HEW TAXI She Tomorrow's Tides Statin Saturday, October 31, 1931 if v A. Security High 1 4:05 &xa. 17.3 ft. K ' 15:32 p.m. 10.9 ft. 6 78lW Block , Low 9:40 a.m. 9.6 ft. 22:42 pjn. 5.1 ft. v ,l, XXII. No. 253. V CABINET CONSTRUCTION IS TWO SOUTHERN YOUTHS DEAD AS CHOOSING CABINET Blf Conservative Majority Makes Matters More Complicated for Tremier MacDoiiald LONDON, Oct. 30. The task of pn m ior Jame Ramsay MacDon-ajn in selecting hit permanent cabin" promises to be no easy task. The matter to all the more compll-( i-. ti because of the overwhelming m-Ji'irity which the Conservative p.rv had In the general election i n Tuesday. It' Hon. Stanley Daldwin. Con- r i'ivp leader and former Prern-,f will, of course, be Premier Mac-r m .iM's chief adviser In choosing lubinrt timber. rn-micr MacDonald went to his ' mii rv home at Chequers today for : . vuek-end. planning to return to n Sunday night. iblnet will meet again Tues-n-1 Parliament will assemble inir day. LIBERALS WINSEAT Interne; s Seat in Scotland Add Another Hiding to Support of National Government I ' iNDON. Oct. 30. Inverness in Scotland reported Its gen- er.i lection result today in favor Nationalist Liberals, thus In-'imhr the seatage of government ipivirters to 552. Including 67 for i' National Liberal. The majority !he National Government ovot- i' Opposition now stands at 492. The results for London Unlver-ii. (I two combined English unl-: ities may not be known for 'lays. FORTUNE IS VERY LARGE Thomas ,. Edison Left Estate Of $13,000,000. Most of Which does to Two Sons W!-;kt ORANGE. NJ.. Oct. 30. " will of Um lata Thomas Alva Em "ii. great American Inventor. tiled for probate yesterday. He let! an estate aggregating about SI.. ooo.ooo in value, the bulk ot w hi i was bequeathed to his two Charles and Theodore. Halibut Landings American Eureka. 500, Cold Storage, 8c and Canadian Ivllle. 25.000. and Canrlla I. 13.- Onri "ffcred 7.8c and 4c; Atll. 1.200. ffi i rd 7.5e nnrl t: Knlpn flfinn nf- "i 8c and 4c; Rose Bplt, 12.000. oft rea 7.8c and 4c. all holding over. f WHEAT GAINS ANOTHER TWO CENTS IN PRICE VANCOUVER, Oct. 30: Con- 'mulng Its spectacular upward niovement, wheat gained over '' centt since yesterday and was quoted at CCo on the local ' xehange today, TELLS ABOUT CALGARY OIL Ilise and Fall of Turner Valley Subject of Address to Rotary Club Yesterday A Romantic Story Two Booms Followed By Crash That Seems Like End of Industry in Southern Alberta An Intensely interesting address was given yesterday afternoon at the weekly luncheon ot the Prince Rupert Rotary Club, George Munro presiding, the speaker being Rev. W D. Grant Holllngsworth. and the subject "The Rise and Fall of the Turner Valley." Mr. Holllngsworth sketched in an interesting manner the history of the discovery of oil in the valley and told of the two booms which had re sulted, one in 1914 when the discovery well. Dlngman Number 1. was biought in with a moderate amount of crude oil. Telling of this boom the speaker said: 'A Yukon nloneer said that Daw son City In the flourishing days of 21 wasouewnomparecLwlth CgarTThtIWie dlysT Every man. woman and child wanted to invest in oil. Oil companies sprang up over night." Owing to the war little was done for several years until 1924 when Royallte Number 4 In the Turner Valley blew in with such a crasn that the eyes of the world were turned to Turner Valley in earnest This v. ell reached limestone be neath formations hitherto explored and at 3740 feet struck a flow of wet gas amounting to twenty-one and a half million cubic feet per day. irom which eventually over 600 barrels of naptha per day were obtained. From that day to this the well has been a steady producer. "One may easily imagine tne iorce with which such a well would blow in. as it is termed, when this well became Ignited Immediately after striking the tremendous flow and cast flames several hundred feet in th air for several weeks before it was finally brought under control. When a well blow in there is always a orent dancer of fire stones, per haps, the drilling tools themselves are blown Into the air. ana u mey strike any solid substance such as the derrick, and create a spark, the result is a huge flame which ordinary fire fighting apparatus cannot cope with at all. Live steam is about the only successful way of combatting the flames. It is because of this that the visitor and the workman alike are compelled to obey very de finitely the law about "No bmoiung in or around the valley except in a dwelling house. "The tremendous pressure oiew out the one-inch steel drilling cable like a twine thread. Following thU great well a great many more wells and companies entered the area. n to?o one company alone, the Royallte Oil Co.. a subsidiary of the Imperial OH CO., naa it producing more than 1100 barrels of crude oil and naptha every day. i.i.. .nnni tin everywhere. New companies were formed with strange names. Stocks were sold at high prices. . . . I can remember, saiu llngsworth. "in 1928-29 seeing peo ple standing outsiae oroKc.-sv I 1ft onH 12 TOWS QCTU. Micro w - their orders on slips of papers, at taching money or cheques . and throwing this communication over the heads of those In front of them and the clerks picking these up an dthrowlng them into already (Continued on Page Four NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, Hard to Get This IHIBJF V sssssssssssssssflsssssssV N.iw i..f ii (.. A; u. ;, tvi'Is! ipnifn " football team, poses with :ht: bu- b s. .-r-- '"v of United States Navy before Navy's football te.nii t ccki-'d t'uivn.Mty of Maryland. Washington. D. C. DEATH OF Henry A. StolUe Died Suddenly at His Home In Vancouver Today VANCOUVER. Oct. 30: Henry A. 3toltte. well known Vancouver lum-serman and shingle manufacturer, lied suddenly today. Ford Motor Co. Cuts Its Wages Reduction in Pay ot $1.00 a Day All Hound If Announced by Big Auto Firm DETROIT, Oct. 30. The Ford Motor Oo. yesterday announced an all round cut In pay of $1 for all smployees yesterday. The minimum wage of the plant has been reduced from $7. instituted two years ago, back to $6. Standing of Parties After Tuesday's British Election Nationalist Government Consorvntivos 472 Nationalist Labor . . 18 National Liberal ... 67 . Total v. 552 012 out of 015 B.C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, Team's Goat IS CHOSEN MAGISTRATE W. M. McKay Succeeds Henp Shaw on Police Court Bench In Vancouver VICTORIA. Oct. 30. W. M. Mc Kay, since 1919 prosecutor in Van couver police court, has been ap pointed police magistrate and judge in Juvenile court, succeedln the late Magistrate Henry C. Shaw who died recently. Today's Weather Prtne Rupert Overcast, light southeast wind: barometer, 30.00; temperature, 48: sea smooth. Langara Island Raining, light southeast wind; sea calm. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, fresh MHitheaat wind; barometer, 29.92; temperature. 46; sea choppy. Opposition Georgian Liberals . . 5 Labor 50 Independents , 5 Mosloy New Party. . 0 Communists ....... 0 Total GO seats reported. 1931 RESULT TERRACE INQUEST Fire Tragedy Probed by Coroner's Jury on Wednesday MANY WITNESSES .Mrs. Cauthers and Baby Came to Death by Suffocation TERRACE, Oct. 30. Will Robinson, Coroner, held an Inquest into the deaths of Frames Beatrice Cauthers. aged 20, wife of Charle- ton Cauthers, and her one year old baby. Ronald James, on wednes-. day night In the Blue Room of the Legion Hall. Staff-Sergt. Alex. Mc Neill, Provincial Police, was in charge of the proceedings. Charleton Cauthers testified that on Tuesday morning he ro3e late and had not time to get any breakfast. He went to work at the mill The next thing he knew was when someone shouted "fire." H tried to get Into the house, but could not and he then went to Mrs. Wilkinson's and had stayed there since. There were four rooms n the house, all on one floor and wcrexlts. Thaadofeened-to the living room. There were two vtoves In the house the kitchen -tove and a heater, the latter be-ng in the living room. Both were connected to one outlet. There wai no fire In either when he got up and he did not light one. He generally did so, but he had slept in and hadn't time to do so. He wen: to work at 7.25 and left his wife ind baby In the house. The baby was one year old on the day the tire occurred. Both his wife and he baby were in bed when he left His wife was awake. He had spoken o her. There was Insurance on the house and furniture $330 on each He left the reservoir and one pall-.ul of water In the house. When he got to the house he did not call o his wife but tried to get In both t the door and the window anc" ailed. He then asked Mr. Wilkin-on if his (witness') wife was out -nd he replied "No." In reply to Bert-McNeill wltne'-aid there were times when hi-vlfe was not well, but she was not subject to fainting spells. Miss Emily Fagan, wife of O. J. Fagan. and sister of Mrs. Cauthers said she lived across the street from her sister. She was getting breakfast between 8 30 and 3 o'clock on the morning In question when she noticed a lot or smoke in front of Cauther's house. It was coming from the top ot the front part of the house. She ran over and opened the front door bu. could not get in owing to the flames and she then tried to get into the windows. She called U her sister several times, but got no answer. She broke the window anc called again but still got no answer and could not see anything for smoke. There was no one else I around at the time and she wen. over to her father's nearby. Slu called her mother and father and they came out and tried to get into the house but could not. - Her father got part way In the back door but had to turn back. Witness then went to the mill to get Cau thers. When she got back everybody was over there and there was nothing she could do. The babys health was good, but her sister's was not so good. She was not sub- Ject to fainting spells. Witness hadjfaclng northerly and the other su- seen deceased Just before supper time on the day before the fire. In reply to the Coroner, witness Continued on page 2 DISCUSSED OF GUN Cliff o rd Jones and His Comrade, Albert Walker, Fooled With Guns-Dead Eighteen-Year Old ,Boys Had Been Lifelong Friends Their Guns Believed to Have Discharged Accidentally at Same Time NEW WESTMINSTER. Albert Walker, 18-year old Burnaby youths, died on Thurs day as a result of shotgun wounds received while hunting near here on Wednesday. Jones is reported to have told his father during a period of consciousness that he and his lifelong chum had been fooling and it is believed that both 1 1 t lit .11 ! meir guns aiscnarged accidentally at tne same time. The boys had been fond of wrestling together. They were found Wednesday evening by a motorist on the roadside mortally wounded. BIG BOOM IN WHEAT Winnipeg Grain Exchange Has Bullish Ssession and Prices Go to High Point WINNIPEG, Oct. 30: Enthusiastic investment buying broke loose on the Winnipeg Grain Exchange today and In the most bullish session of many months prices a climbed to highest points since last June. Prices at the close showed net advances ot 2Vc to 2Hc, final quotations being well down from the day's high marks. England Using Danish Butter hundreds ot Tons ot Dairy Products From European Country Are Used Weekly HULL. Eng.. Oct. 30: Hundreds of tons of Danish bacon, butter, cheese and eggs are being distribu ted weekly to cities In Northern Eng- iand and Wales from this port in competition with British produce. More than 500 tons ot Danish ba-;on alone is distributed every week from the quayside here, where a Danish bacon ship unloads its cargo regularly on Monday. A small fleet ot lighters go out Monday and Thursday to meet large vessels arriving from Denmark with other produce. The imported produce must all be plainly labelled as from Denmark and appeals are being made to housewives not to buy produce bearing the foreign brand mark. NEW FOG ALARM AT DRYAD POINT The Department ot Marine ad vises mariners that a new fog alarm has been installed at Dryad Point Light Station. Lama Passage, re-1 placing the former hand horn. j The duplex horns are located at the apex ot the root ot a small build- ing In front ot the tower, one hom : uieny. The horns will give a two-second, blast every f If Iteen seconds in both ! directions simultaneously. PRICE: FIVE CEN13 WOUNDS Oct. 30: Clifford Jones and HOOVER IS INDIGNANT Demands Apology from President ot American Navy League & WASHINOTON, DC. Oct 30.-Charging the Navy League ot the United States with "dismal ignorance" of the country's naval affairs. President Herbert Hoover, in public statement yesterday, de-' mandea an apology from William Howard Gardiner, for statements made by him. in public on Wednesday. President Hoover accused the Navy League of Instituting a campaign of misinformation in order to Interfere with the administration's efforts toward the end of naval economy. RELIEF HAS BEEN GIVEN, Salvation Army Has Distributed 1000 Garments; Among 600 People During the months ot July, August and September, It has been the pleasure of Captain Steele, btr the Salvation Army, through the goodness of Prince Ruyert people to see men, women and children. who were in need ot clothing and other necessities ot lite, amply sup plied. During these months, approxi mately 600 men, women and child ren have received around 1000 garments and also beds, bedding, carpets and food, at the Salvation Army. IS AGREEABLE TO NAVAL HOLIDAY WASHINOTON. DC Oct. 30. Announcement was made yes- terday that the united States naci agreed to a proposal ot the League ot Nations for con- dltlonal suspension ot all war- shin construction. Other naval building powers would f have to comply with the same agreement 4 4 4 Mr sls1- ..." if 1 1 Vs 1l