i-oim. Sunday. 8 00 p.m. information regarding all aaUlng and ticket, at rKIXX Rl'PEKT AOENCY: ttrcond Avenue, Phone 5BS 'HP (' i nstable David Geddes I i i... brfii on a trip to Vancou-' ' duty, returned to the' relay afternoon's train BUSH'S Grocerteria OutoftheHighRent istrict! ONE STORE ONLY Hence our low prices, plus service. Oi M ontcalm Flour $1.25 W ; F: Mcintosh Red CI L.60 Aft ?uv per box l 1 K-.X 'i-l.' 25c P sf in k Cooking Rolled Oftp v .in pkt ' 'i.i!'' Strawberry Jam gQ( QlMK" i -urn -2', Off ' ,U Cnrn 4 ft pr,-:..,- JLUC R,u" '.!' Nabob Tomatoes 4 Qp Awi" i Tomato Jutee Offn I .... AUt 0tl M'""c Peaches Halves 20C Pork it Beans f n in ., JLUlv "" Bulk Tea- Oft G Buik Coffee " 3()C . 6o! Baron-" ftft pr ih uUU "'"J.'MRtae- " rn Df ih DC Wmv' :!; shire Sauced" -iff, Dri b ..tie JLUls to. r White Soap- 25( Y, s!' Timatoes-" f- tr lb IDC H'"" i..-ttuce- n i ean, 1UC P bunch 10 C Push's Grocerteria FREE DELIVERY T LEPHONES til & 112 - END Special 6-oz. bags, 20c Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Sunday ss. Pr. George .10 p.m Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pm. Thursday s. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. Friday a. Princess Mary 10 pm S? Oardena, midnight. October 4 ss. Pr. Louise 5:30 pan. - Oct. H as. Princess Louise pjn. Oct. 26 ss. Princess Norah From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Wed. sa. Pr. Rupert ...10:10 ajn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Friday ss. Cardena pm. Satur. as. Pr. George .10:30 am. Oct. 10 ss. Prin. Louise .9 am. Oct. as. Princes Norah... a.m. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday as. Catala 8 pm. From Naas River Ic Tort Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala .ll:3Q am. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m Wednesday as. Pr. Rupert 4 pm. Saturday as. Pr. George ....4 pm. From Stewart and Anyox Sunday as. Pr. George 8 pm. Tuesday--as. Catala ....11:30 am Thurs ss. Pr. Rupert 8 pm. For Ocean Falls-Sunday as. Pr. George 10 pm. Tuesday as. Catala 1:30 pm. Thursday a. Pr. Rupert 10 pm. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pm From Ocean Falls-Wed. as. Pr. Rupert ....10:36 am. Friday- as. Cardena .. pm ss. Princess Mary 4 P-TV Sat - ss. Pr. George ...10:30 a jr. Tor Queen Charlottes Oct. 8 as. Prime John....10 pm. Oct 3 as. Prince John . ...10 pm. CP.R. steamer Princess Mary. Capt. James Flood, arrived In port at 13:15 noon today from the south and will sail at 10 o'clock tonight on her return to Vancouver and vay points. SATURDAY SPECIAL Devils Food Layer Cake 30c ' The Electric Hakery Phone G67 Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Phone Red 08 DOMINION DAIRY Local Items Dinnenvare, china, crockery glassware. Heilbroner's store. Concert Mooseheart Day Celebration in the Moose Hall at 9 p.m. Sunday, November' 1. Everybody welcome. (253) Fresh killed Bulkley Valley chickens, 35c per pound. Frizzell's Market. The Paddy Boyle, who was reported yesterday to be arrested and charge dwlth vagrancy, is not 8. N. Boyle of the C. N. Telegraphs. Miss Pauline Furness, who has been on a visit to her home in Smithers, returned to the city from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Dn't miss the Hallowe'en Hard Time Novelty Dance, Moose Hall, Friday night. Hall will be nicely decorated. Peppy music! Good eats! Useful prizes. Lots of confetti and streamers, and oh. those moonlight waltzes. Admission SOc. Staff-Sergt. Alex. McNeill, pro vincial police, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train 'rom Terrace, where he conducted in investigation into last Tuesdays 'ragedy, when Mrs. Charles Cau-thers and baby lost their lives in the destruction of their home by fire. Mrs. Ronald Wilson, formerly Miss Agnes McKenzie, of this city. was brought to the city from Haz elton on yesterday afternoon's train for treatment at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, being removed from the station to the hospital in the ambulance . She was accompanied to the city by her husband. De Jongs Cash and Carry Phone WEEK-END Phone 923 SPECIALS 953 $ lbs. Granulated Sugar, value SOc 1 lb. Freah Ground Coffee VOX tZRp value 35c, for 1 lb. Whole Mixed PeeL Lemon, Orange, Citron, 1 lb. Cocoa- Offn Otll nut the 2 lbs. for Robin Hood Rapid Oats With new Wedge wood China ware ffffo apkga. McCormick Sodas in the pall f ff n vsivaa Nabob Plum Jam 40c 4-lb. paU Toilet Paper 35c 10 rolls for Nabob Whole Baby Beans -f Qn JUU yvi vwu RowBtrees' Cocoa 22c 4-lb. tin Riedell's Honey 63 C vas in Fairy 8oap 25c 6 cakes for MaHdn's Best Jelly Powders OQn 6 pkgs. for Watch Our Windows For Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Australia Oranges Off Table Pears-par doa 35c Cooking Pears 25c 4 lbs Cooking Apples 25c 6 lbs 20cand25c " " Carraia and Beets 5c per bunch Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or Over mrKtmrm ra rum trnzmmzms Car Owners Our repair service is prompt, efficient and courteous. IiUPEUT MOTORS Distributor! of DODGE & PLYMOUTH CARS Phone 5G0 Night Calls 161,'- THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Everything Would Turn BLACK Mrs. H. L Swanzey Considers that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (tonic) Saved Her Life. "I could hardly "Feeling Like walk across (he room," writes Ma 2. Different H. E. Swanzey, R. Person.' R. No. 1, Colling-wood, Ontario, "Everything would turn black and I would become to dizzy I would have to rest. 1 thought I would never be strong when I was advised to get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I used them uatil I had taken six bores. Soon I was feeling like a different person. I am now the mother of six strong, healthy children." The iron and other elements in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (tonic) increase the amount of haemoglobin, or oxygen-carrying agent, in blood. The result is a better appetite, feeling of well-being, restful sleep, and the ability to do your work happily. Begin now to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. JO cents a paokage 134 Sons of Norway Hallowe'en dance, Saturday. Lots of fun. Everybody in old clothes. Metropole Hall. Fresh killed Bulkley Valley chickens, 35c per pound. Frizzell's Market. Vic is well pleased at the ad vance sale of tickets for his show tonight. It seems as if standing room will be at par. R. S. Woods, D. C. Schubert. T. M. J. Fortune and H. Doherty sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver, where aU will appear before the pensions board. J. C. K. Sealy, well-known pioneer rancher of the interior, arrived in the city from Smithers on yesterday afternoon's train and win spend the next few days in town. Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty, who have been on a four months' trip to England. Ireland and France, returned to the city on the Princess Mary today, having travelled home via Vancouver. NOTICE Our coal is in a dry shed. Don't buy water. Buy coal and get your fuU weight Discount $1.00 a ton. Note our advertisetaents .lor , cash prices. HYDE TRANSFER, Phone 580. rf Ladies' Orange Lodge Party Is Very Successful The Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association held a very enjoyable bridge and whist party last night in the Metropole HaU. There were twenty tables of card and prize-winners were as follows J Bridge: Ladles' first, Mrs. Cla verting: second. Mrs. J. A. Teng; men's first. F. A. Rogers; second, P. W. I Andersen. ! Whist: Ladies' first. "Mrs. Mc- Lean; second, Mrs. L. F. Tusrey; men's first. Miss Ivy Anderson i playing as a man); second, Duncan McKenzie. After cards, delicious refresh ments were served and dancing was enjoyed wttn music by Mrs. J. S. Black's orchestra and J. A. Teng, master of ceremonies. Mrs. J. R. Murray was convenor, and other committees were Mrs. 8. V. Cox. Mrs. J. O. Vlereck Mn. Larson. Miss Bealr and Miss Jones Announcements Hill 60 l.O.D.E Bridge and dance .October 30. Moose Hallowe'en dance, Oct. 30 Presbyterian Fall Basaar. November 5. Daughters of Norway basaar, November 6. Eagles social and dance, November 6. Ladles refreshments. Genu 1 50c. Moose Carnival and Dance Nov. 12 and 13. Bapltst sale of work, Nov. 17. i Anglican Cathedral Basaar, November 19. Varden Concert November 19. Recreation Club Scotch Danci' November 20. Grasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. F. S. Walton, CNJt. roadmaster. returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip up the line as far as Pacific on official duties. Jack Lauten, of the C.N.R. city ticket office staff, sailed last nigh on the Pr.lnce Rupert for Vancouver, whence he will proceed to Winnipeg. He is on his annual vacation. L. J. Shanks, who has been relieving on the composing staff of the Daily News for the past several weeks, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on his return to Vancouver. W. H. Tobey, C. N. R. divisional superintendent; returned to tin. city on yesterday afternoon's train from one of his periodical trips up the line as far as Jasper Park on official duties. Sven Braaten and Erllng O. Roj-klfte, both of whom have been engaged in mining in the district sailed last night on the steamei Prince Rupert for Vancouver, whence they will proceed to Hali fax, where on November 10th they will embark on the steamer Ber-gensfjord to pay a visit to their native land. Norway Seasonable Suggestions In Quality Foods Mcintosh Red ApplesCee Grade, wranned. lame rosv amiles I EL 81.55 '23c UUA Aha. Jonathon Apples Orchard run, sure to please. 81.45 L23c llauowe'en Candy Kisses, Jelly Beans, Jellies 35c peg lb. y ..... ;vr-... Popping Corn 25c 2 lbs. Peanuts Fresh Roasted 25c 2 lbs Filberts New crop 45C Drasils Large 20c per lb Weintrs 20c per lb Ayrshire Bacon Mild cure OQn per lb Beekist Honey New crop Just re ceived, O 7 51i-1h tin UIV 70c 5-lb. tin Malkin's Best Coffee 42c 1-lb. tin $2.00 5-lb. tin Holland Herring New Q-f fff ahmment. nor lo.lh kilV A it Red Arrow Sodas Family 17c packages, per pkg Peanut Butter Fresh It ffi Fairy Soap "It Floats' 25c 6 bars Eagle Lobster Q A 0 per ft-lb. tin uvrv SPECIAL PRICES ON ROYAL CITY CANNED FOODS Royal City Baby Beets-No. 20c 2 tins, per tin Royal City Choice White 25c Corn, 3'a, 2 tins Royal City Choice White 25c Com, 18, 3 tins Royal City Fancy Peas- 15c Sieve 3, per tin HoyAl City Kraut No. 2H's 15c per tin Royal City Birtlett Pears 19c 28, per tin Royal City Apricots 2's 43c 2 Una fRoyal City Halved Peaches 43c 2's. 2 tins Royal City Royal Anne 20c Cherries, 2's, per tin Royal City Pumpkin 2's 11c per tin The Quality of These Foods Is Well Known. Lay In a Supply at These Prices. Watts' Grocery PHONE 55 rilONE 56 THE BEST FOR LESS Interesting News! To the Buying City of Prince The new Cut Rate Shoe Store located in the Meeker Block, just opposite the New Empress Hotel, is now under the management of Frank Blackford, who wishes to announce new low prices on all footwear for men, women and children. Whether it be street or dress shoes for the ladies, school or Sunday school shoes for the boys and girls, dress or work shoes for the men, Frank says: i4We have them all at rock bottom prices." Our values are high; our prices are low. A visit to this store will convince. Vre guarantee all our footwear to be at least 25 per cent lower than elsewhere so why pay more? Our entire stock of rubber footwear is made by the leading rubber manufacturers in Canada, including Goodrich Hi-Press, the highest grade rubber footwear makers known today. Our prices on these high grade rubbers are actually lower than the wholesale cost as we take our cash discount and are satisfied with a small profit and quick turnover, so you are at all times assured of a fresh, clean stock. We will consider it a favor to have you come in and look around and compare our prices. Don't forget the address. Cut Rate Shoe Store MEEKER BLOCK Prices Are Lower at the Cut Rate Dr. Maguire wishes to announce to his friends and patients the opening of the new office In Rooms 7 8 and 9, Smith Block Telephone 525 Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free! LINO THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 649 Public of the Rupert: COAL Bay the real Coal our famous Edson and Cass Id Wellington In any qnanUtles. Also Bulkley Valley nay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co IMIONRS 58 AND 558 t . V. : si :' .sr. f . , Ja ir IV tit"