PAGE EES WALLACE Sponge Rubber Bath Mats O 4 C Reg, value $2.50, each . . V Curtain Panels, with silk fringe, handsome designs, val- J )IZ ues to $2.50, each tyX-iAO Curtains, all white with Swiss dot, tics and valance com- Qfl Qff plctc, per pair. tPJL.4tJ Rath Towels, extra large size( double tex, reversible stripe, -f Off Reg. $1.95, per pair . . . . V Tablecloths, pure linen with colored borders, sizes 54x63 -fl Off square, splendid quality V Ladies' Raincoats, 24 only, all new goods, values to $10.50 jg "Jg Girls' Velvet Dresses, sizes 12 and 14 only. $6.75 values 3 95 Girls' Knitted Sweater Suits, colors of blue, nile, sand, reg. flJQ Qff $5.50, for WQUQ Wincyette Gowns, warm and fEZf durable, each IwC Waists, in spot and plain Cf Qff patterns, each tJJ.itJ SHEDDON'S Cash and Carry It Pays to Buy Here Jlue Ribbon Tea 2-Ib. packet with fancy cup and saucer QtZn enclosed, the lot Owl Libby's Apricots 2's 9 On per tin UL Snow Cap Crab V4's 9 1st per tin Ontario Cheese 9 (In per lb k3j Out Green Beans 2's i fln per tin Ivl Royal City Sliced Peaches Oftr 2's. per tin i3 Libby's Queen Olives "I Q p J. JL per 9-oz. bottle Libby's Stuffed Olives 9p per 9-oz. bottle Kellogg's All-Bran i Qp per pkt A til Fresh Oround Coffee QAn per lb Ut Five Roses Flour 49's Q QP per sack JJ.OU Sliced Bacon 9 Co per lb A"' SHEDDON'S Cash & Carry Fifth Are. I'., opposite Hospital Telephone 581 t Special Inducements for SATURDAY & MONDAY Eiderdown and Feather Filled Comforters All reduced for this occasion, values from $9.50 to $39.50. They are in beautiful patterns, some satin covered. ?A (EQQ CA priced from V v to $V,DV Ladies' Skirts, tweed and coverts, Reg. $4.50 89 9ff for, each Silk Scanty Combination, in a dainty range of colors, reg. Q-fl Qff $4.50, for $V9 Pajama Suits, in contrasting trim values to $2.95 fl-fl ftff for vite? Ladies' Umbrellas in an assortment of handles and covers Q4 Qff values to $2.95, each , , . V Serge Gymnasium Bloomers, sizes G to 20, values to $3.75 j- Children's Combination Suits, long leg and sleeve to clear, per suit AOi Women's Figured Flannelette Kimo-nas, blues and roses Qfl Qff Reg. $3.75, for D Children's and Girls' Whoopee Slickers, all sizes Q4 Qff to clear for pXJG Ribbons, an assortment of -fl An colors and widths, yard . . . Dress Goods, flannels, Q4 A A serges, etc. 2 yds. for . . V-H- v V SEE OUR WINDOWS PIIONE-9 THIRD AVE. & FULTON ST. Week-End Specials 8 wilt's Cottage Style Bone- QQp less Ham. per lb ULx, Orchard City Tomatoes 4 A 2H's. per tin Comet Brand Peas Size 4 "tlXf per tin Quaker Orcen Beans 2's A ( n 3 tins Orchard City Peaches 2's PAn 3 tins OUl Malkin's Best Apricots 2's tCn 2 tins 0 Malkin's Best Loganberries ACZn 2's, 2 tins 101 Malkin's Best Asparagus AlZn Tlps,2tln5 . Eggs Fresh Seconds $00 Sunnybrook Creamery But- QAP ter, 3-lb. brick OUK, Ontario Finest Cheese Otto ,pcr lb Roman Meal Famous QOp breakfast food, per pkg Pride of Canada Maple Qf Syrup 2V4-lb. tin 0O, Sunkist Oranges QEI 5 doz Ol Swift's Classic Cleanser OCo 3 tins EXTRA SPECIAL 3 cakes Palmollve Soap and 1 pkg. Palmolive Beads for washing fine fabric, value 40c. 25C Alberta Market I. GAMULA. Proprietor I lflh Street. Phone 208 ; Judge and Mrs. F. McB. Young j returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Smlthers where Judge Young presided over a session of County Court during i the week. C. N. TRAIN For the East-Sundays, Tuesday and Thursdays, 3:30 p.m. From the East Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays, 11:30 a.m. Unable to find employment ir. their usual lines, many women in California have turned to surface gold mining to make a living until conditions improve. FAMILY MEAT MARKET 209 Second Street Phone 957 T-Bone Roast 9A n per lb u3K Sirloin Tip OCIp per lb &u Prime Rib Rolled S) En per lb VQ1T. : S1.00 4 lbs. Loin of Lamb and GJ-f An 1 good Cauliflower vlvv Leg of Lamb Qftp per lb vt u!ZTlZ 20c Shoulder Pork fl4 aa 7 lbs &1.UU Shoulder Veal i CIp per lb. JLDL Leg of Veal 99 per lb Fresh Killed Fowl 7ETp each I Ol Wc have vegetables and deliver our goods. THE DAILY NEWS Friday. October so lit "BULK," VITAMIN B, IRON All in Kellogg's All-Bran If you suffer from ordinary constipation, you will be benefited by Kellogg's All-Bran. Millions have found it brings relief. Scientific tests show All-Bran supplies "bulk," Vitamin B, and iron. "Bulk" promotes elimination. Vitamin B tones the intestinal tract. Iron helps build blood. In the package, All-Bran has a shredded appearance. But within the body, it changes to a soft mass, which gently cleanses the intestines. It it much like the "bulk" in lettuce or epinaeh. Get the red-and-green package at your grocer's. Try two table-spoonfuls daily for a week. All-Bran is natural far better than pills or drugs, which may cause too strenuous action. All-Bran is already cooked, flavored and fi ALL BRAN 1 krumbled bran or try the delicious recipes on the package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. HELPS KEEP YOU FIT District News TERRACE Mrs. Marsh and Miss Deacon had the misfortune to fall heavily on the rough road, while returning from morning service at the Angh can Church on Sunday, and both were so badly injured that medlcai attention had to be given by Dr Mills. Miss Jean McLeod has left for a lengthy stay with Wilthew Foster, of Leamington, Ontario, her grand - father, where she Intends taklnj .he high school course. Her bro ther, Foster McLeod, Is returning from the same home after spend ing a lengthened vacation there. Very Rev. Dean Olbson, of Prince Rupert, arrived on Wednseday to officiate at the funeral of Mrs. Charles Cauthcrs and her baby. Major Wtlby, principal of the High School, has aired his ideas t- the Board of Trade In which he recommends the local manufacture of raspberry wine and of soaps foi commercial distribution. SUff-Serct. A. McNeill, of Prince Rupert, arrived on Wednesday to take charge of the investigation Into the deaths of Mrs. Cauthers and baby. The remains of Mrs. Cauthers and her baby were carefully gath ered from the smoking debris of their house late on Tuesday after noon and were deposited In th Anglican Church, W. A. Klrkpat-rlck supplying the coffin. Knee breeches arc now the official wear for women Fascist In Italy The rest of the costume consist! of black leggings or gaitersj black shirt, black boots and gray alpine hat. The breeches are dark grey, with a tunic for winter use. Acid Stomach Completely Relieved hy Famous Vegetable PUU Mr. Frank C .of lilackburn. write:"I have lulTeml long from acid stomach and constipation, but inre being ad. viel to try your wonderful Carter's Little Liver Pill I can eat nythin.H Dr. Carter t Little Liver Pills are no ordinary laxative. They are ALL VEGETABLE and have a definite valuable tonir action upon the liver. Thry end Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Headaches, Poor Complex, ion. All druggists. 25c A 76c red pigs. Stationery Office Supplies Toys Charts Books Radios Sewing1 Machines McUAE BROS., LTD. Hallowe'en Tea Is Successful Affair Held Yesterday Afternoon By Ladies' Aid of First United Church The Ladies' Aid of First United Church held a delightful Hallowe'en tea yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Derry, Borden Street. The affair was successful In every way, many ladles calling during the afternoon to lend their patronage to the event. The rooms were gaily de corated with Hallowe'en mottos and colorings and the tea table was cen tred with Scotch marigolds and candles of the same shade. The hostess was assisted in receiv ing the guests by Mrs. J. J. Payne, president of the Ladles' Aid. Miss E. M. Earle, Miss M. Sharpe and Mrs. B. E. Valde were In charge of the tea tables and Mrs. W H Ker- gln and Mrs Thomas poured. Mrs S. Irvine, Mrs. Frank Vlckers and Mrs. Clavrlng were In charge of the kitchen. Mrs Alton was cashier. Mrs D. Santerbane and Mrs O. Clc- onne were In chai ge of the home cooking table During the afternoon a delightful program of Instrumental music was rendered, those contributing to the program being Mrs. E. J. Smith piano solo; Misses Maxlne Heilbro-ner and Ruby Krlkevsky, piano duct, nd Miss Audrey Parkin, aecompan- ed by Mrs. J. S. Black, violin solo. Miss Annabell Mathews Is tha highest paid woman In the Federal Service of the United States She is the only woman member of the VS. Board of Tax Appeals. Friday and Saturday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 PJW. Feature starts 7:40 and 9:40 Sat. Matinee at 2:30, ltc & 40c Feature Starts 3:10 Fun For All the Family In Mark Twain's Delightful story "HUCKLEBERRY FINN" A PARAMOUNT PICTURE With Jackie Coogan, MiUl Green, Junior Durkin, Jackie Searl Real Kids in a Real Story of Adventure and Romance Comedy "S. S. MALARIA" Mickey Mouse "PIONEER D lv s PARAMOUNT NEWS GUM FOR THE KIDDIES AFtER THE MATINEE Monday & Tuesday "IT'S A WISE CHILD" The Fish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" I .'A Til r I iWi. ' I DRESSES SMOKED BLACK COi Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. STARTING SATURDAY AT 9 A.M. Again ANNETTE Offers Staggering Value Fur Trimmed Coats 60 Elaborately Fur Trimmed rmK in Chuiiga and Broadcloth, regular valuta $25.00 to $35.00 SPECIAL $17, $28, $38 REMEMBER You save from 31 l- per cent to 50 on every coar Eugenie Hats 20 EUGENIE HATS, To clr.-rr in red, black, brown and fi green felt. SPECIAL V,uu 100 DRESSES in Satins, Flat Crepes and Travel Tweeds. Hero arc drosses picked from our Vancouver stock, selling at less than half their original price $3.65, $8.45, $10.75 EXTRA SPECIAL-24 EVENING DRESSES, just arrived from our Vancouver stock. In pastel shades and black. Exceptional values at-n $6.95 GOO Pairs Silk-to-thc-top Chiffon Hose. Docs not QQn rain-spot. All the latest colors and sizes.'Special . . ANNETTE'S Ladies' Wear Co., Ltd.